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  • Singletrack Magazine Issue 118: West Is Best
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    read “the greatest show on earth” by dawkins… evolution questions answered better than i think STW could :)

    Free Member

    a trip to a&e?

    Free Member

    local politician?

    what is this LP you speak of?

    why would you run a needle over a cd? i dont get how that would make it play noise, i always avoid scratching them!

    Free Member

    road safety
    first aid


    Free Member

    car/bike maintenance instead of how to build a birdbox
    basic plumbing/electrical/household DIY


    Free Member

    I quite like them and if they had a lace flap I would have bought some. The colourway isn’t the best, the camo bit is a bit lame.


    people worry about looks too much, pedals/rider/bike should be moving fast enough for people not to see what you’re wearing anyway ;)

    Free Member

    shoes, suit, shirt that’s designed to be worn outside the trousers (not tucked in) and no tie. gel your hair into a quif and pout like a duck.

    sorted. (well thats what my google image shirt would suggest)

    have fun with the shirt… i find Hawaiian shirts will draw enough attention to have the ladies climbing over each other to get a chance to touch your penis.

    still feel you need to stamp some individuality on the evening? well no problems, be crafty, take a bag with a complete change of clothes.. explain to the bouncers you’re getting a taxi home and dont have a car you can leave it in. then once inside with your bag past the bouncers, get changed into your rocky horror fancy dress. and enjoy :)

    Free Member

    off to alpe d’huez for the second week of jan, never been there before but the group we should be riding with each day went last year so planning on letting them lead the way :)

    think we’re going to book with cystalski or whatever its called tonight and get a hotel room, flights and transfer in a package.. then ‘cos its january its 2 for 1 on lift passes…

    can’t wait!

    Free Member

    just noticed this on the forum rules think it explains the new numbers:

    CHAT FORUM – if we’re going to let you keep the friday kylie/A&A thread then you all must start each post you write with an interesting/fun fact based around the number associated with your post. if you guess the number wrong due to slow typing then you must dance for us in your underwear and send us the video to

    Free Member

    in reply to page 1, post 1..

    not annoying, but am yet to see the point in them

    Free Member

    sorry MrNutt, back to the OP.. good luck :)

    anyone trying to change themselves for the better has my respect.

    Free Member

    I think even quantum physicists struggle with this but what exactly do you think they have found that proves god. Confusion?

    nothing that i’ve been made aware of… jsut wanted to take the opportunity to point out that a lot of atheists are as stuck in their veiws as the religious people they then mock.

    BS he is a scientist he would accept the evidence if it existed. Does it?

    i’m sure he would…a very clever scientist he is too and i’ve enjoyed everything i’ve read by him for that reason. and again, no i dont think there is any evidence to say evolution doesnt exist.

    i must have really written my post badly :(

    Free Member

    If Darwin was wrong we’d still be flicking Holy water at people and exorcising them. Don’t forget, atheists can be nurses too.

    not quite sure how to read into that post, maybe im sleepy but it feels like i’ve perhaps presented myself as saying drwin was wrong?

    i’m not saying darwin was wrong :) just trying to think of an example to make my point.

    (if it helps I’m an atheist humanist and my entire right leg is tattooed with sea creatures that show the evolution of the ocean…. i’m a firm “believer” in evolution, but then again, if science proved it wrong in the future i’d like to think i was open minded enough to entertain a new school of thought)

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    I was initialy interested as all cultures and human civilistaions have some form of God /religion/diety.There seesm to be something in the human condition /psyche that means we seek meaning /patterns everywhere and we have to have a reason for everything/ God/religion/ deities are a simple one to create but very difficult to counter /disprove

    :) you know when something seems like complete common sense and you dont know why someone hasn’t made a point of it before that you’re aware of…

    well that’s the “finally… how could anyone argue differently now someone’s bothered to gather evidence for this simple blinding truth” moment i experience when i got into Joseph Cambell. He’s written lots of stuff, but “the hero with a thousand faces” is definitely the book for you sir

    Free Member

    DaRC_L… i was hoping someone would bring this up but reluctant to myself as i didnt want an already imflammatory thread to explode by mentioning other religions :S

    Or the humanists might want to look at Universal Unitarianism and what does String Theory hold for the atheists…

    one of the things i like about most humanists i’ve met is that some of them are open minded enough to challenge their veiws/lack of views :)

    quantumn physics opens up a whole world that atheism would struggle with i think, especially as most atheists i’ve spoken to rely heavily on the word of current scientific knowledge as if its the gospel truth… dawkins, despite his protests, would probably end up in a hospital being looked after by me and b’mitch if science proved darwin wrong lol.

    one of the most appealing things about Joseph Cambell is that he made a point of reminding everyone that both religion and science are trying to interpret the world around them and as science develops, ideas change and our level of understanding does. unfortunately a lot of atheists are as closed minded as they accuse the religious of being and forget that their understanding of the world should develop and change as scientific evidence dictates.

    i love quantumn stuff, it sets my brain alight and makes me constantly re-think my views on the world/space around me… the one thing it doesnt challenge though is my view on mankind, that will hopefully continue to change and develop as i grow.

    Free Member

    course you can iDave :D i hate people, the thought of other humans makes this pathetic-human-skin-meat that surrounds my inner-being crawl.

    but i’m a humanist, with maybe a leaning towards awesomism

    Free Member

    Start HERE TSY.

    although in addition to this “the heros journey” (dont remember it being longer than an hour long) about Joseph cambell is well worth investing a little time into, shame he died as i think he’d be a better spokesperson for humanism than dawkins who comes across as a little patronising at times and could do with stepping back emotionally from the subject when challenged.

    Free Member

    sorry TSY, whilst searching for a handy internet link to provide a concise description of humanism for the ones who aren’t aware… i realised it specifies that its based in atheism and agnosticism, so i edited it.

    funnily enough i realised the world of humanism through my exploration of the joseph cambell stuff me and torm were on about earlier in this thread :)

    mum didnt put fruit in jelly when i was young :( twas all razor blades and fish bones back in them days!

    Free Member

    it’s bloody hard work to get a child taken away, even for the ne’er do wells of popular opinion. There is much, much more going on than that bit of very poor journalism would imply.

    biiiiig +1

    Free Member

    you know that one grand you were going to spend in evans torm…. can i suggest you spend it on soap, a haircut and a suit so you can get a job you dirty hippy scum!!!!!

    (i miss my dreadlocks… calling other people hippies felt better when i had dreads)

    Free Member

    humanism +1

    b’mitch seems like he’d make a good a humanist too… you can be my plus one to TSY’s party :D

    i suspect there’s quite a lot of humanists on here that dont even realise it :D

    jsut one question TSY…. will there be jelly?

    Free Member

    nigella eats tasty looking cakes full of fat, Dr gill only eats witches.

    you are what you eat.

    Free Member

    tried… but got thrown out of the ladies toilets at bluewater by a very angry security guard.

    the Reading Oracle security looks like it might not notice though… will let you know how it gos

    Free Member

    good luck dude! giving up both fags and fun food at the same time is tricky…. +1 on replacing everything in the house with fruit/nuts/dried fruit/sugar-free cardboard.

    i’m trying a change of diet, more exercise, cutting own the crack-cocaine route at the moment too… according to mrsconsequence i’ve lost weight (i refuse to weigh myself as its demotivating and deceptive if you’re doing gym stuff that might involve building muscle… or just cycling more and building up muscle), with everyday you feel a bit more motivation and everything gets a little easier :)

    Free Member

    mrsconsequence uses photobox to make them for her family, good quality and prompt delivery every time :)

    Free Member

    horay for C_G :) be good to meet you :)

    the first hour will prob contain most of the riding anyway, by the second hour we’ll probably be building a pillow fort and playing kiss-chase or something :lol:

    b’mitch and TSY can you stop talking about my ex-wife like that! she was reluctant enough to pose for those photos worrying about people discussing her in such a way!

    Free Member

    ohhhh +1 for the into of UP, end of Field of Dreams, end of toy story 3 which surprised me as i dont remember ever being attached to toys… but it must the the “growing up” aspect i suppose.

    Free Member

    if you’re an atheist, fair enough, I’d be interested to know what you do when you simply can’t MTFU?

    FTFU – friend the F up.

    if you lead a life in which you make an effort to be nice to those around you, go out of your way to support the people you love (not forgetting to improve yourself through reflection and making a concerted effort to better yourself) then friends tend to come to the rescue when you need them most.

    as much as the militant/closed minded athiests give athiests a bad name… there are some of us who are as nice to others as religious people try to be :)

    Free Member

    shouting down your mobile in a foreign language doesnt help anxiety and paranoia levels in schizophrenics 8O

    might have to remind my staff of the official mobile phone policy i could enforce if they dont use their brains when taking the odd personal call!

    Free Member

    adrian mole…i’m too young and full of youthful enthusiasm to know what you’re talking about old man! :P ;)

    (only thing i can remember from an adrian mole book was when it spoke about channel 4 coming on the tv for the first time)

    new dandyhorse you say torm?! if you like i could make you a front crudcatcher out of an old coke bottle and some gaffa tape for it?

    Free Member

    as torm may be also typing whilst i write this and end up with us both posting the same thing…. the joseph cambell stuff will definitely keep your mind open enough to consider other faiths or none in an all embracing type way… hard to describe.

    Free Member

    only thing i’d like to suggest is to watch “the heros journey” – Wiki description:

    The Hero’s Journey (film): A Biographical Portrait—This film, made shortly before his death in 1987, follows Campbell’s personal quest—a pathless journey of questioning, discovery, and ultimately of delight and joy in a life to which he said, “Yes”

    Then it might inspire you to read “the hero with a thousand faces” by Joseph Cambell (as i did), or watch a 10 part series called “the power of myth” with him in….

    what i’ve suggested above will not put you off anything you come to believe in as a result of your journey, but it may open up your journey and/or compliment it :)

    used to be quite against religion and a lot of what i associated with it and thought it stood for, but what i mentioned above turned me around and changed my perception of religion and humankind for the better i’d say

    good luck with your journey

    Free Member

    either sat 4th or sunday 5th December, date to be confirmed but looking more like the sunday am i right TSY?

    timing = 11:40ish in the carpark at the lookout, plan to set of riding about 12 :)

    *normal group ride rules i suppose:

    1) bring your own spares,
    2) bring your own water,
    3) wear a helmet if you’ve got one or do your own risk assessment and dont,
    4) bring your own bike instead of one you stole on the way,
    5) we ride at the pace of the slowest rider (mrs consequence) or we ride at our own pace and wait at the top of the next hill/section for others to catch up.

    6)it will be a chilled mess around type ride, no pressure on slow people to keep up, no pressure on sensible conversation, by starting at 12 we should get 3 hours of chatting/riding/pushing TSY into the bushes in before the sun starts to set.

    next weekend i’ll prob start a seperate thread with more details, meeting place, email so i can build up a lsit of mobile numbers of people hoping to come and other boring organising type stuff. in the meantime we all need to work on persuading C_G to come for a play :)

    Free Member

    yeah the mini-bin is food waste… keep it inside your kitchen and use it for anything you’d put on a compost heap.

    i was never one for recycling as no matter how much you sit at home splitting it all up and washing out tins of beans etc… the council thows it all together and sends it off to space or something anyway.

    but then i bought a cheap plastic bin from tescos to keep next to the kitchen bin, its surprising how quickly it fills with carboard, drinks bottles, cans, tins etc. and as our bins are only emptied once every 2 weeks it helps in keeping our bins from overflowing.

    sorry, all a bit serious…. yes, that little green bin is called marcus and needs to be fed vegetables or he sneaks around your house at night rearranging your photos and dvd collection.

    Free Member

    is the little mini bin green with a handle that can be folded over to “lock” the lid? and are you with south oxfordshire council?

    Free Member

    well you know what they say Dezzy my child…

    if music be the food of love… shove it down your mouth ’til your belly explodes!


    Free Member

    i agree with b’mitch!

    (havent ever watched an actualy show of im a celeb, or anything related to it in my life…. but she’s an idiot, b’mitch isnt… go b’mitch!)

    Free Member

    was the fighting because it wasn’t a proper restaraunt torm? did you take her to an indian themed building that used to be a happy eater and still has an elephant climbing frame outside?

    sorry to hear you had a bad one dude :(


    Free Member

    8O not the other forum! :lol: ‘cos it involved buying a new bike and the classifieds in a way… so pretty bikey i thought at the time.

    i must remember my place in the future though.

    Free Member

    pretty sure i overheard this so dont want to take credit for the humour…. but if you are what you eat.. then she must have eaten a lot of witches.

    that is all x

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