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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    *mysteriously disappears again*

    Free Member

    its…. still…..going……..

    Free Member

    Our dog Cookie died aged 2 years old this morning after not coming round from emergency surgery last night. He was the best dog and we loved him more than anything. We rescued him from being dumped on the streets of Ireland when he was about 1 years old and he had an amazing year of being loved and looked after by us, hundreds and hundreds of hours of long walks in the woods, chasing scents, bunnies, squirrels and birds.
    He ate the best food and had big bones to chew on. He’d snuggle up on the sofa and the only thing he loved as much as being out hunting was falling asleep being stroked by us which we did every day. He got to see our first house and spent his last month living 3 minutes from thousands of acres of woodland, he had so many friends and people who loved him, he had doggy best friends who he’d play with for hours like a puppy. We wish he had been part of our lives for longer but we know we gave him the best life and he was a beautifully happy dog. We are glad he got to have a christmas with his family and yesterday he had a 3 hour long play in the woods with one of his favourite doggy friends then a belly rub in the pub from more people he loved.

    Miss you buddy :(


    Free Member

    from what i’ve been told (could well be wrong) the rules are different in france on shooting. apparently most birds are considered fair game, but they can only shoot pigeons for one month a year so they pay big money to come over here and shoot our vermin pigeons.

    i prefer it our way, couldn’t shoot a song bird… only shoot to eat, help clear vermin off managed land and clays.

    Free Member

    no shooting within 50feet of a road with a white line on it, unless that road is on private land and you’ve got the land owners permission… tis the law i believe?

    ROW’s aren’t closed around here, the shoot i’m a member of is a military syndicate using military land with bridleways etc going through it, the public still use the land whilst the shoots are on (as do they when the military using using it for training) we always get cyclists, horse riders, dog walkers and joggers either avoiding us or wandering through. (EDIT – if the public do decide to walk into a drive/gun line the drive is stopped until the public are out of the way)

    pheasants are put down months before the season starts, normally in pens where they’re fed and watered, protected from foxes and flying predators as best as possible. pens are designed for the safety of the birds, but usually you get members of the public cutting holes in the pens to ‘free’ the birds, all this does is let foxes in :( the pens are built with ‘pop outs’ which allow the pheasants to come and go as they please from the pen without letting predators in.

    you can stand on a right of way and shoot if its part of the land you have permission to shoot on.

    with regards to public safety.. safety is number 1 priority on shoots, no shots are taken at birds below 45degrees on our shoot, low birds, now matter how tempting they are are left to fly off, guns are always unloaded when the drive isn’t happenning, crossing obstacles etc etc. the shoot captain will throw anybody showing the smallest sign of letting safety lapse off the shoot. all members have a duty to report any unsafe practices.

    our syndicate is made up of a real mixed bag from super high up army chaps, accountants, lawyers etc to MOT testers, IT bods and psych nurses. some go for the whole tweed thing, mostly its wearing the most suitable clothes for the situation.

    i shot 9 this morning out of 11 shots taken, very happy with that… but for me its the vermin control (rough shooting) the rest of the year that i joined for, every saturday morning, dogs, friends, nature, picnics, pub afterwards. lovely.

    Free Member

    see junky i’m not making any comparisons with the question you quoted… it appears to me that you’re assuming a comparison (i could be wrong in assuming you’re assuming of course). the question is just a question, its neither a comparison or a statement.

    I think pretending to kill pretend things is not actually really killing things

    damn, you’re correct, my tiny little mind didn’t work that one out :P

    see mr junky, i dont do violence whether in a virtual world or to other humans… but i’m quite comfortable in killing my dinner. i wouldn’t shoot a lion, but i’d call pest control in to kill squirrels or something.

    humans are strange creatures aren’t they!

    So you are claiming the number of times I have sex has no relation on the likelyhood of getting someone pregnant?

    argument invalid, the only people on STW who have sex are the people who have twins and boast about it, everyone else is lying.

    Free Member

    interesting debate…

    separate from the whole this woman being a douche thing:

    whats the stance on pest control? (rats, squirrels, pigeons, bugs etc etc)

    how many people averse to eating meat or actually killing their own meat play violent computer games where you get to simulate killing other humans?

    Free Member

    muckboots +1

    Free Member

    think its time to re-think your choice of colleagues, they’re probably all standing around the water fountain or huddled in an office mocking you right now.

    chances are they’re planning on telling you if you dont forward the next email bill gates wont send 1dollar to a starving african goat.

    be warned. bill wont.

    Free Member

    all over facebook… and its being sold in dollar bill y’alls.

    nothing gets past us.

    Free Member

    stef… ours is half jack russel, quarter pointer and quarter dachshund! or a pointy sausage terrier so to speak.

    mrsconsequence’s gran is deteriorating fast in a home at the moment with dementia/parkinsons and cookie spent the day with her yesterday, mrsC was worried about taking the dog but her gran was in fits of giggles playing with him and that’s by far the happiest memory my wife will have with her :)

    the tiny balls he’s currently curled up in is a mask for his massive personality, best thing to happen to us.. he’s introduced us to so many new and fantastic friends, new sports and those magical moments that you have with a doggy best friend.

    love him.

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    our next dog will be called ‘crumble’

    current pointer X is called ‘cookie’ and thats mighty manly to be shouting when he’s out with the other gun dogs haha.

    might call a dog ‘dan’ at some point just so i can stand around shouting ‘dan, dan…. dan…… DAN!’

    Free Member

    “Please can you all be aware that The Crown Estate ownership of Swinley Forest will be shut from dusk tonight until further notice due to the impending bad weather that is forecast for tonight and early tomorrow morning. This includes all of the mountain bike trails.

    Our rangers will posting signs on entrances this afternoon informing visitors and will be patroling the forest areas in the morning and advising people to leave.

    We plan to review the situation mid moring on Monday both to assess the ongoing weather forecast and to ascertain the extent of any damage that may or may not have occured.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but please be assured we will endeavour to open up all areas as soon as possible.

    If you can share this message wth any people you know who will be affected by this closure we would be very grateful.”

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I think he’s using too many syllables for the disenfranchised masses to understand his point. if there was an idiots guide for the ‘underclass’ then I’m confident this would get the attention it deserves.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    they’re in charge of collecting the keys in the bowl

    Free Member

    jamie is lying, he just sends photoshopped photos of his mansion to his ex’s to prove there’s nothing there of theirs anymore. he of course keeps their stuff and sells it to fund his .gif machine

    Free Member

    the money spread out on the bed next to him…..

    the teddy bear

    please say there’s more photos?

    Free Member

    likes swinging, casual fun and dogging

    dislikes the fact the nurse at the gum clinic says hi in asda.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    likes sideburns, grey hair and live music

    dislikes foreplay, people who dont like dogs and men who insist on paying for everything.

    *prays dezzieB messages me*

    Free Member

    deer skull
    polystyrene freezer box
    aldi garden saw
    cammo netting

    Free Member


    deadly darcy

    Free Member

    rogerthecat… you’ve adopted and adapted the idea well, one improvement would be longer handles on the tools, distance my friend… make sure your kids reach the veg first!

    Free Member

    eft outside with a Vimto and a bag of crisps fending off Paedo’s for ourselves with no form of communication other than shouting

    ahhhh the good old days :D

    now tell me that fending of paedos wouldn’t have been easier with a rifle!

    Free Member

    its a good theory binners, but when meat supplies are low i’d prefer my kid to be able to kill from a distance instead of having to run up close and bash its skull in. saves energy, and when there’s a shortage you dont want to be expending kcals you can’t get back!

    plus, the snipers are the cool ones in films, not the bumbling fools that are running about at the front getting all killed and stuff.

    Free Member

    the middle class is dying out binners, dont you read the news? soon we’ll be back to the good old days where tis a rich vs the poor world…. then you wont be laughing at the kids who know how to use rifles….

    Free Member

    whenever you can’t be bothered to say no, just get the box of shame out the cupboard and tell your kid every time they ask a kitten/santa/baby/schoolfriend dies or something.

    you lot make parenting sound difficult, chill out and accept you’re going to screw your kids up no matter how hard you try not to, its how these things work!

    Free Member

    one of the first things i’m going to buy my kid is a rifle, best way to avoid bullying by far.

    i’d rather my kid knew the safe handling of a gun from an early age than was bullied, the knock-on effects of bullying are well documented… most bullying victims either commit suicide, end up working in IT or worse case scenario, end up working as a security guard. 8O

    plus, i wont ever have to buy meat for my kid as it’ll hunt its own.

    same as a mobile phone, when it can hunt enough meat to sell to pay for its own credit, it can buy itself a mobile phone.

    these are the rules, and they will not do you wrong.

    Free Member

    my list of things to do instead of watching crap on television:

    1)anything else
    2)see above
    3)keep it legal and use protection

    The Deadly Southern Rudeboy Fredfinnsafety Tandem Jamie Jeremy Yeti B

    Free Member

    Free Member

    if 10 doesn’t get rid of the taste, nothing will.

    Free Member

    its your birthday, just go out and buy the fastest thing you can find. she’ll forgive you if she’s forgiven you for putting twins insider her tiny body

    in the end you could fit all that into a rover metro, but what you really want is something fast, really really fast. so fast she wont have time to be angry

    Free Member

    dont think its a troll… lots of people that age (me included) worry about house values, negative equity, slipping deeper into financial crisis etc etc…. i know lots of people my age who still live at home with parents for exactly the reasons stated in the OP, and most of them dont pay any money towards bills etc (lucky sods)

    i’m of a similar age, been saving for a deposit for years, have the same worries.. only difference is i’ve been renting for years so the savings have been accumulating a LOT slower than if i’d lived with parents

    if i was the OP and reading the responses, i’d be reluctant to reply again, lots of micky taking mixed in with the advice.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    the wife use to fight with her little sister all the time, full on scrapping… they love each other to bits.

    i never fought with my sister and i can’t stand her.

    with regards to the whole boys will be boys thing…


    Free Member

    pinkbike it is then :) cheers guys!

    hope it was just the helmet and the rest of you is ok chapa?

    Free Member

    thats the thing flashy, i dont want to sell on here really… singletrack doesn’t really come across as the target audience for such items, i read more stuff on here laughing at people who wear such things that people talking about the benefits etc!

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