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  • Foot Out, Flat Out – The New Specialized 2FO 2.0 Shoes Will Keep You Glued To Your Pedals
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    do a cookie monster impression whilst staring them dead in the eyes


    make sure to spill food out the sides of your mouth

    then go silent and stare until they leave the office.

    Free Member

    spice up your life

    Free Member

    not as good as the beatles.

    Free Member

    Your only as old as the women you feel… Dad what’s your Mum up to later?

    Possibly the wrongest thing I’ll ever type.

    ragging her new biker husband senseless i imagine… although she’s open minded and might appreciate an extra contender in the bedroom olympics.

    careful of her bad back though son.

    Free Member

    *is a little surprised that nobody took the bait with my metallica comment*

    *runs off to a music forum to see if it gets a reaction*

    Free Member

    my 48 year old mum has finally stopped forwarding crap forwards… and has adopted sayings such as “fo shizzle blud”

    i’m not sure what i prefer?!

    Free Member

    saw ross noble on thursday night and didnt get to bed until gone midnight! 8O

    i’m still hip and groovy

    (worse thing is due to my musical exploits i built up a rather large fan-base and a lot of them took advantage of facebook, adding my personal account, so now i get a feed of 16-19 year olds posting constantly about things i dont understand… makes me feel very old… bare jokes blud, bare jokes.)

    Free Member

    i thought it would be a megashark vs giantoctopus type “not taking itself seriously” film

    but alas, it really did seem like it was trying to be a proper film.

    Free Member

    fully skimmed red top all the way

    its what jesus would want me to drink.

    Free Member

    new body armour for trails?

    Free Member

    my OH went off to uni about 3 weeks after we got together… 4 1/2 years later and we’re still very happy :)

    it can be done if both of you feel its a lasting relationship with a future. if its not serious then chances are uni will expose that… either way distance will expose any weaknesses in the relationship and any aspects of your relationship that are worried about will be mulled over/obsessed over for longer before there’s a chance to talk properly about things…. that makes it much harder to deal with those weaknesses/concerns…

    but if its right, then you’ll both work it out :)

    good luck x

    Free Member

    been feeling old because I don’t get to go out and see my friends anymore, I don’t go clubbing and i haven’t been to a gig in ages. Anyway, went to a gig about 2 months ago. I can’t drink anymore so all the drunk people made me cross, It was very loud and i got a headache and then because there was no where to sit, my back started to hurt and I was glad when it was 11 and we could all go home. I’m 26 for heavens sake! Its not meant to be like this!

    fixed it so its representational of my exact experience.

    i try and make up for it by snowboarding and riding my bike to the power of groovy. although now i’ve cut my dreadlocks off after 10 years nobody asks what extreme sports i do, so no opportunity to remind people i’m not as much of an old man as it would appear.

    Free Member

    calling the Mods… please ban this user from STW, he has been shown to ride through puddles instead of around them. that is not the XC mincing STW ghey-way!

    nice bike dude, me likey.

    Free Member

    Junkyard i’ve tried… even with a Trout LL on boost, using an endurance battery its only enough to safely cook the thinner parts of a dog…

    may i suggest that people who are fed up with dogs at trail centers take along some slightly more exotic pets riding with them

    i find a bear or crocodile work well, but often take a wrong line choice and if on a lead, will wrap you around a tree.

    Free Member

    like TSY i’m willing to help.

    have you heard of the following:

    internet memes?
    the Zeitgeist movement?

    if not then i suggest you get googling…. have you heard of google?

    i bet your of the age where you forward emails to all your friends and family aren’t you….. *shudders*

    Free Member

    hehe i wonder if i hadnt have had the sneaky troll inside me urging to get out when it was first posted and jsut kept quiet… would the thread have brought out such gems?

    i hope so.

    truth be told… they were just another band… must’ve appealed to the masses to sell records, not awful musicians, and did have a massive impact on the music scene at the time, played a part in influencing the future music scene (as did any musician who ever released a track you could argue) and a huge variety of modern bands will list them as an influence.

    unfortunately for those beatle lovers on here, the bands that list them as an influence tend to sound rubbish, as do most of the beatles songs to my highly trained super musical and superior ears.

    i dont like the spice girls, but i’d rather listen to TJ lecture about helmets, or beatles fans cry about people not loving them as much as they do than endure a beatles track itself.

    beatles fans are like metallica fans :lol:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    junkyard… i think it is you who fails to see the genius in spice girls!

    Free Member

    i’m guessing wagner is something to do with xfactor, this is something i know due to harry hills tv burp not xfactor itself.

    dont feel old, feel superior.

    its the STW way.

    Free Member

    wow, reading that back once i’ve had coffee and woken up… it appears as if i was angry when writing it, i really wasnt, was dozy, wrapped up in a cold room eating eggs and toast and my eyes weren’t open.

    my point about the spice girls still stands :P

    Free Member

    the computer graphics and use of green screen in the film were…. well put it this way: i’ve seen better results produced in basingstoke technical college by 17 year olds.

    windows 3.1 looked better.

    Free Member

    dogs that get in the way on trail centres should be forced to listen to the beatles… that’ll teach em!

    Free Member

    ok, a quick summary:

    rich guy rebuilds the titanic to look identical to the original, but with modern technology, enough life boats. sets off on maiden voyage across the atlantic. meanwhile a massive ice shelf breaks off in greenland or something and causes a 840mph tsunami across the whole of the atlantic throwing chunks of ice towards the titantic2. hits the titanic2 and ruptures half the life boat access panels. lots of “it was designed to take a hit from the front, not the side” dialogue and awful scripting/acting from everyone invlovled.

    ships starts to sink…. everyone who did make it into lifeboats is screwed cos of a second wave coming, ships owner and 2 (supposedly.. but really not) hot nurses trapped in a lift with minor scratches… but enough to prompt “here let me take my shirt off to wrap around your wounds”.

    it was at this point i got bored of laughing and needed some stimulation so i put on the F1.

    the skip was sinking so i’d be surprised if it didnt end the same way as titanic 1 lol

    Free Member

    Watched “titanic 2” on the Syfy channel yesterday…. it was beautiful.

    Free Member

    Woody – Member
    The point was that it is ok not to like them, but you cannot say they were rubbish.

    What I find annoying is statements like ‘they were rubbish’ when quite evidently they had more talent in their little fingers (including Ringo) than the poster of the comment. Musical (s)nobbery at its best

    Entertaining thread however and I’d be very interested to hear from the anti-Beetles lot as to who they think are the iconic bands or individuals who have shaped contemporary music

    OK, so you think I’m a musical snob because I dont share the same musical taste as yourself? That seems like musical snobbery to me….

    Just because a band is seen as iconic and to have shaped contemporary music… well that doesn’t mean that everyone should like them surely?!

    The spice girls had a massive influence and were seen as iconic, representing both women and britain across the world… doesnt mean they were amazing and I should like them.

    You snobs… feel free to rip into as many bands as you like in the hope it’ll offend my musical preferences, it’ll be impossible as I understand that just because I like it… well that doesnt mean that everyone else should does it?

    :D What a beautiful morning for checking this thread hahaaaa

    Oh yeah, and in your anger you appear to have made an assumption that I have no musical talent…. you know that is subjective and down to opinion too right? I could bang twigs on wheelie-bins and certain cultures would consider me as more talented than the beatles. Music is a form of art, and one man’s Da Vinci is another man’s Damien Hurst.

    Free Member

    *snuggles up in the warm embrace of other people who dont get why everyone seems to love the beatles*

    Free Member

    beatles were rubbish.

    has to be said.

    Free Member

    Chilli….. what an obscure surname! (assuming you’re paul winterbottom)

    i winder if we’re related :D

    Free Member

    hair cut, ride naked, lightweight tubes, change down to 24″ wheels, ride barefoot and gaffa tape your feet to the pedals, get rid of your grips and just gaffa your hands to the bars, ride without a helmet and remember the rule you can take from our 17 year old drunken youth… eating is cheating!

    HTH ;)

    Free Member

    not a single carrera

    how disappointing

    Free Member

    thinking more and more…

    i’d have to say that unless they could promise with 1 million percent certainty that i’d be saving lives and not taking lives… i’d do everything i could to avoid being called up.

    Free Member

    it’s the type of riding Chuck Norris does,

    where do i sign up?

    i’ve got some gnarly curbs that need taming.

    Free Member

    fingers crossed i’d be asked to provide my services in a mental health type way…. dont think i could kill another human, dont even like playing computer games if it involves shooting something :S

    Free Member

    ahhh i seee…. makes sense :)

    remind her you can get something engraved on a bike frame too!

    or get her to do what PeterPoddy did and have a custom bike built up, but have the headset engraved.. subtle.

    Free Member

    whats a morning gift? and how do i go about getting one?!

    Free Member

    i kinda like the term all mountain… got a basic hardtail at the moment and im aware that it wouldn’t appreciate anything too aggressive if my skills were ever to develop to that level. I’m not interested in pushing my riding to specifically DH or jumps so to invest in a bike designed with one discipline in mind would be silly… however if my skills ever get to a level where my basic hardtail is holding me back then “all mountain” would be a relatively safe bet i’m guessing as it would imply that it’d be suitable for experimenting and pushing myself in the direction of whatever takes my fancy without needing several different bikes.

    not sure if my opinion helps at all as i’m sure all you super experienced chaps are getting fed up of all these new genres and sub-genres (the same way i get fed up with the same in the music industry)… but to me all mountain is kinda useful.

    then again by the time it takes me to get good enough to need an all mountain dandyhorse all mountain might be split up into “AM-FR”, “AM-DH” and “AM-XC” or something!

    Free Member

    charity shop for nice frames mol!

    cheapest way of buying frames :)

    Free Member

    my mum got a call from the police after going on a date with someone she met online… turned out her had attacked most women he had been on a date with, think either my mums ugly as sin, or awesome as hell as he didnt attack her.

    Free Member

    +1 on iDave’s fake blood idea, throw in some of cougars chocolate on a white towel and you’re sorted

    Free Member

    marmite changes breakfast to awesome.

    never tried vegemite but i think the OH would castrate me for even suggesting trying something other than the mighty-mite!

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