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  • Review: Identiti Mettle GX Eagle
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    wish i could remember riding when i was a kid… i genuinely dont know if i’ve got more or less bottle now. all i can remember is 2 incidents:

    1) dad running over my bmx with his company car
    2) being knocked off my bike in town by some young fool trying to rush through a gap in the traffic

    Free Member

    Des O’Conner

    Free Member

    already spent time browsing your site Jedi 8)

    I’ll definitely be booking some time with yourself, it was a decision that was concreted after I watched that skills video you were in (possible on bikeradar?) talking about MTFUing…. I thought that’s the guy to teach me!

    do need to wait til next year though as the cold ruins my other-half’s knees, motivation and mood in one foul swoop.

    Free Member

    @missingfrontallobe – it definitely was a big deal, had to hide my stupid grin from my buddy!

    @wwaswas – agreed on the fitness helping, easier to deal with a section when your vision is going dark and fuzzy and you’re able to breath!

    @theotherjonv – I’m planning on heading out to Swinley this Saturday with a bunch of mates but due to their various time/work problems it wont be until 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

    As for the Jedi training day, its an investment I’ve already commited myself to for next year when the weather cheers up. The other-half would benefit massively from a session with Jedi (ooo-er!) but she is almost incapacitated by cold weather and her fitness level is going to drop dramatically over the winter. I’m hoping that once the sun comes out again I cant get her out and build up her riding a bit, then for us to book Jedi for a session. She’s surprisingly ballsy on the bike and was more critical of me walking drops as it meant she slowed down behind me and ended up doing the same haha.

    Free Member

    i blacked out in the dinner queue in junior school once, woke up in a class-room lying on a desk being pampered by a couple of the sexier young teachers.

    apparently as i lent over to give one of the dinner ladies my plate i went pale, ran out of the dinner hall, through 3 sets of double doors and collapsed next to a random classroom?!

    i know it was because i hadnt eaten anything for 3 days and had spent the morning running up and down a field for sports day, but to this day the dinner ladies think i burnt myself or something and from that day onwards always gave me the fresh portions, double puddings etc.


    i miss school dinners

    Free Member

    :) i’d quite like to see a pic, only ever been down one set of steps on the bike… and they weren’t steep or plentyful… so everything looks impressive to me :)

    Free Member

    does look tasty :) well done luminous!

    Free Member

    sweet :) yep definitely the wrong end of the stick, my fault.

    back to the thread:

    OH left uni with 22k owed to student loans company, currently earning so paying back, but paying back between 20-50pounds a month, which is less than the interest each month, so her student debt is increasing now she’s left uni.

    they started charging interest after she recieved her first payment in the first year of uni…3 years before starting to pay back!

    she will never be able to pay it back unless she leaves her chosen line of work (helping people).

    if it helps stop the instantly critical minds of STW judging her she worked every summer full time, evening jobs for the 2nd and 3rd year, managed to get out of her overdraft every summer and managed to run a car the whole time. never asked or was given money by her parents once towards uni or living costs.

    most will never be able to clear the debt – just like me.

    …. i cant imagine being in that situation and i dont know how my OH handles it.

    Free Member

    uplink…. why am i a tosser? help me out here i’m struggling to see what was offensive about my post… its 5 years before the OP’s oldest gos to uni and thigns could change in millions of ways before then.

    Free Member

    They could even [actually they will] decide that you’re a tosser & know nothing
    They’ll then decide to do absolutely nothing & stay in bed

    wow, what part of my comment offended you enough to lead you to calling me a tosser?!


    Free Member

    Three children, oldest 13, bright and wants to be a vet.

    got a long way til uni! in that time fees could go up by X amount/be abolished/your kids could turn into international popstars and not need money again… why worry now?

    Free Member

    but women love other womens boobs…. i dont see a problem :twisted:

    Free Member

    5. Men – wipe from back to front.

    do you not find your “tackle” gets in the way?

    Free Member

    i liking the home-made wheel block thingy for holding the bike up….. might have to make a couple!

    Free Member

    i hate to say molgrips…. there are MANY places that deliver pizza in farnborough!

    f’bo is nothing… trying driving around Reading.

    Free Member

    grown-up magazines for grown-ups. shouldnt you be laying the table for your mother instead of messing around in our room?!

    Free Member

    EDIT: double post, first one… my cherry has been popped!

    Free Member

    C_G go easy on yeti, he’s had it rough, i walked out on his mum when he was young… to be fair she did cheat on me with some black bears… apparently once you go black.. well you know the saying.

    elfin you know the house rules young man. you get a gold star on your wall chart for being good, but no pudding.

    Free Member

    Which is why you don’t get many MTB couples, and those you do see are very evenly matched in terms of skill and speed.

    me and the missus aren’t exactly at the same level….im not exactly great in any respect! but she’s still very new and doesnt ride in the cold so my bike-fitness level is a bit higher due to more riding.

    i wait at the top of each hill… i will try MTGs tactic of going back and doing the hills a couple of times so i’m nearer her.. force myself to be fitter.

    we need a girl to join our little riding group (2-4 blokes and my missus) i think… but finding a girl as awesome as we are is tricky lol

    Free Member

    dammit you weren’t meant to find out! my bad… i guess you’re gunna want new jeans now too?!

    isnt your fur enough!

    Free Member

    boys! stop arguing!

    no pudding tonight, thats it.

    Free Member

    To be honest son i’m close to disowning him for turning up the bottom of those jeans he moaned about getting for so long!

    Free Member


    come back son!!!

    come back!

    come back??

    *hangs head in dispair*…
    .*smile slowly creeps across my face*

    ahh well house is a bit quieter now… off to show your mother a jolly rotten time!

    Free Member

    Nobody should have to carry the body of their child in a tiny coffin, my uncle had to do it twice (lost first to cot death, the second to cancer/leukemia aged 2)… never had so much respect for another man.

    my heart gos out to all of you who have lost a child at any stage of pregnancy or their youth.

    Free Member

    ross noble in reading?!

    (off to book tickets)

    Free Member

    yeti young man! what have i told you about swearing?!?!

    you dirty f*cker!

    back in your basket.

    Free Member

    rode past a policey car a couple of weeks back in the dark with only a front light turned on…

    front and rear reflectors taken off the bike
    reflectors taken off the wheels
    had forgotten to turn my rear light on
    no amber reflectors on the new pedals

    they didnt batter an eyelid :) i was wearing mainly white (black and white clothing), a white bike, a helmet and i was riding sensibly (as were the 2 people behind me)…

    being so close to swinley i’m guessing its either a slightly more relaxed as theyRe used to people night riding off the main roads and maybe using a couple of roads to get home…. or they use a common-sense approach along the line of “he’s visible and not riding like a c0ck, leave him to it”

    either way i commend them :) and wouldnt have been offended if i had been given a talking to!

    Free Member

    use the catflap!

    Free Member

    yeah JW i am indeed for my sins, lots of wiping in my early days! if a close friend genuinely needed help then of course i’d dive straight in my get elbow deep…. but nowadays i prefer the recovery/independent living model of care and wwould encourage them to do it themselves first ;)

    *drifts off into a daydream about wrinkly, hairy, naked from the waist down, smelly, encrusted psych patients*

    that reminds me (more suitable for the “i want to do naughty things to my cousin” thread maybe) of a patient who was aperistalsic and had to be manually evacuated every couple of days… used to enjoy it too! (him, not me.)

    Free Member

    <elfinsafety style> isnt this a bit insensitive to people who’s cars have suffered from rust problems? :( </elfinsafety style>

    you make me sick, such a sad world we live in now.

    Free Member

    now now my sons, one at a time!

    Khani my boy, i’ve always been able to trust you, here is your very own set of keys…. use protection ;)

    dezB my boy, fix your own bike and why dont you use that tool kit your gran gave you 3 christmases ago?!… and use protection ;)

    Free Member

    yeah why not :lol:

    bring me your mothers!

    Free Member

    please, call me dad.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    human centipede…. but just the two of them, in a never ending circle.

    Free Member

    invite him over, let him eat curry, then mention that the toilets out of order and he’ll have to wait until he gets home?

    Free Member

    you used to love but can’t get anymore

    does sex count?

    Free Member

    how are we meant to trust someone who says something one second and something else another?!

    son. i am disappoint.

    Free Member

    not sure if i got the same thing that others have but woke up sat morning, spent 4 1/2 hours in the bathroom with both d&v, felt like i had been hit by a truck all day, fever, felt freezing, couldn’t stop moving my legs as it felt like they had had a caffiene injection in them or something, shivering constantly despite (apparantly) being boiling to touch. all muscles and joints ached… couldnt even hold my self up on my wrists to vomit… think i pulled something in my back being sick too.

    slept in what felt like a swimming pool of my sweat sat night but by sunday morning no more fever, end of sunday back to normal.

    support worker just said the same thing happened to her and her hubby over the weekend, both fine now too.

    2 weeks is much longer than what seems to be going around these parts… been to the docs? (hope you’re all keeping your fluids up!)

    Free Member

    I work with ex-offenders. The majority of them are utterly apathetic and in all likelihood didn’t vote pre-incarceration and won’t bother post-incarceration.

    However, I’ve met exceptions.

    +1 (apart from they’re mentally unwell ex-offenders, and the ones who seem interested enough to vote all seem to have been involved in the music industry at some point in their young life… strange coincidence i’m guessing)

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