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  • Review: High Tech Trail Tyre Group Test
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    not sure on the STW opinion, but maybe C.A.L.M….(click to check their outdated website – due to be redesigned but struggling due to lack of cash AFAIK) could be a good charity choice if we’re doing something for jahwomble?

    Free Member

    ahhh you see my grandad worked on the communication systems for concorde so i feel i can answer this with some authority:

    a high-tech communication system was developed based on something refered to as GTS (girly-teen-speek) well known to be the fasted form of communication on earth. all passengers were asked to wear headsets to communicate with each other and normal conversation was passed through a filter before being played into the recipients headset. for example:

    original statement:

    “what are your opinions on the current socio-economic situation in developing russia old chap?”

    translated and sped up into GTS:

    “like totally like whats your like viewz on like stuff like innit?”

    as you can see the word count is dramatically reduced too which is a bonus.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    3 simple things:

    1) a beard
    2) an automatic respect for men with bigger beards
    3) the secret desire to ride a t-rex through the streets, followed by topless women, whilst waving a hammer-drill in the air.

    Free Member

    interested too as should probably think about carrying a spare on in my bag on the rides further from home

    Free Member

    petrol strimmer or combine harvester… real mens beards need real machinery… not poxy puny girly knives

    Free Member

    imagine if they turned out to be….

    dark secrets are hard to admit when they’re that dark! dont push too hard to an explanation, unless they turn up in lycra… then its time to unleash to bar ends.

    Free Member

    if you’re in the audience and aren’t headbanging away… standard foam ones should be cool

    if you’re the kind of person to thrash your head around then:


    are great. make sure you go into a music shop and buy the right size for your ear. the little coloured plugs change the frequency range so very handy for vocalists etc.

    hope that helps :)

    Free Member

    same here, i’m a bad sleeper normally, weekends my body wakes me up around 5:30am anyway so i should have no worried about waking up for wok on monday… but every single sunday night i get about 3 hours sleep as i’m constantly waking up and cant settle my mind at all

    would try sleeping pills or herbal ones but worried about missing my alarm so wont let myself even try.

    Free Member

    last time i showed a photo of my man-bag on a forum i got told off by the internet police… they should stay in your boxers/y-fronts chaps, trust me, its not worth having your home pc taken away for inspection


    Free Member

    surely this is a great opportunity….

    dress like you’ve been dragged through a charity shop backwards, spend the whole time talking in an accent that changes depending on the subject, offer them dry slices of bread with their drinks, have one side of the curtains shut in each room and leave a sign on your (Strategically planned) already open door saying “come on in my daughters lovely”… leave the door open during the whole visit.

    then next time you see them act completely normal :)

    Free Member

    gaffa tape

    Free Member

    alan partridge zombie :)

    Free Member

    2.35inches…. same as my tyres with an extra 1/2inch to allow for a different line choice… any wider and you’d be accommodating the fancypants XC mincers with 85ltr rucksacks on their backs/

    Free Member

    it wasnt a complaint about the branding and instructions :) i think i mentioned it as its the kinda thing my OH would comment on… but its perfectly understated and suits the feel of buying something hand built in england :) none of the major brand assumption that the buyer needs comforting… for example the ay-up case that crams everything in so tight its only good for shipping and once opened is near impossible to re-pack.

    Free Member

    Just tested them out in a pitch black garden…


    No more taking my sunglasses off at night!


    Free Member


    maybe suggest he has a blood sugar test? i know my dad’s diabetes is going screwy when his breath starts to knock you out.

    seeing as natalie portman looked good with a shaved head, i’m assuming that level of beauty extends to all body parts. my guess is her middle-pocket smells like cinnamon and orange scented candles (mmmmm christmas)

    Free Member

    mmmm lynx africa, the smell of my younger teenage years.

    maybe offer them a mexican shower*? agreed with TSY… jsut be blunt as chances are nobody has had the guts to say it before, i have to do this relatively regularly with patients at work and sometimes my housemate… being blunt works, even if they storm off in a stress they come back smelling like natalie portmans lady garden.

    *a mexican shower, as it was known in my school, is where isntead of showering in front of the worryingly close watch of the PE teacher… you just drown yourself in lynx and then beat the women off with a stick during the next lesson :lol:

    Free Member

    that Godforbid track from thats it, thats all.

    throw on some “ugly duckling” as its always got a good party atmosphere and momentum.

    i cant listen to music when boarding, but tried having one ear in on a low volume when riding on the weekend, meant when i was with friends i could hear them, when riding ahead i could still hear nature, but with a backing track… felt surprisingly good and i think it sped up my riding as it gave me a tempo to work to

    Free Member

    i was going to say “make sure its been cleaned if you’ve got the baster from a woman with a man’s haircut” but thought that to be bad taste and possibly offensive.

    its the kinda thing that a robert dyers type store would have, situated next to a JML foot scraper and a bumper pack of wall hooks.

    Free Member

    breakfast whisky – insert directly into the ear using a turkey baster.

    Free Member


    good to hear R_R!

    chemical castration (last time i encountered it at work… hopefully things have changed since 5-6 years ago) only seemed to kill the ability to achieve an erection, didnt do anything for the guy in question’s sex drive or psychology :(

    Free Member

    ever seen/hung around with a rapist who’s been castrated?

    put it this way.. a t-rex with its teeth removed still gets hungry… and frustrated…. and angry

    Free Member

    :roll: shouldnt have joked about cheating.

    if you do want to cheat may i suggest using a bungee hook like a lassoo.. throw it forward, hook it onto the bike in front, they pull you along until they brake, the momentum throws you forward and overtake them, repeat on the next bike in front of you until the race is finished.

    Free Member

    cheat :)

    makes things much more enjoyable

    Free Member

    a) heavy metal is awesome

    b) pros ride steep stuff, non-pros only think theyre riding steep stuff and the camera reveals the truth

    thread closed :lol:

    Free Member

    i always yeild to whoever the better rider is…. this means wether i’m going down or up i’ll always pull over and let the other person past.

    its a bit like holding the door open for strangers, nobody ever says thank you but i always do it :)

    if i’m trying to beat my top speed down something and there’s someone coming up towards me (bikes, families etc) then i always hit the brakes and use the bushes/trees/ditches as the ultimate brake if i’m not stopping in time.

    Free Member

    mmmm a jedi skills course is on the cards for when the weather cheers up next year… fingers crossed that’ll give me time to improve my fitness and loose a little bit more weight, and hopefully more time on a bike before then will put the OH in a better mental state to do the skills course too :)

    Free Member

    i’d love to be able to jsut keep riding and not panic myself about whats in front of me…. i’ve found if i approach things slowly it gives my brain time to think:

    ohhh that looks daunting
    but what if i hurt myself
    i dont get sick pay
    i cant afford to be off sick
    i better walk this drop

    so by increasing my fitness and ability to take the singletrack at a better speed i’d probably roll over a lot of drops that i’m currently stopping myself from doing.

    dont want to ever enter a race or anything, riding isnt about that for me and my riding buddies, its more about getting out in the woods to play and if we get fitter at the same time… awesome :)

    no big air, no tricks, just the ability to hit stuff with more speed and flow knowing i’m not going to end up homeless as a result of my hobby haha

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Jurassic park, the raptors and Samuel l Jackson team up…. all other dinosaurs are turned into tasty burgers.

    Free Member

    all you need to know

    thread closed.

    Free Member

    I then suggested that she had just really enjoyed some Sci-fi. She would not accept this and still doesn’t like sci fi, apparently.

    hahah sounds familiar!

    women are strange creatures

    Free Member

    Arnold Schwarzenegger is a half-sack.

    this i didnt know before trying to find something amusing to do with this thread

    every day is a school day

    Free Member

    birthday suit.

    claim insanity.


    Free Member

    you sounds too healthy, get off this forum.

    (well done dude! very impressive, very very impressive)

    Free Member

    quick scan of the bbc piece…

    A confidential report by Wiltshire social services into the incident – leaked to the BBC’s Inside Out programme – concluded the agency was fully aware it was required to supply a nurse with training in the use of a ventilator, but the company did not have adequate systems in place to check what training their staff had received.

    the agency will learn a lesson from this, if not via the courts then via the amount of business it will loose when LA’s realise they’re not checking on staff properly. All it takes it one incident like this to destroy a business’ reputation.

    His sister Karren Reynolds said he had become increasingly worried about serious errors involving nurses operating his ventilator, but claimed that health bosses did not act on e-mails of concern which he sent them.

    i wonder if she got a “we have received your email, please expect a response within 28 days” type email back?

    Ms Aylward has been suspended while the incident is investigated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

    No surprises there…

    all this happened in january 2009 though… ambition 24 is still going strong

    pesky news only telling us half of it!

    Free Member

    *watches thread with interest*

    hmmmmm nearly joined up to Ambition 24 a while ago

    Free Member

    Is it wrong to call my kids “m@” (mat) and “2l_0” (tooelunderscoreo – mother’s Mexican) ?

    Free Member

    check the blog on….. looks like there will be glow in the dark :D

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