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  • Video: Killer Hardtails
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    what a genius solution… much cheaper than buying a new mp3 player

    but much less exciting than buying a new shiney mp3 player.

    cheers cougar :-)

    Free Member

    drawing on her face with permanent marker every time she falls asleep before 10pm (nearly every day)

    the smell of sharpies makes her jump in her sleep haha!

    Free Member

    if you need to justify your actions in court then i’d prepare in advance and make an unfinished scrap book suggesting it was always her dream to visit the bermuda triangle

    Free Member

    :D sounds familiar…. this year i got a marmite cookbook so i could cook more meals for her!

    Free Member

    haha :D she’s no mini-me… if i was anything like as neurotic as her i’d have ridden off a cliff years ago, shes f**king mental!

    she cant lie/keep secrets though which means i always find out my presents before my birthday/xmas… and she’s crap at presents so where i’d spend 300+ on various things. she’d spend 3 pounds on a new can opener “cos its useful” haha

    Free Member

    mother-in-law you say…..

    i say, do an “UP” and tie her to a shedload of balloons, let her float away.

    saves worrying about pilots stuck in traffic, wind speeds, and your mother-in-law ever again ;)

    Free Member

    i love my OH, she completes me as a person, I’d give up everything i hold dear to make her happy… i’d die for her. we’ve got a future planned with each other, we both control our own money, we both split all bills equally. she even files my bank statements away so it’d be pointless hiding stuff from her. we’ve got an incredibly honest relationship.

    BUT: when it comes to her birthday and christmas presents i lie every time… if she found out how much i spent on her she’d feel guilty and not enjoy the presents as much. should we split up and waste the past few years together because according to the mighty relationship gods of STW i’m in a dishonest relationship and might as well just end it now?!

    The OH works in a workplace where due to the nature of the work, its teams of entirely women… apparently they ALL lie regularly to their husbands constantly about the cost of shoes and clothes, usually taking cash out in advance and putting it towards the purchases so it appears on statements as a lower cost…. so all you guys in “perfect” relationships might want to stop assuming so much as chances are… you’re the only 100% honest one ;)

    women are sneaky creatures (her words, not mine) and as long as you love each other, and love each others bad points as well as good.. then its all good :)

    Free Member

    YGM jedi :)

    Free Member

    i cant sleep without his voice in the background…. got about 35 hours worth of nature docs next to the bedroom dvd player, know the scripts off by heart and can imagine what animals doing what on the screen…. legend.

    Free Member

    no longer need to convince the other-half, she brought it up today and was getting excited :)

    Free Member

    glad others are enjoying the little improvements too :)

    another ride today and found myself feeling much more confident on the singetrack and didnt walk a thing (apart from a couple of uphill singletrack bits we had obviously started at the wrong end of! :oops: )

    got that post riding-knackered-buzzing-grinning-the world is good again feeling right now :D

    Free Member

    thats nothing! i rode to a mates without a space inner tube or tools the other day!

    Free Member

    enhance the power of walking around with at least one hand down the front of your trousers at all times… apparently if gives you skillzz

    Free Member

    i dont commute….. but i am a dude.

    anybody out there who see’s me has full permission to shout duuuuuuuude at me.

    embrace your inner dudes, go out and make every kerb a drop!

    Free Member

    awesome! expand it into a “jedi rides everyting, but explains how really clearly” series 8)

    Free Member

    minor womens whiplash

    Free Member

    if you cant pass a theory test then you shouldnt be allowed on the road in my opinion….

    hang on…

    Free Member

    slow as broken watch here….

    Free Member


    unleash your inner pimp!!

    Free Member

    +2 bravehotel9er

    spliffy jeans anyone?

    garry glitter would have a heart attack if he came back to england today… kids walking around with the trousers hanging below their ars3s, both hands down the front teasing the general public.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    f)have a long hot bath, shut the curtains and make it cosy as possible in there… daydream about soapy boobs.

    Free Member

    unless you’re a fan of cliches

    agreed! i love metal and to be honest most of it is jsut plain aweful rubbish that could be written by 11 year olds after their 3rd guitar lesson.

    but like any genre there are gems :)

    considering i managed/was frontman for a metal band for 5 years i should probably love metal more than i do… but in all honesty i dont like a lot of it. at home i listen to accoustic singer/songwriter stuff, hip hop, classical, boogie woogie (piano driven as much as possible), progressive drum and bass stuff, prety much anything by ninja tunes… the lsit could go on and on…

    but theres some metal that just makes my brain fizzle with excitement when its so well written and performed, as exciting as the best classical music.

    Free Member

    hmmm i’d say stay away from anything too generic (and therefor, in my humble opinion, predictable = boring) and go for something that has a constant groove the whole way through…

    in the end there’s so many different sub-genres and styles that i could suggest something and it’d be a complete miss.. but if i had suggested something extreme it might have just excited you enough.

    textures – silhouettes groove tastic, amazing vocal control and some powerful but natural singing.

    sikth – the trees are dead and dried out wait for something wild (just mental with loss of silly voices, music for the schizophrenics i’d say)… spawned a whole new breed of technical metal in the UK.

    underoath – lost in the sound of seperation – wasn’t sure about it, but on the second listen (loud in the car) you should find yourself going a bit nutty.

    tesseract – concealing fate – if you listen past the scream at the start, it evolves into a stunning, emotive EP.

    karnivool – sound awake – recent discovery, being noticed over here in the uk a bit more recently.

    all these have an element of singing in them, but there are of course the normal metal giants like lamb of god and stuff (im sure others could list lots… but i’m struggling to think and list them as its not the scene i was invovled in)

    Free Member

    this video makes me shiver every time… as a metal vocalist i’ve never performed with anyone that can surpass his level of control. and i think its beautiful.

    Free Member

    went on a stag do once and ended up in vegas, night started well… shots on the hotel rooftop and everything! woke up the next morning with a tiger in the bathroom and a baby. all very surreal. think mike tyson joined us at some point and there was this rediculously fit girl who seemed to like my dentist mate pulling his own tooth out.

    in the end it all worked out out, and now i’m part of a wolfpack! :D

    Free Member

    in the words of the internetz:

    Free Member

    i’ve started using the powerball thats been sitting in a drawer for months since the initial novelty diminished… a few mins each day seems to have helped my wrist ache and strengthened my grip (the muscles in my fingers would hurt like hell on anything too rooty as i would hold on for my life)

    Free Member

    thats the one!

    should do a few more for your site :)

    Free Member

    cheers trent :) i was grinning as i was writing it thinking about it all.

    Free Member


    family of overweight dieters… i was convinced as a kid i was fat too, went through regular periods of not eating, or eating just bread and butter for a week at a time. parents didnt notice as dad was away working, mum and sister were on diets and ate seperately from me anyway.

    still have a lot of issues with body image to this day and as a result my weight gos up and down like a yoyo, but never happy.

    fun fun fun!

    Free Member

    thats how i wrote it to begin with, but double and tripply checking meant google/wiki at the time insisted it was the way it ended up… the rest of the band (not knowing what it meant) voted we followed google :(

    as an advocate for putting things to a vote i shot myself in the foot on that one!

    the lyrics had nothing to do with the title, but the reviewer didnt know that.

    Free Member

    lol trust me thats not me! wish it was though.

    *rushes to find “bat outa hell” on spotify and daydream*

    Free Member

    Metal band should all be named after ailments.


    first track on our album was “Occular gyro crisis” :) a reviewer said we had obviously made it up and that it opened with a time signature not known to man, but it was 4:4. silly reviewers.

    Free Member

    never had waffles as a kid?!?!?!

    get off the internet!

    Free Member

    @ADH: lol how am I showing people up? i tried to make a point of mentioning how crap i am and how many skills that everyone seems to take for granted i am yet to learn….

    unless you mean my awesome story telling skills? :lol:

    Free Member

    “capslock” (must be written in lower-case – indie rock)

    “insert band name here” (makes promotional material look unfinished – drum and bass as thats what i see the msot posters for)

    “C**t-****” (guaranteed t-shirt sales from the under 21s – doesnt matter what genre)

    “the fibonacci sequence” (sounds intelligent – prog rock)

    “spinal chord in a bap” (because i like alan partridge)

    Free Member

    sounds like you rode a lot as a kid :) i didnt even know what a bunnyhop was (still dont, and cant)

    just realised i remember doing the “cycling proficiency” test at school, it was me and a load of girls… apparently real men didnt need to do tests and were already awesome enough. Now i’m older i’m thinking it might be true, everyone who didnt do a CP is better than me and much more natural by far!

    Free Member

    does look good…

    Free Member

    the gremlins…. walked past a room where some older kids were watching it and walked past during one of the scenes where tis all going a bit mental, things are getting wrecked, things are melting etc.

    if i had watched the whole film (like i did when i growed up like) then i think i would’ve been fine.

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