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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • PhilAmon
    Free Member

    Looks good, thanks!

    Free Member

    I’m looking for a new tent too. What make and model is the one you’ve pictured br?

    Free Member

    Surely I’m not the only one who thinks your main struggles have been due to circumstance/career obligations, which are soon to come to an end? I think you’ve both done well to cope for these hard years, seems a shame not to fight for the relationship in my humble opinion. I wish you both the best.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tips Gofaster, especially on the B screw adjustment. The new cassette is the same size as the old. I guess the hanger or mech could be bent, its had quite a beating over the years.

    Free Member

    Thanks Neil. There is no contact with the front mech and all gears are working well. It may be chain tension, or lack of it; I’ve always just measured the new chain against the old one instead of checking it properly, so I will check. I will also check the B screw and limit screws. Thanks.

    Free Member

    How does it connect to the mains?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    tonyd – Tried that a little while ago with the Mrs, using a long bungee, worked a treat! :) she made sure I took it off before anyone saw though lol.

    Free Member

    Captain Slow, I like your idea of 11-34 cassette with 22-34 chainrings, but I’ve been looking for a ramped 34t chainring and can’t find one…? any ideas?

    Free Member

    Generally bottom of the range bikes come with bottom of the range coil forks. They are heavier and are supplied with a spring that is unlikely to be the right ‘weight’ for the rider, therefore air forks on a budget bike are usually a step up, and the first upgrade many people make. Coil shocks on the other hand are a completely different matter

    Free Member

    The importance of colour coordination…

    Free Member

    Adam, fair point. Proving I’ve got the right one is a fair ask. For me, the bible itself is my evidence, together with what I’ve seen of the believers here today and the lives they lead. I guess its easier for me because I’ve been brought up in church and have seen ‘faith in action’ all my life. But I still had to come to my own decision, which I didn’t take lightly.

    The bible is a very special book. I’ve studied it for many years, and yet it constantly amazes me. the way things fit together so perfectly despite being written by many different writers over a vast period of time, to me it doesn’t take much to realise its a supernatural book. I appreciate you don’t want to spend years reading the bible, you want the answers now, and I don’t blame you. But I can promise you this, time spent reading the bible with an open heart is never wasted time. Start with say with one of the four gospels and let me know how you get on. That’s not just an invitation to you Adam, but everyone on this thread.

    Gotta go now, on my way out.

    Free Member

    Adam, the death of the first disciples isn’t even covered in the bible except Stephen in Acts 7(there may possibly be more I’m forgetting) but they are documented in other historical texts

    Free Member

    “If every trace of any single religion were wiped out”

    But if you believe in God, you can believe that God would never allow that to happen.

    Free Member

    Miketually, Yes, many have died for good causes, but would it be safe to say that unless you fully believe in something, you wouldn’t me willing to die for it? my point is that those disciples must have been fully convinced by what they saw, again, whats evidence to one person may not be evidence enough to another, to my friend , it is enough.

    Free Member

    Cougar, some would say that the fact that Christians focus their time/love towards others, in helping those in need is indeed ‘evidence’ that something supernatural has happened to them, (especially if you knew them before and saw the change for yourself). But it depends what you consider evidence. For me, when I made my decision, I was won over by ‘evidence’ but you might be looking for a different kind of evidence to me.

    I once spoke to a doctor of micro-biology that I know (who’s a Christian) about evolution. He went into detail about how DNA is ‘written’ in proteins that only exist when there is already life… I must admit this isn’t my subject and I’m out of my depth discussing it (as an electrical engineer myself) but my friend said that for him,despite knowing what he does, the greatest evidence wasn’t scientific, but the fact that the first disciples were willing to die for their faith. They knew Jesus very well and had followed him everywhere, they saw it all first hand, and they were willing to die horrible deaths as ‘heretics’ for what they taught. For my friend, this ‘evidence’ was enough for him.

    Molgrips, your point about choosing to believe your wife loves you, would it then be right to say that unless you chose to believe that she loves you, you wouldn’t be able to experience that love? you chose to accept the ‘evidence’ which again might not be considered to be ‘true’ scientific evidence that many in this thread are asking for, but still, it was plenty enough evidence for you to believe :)

    Incidently 1 John 4:8 says “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love

    Free Member

    Always seem to come across these threads when its too late and they’re fizzling out…

    Haven’t had time to read every post so forgive me if someone has posted something along the same lines.

    If someone asked you to prove that your wife/partner loved you, you could tell them of a many instances examples where they have said/done something loving towards you. If they said that’s not enough proof, you could invite them to your home to live with you for a few days, and see for themselves the love you share, but still, they could, and quite rightly, say that’s not proof. It could after all be an act, all in your heads etc, at which point you’d probably feel pretty hurt and give up. You know your partner loves you, but maybe you can never prove it to anyone else.

    In the same way I could invite you to my home, my wife and I could tell you all our experiences of God in our own lives and in the lives of people we know, we could take you to our church and show you many people who’s lives have been transformed since coming to know God. I think you would have a better idea of what we were talking about, and how deeply our lives are effected by our God, but still, as in the above example, for some people that wouldn’t be enough proof, and that honestly does make me sad, and makes me feel a bit like you would in the above example.

    Free Member

    Disagree with the above. My only bike uses ISIS and the superstar components version has lasted over 3 years! original only lasted 9 months (FSA)

    Free Member

    I did a similar thing, upgraded wheels and saved 1kg, saved 600g upgrading forks (these needed upgrading anyway) and i do feel ‘fitter’ for it… I must admit tho, and I know this is a completely different subject, but when I can be bothered to set my brakes up right before a ride, so there is absolutely no rub, this makes equally if not more of a difference!

    Free Member

    Some good points Neil,

    I agree that you can make something happen, but your example of a nation re-forming is unprecedented, this (as far as I’m aware) has never happened before in history; and if your saying that the Holocaust happened to achieve this, well thats pretty extreme measures to make a single bible verse ‘come true’. Think about it, Israel wasn’t at its strongest when it reformed, there was something very meaningful about this.

    Regarding Matt 16:28, have a look what happens in the next few verses. many people believe this is the fulfillment (the transfiguration of Christ). Some say its Acts chapter 2 (Pentecost) where the power of God’s spirit is given to men. I’m undecided which, personally, but happy to accept either.

    Free Member

    “Ah. So any prophesies Jesus failed to fulfil, that’s because he’s saving it up for next time?”

    My comment may look like a ‘get out’ on the face of it, but its not. There is a distinct portion of biblical prophesy that hasn’t happened yet, or has happened between the writing of the bible and now. For example, the seven church ages described in Revelation, six of them have happened, one of them is currently coming to pass. The reforming if Israel happened after the 2nd world war, etc. (Have a look at the prophesies of Daniel and the world kingdoms that have come and gone, interesting stuff) The fact that not all prophecy happened in biblical times actually confirms the bible to many believes rather than discrediting it.

    Free Member

    Neil, no worries.

    As someone has said already, to the believer he is king to them right now, but we also believe he will literally be King one day. Revelation for example, a prophetic book in the bible, speaks of a time that is yet to come.

    Free Member

    Its nice that this thread (at least started as) a reasoned debate over a bible passage. Just to try and bring things back to the point, I have a list of prophecies about Jesus in the back of my bible, a bit like this one…

    The fact that he would be of the line of David (which he was as stated above) is just one of many details contained within the OT.

    Free Member

    “check above for insulation – it’s likely to be moisture condensing on a cold spot.”

    this is most likely the reason, make sure there is plenty of insulation in the loft over the damp corner as mentioned above. This helped a lot in my situation, together with filling a void in the cavity wall insulation in this area (through an external vent in the wall).

    Once you have made sure there isn’t a roof leak, you can also paint the area with watered down PVA glue, then repaint. this stops the damp penetrating the wall and collecting there.

    Free Member

    Surely its more to do with the charger than ‘cheap’ batteries. All batteries will pop if you put in too much current/voltage. But yes, I try not to charge my lights when I’m not around to keep an eye on them.

    Free Member

    Yes but the MK1 was in production in South Africa until 2011, hence the link :) RHD too.

    Free Member

    How about one of these? always fancied one:

    Free Member

    The 12V halogens were used over 240V halogens because the bulbs lasted longer (not sure why). 12v LED’s are simply available to use in those fittings. The is no advantage in using 12v LED’s over 240V LED’s, its just a case of buying something compatible with your fittings. My understanding is that if your buying new fittings anyway and intend to use LED’s buy 240V fittings to avoid having to use transformers. Hope that helps.

    p.s. forget to say that 12V are obviously more suited to bathrooms/wet areas.

    Free Member

    About the pre-aged universe comment above… If you were able to create anything you could imagine, and you wanted to create say… a tree, would you create a seed first when you could create a full grown ‘ready aged’ tree? if you could create any animal, would you create an embrio, or create a fully developed specimen, ‘pre aged’. If you could, why not?

    Free Member

    Just thought I’d point out that the boardman probably came with a cartridge type BB, not the external cups, so a BB mounted chain device might not work too well, if at all.

    Free Member

    I’m just going to throw this in here:

    1 Timothy chapter 4:1-3 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

    Its not biblical to forbid marriage, and actually a sign of error.

    Free Member

    I got some 120mm air Recon Race’s about a year ago from a German shop on eBay. Cost £180 brand new but were OEM and didn’t come with a lockout remote (£20 extra). I’m very pleased with them, they have motion control damping the same as rebas and being single air, very simple to set up, and saved about 700g off the weight of my old coil Toras.

    Free Member

    How about this for a cheaper solution:

    and no I don’t work for CPC lol.

    Free Member

    How about one of these? haven’t tried one myself, but considering it.

    Free Member

    In order to go to heaven, we have to confess our sins, accept we are in the wrong, and accept that Jesus, who lived a righteous life, chose to die as a criminal in our place. We have to make Him lord of our lives and live for Him instead of ourselves. This decision will affect every part of our lives.

    I say this because it’s important to stress that it’s not Adams homosexuality that means he has to repent, if he was a heterosexual he would still need to repent, but yes, I believe that he would have to be willing to put this behind him and live in line with Gods will for him.

    I have heard the testimony of a man who was gay before he became a Christian, he asked God to change him and that change really happened in his life. He confessed himself that he was no longer gay. This is not the same thing as denying what’s inside; it’s about being changed from within.

    Now I appreciate that Adam is in a relationship, that he loves the man he is with, and that this would be a huge sacrifice for him. But can I also say that he wouldn’t be alone. I know people who have had to break off relationships when coming to the Lord. Part of being in the will of God is being with the person that He wants you to be with. When I became a Christian I accepted what the bible said about being ‘unequally yoked’ with an unbelieving partner, and knew that because I could only be with a Christian girl, my chances of finding love were greatly reduced, I may never have married at all. But I was willing to pay that price if I had to. I believe God has honoured that decision and since blessed me with a wonderful Christian girl. But the decisions we have to make to follow the lord are real, and sometimes very difficult. We are told in the bible to think about the building costs before we start to build.

    I hope you don’t mind me using you as an example Adam, I mean you no offence at all, I realise you are a real person with a real life.

    Free Member

    Cougar, I wouldn’t strike up a conversation about homosexual sex being sinful, no. In fact this thread proves that its not Christians that bring the subject up. You have had to corner me to get my thoughts because its really not on my agenda to preach about any specific sin. Its enough to say that we all sin, and that’s why we need salvation.

    If you ask me what the bible says about any particular subject, I’ll tell you what it says, but that’s hardly ramming it down your throat is it?

    To be homophobic would surely mean I show a fear of, or a dislike to homosexuals, which I don’t, I treat them equally. As already said the bible also says that sex outside of marriage is wrong too, do I alienate myself from everyone who does? I would lead a pretty lonely life if I did, and I wouldn’t have many people to share the gospel with either. Who did Jesus speak to and choose to spend his time with?

    Free Member

    rather than trying to tell gay people they are sinners.

    I don’t know how to be any more clear than I have already been. I don’t single homosexuals out, ‘all have sinned’ as I have already said, we all come short on Gods standard. We all need to repent regardless of our sexuality. And for that reason I treat all people equally. Homosexuals are not in ‘greater need’ of salvation than anyone else.

    Free Member

    Ok, I’ve talked to enough people on the street to know that talking about specific sins is a red herring. People will argue for hours about getting drunk and their right to drink for example, but even if you convince them biblicaly that getting drunk is against the will of God, are they any closer to bending the knee and confessing they are a sinner? a lot more would have to change in their lives than staying sober.

    The bible does clearly say that God is not pleased with homosexual sex, as He is also not pleased with those who fornicate (put it about). Am I homophobic? no, I respect and will befriend someone regardless of their sexuality. Would I force biblical living upon someone who does not believe? no. Would I advise a genuine seeker of God about what is morally right or wrong? Yes. I would be on dodgy ground if I changed the bibles teachings to make life easier for myself or anyone else.

    Free Member

    Sorry guys bare with me, there is only one of me and many of you! plus I’ve got work to do!

    Free Member

    Adam, as said above, my approach to you would be the same as anyone else, the bible says sex outside of marriage is wrong too, but I wouldn’t speak to an unmarried male/female couple about that specific sin, because being a Christian isn’t about cutting out certain behavior, its about confessing you’re a sinner and being forgiven, born again, with a new nature, and the help of God in your life to live differently.

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