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  • Monday Morning Debrief 111: Take A Little Riding Inspiration To Fend Off Blue Monday
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    me and clooney were chatting about this the other day, name dropping is just embarrassing.

    Free Member

    dont get me started on “i’ve worked out i can do a skydive for free if i get people to sponsor me over X amount” it really heats up my urine to the specific heat capacity needed to change its physical state!

    Free Member

    i’m having trouble deciding whether to show this to my OH…. she might get pregnant just by watching and i cant afford a child at the moment.

    Free Member

    next thing you’ll be telling us you dont wipe up after yourself on the trails you ride? you selfish horrible human.

    how would you like it if your tiger got eaten by a starving homeless child?!

    what a waste.

    Free Member

    Some bike shops are good and some a useless, same with online companies.

    It all comes down to if they give a sh1t or not!

    stop right there, this is no place for sensible responses young man. go away and only come back when you’ve thought of something controversial or offensive to say!

    Free Member

    the best service in a bike shop i’ve had is from a couple of guys who work at halfords in bracknell.

    one local shop to me even had a girl working there…. a girl i tells ya?!?!?

    Free Member

    air ambulances get used quite a bit at swinley…. for this reason, i’m going to invest.

    alan partridge is correct of course. now where’s my spinal chord in a bap?

    Free Member

    Woody – Member
    Just got in from work and PMSL @ Northwind and philconsequence

    Rather an amusing non-argument and assumptions that I am/was angry and a Beetles fan. Wrong on both counts.

    However, Philc – I did assume (wrongly?) that you have less talent than any of The Beetles, so if you really are an undiscovered musical genius or even a mega star trolling on STW, please accept my apologies.

    apology accepted woody :D

    although i may have to correct you slighty…

    so if you really are an undiscovered musical genius or even a mega star trolling on STW, please accept my apologies.

    this thread has kept me highly entertained :lol:

    i have never listened to enough beatles to comment on if i like them enough. i’d probably like them, but for the sake of this thread… they were awful and couldn’t write a musical diddy to save their lives.

    Free Member

    ordered headset spacers and a saddle on sunday.. arrived today

    also ordered some trousers from j e james for the first time same time on sunday.. arrived today too :)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    As an aside,

    I’m not sure “what a waste, she’s gay” automatically implies that there’s anything wrong with being gay; I’ve had gay friends say “what a waste, you’re straight” to me before now and thought nothing of it. I took it as a compliment.

    What’s more offensive perhaps is the idea that you’d be hanging out the back of her but for the small technicality of her prefering the ladies. I’d respecfully hazard that, even knowing nothing about the OP, the chances of them being in with a chance wouldn’t undergo a pardigm shift if her sexuality were suddenly any different.



    and the amount of times i’ve heard women say “shame he’s gay” about all the hot popstars and actors they fancy… pretty sure they’re not suggesting its wrong that they’re gay.

    either way emsz, blokes as a rule are idiots, the ones who shout loudest about sexual exploits or go on about it the most tend to be the ones who sit at home alone everynight using their tears of loneliness as lube to masturbate with… ignore em! :)

    and, as someone mentioned above, glad last night went well for you!

    Free Member

    i like the stickers idea… but might add a sticker each time i fall off instead of each time i kill something. now where’s that pack of barbie stickers my niece gave me!?

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the replies guys/gals…

    hlab27 here too :( at the moment I’m suffering from constant back/neck and shoulder pain, occasional stiffness of the chest but mainly its all in my back.

    The NASS website is something I’ve come across before but in a stereotypical man fashion I’ve done everything I can to avoid admitting to myself I need to look after myself! now I’ve got the motivation to so what I can to help myself before it gets too bad. When I’ve got time tonight I’m going to hopefully learn the website inside out :)

    The foam roller stretching is a good one, +10 in cool points for the gym guy last night as it was the first thing we started working on.

    Swimming is something I want to get into.. but for my sins I’ve got issues with my body and point blank refuse to take my top off in public so swimming and learning to swim properly is something I’ve not been able to do before. Hopefully the gym and change of diet will help me loose a little weight (in the past this has helped me to be able to take my top off on holiday) and now that I’ve cut my dreads off I’ll be able to try swimming again. without using the chlorine in dreads and taking days to dry properly excuse.

    As mentioned above it seems to be all about keeping mobile, the days where I’m stuck at a comp all day are the worst and by the time I get home I’m in a lot of pain and motivation to go exercise suffers, but now I’ve admitted I need to act now before it gets too late… fingers crossed this will be different.

    I’ve watched my mum (also hlab27) go through a lot, nearly blinded by iritis (sp?) several times, near constant steroid tablets or injections, several collapsed/prolapsed/falling apart discs in her spine… the list goes on and on. it should have been enough to make me start some preventative exercise earlier… I know I’m an idiot for not doing so.

    Thanks again for the replies, its good to hear that there are 60yr olds out there who can still swim etc :)

    (now the question is… do i use AS as an excuse to by a FS bike?)

    Free Member

    i struggle to identify with other artists tracks… but there’s a couple that stand out and i feel myself go a bit emotional… only if i sing along, listening isn’t the same as singing the lyrics outloud i find

    newton faulkner – unconfortably slow
    james blunt – goodbye my lover

    and this one that i wrote after the death of a friend:

    The fallen comrades show you how
    Because the time is now
    Regrets mean nothing
    All the decisions you’ve made make you who you are

    As time moves on
    Live life while you can
    Tomorrow holds no promise
    Its in your hands

    The playgrounds empty
    Dew turns to frost
    Just remember the sun is waiting

    Weighed down by others expectations
    Cloud the shining light, run from the darkness
    Tear the wool from your eyes

    You’ll never know when its gone
    When everything is lost
    Time takes the unexpecting as the clocks stop

    As the light shines down on clear waters
    Glowing down on you
    As the clouds give way, the sky begins to lighten
    The world was dead and empty
    And all was lost
    But know the mask has fallen

    Live life while you can

    As time moves on
    Live life while you can
    Tomorrow holds no promise
    Its in your hands

    Free Member

    cheers , appreciate the comment :)

    unfortunately my GP is painfully rubbish (once pretended to take my blood pressure through a coat, jumper and long sleeve t-shirt.. just writing down whatever came into his head).

    the main advice is to keep active and work on my core, when building up muscles to make sure that its done with the correct technique instead of just running at free-weights like an excited chav.

    yoga and pilates come highly recommended but unfortunately there’s no pilates classes in my area that run outside of work hours, and the yogalates class has just ended at the gym i’ve joined lol.

    Free Member

    EDIT – realised the pic had swearing in it sorry mods!

    TSY… go to:

    not safe for work if you dont like the F word.

    Free Member

    great first effort +1

    good use of short clips, most of the static shots are framed really nicely and good flow to the footage. makes me want to buy a camera and start doing it myself :D

    please dont take this as a criticism as its a fantastic vid, but maybe on the next vid spend a little bit more time playing with the timing as you cut between shots, you’ve already got the hang of linking the direction of riding between shots, but a few frames here and there might help the shots link up even better.

    what camera did you use and where was it filmed?

    damn man… now i really want to start filming again!

    Free Member

    again… not knowing the specifics its hard to comment… but if someones living that close to a hospital wouldnt they be used to sirens coming and going all day and night anyway?!

    Free Member

    follow him around… REALLY closely… like almost sexual harrasment close…. right behind him, breathing on his neck, rub your body against his back.

    keep doing this all day each time he wanders with his mobile. if that doesnt stop him then start whispering into his ear and the phone at the same time “i love the way you walk and talk, i’m glad you dont sit down and talk like the rest of the office….” and rub a hand gently down his chest.. slowwwwwly.

    repeat until arrested/his mobile wanderings stop.

    Free Member

    piggies are only alive to be delicious. legal fact.

    Free Member

    i’m starting to feel lucky reading this thread… the OH keeps pestering me to engage, she’s even gone out and bought herself a &4.99 ring that she wears for work… i’ve been told i dont even need to propose… just throw the ring at her one morning when i’m leaving for work, all that matters is its me giving her the ring (that she’s already bought haha)

    the idea behind the super cheap ring is that if it gos missing, gets washed down a sink or whatever.. it doesn’t matter and we can replace it with whatever argos is shifting for less than a fiver.

    i’m refusing to “engage” out of principle at the moment, partly because we dont want an actual wedding ceremony so being engaged seems a bit false, and partly because she’s asking. the same with us having a kitten… when she stops asking, thats the time she’ll come home to a kitten with a ring hung from its little collar :D

    Free Member

    either cinnamon, golden syrup or mixed fruit flavour (oatsosimples) made with skimmed milk and a handful of sultanas thrown in. no sugar or anything on top.

    bish bash bosh, the breakfast of awesome

    Free Member

    as a young manager (26 years old.. started my current position 2 years ago.. so 24) managing staff across 3 sites, most of which have been doing my job for longer than i’ve been alive… it can be pretty surreal giving advice on how they should be doing their job.

    but thats the way i try to see it, its not telling them off, its giving them advice about how to get around challenges… trust in your staff, assume that they want to do a good job that way you’ll find yourself getting less annoyed with the idiots as deep down you’re know they’re not being an idiot on purpose… the ones that are… well there’ll be company policy to follow at that point… be fair but not a push-over.

    try to give lots of feedback, ideally much more positive than negative, even if its just a “well done on today buddy, i know it hasnt been a fun day!” at the end of a shift… gos a long way and softens the blow when you do need to advise someone of the correct way to do something.

    as above.. listen, dont promise things you think you cant do, make sure you’re the hardest working man/woman in the room, the other staff will want to justify why you’re the manager and earning more instead of them!

    smile, dont mess around on a personal mobile if the other staff aren’t allowed, try and learn a little about your team but dont try and force a personal history out of them unless they volunteer the info… nobody likes a manager thats trying too hard to be a “friend”.

    dont be scared to ask questions, but make sure you get as many of them out the way as early into the job as possible (imagine your manager asking you how to do their job 2 years after being there?!) and dont be scared to ask questions of your managers.

    as with the staff below you.. try and give good feedback in an upwards direction too.

    oh yeah, if you’re in charge of rotas… try and work a system that allows people to know as far in advance as possible what they’re working…. i’ve changed it from 1 week ahead to 12 weeks ahead with the ability for my staff to change and swap shifts as much as they want as long as they follow a simple set of criteria… its rare i have to step in and stop certain changes going through.

    not sure if much of that makes sense, need to go wake up and defrost my car, good luck dude!

    Free Member

    only if you’re willing to help me (in your gimp capacity) with find the phone friday ;)

    Free Member

    Nice attitude guys. I am so glad you are not on my local trails.

    You should avoid the more fragile bits when wet – or else they will be trashed responsible access and all that. You make me laugh – you complain you don’t have decent access but show no responsibility and then you complain when eroded trashed trails are repaired ( or sanitised in stw speak)

    contrast the attitude to that espoused on this thread.

    wow, who took the jam outta your doughnut?!

    i’ve personally never complained about access, or eroded trashed trails, or the repairing of trails…. my comment was based on the general opinion that seems to be put across on here that avoiding puddles only widens trails and that angers the riding gods of STW.

    chill out TJ, have a cuppa and brrreeeaaath.

    Free Member

    +1 for adjusting their seat…. whack it down to the lowest height and if its got an adjustable thingy for the angle of the back… well thats gotta go right back too.

    +2 for dry bumming (cos it made me laugh outloud for the first time today)

    @tsy…. did you not read the thread about bike theft, now we all know your address!

    Free Member

    look at the state of your garden!

    Free Member


    mud the f… up!

    Free Member

    it does, lets hug.

    Free Member

    disappointed in the complete lack of boobies on this thread.

    Free Member

    harvey was filmed and released long before i was born, but i didnt have to be there to appreciate it as a great film… i appreciate lots of stuff, just not the beatles ;)

    Free Member

    i ride a carrera… i’m safe :D

    Free Member

    I am, but dont tell my other half…. i’m pretending my shaver keeps running out of battery before i get to the ‘tache :lol:

    Free Member

    hehe i was jsut kidding TJ :)

    i dont have a bell because the plastic bit that is meant to ping back and ting the bell section bent in one of my epic “i cant ride a bike” moments… thank god i was wearing a helmet eh buddy! :lol:

    after this i didnt replace it… where i ride its either fire-roads wide enough to not annoy walkers, single track that i’ve never seen a walker on, or in any other situation i get off my bike and give way to the walker/s :) after all, we’re all equal and my little effort might be enough to encourage them to do the same for a cyclist later on :)

    Free Member

    what tyres for spaniel fur?

    Free Member

    thats what those chips they developed for dementia sufferers who are prone to wandering are for TSY!

    you can either insert one under their skin whilst they sleep off the rohypnol, or you can slip a chip into their food, but that gets expensive as you have to replace every couple of days after its worked its way through their system.

    unless you’re a scat lover and are happy to retrieve it ;)

    Free Member


    i had some excellent support and advice from the RCN when i needed it.

    fingers crossed for you B’mitch, its a horrible situation being falsely accused!

    Free Member

    personal choice and risk assessment TJ, thats why i dont have a bell.

    Free Member

    come and join me in my office… 2 desks, leather sofa, 4 wheelie chairs, ensuite bathroom with shower, garden view and just me… i dont eat smelly foods or eat with my mouth open.

    i do insist on naked mondays/hardcore gabba tuesdays/wet and wild wednesdays/bring your gimp to work thursdays and find the phone fridays though ;)

    Free Member

    rape alarm


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