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  • Review: Funn Ripper Pedals – does a huge platform deliver big smiles?
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    get them to pose there with markers…. film a slow walk up to the room with a camcorder then the reveal… ideally have the younger one with a second pen up their nose or something.

    send into YBF, earn 250 english pounds. return the kids to their rightful owners and demand your money back. a profitable day :D

    Free Member

    just a quick note to anyone who might be heading down there today, will be riding from ze lookout at 1pm… if you wanna join then just look out for just look out for the couple wearing full DH pyjamas on carreras… me = grey helmet, her equals white helmet. if you think its us.. chances are it is (nobody else has the guts to look so stupid) so say hi :)

    Free Member


    you’re muscles are wasting away!!!!


    Free Member

    taps?! do you think i’m made of money? for less than 5p a bottle i can fill the bath for cheaper than a whole tap! :roll: what do you think i’m made of… taps or something?!

    (i always keep a 2 ltr bottle of water in the boot of my car for emergencies… it was the only 2ltr bottle i could find at the time)

    will email you TM :) cheers buddy!

    Free Member

    the end of finding neverland hit me like a brick to the face…. luckily it seemed like i wasnt the only one as quite a few guys slunk out to the toilet straight away and were standing at the sinks washing their faces it seemed.

    i dont mind admitting i’m partial to the odd tear-release, never in life when it would be appropriate… always in films.

    Free Member

    TSY +1 singletrack and DezB…. come join us! :)

    me and mrsconsequence are cool for either day, she’s excited about meeting everyone from “motorbike world” as she’s started calling it to wind me up :lol:

    Free Member

    C_G you’re correct about the pesky darkness creeping in… maybe meet at 11:40 for fettling, pumping up tyres, admiring my pyjamas and then setting off to ride at 12?

    Free Member

    fingers crossed! just hope mrsconsequence can get through the wall on the ride to the lookout without wanting to go home again. its been 2 weeks since she last rode and i’m preparing myself for moaning

    Free Member

    right, time to take charge and nominate a weekend and start some discussions :D

    sat 4th or sunday 5th December… which would people prefer?

    now i’ve noticed that a lot of weekend rides seem to be planned for early start times but i dont think that’s going to be the best idea if TSY is coming down from diddumscot..

    how would people feel about a 12 or 1pm start time from the look out?

    I’ll warn you all now: i will in the spirit of a beginners/gentle/nothing-too-serious-ride be wearing full on downhill pyjamas :D i will ride a carrera from halfords and i will make sure any bike snobs out there will be mortally offended by my blatant disregard for the unwritten rules of MTB.

    Free Member

    :) have to say that you original post will ring a lot of bells with people… please don’t feel alone, it took taking up riding in summer to get me out in the evenings and on the weekends after i found myself getting sucked into a routine of waking up – going to work – coming home – going to bed – repeat…. would make up the lamest excuses to avoid going out anywhere because it became harder and harder to relate to people my age. very easy to end up in that situation.

    same for my buddy who comes out with me and the other-half, ten years in a relationship that broke up, ended up living in his room with no life other than me visiting him… riding got him out and about too :)

    hope the thread hasn’t scared you off buddy, you’d be more than than welcome to join us on a ride (it’d be the first time i meet Torm, CG and TSY too so not a cliquey group in any way)

    Free Member

    can you get down to swinley son?

    can you?!

    CAN YOU?!

    EDIT – only just saw your post CG…. he’s old, well 4-5 years older than me and i call him uncle to wind him up! CG… would you like to come too? TSY will tow you if it all gets too much ;)

    Free Member

    by the way just in case the use of the word “dude” put you off… we’re early, mid twenties and an an OAP (31yrs old), the OAP is young for his age and me and the missus are definitely old for our age and very much against everything the yoof of today stand for!


    no expectations of late nights, silly music or trousers around your knees… in fact if you turn up with your trousers hanging below your boxers then we’re riding without you ;)

    Free Member

    hey dude, if you ever wanted to go for a chilled not so serious not too fast ride in a small group around swinley (bracknell, not too far from guildford) then give us a shout :) conversation and pace is set by the slowest person :D best way to play if you ask me!

    i’ve decided torm is going to join us, he doesnt know this yet, but ive decided.

    Free Member

    one of the nicest guys i’ve met had quite a few PhDs (think it was 8 with a big list of other qualifications), he was working as a health care assistant though ‘cos it meant he could spend more time with patients and less on paperwork :D super nice guy but crohn’s disease eventually stopped him from working :(

    the only people who knew about his qualifications were the management/HR who agreed to keep it quiet out of respect.. and friends. the nurses and doctors/pyschiatrists on the ward didnt know and the way they made assumptions about his intelligence being a HCA was really eye-opening!

    similarly when he was stuck on a general hospital bed for weeks at a time he didnt check in with Dr in front of his name… the nurses and HCAs treated him like any other patient until one day one of the slightly more senior consultants wandered into the ward and noticed his old friend in the bed, after the nurses saw him being talked to by mr constultant and being greeted with “Dr john! what are you doing here” he was treated much differently afterwards.

    shame how assumptions are made about the value of a person because of a qualification or title, especially in settings where care/respect should be provided equally non-dependant on your background!

    not sure what my point it.. but i like thinking about him :) lovely human to have known.

    Free Member

    you can warm yourself with my tasty coolpoints

    mmmm tasty tasty cool points, might have to cook some piri piri chicken tonight with wholemeal rice and then sneak a mince pie in for pudding, maybe warmed up with some super low fat icecream to keep mrs consequence happy. tasty piri piri falvoured cool points of delicioushness, sir cool points of deliciousness, that sounds like a tasty place to live! oh my golly good holy hell in a handbasket batboy i want to live in tastyland where you can eat the neighbours. now im thinking my neighbours would taste of chicken. i wonder.

    Free Member

    you start signing things with “STW TSY” at the end?

    yours affectionately,

    Phil Consequence RAD SIK GNAR

    Free Member

    just make sure you dont move away from the window TSY, keep an eye on those trees 8O

    Free Member


    glad i randomly clicked on this whilst sitting here on mates computer

    Free Member

    i’m in C_G :) TSY and Torminalis are too, i’ve decided for them.

    Free Member

    very many cool points…. minus a couple for googling the words maybe? but then add them back again for being entertained enough by the cool points to bother searching :D

    everone one on this thread should give themselve’s a couple of points for joining in in general.

    yunki gets an extra one for using fiddlesticks

    Free Member

    one for you TSY!

    (+1million superphilcoolpoints for anyone who can tell me where this is from)

    Why can I not sleep?
    Why am I turning?
    Why are all the trees burning?
    Forest fires, crooked liars,
    Why am I so sullen and drained?
    In the bush, it’s raining,
    Lost man on his own,
    Has anyone thought to save him?
    The monkey is waiting in the tree
    Counts to three
    Hearing the sound of the fume-fuelled wagon
    He leaps on the back…
    Attack! Attack! Attack!
    No old heathen, not today.
    The rain falls upon the acidic trees of the millennium scorn
    The fire has vanished, leaving behind a trail of death for all to see.
    The birds & the trees, then you & me
    Lay twitching on the forest floor.
    The yeti is waiting for us to take us into his home,
    Care for us just like one of his own.
    Wild bones!
    Wild bones!
    Wait! The yeti no longer has a home
    The trees are gone & nothing has grown.
    A table, a chair, an internet nightmare,
    When will the forest speak?
    When all is dried up and way too weak?
    Wait for nightfall, it’s so beautiful out here.
    Up high in a wave of oxygen love I sit,
    Up high on this glorified cement postcard I spit.
    I spit, I spit upon thee.
    Wait for your red skies,
    Wait for the red skies,
    Do you know how it feels to be alive?
    Let me know, let me know how you feel…
    When will the forest speak?
    When the trees are dried up and way too weak?
    Wasting a life on calculations,
    Not enough money for operations,
    Waste of life, statistics, plastic soldiers
    Sound of sticks rubbing together.
    All the people gather.
    Wait for the man, he must have a plan,
    Show me and make me a smile I can wear.
    Me & you we can make up too,
    No use for hate if you’re wearing my shoes.
    Be happy, be sad, be a wild rotten lamb,
    Don’t bother me now, I’m drenched to the bone.
    A sound of a truck and an axe and a fall
    Of a tree and a life and a planet so small
    Sick to the bone of your dour heart of stone.
    Let me know how you feel…
    You say it’s too hot so you can take off your top
    A clank of a slot machine, coins bled unclean.
    A beaten old lizard staggers over the road,
    A hand and a heart, the lake in the park,
    The candle won’t light and the fire won’t spark.
    I’m worn and I’m torn but I still carry on.
    The money is angry, the money has taken the…
    Watching mayhem leaping from truck to truck,
    This is where he rejoins his friends.
    They feast, they drink, they talk about
    How things used to be…
    I still can’t sleep.
    I still can’t sleep.
    I still can’t sleep.
    A million minds and a million voices
    A million thoughts, and only one choice.
    The need to find peace.

    Free Member

    give me my name back

    or your bike and car ;)

    its your choice “phil”!

    Free Member

    i’ve got 114 long dreadlocks at home you could buy if you like? kept clean and guaranteed to land you in more female attention than you could shake your stick at….

    Free Member

    whats going on charlie, why the resurrection?

    Free Member

    farting in a lift is wrong…….on many levels

    good work sir

    Free Member

    elfin keeps it all in a high interest account, its how he can afford an internet connect despite living in london.


    Free Member

    the less you think the less blood in your skull therefore the less heat loss

    science fact.

    Free Member

    EDIT – double post. this displeases me.

    Free Member

    sometimes i i wish i was a dinosaur and then i could stomp around roaring and waving my little short arms about the place, maybe offer some kids a ride on my back, maybe chase the odd landrover… but then i think maybe its better to be a shark… it would attract less attention and i’d still be AWESOME. the problem with being a shark is people would try and ride me without asking my permission first… whereas as a dinosaur people wouldnt assume, they’d be polite as hell and hope i wouldnt eat them… i wonder how fun it would be to stomp around and cause everyone to stand still thinking my vision was based on movement.. if it was based on movement wouldnt i walk into trees and houses and stuff… a nasty scrape on my leg from bashing into a house would surely hurt and if i bled there’d be no vet with enough guts to try and heal me. maybe i’ll be a shark

    Free Member

    genuine LOL

    wasnt expecting such an obvious joke but it ticked me in a place only the family doctor is allowed to.

    Free Member

    see the sticky thread posted by the mods buzz :)

    no more pictures or threads intended to spark anything of a sexual nature type stuff

    Free Member


    mods, mods! i need an adult!

    Free Member

    a world without computers?!

    8O does. not. compute. 8O

    Free Member

    Torminalis – Member
    I am with you 100%. If I am not going for at least a month then it is simply not worth the stress and hassle of international travel.

    2 days before getting on a plane I start to fret, not because I am scared of flying but because I simply do not like it, queuing, waiting, squeezing myself onto an ergonomically compromised seat and being fed cardboard, only to arrive at my destination and take 2 days to recover from the travel and the inevitable ensuing argument with the other half. Same thing on the way home. Give me a cottage in Devon any day of the week.

    ZOMG! i’m like, totally the same! BROMANCE INITIATED! roflecopters!

    If going on holiday is the only way to get the annual fix of snowboarding in, then I’ll go on holiday! Gatwick airport always takes most of the joy off what has been experienced though.


    I find holidays way more stress than they’re worth too. I much prefer ‘staycations’, but the GF apparently ‘has’ to get away, which means we often end up paying a lot of money to be bored somewhere else, that we don’t know and havn’t had time to plan anything.


    Do any couples regularly holiday apart?

    +1 a couple of holidays to “hot” destinations into the relationship and we’ve established that of my 4 weeks annual leave we use 1 for snowboarding together, then the other 3 weeks i use as i see fit to do as little as possible. she gets 4 weeks left to use up and gos on holiday with friends/her mum now she’s a bit more mature.

    its great knowing she’s tanning herself somewhere and i dont have to be there!

    Free Member

    you know what they says:

    you gets dem womens you gets dem moneys

    i saw them before they released their first album…. brilliant live, really enjoy the first album (showbiz), and like a few tracks out of what they’ve released since. agreed they need more testosterone…. a dash of this perhaps? :

    (NSFW lyric content)

    Free Member

    good honest answer elfin :)

    and if it matters TJ, i’m with TSY on:

    I’ve never thought you to be motivated by forum domination. I read your posts and believe they’re written by someone who passionately believes what they type, is sometimes hell bent on ensuring they’re understood, but not deliberately antagonistic.

    Free Member

    TINAS – when you’re feeling better can i invite you along to a small ride at gentle place with a couple of friends and my lowly self…. you’d have to slow yourself down and might be frustrated by our pace…. but we’d make up for it in enthusiasm (i’ll bring ear-plugs for mrs consequence as she hits the wall)

    i can never find the singletrack with names… apart from babymaker and i think the seagull?

    better yet we could make it a “STW gentle on the n00bs Swinley adventure” and invite some others :)

    Free Member

    i had to wear bar-ends… imagine the embarrassment :oops:

    Free Member

    parcel force makes me think of the opening scene in ace ventura pet detective…. smashing the parcel about as much as possible… then stealing your dog.

    Free Member

    bromance you say?

    either that or i’ll start calling you chocolate-bear ;)

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