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  • PhilAmon
    Free Member

    Mcboo, if this was a conversation on your doorstep, which as already stated I don’t really do, then this is probably the point that we would agree to dissagree and part ways (in a friendly manner I’d hope) You obviously don’t like many of the things I believe; all I can say is that I don’t have a problem with God wanting an account of the wrong I do, been as I believe He blessed me with the life I have and He has made a way for me to be forgiven, which cost Him dearly.

    Free Member

    lol its not personal Adam :p if I exchanged ‘sinned’ with ‘done wrong’ would you accept it then? because its the same thing.

    Free Member

    We are born with a sinful nature, you don’t have to teach a child to do wrong, but that’s as far as I would go with the ‘original sin’ concept. the Sin itself is ours. If I went to Tesco and stole a Twix I couldn’t blame Adam, I’d have to take responsibility for my own actions. I have been accused of judging others by saying we are all sinners, but can anyone here honestly say they have gone their whole life without ever sinning? without stealing, lying, envying? as Jesus said “let he who has no sin cast the first stone” he said that because people were judging others without looking inside themselves. We have to accept that we have all sinned.

    1 John 1:8 says “if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves”

    Free Member

    Nononononononononono. Go read your holy book pal. Born. Into. Sin.

    Your right, there is no verse in the bible that mentions accountability directly, but the principle is there, the bible says we will give account for our sins. Can i put it to you that if a child was too young to understand what they were doing, how could they give account?

    also have a look at Matthew 19:14

    Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

    Free Member

    Really? My daughter when she was 30 seconds old was guilty of sin? Because your holy book says that she was born into a collective Original Sin for which she must atone.

    Utterly despicable.

    A baby has no understanding of right or wrong, she is below the age of accountability as far as the bible is concerned.

    Being “born into sin” is talking about human nature, our natural desire to be selfish. Good people fight against this and are therefore less selfish in comparison. But there is only so far our efforts can go, God wants to take away that nature so that there isn’t the battle to do right, its in your nature to do right. But first we have to accept that we are in the wrong.

    Free Member

    open air witnessing
    What’s that, then?

    Talking to people on the street. Sometimes we have meetings outside too.

    No we arent. Having sex isnt wrong.

    We all have differing opinions on what is right and wrong. what is right to one is a step to far to another. There will always be disagreements on what is right and wrong. But one thing is beyond all doubt is that in some point in every one of our lives we have done wrong to somebody at some time.

    Free Member

    They knock on your door. You do not ask for them to do so

    Which is why I’m not a big fan of door knocking, but at the same time if you had come up with a cure for cancer, you would do your best to make your voice heard, you would feel a duty to.

    where do my gay pals fit into your evangelism by the way?

    Assuming that was aimed at me, I would witness to a homosexual in exactly the same way as i would a hetrosexual. The bible says “all have sinned and fallen short” We’re all sinners, including me.

    If they were being nice they would be interested in my beliefs

    we are. As someone said on the first page after speaking to religious people “I hope I made them think” I don’t expect to convert people after one conversation, I’m satisfied just to get people thinking about things they might not normally give much thought about.

    Free Member

    Not a JW or a Mormon here, an evangelical Christian. And although knocking people’s doors is not something I’m a fan of personally, giving out leaflets and open air witnessing are things I’m regularly involved in. Christians don’t believe that our works get us into heaven; we believe Jesus paid the price for us. We witness about what God has done for us out of a genuine concern for/desire to do good to others, in a similar way that you might want to get someone struggling with their weight or depression etc. on a bike, you know it’ll do them good. I genuinely believe life is better on this side of the fence and I’ve been on both sides, that’s why I tell people what I believe.

    Free Member

    I put 120mm forks on my Kona Caldera (which came with 100mm) and I wouldn’t go back, its superb! :)

    Free Member

    Thanks Sweepy, if it still jumps with the old chain then i’ll try that.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, I changed the cable not long ago, and cleaned and lubed it when I changed the chain. I’ll have another tinker but sounds like its the cassette. If that’s the case I think I’ll put the old chain back and get a bit more life out of both first. Thanks.

    Free Member

    I got a kit off ebay for my VW Bora a few years ago, colour coded so they don’t look too daft. easy enough to fit and only cost <£20. Only trouble I’d say, like other people have mentioned, they’re too sensitive, you get a solid beep when you still have 1ft left, so you always end up going that ‘little bit further’ and its then you end up hitting things lol. If there is a kit out there that has adjustable sensitivity, then that would be worthwhile.

    Free Member

    I believe in God, but it would take more than a few lines on here to justify it. I would have to tell you my story, how God reached me in depression in my teenage years, I would have to tell you the stark changes that have happened in my close friends lives as they have accepted Jesus as Lord in their lives, freeing them from drug addictions etc. I would have to explain prophesies in the bible that have come to pass, and go into detail about ‘shadows’ and ‘types’ in the bible that show a constant theme of the coming savior right from the beginning of Genesis, even through it was written by many different authors covering a huge span of time. If you study the bible you’ll find a deeper significance in every item in the Jewish temple, every feast, even in the lives of men who were living in Gods will. But all these things take time to see, and you have to be interested, if you don’t want to see God, you won’t. the bible says that “if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul” Deuteronomy 4:29

    Free Member

    Depends on the traffic, while the schools are off about 45mph :) HTH

    Free Member

    A cheap guitar is like a cheap bike, hard work! but to make life easier look for something with lower action (strings are closer to the neck so you don’t have to press so hard) and a thin neck so you can get your hand around it trying to play those awkward first chords. Definately go for acoustic, steel strung, and as for brands Ibanez and Yamaha make great ‘starter’ guitars

    Free Member

    2007 model will be 27.2

    Free Member

    Thanks for the opinions guys. I can see where the thinking of ‘its all in your head’ comes from, especially when the tyres are made of the same kind of rubber… but i’m pretty sure the mud-x’s did slip around less on the roots than the ardents, maybe its down to the tread, maybe its softer rubber, or maybe the roots are just more slippery in the spring/summer when it rains after being dry for a while?…

    Free Member

    58kg, 28 yrs old, 5’8″ tall here :p

    Free Member

    They all got 6/10 appart from the Specialized which got 10/10…

    Free Member

    You could kidnap him and his bike, take them to the top of an awesome mountain and leave them there, his only option would be to ride down then! Thus rediscovering his lost love

    Free Member

    I’ve had one for three years now, nice relaxing car to drive. I’ve had some issues, but they’re specific to petrol models so I won’t bother going into them as you’re considering the diesel. Main complaint is that the boot opening is small as others have said, you can only comfortably get one bike in and you have to feed it in through the small opening.. two or three bikes are possible if you take both wheels off them, but i find it a pain to get even a second bike in through the boot. Interestingly the Skoda Octavia, otherwise the same car, has a hatchback which is much more suited to bike duties. Having said all that you can get a bike rack, I have one I’m just a bit lazy to use it much.

    Free Member

    Slow day at work? ;)

    Free Member

    I do, but then I’m a Christian. I personally think it’s a shame that one type of celebration was merged into another, would have been a lot simpler in the long run to have a ‘new’ celebration on a separate date… But we can’t do much about that now. Most Christians are aware that we don’t know the exact date of Jesus’ birth, but the fact that one day a year is set aside to celebrate it is a good thing. For me it’s a very special time as it marks the birth of my saviour, and a very humbling scene it is too.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed that too, thanks for that!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, time to look for a good deal on some 120mm forks then :)

    Free Member

    Yeah the spring might work… i guess if i could get hold of a post made of extra thick alloy tube, say 6mm instead of 3, I could get a 3mm deep slot machened into it easy enough, and it’d be no weaker than a tube made of 3mm thick alloy. Anyone know of a post made of thicker material than normal?

    Free Member

    I’m sure I’m not the first to think this, but all I’d need to lower my seat while riding (and maybe raise it too) would be some means of stopping the post from spinning. If a post was available thats keyed with a vertical slot in it and a seat clamp with a sticky out bit that went in the slot, then I’d be able to drop my post on the move without any extra weight. Anyone up for the challenge? I’d buy one in a shot…

    Free Member

    Are you sure she's small enough to fit in a backpack?

    Free Member

    I've built a few

    This is an excellent resource:

    And these would make a very easy (and amazingly good sounding) first project:

    I built the audiosector LM3874 one and now use it as my main amp.

    Free Member

    I get problems with neck pain too, but I've found what triggers it, usually long climbes make me tense up my shoulders/neck without me thinking about it, or when I'm trying to stay with someone much faster than me, again I tense up… Since making an effort to stay relaxed, rolling my shoulders, stretching, keeping my neck lose, the problem seems to have gone away for me.

    Free Member

    I’m not a troll, although I can see why it looks like I am. I’m not one to post in forums much, but I am a genuine MTB enthusiast. But despite me generally not having a lot to say I did feel I had to jump in on this topic for obvious reasons.

    As for the comment on Noah and the ark, don’t forget that Noah spent many years warning about the coming judgement and the ark door was open to anyone… but people just laughed. It’s hard to imagine exactly how things were at the time but the bible is clear that people were desperately wicked, I believe the world was heading in such a bad way that they would have wiped themselves out if they were left to themselves anyway, the sin made God sick and no doubt it was awful. All sense of morality was lost.

    As for the comment on natural disasters like the heat wave in Australia, this is a tough one I’ll admit. Christians don’t always have the answers, one thing for sure tho is that God does care and does help in situations like these and uses his people to help in all manner of natural disasters like these.

    Samuri asked why so many ‘church goers’ ignore the teaching of the bible and act in a way that opposes the bibles teaching. All I can say is that not everyone under the name of Christian reads their bible, or follows the example Christ gave us. the bible warns that many people follow religion for their own gain, for social status, money etc. but the bible clearly demands a change of heart, a true heart and ‘pretenders’ have no place in the kingdom of heaven.

    Beefy is right, true Christianity should be a real commitment, and should really change your life for the better.

    By the way it’s great to see there are other Christian bikers out there! One reason I like biking so much is because you get to explore Gods awesome creation.

    Free Member

    Hey, as a Christian myself I thought I’d chip in here… Why would we not want our Children to hear bible stories? the bible teaches so many positive things like treating other people as you want to be treated yourself, to respect one another and show kindness, values that we all appreciate. I know parents who send their children to sunday school despite not being believers themselves as they know the bible has a positive influence on them.

    As for the comments on worship, God doesn’t need His ego polishing, He created mankind for friendship, it was always His plan to create a world that He loved and who would Love him back. One of the greatest acts of kindness ever known was God coming to this earth and dying in our place that this friendship with God could be restored. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

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