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  • Singletrack Magazine Issue 117: In The Beginning
  • philconsequence
    Free Member


    someone been encroaching on your allotment again?

    Free Member

    no problems :) just wanted to make sure people can still rant at the important things in live… delivery times, the internet taking more than 2 seconds to load a page, bosses expecting people to get on with work instead of STW and so on…

    we all know a true rant wouldn’t include carefully spelt words to avoid filters… the poster would be too furious.

    Free Member


    it burns my goggly eyes!

    make sure you tuck it back in before doing the zip up! (see us kids can be caring)

    Free Member

    walking past a table of strangers in a pub where a conversation has just started, stopping, turning to them and saying “Who gives a f**?”
    And nobody would do that.


    another thing to add to my “things i must do to annoy younger people when i’m old” list! along with paying for everything in the smallest denomination of coins possible and pretending to be deaf when it suits me.

    but yeah… +1

    Free Member

    I really hope you were shaking your fist in the air when you typed that B’mitch :D “pesky kids!”

    Free Member

    WANT! its got the word shark on it!!

    if anybody makes a brand of bikes that has either shark or dinosaur names then my bank balance is well and truly screwed.

    Free Member

    you’re point is?!

    get off the internet old man :P

    i’m buying a bike of thurman murman tomorrow hopefully…. my point… dont need one, i’m young and awesome.

    Free Member

    deliberate trolling, mods! mods!! delete this man for what he says cannot be possible.


    i love the smell of fresh parcells in the morning!

    (may have just excited TSY’s scat fetish with that comment)

    Free Member

    see the sticky chaps… mods are clamping down!

    Free Member

    :) hoping this is argument proof! and hoping it makes a few people smile.. either by reading other peoples answers, or thinking of their own.

    i’ll do my answers:

    1)A man walked into the office of the eminent psychiatrist Dr. Von Bernuth, and sat down to explain his problem. “Doctor, doctor!” he started. “No need to repeat yourself, my good man,” replied the doctor. “One ‘doctor’ is enough.” “Yes, well, you see, I’ve got this problem,” the man continued. “I keep hallucinating that I’m a dog. A large, white, hairy Pyrenees mountain dog. It’s crazy. I don’t know what to do!”

    “A common canine complex,” said the doctor soothingly. “Come over here and lie down on the couch.” “Oh no, Doctor. I’m not allowed up on the furniture.”

    2)hold my first child after its been born

    3)watching people i love get excited about things

    4)opening the oven when cooking a sunday roast

    5)i really hope B’mitch’s situation at work gets sorted! sounds sad but it makes me want to give him a hug.

    Free Member

    Hi Mark,

    just a quick question, please don’t see this as me trying to be difficult (that would be deliberate trolling which is against the rules)… but everyone loves a good rant every now and then… will swearing that is picked up by the filters result in a ban, or is it specifically trying to get around the filters?

    (ohh and sorry for the cartoon in the dubstep thread last week… i completely failed to notice it contained swearing in one panel.. my bad!)

    Free Member

    the pope

    or tom cruise

    Free Member

    you’re wrong

    Free Member

    i hope you bought the students some soap and a haircut!?

    pesky students

    Free Member

    everyone’s broke so £10 limit on all family presents :) mrsconsequence i cant resist splashing out on ( :wink: stifle those naughty thoughts gents) and i always end up spending much more than i planned… problem is she’s so easy to buy for.. anything that would make a 4 year old child happy is perfect, and luckily she’s weird and likes “practical presents” too, so buying things like kitchen utensils is welcomed.

    makes her feel less guilty for buying me a potato peeler (even though we already had two.. and i didnt want a potato peeler) because she was fed up with the other ones. i dont think she’s bothering with presents for me this year cos i dont like “stuff” and anything i need i buy for myself.

    Free Member

    +1 it can be really rather amusing sometimes… but as a rule its only funny when its obvious to everyone else that someone is trolling another and succeeding in winding them up, watching 2 people argue when they genuinely believe what they’re typing is boring.

    However as I alluded to above its recognising that I have made my point and walking away I find hard – but I am working on this

    very reflective TJ, gibbs would be proud :) +10 internetz for you sir.

    I disagree



    :lol: first chuckle of the morning, good work :D

    If I continue to be antagonistic towards others, then the potential for happy, positive relationships could be reduced.

    very reflective… so why continue to do so? i’m going to be honest here and i hope you dont take too much offence buddy: you can be a really funny guy on this forum, very perceptive at times and seem like you’d be a fun guy to hang around with… but then sometimes you wade into a thread and destroy any fun by appearing to be (intentionally or not) incredibly condescending and a real buzz killington. its a shame because, as the tags on this thread might suggest.. people tend to end up only perceiving you in the negative light as that sticks in minds for longer than the fun stuff.

    I find it is often the most (apparently) intelligent people that flatly refuse to listen to another person’s point of view or ever accept they might actually be wrong.

    :D excellent post, i might suggest a small alteration (as the most intelligent person on here i feel confident that i’m 1billion percent correct) people who think they’re intelligent will refuse to listen to another person’s point of view or ever accept they might actually be wrong… people who know they’re super awesome just keep quiet or troll the hell out of the smaller minds :D (its a bit like having a large penis… those with, keep quiet, sit back and smile. Those without will go on and on and on about how big it is, then get angry when challenged.

    in the end:

    The greatest lesson is you can’t win an argument.

    Also some people just don’t care

    now who wants to fight?!

    Free Member

    that would be telling ;)

    Free Member




    Free Member

    one day, when i grow up, i’m going to invent a vegetable that is more awesome than surfmatt!

    its called the fullsundayroastable!

    dear god i’m salivating right now thinking about it.

    Free Member

    thats what she said!


    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    to please Bigface0_0 i’ve done jsut that:

    rolled up my jeans, wrapped a USB phone charger cable around my calf, then measured it on a purple ruler i had to dig around in the drawers for.


    i’m not sure what that means, if its good or bad or what, but there it is.

    Free Member

    “i want to install a new culture into the workplace… something along the lines of boobs win prizes”

    Free Member

    if he’s paying then surely its a fantastic opportunity to stand up as best man and give the most fantastical made up speech of all time, you can invent embarrassing stories that would make a gynaecologist blush and ronnie wood look like a choir boy!

    then when people ask him about the stories afterwards he wont be able to deny as it would mean admitting he had nobody close enough who could tell proper stories

    Free Member

    i’m currently in the process of what feels like a positive classifieds transaction.

    tasty times my friends. tasty times

    Free Member

    yeah c_g! all your fault!

    we did think you’d grow out of it TSY, but apparently being a bit gimpy isnt like a birthmark that fades with age

    Free Member

    seeing as we’re discussing a woman its gotta be said:

    what a waste.

    you’d have to wrap her in clingfilm before doing anything with her though considering she’s been with mr bookywookydruggywuggy…. and that would surely ruin her shape :(

    Free Member

    i want to watch it 8O

    so so much.

    the teaser trailer online literally gave me shivers down my spine… i’m a complete sucker for HD slow motion and nature photography.

    double edged sword though as i’d love to get back into filming and have a play with filming bike stuff… but the money i’d need to invest in getting anything close to the quality i now perve over… kinda stops me in my tracks :(

    Free Member

    its a father and son thing

    Free Member

    yup! all sounds wayyy too familiar. on second thoughts i should upgrade my eye test from tesco value to specsavers

    Free Member

    just walked into the local petrol station and guess what they were playing the the magical speakers in the ceiling?!?!

    cinnamon girl!

    Free Member

    EDIT – copy and paste fail as i clicked “post reply”

    cant be bothered to write it all again, but i assure you it was hilarious and awesome.

    Free Member

    :( yeah mums nearly lost her sight several times with iritis… steriod drops and stuff but still gets it regularly and worse each time.

    tesco value eye-check it is! considering how obvious it is i should’ve already thought of that and booked myself in i’m either really stupid or really really wanted to avoid accepting the issue up until now

    Free Member

    cheers for the input everyone :)

    diet change already underway, party to do with body issues but mainly as i know deep down extra weight wasnt helping my back at all! fingers crossed although the gym stuff isnt exactly fat burning or calorie hungry, the extra bit of cardio on the cross trainer each week will help shift some excess fat along with the diet.

    that reminds me, i should make a concerted effort to increase my protein intake….. more chicken! :D

    i f**king love chicken.

    if anyone’s interested about my new change of diet (i wont assume you are and post it like i did the gym routine lol) then its a bit gentler than the iDave diet, but draws heavily from it and mixes in some key aspects of a diet a close friend has achieved great success with and kept the weight off afterwards :) i’d be happy to post the key points as its really simple

    Free Member

    yeah, moneys a bit of an issue but its a definite on the shopping list for next year! dont want to invest in a low quality FS that i need to keep updating/replacing bits on if it would work out better to wait longer and spend more money on something that will last with only the basic chain/cassette type replacements.

    i have changed the saddle on my hardtail for a much more forgiving one so i’m looking forward to my next ride :) i’m trying to keep in mind that any exercise is better than sitting at home wishing my back didnt hurt.

    gym update:

    went for a second induction last night and noticed that the guy working with me is the only one to have a few certificates in injury recovery type stuff… cant remember the exact names off the top of my head, but he had a list of qualifications 2 times as long as the other trainers :)

    he spent a long time going through stretches and core exercises with me, he had obviously spent time speaking to colleagues and researching AS which was good to see as everything on the work out plan he had created was spot on from what i can tell by checking back on the NASS website etc :)

    feeling positive!

    first gym session tonight:

    Warm up (cross trainer (no handed to improve balance) so no impact)


    floor/core work (Swiss ball type stuff)

    more stretching

    little bit of resistance work for my shoulders and arms (not enough strength in my arms and right shoulder at the moment to hold myself on the stretches) the resistance stuff has been modified to include an element of balance and working the core muscles at the same time, nice little touch :)

    more stretches

    then another bit of time on the cross trainer to warm down

    i’f i dont post tomorrow it’s because i’ve gone all floppy from the stretching and died. wish me luck haha

    EDIT – jsut seen your post about changing GP… i only ever really go to the GP to tell him i’ve got tonsilitis and what antibiotics i need so its not the biggest issue at the moment.. when he’s told what to do he does get on with it… for back stuff i will start requesting a different doctor though!

    Free Member

    lucky lucky man

    lived alone for years, now due to my subconcious need for boobs and saving money i live with the OH and a housemate who rents the box room.

    at the moment i can transfer all my frustration to the housemate, god help my relationship when me and the OH get a place to ourselves…. i might have to start hating her 8O she leaves the washing up ’til the next morning!

    Free Member

    Torminalis – Member
    I was actually considering the prospect of a Star Destroyer taking on the Enterprise…

    for this reason, i’m reconsidering inviting you to my sexy party.

    Free Member

    my little nonsensical bump helped loddrik.. admit it :)

    Free Member

    naan bread? what would iDave say?!

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