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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • philbr
    Free Member

    All done. Tried and convicted, medicine (mango juice with some salt and tabasco) taken, covered in galley slops, kissed the kipper and Queen Neptune’s feet, tricked in to believing their hair was shaved off and dunked in the pool. Good laugh, not too dissimilar to the photo’s up there ^^^
    No pic’s I’m afraid, dangerous cargo and all that.
    Finally decided to open with a plagiarised text before the fun began

    King Neptune, I, Lord of the sea,
    Welcome you all who ‘ere you be,
    I am the Lord of the oceans wide,
    Lord of the rivers, Lord of the tide
    My laws are strict, but do not fear,
    If you will only persevere,
    To keep the freedom of the seas,
    As recognised by our degrees,
    Here is the barber, the prosecutor, the bath,
    They are the only certain path,
    For all who wish to cross The Line,
    And be enrolled as sons and daughters of mine,
    I order then as we command,
    Before us let each tadpole stand,
    Who has their freedom yet to win,
    Enough…. my trusty men, begin.

    Free Member

    Unless you forget to bring it with you as evidence of the previous ceremony, and then it needs revalidating, no matter how much you protest. 😀

    Free Member

    Got the police to find the convicted, the prosecution, judge, barber, doctor and of course, the beautiful Queen Neptune, unfortunately a bloke as there are no women onboard, other than one to be granted freedom of the sea.
    Galley slops, check, dunking pool, check, kipper to kiss and Queen Neptune’s knee to kiss all sorted, just got to sort a crown.

    Unfortunately, with things being very PC now days, we have to tread lightly.
    I recall a time when the guys having the ceremony loved it, but one of their parents took offence when told. Complained to the head boss ashore. The Master then had to apologise officially to the cadets and parents in writing!

    Busy day ahead.

    Free Member

    Cheers CountZero,
    Wikipedia didn’t cross my mind
    Should be able to cobble something together from the certificate text, time to get editing.

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? Merchant navy engineer

    Are you happy doing it? Sometimes, it has it’s good points. I get to travel and ocassionally see and experience some great places, though fewer and farther between. On the other hand, 3month trips away from the family are still a killer, even after 8years, worry it might be starting to affect the relationships and wish I knew my son more.

    Would you condider a career change? Yes. A side step to the rig/offshore industry with less time away would be ideal, but don’t know how to get my foot in the door or where in the industry my skillset would best be applied. Still love the hands on side of things. Tried sitting behind a desk and loathed it.

    Does it pay enough to mtb comfortably? Yes

    Free Member

    Problem with roaches is you rid them from the ship, then they’re brought on again with the next stores. Difficult to manage. Never experienced that many though!

    Free Member

    Warm very sweet bread rolls with dessicated coconut topping, filled with warm dry tuna. Fair play, the cook onboard didn’t do it again, he tried the same the next day but with cheese in place of coconut.

    Free Member

    Tried an electric fence from a garden centre?

    Free Member

    Thanks trout, but I have them on order to be delivered when they are back in stock, which should only be a few days now.

    Free Member

    No worries trout, no rush. Got to wait for hammoond box from maplin to arrive too, out of stock locally for a while now.

    Free Member

    BlackCat, Parts received yesterday, thank you.

    A couple of points are making me scratch my head though. Looks and sounds straight forward until it’s all laid out in front of you! The wiring diagrams and photos of the drivers posted on this thread previously are for a different driver, so:

    As mentioned in the supplied instructions, the driver differs from those sent out previously.
    The switch diagram shows a resistor across its two outer terminals. Could you please clarify, this resistor is now incorporated in the board on the BCL01 driver and doesn’t need to be sourced and attached?

    If the above is true, then the driver ‘C’ terminal is connected to the switch centre common terminal.
    The other two switch terminals connect to the driver 1 and 2 terminals respectively?
    Either terminal 1 or 2 are then connected to the battery negative terminal on the driver?
    This then gives full/off/reduced.

    Tried attaching a circuit diagram to illustrate this, but it wouldn’t paste.

    Free Member

    That would be great getting the heatsink, etc, and if it includes the polycarb for a bit extra funding, even better.
    Could you let me know how much I’d owe.

    Free Member

    I appreciate I am a bit late getting in here, but do you have any XPG LED’s and regina reflectors still for purchase, ideally 4 of each.


    Free Member

    Re-discovered this thread after stumbling upon it a while back. Feeling inspired but also somewhat daunted, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and try and give it a go, if able.
    BCT and Trout, do you have any kits left over or have you been totally cleared out?
    If still available, I’m interested in getting hold of kits for 2 sets, LED’s, reflectors, drivers (2 power setting ones?), switches, leads, etc.

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