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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Peyote
    Free Member

    I want to live in DrPs world!

    FWIW, I think it is possible, car clubs etc. in London are huge, congestion in urban areas is progressively getting worse. We need more space on the roads, less on street parking etc. the only way to do this in these areas is reducing car ownership (not necessarily even car journeys themselves). People change their behaviour when forced to, and the current situation is unsustainable.

    Free Member

    We just dunno how to think no more.

    It’s not easy, that’s true. It’s also really difficult to appreciate the difference between an individual and a wider class and how the positives for an individual may impact as a negative to a wider population.

    One thing I really struggled with was recognising my own (white, male, middle aged) privilege. It so subconscious and assumed that it becomes automatic. I do it with the kids all the time, and catch myself making assumptions when I shouldn’t. A learned behaviour that needs to be unlearned.

    I think there’s also a lack of awareness as to the societal differences between genders that still exists despite the legal equality we (in theory) have. Much like the comparison between racial inequality despite legally being equal. One only has to look at the “institutional racism” of the Met Police to understand that the laws may be there, but those responsible for enforcing those laws (the police, judiciary etc.) need to understand and practice equality too.

    The podium girls are just a small aspect of the wider picture IMHO.

    Free Member

    I tried out a Nissan Leaf a week or so ago (Car Club vehicle), normally I’d use one of their Fiestas or Priuses. I was very impressed, the performance of the Leaf was so much better than either the ICE or the Hybrid. I can see where Volvo are coming from.

    Still sounds like a milk float, but drives like a normal car.

    Free Member

    the only lady to yet comment doesn’t appear to have an issue with it..which probably tells you all you need to know..

    Stats on Singletrack shouldn’t be relied upon?!

    Free Member

    In this case supporting the oppressed class by ceasing to buy their ‘product’ so they get sacked.

    May be on an individual level, but if you view that product as detrimental in the grander scheme of things, its a price worth paying.

    I could compare it to the tobacco trade and the tobacco leaf pickers getting sacked because their ‘product’ is considered damaging to people and society. I’m not sure if that is too tenuous, but I’m sure you catch my drift.

    Free Member

    I see no evidence that Podium girls are being forced into it.

    It’s all about the context I guess. Assuming they arrive at their vocation after having the same choices that men do is probably not a sensible way of looking at it.

    Free Member

    I thought the whole point of feminism was that we are all equal. Do women need you lot to defend them?

    Depends on the branch of feminism, and on the route to that particular ideal.

    No women don’t need men to defend them, it doesn’t do any harm (and probably helps) to have members of the class in power supporting the oppressed class though. Just got to be careful how you do it and not seek to take over the control of the movement. See also white supporters of the civil rights movements.

    Free Member

    i’m guessing they’d struggle to give a shit what we all think about it.

    Probably true, but there’s an argument that the issue is a smaller part of a bigger problem, and that when all the small parts are tackled the bigger problem is solved.


    Free Member

    Spinadisc in Coventry town centre lower precinct.

    Great shop, the staff were evenly split between crusty/grunge, Indie kids and electronic rave stuff!

    Many an hour was wasted there…

    Free Member

    We look to be well towards the top end however you calculate it

    True, it’s a shame how little humanity values society.

    Wouldn’t really scratch the surface.

    Shame, would’ve killed two birds with one stone.

    The difficulty being those who have empathy (which seems a bit of nature and nurture) should be showing empathy to those that don’t (the tory) but we struggle with that for some reason….

    You know what, you’re right! I don’t really understand why either. I think it may have something to do with them having the same or greater intelligence, education and opportunities than me, but still not recognising that. Frustration is the natural enemy of empathy I reckon.

    Free Member

    Because its basically a tax on either being sick or having sick family members. And unless you live in a city, a car may be the only practical way to get there. Bit harsh to ask parents for £3 a time to visit a sick child twice a day.
    But I agree, I’d rather spend the money on actual care than free car parking.

    Impressive doublethink! But that’s probably for another thread, and I do empathise – society constantly tells you to have a car, then penalises you at every opportunity…

    Tax the citizens a vast amount more/try communism

    We live in a low tax – low spend economy in the UK. We could easily raise more tax to pay for the NHS. It’s just politically unpalatable.

    Alternatively, scrap Trident, or try communism (the latter hasn’t been tried properly IMHO yet!).

    Free Member

    Yet, we’re still (apparently) spending less on the NHS than in comparison to other western developed countries.

    I would agree that there needs to be an overhaul particularly with regard to increases in prevention, but singling out the fat, transgender, anxious, depressed etc. seems a heartless way of doing it.

    I would also think that longer term planning would come in to it – prevention strategies may not bear fruit for years, maybe even decades. This needs to be accounted for in the short/medium term in the same way that technology needs to be. None of this seems compatible with a Govt. that changes more frequently than these time frames.

    Then there’s all the rubbish about free parking etc. why spend money on clinical care when you can use it providing subsidies for the folk who can afford to drive?!

    Lots of problems, not helped by denigrating those you don’t understand or aren’t willing to accept have medical issues that don’t fit with your views.

    Free Member

    I feel like I need to email him back just say how much I love him too

    Apologies FunkyD, give him a kiss and a hug from me!

    Free Member

    is there not roles that could be made in fire prevention training, inspecting buildings such as these etc? Seems daft if front line firefighters are undertaking building inspections?

    I agree.

    Alternatively, the skills they gain while fighting fires should transferable to something else. Obviously not the physical skills, but mental/emotional ones – working under extreme pressure, team work/leadership stuff. That kind of thing.

    Free Member

    Where do you draw the line between need and would like?

    It depends on the exact case surely? Medical reasons, psychological reasons, societal considerations etc. Not for you or I to judge, but for professionals who understand the impact of these decisions. They are the ones who should be drawing your line.

    The problem is many people take a blasé attitude to stuff that doesn’t fall into their own stereotypical “medical” viewpoint. It’s why mental health has taken a backseat for so many years…

    Free Member

    Oh dear god….

    Free Member

    P-jay – Yeah, I can see how that would happen. A slippery slope and before you know it you knee deep in the gutter press with a bulging bank account.

    I hope you’re right at hitting peak fear-pandering.

    Free Member

    I have my views … my views are always right, mine ….

    ’nuff said, thanks for the chat.

    Free Member

    OR… perhaps, just maybe, the cash people are willing to pay for this act is too good. Maybe.

    Well, yes.

    Do or say bad stuff and get a bag load of dosh, screw the consequences, but I think that would be quite cynical personally!

    Free Member

    But my question is if you (you lot) object to her views (regardless of that they are) and you know she is on … why tune in to listen after all you (you lot) have already made up your mind?

    Do you not understand that people and the media do not exist in a vacuum?!

    Free Member

    Really … it does not make sense …

    Oh come on! She’s a household name, like Piers Morgan. If you manage to avoid her/him in the press, the internet, the TV and other media outlets you friends, family and colleagues may not be so lucky and eventually you learn about the guff they say.

    Free Member

    For me the worst thing about Hopkins and the rest of the “I’m only saying what others think and are too afraid to say” right wing windbags is that, I don’t believe they’re offering their real opinion. It’s an act.

    It must require some impressive doublethink and moral gymnastics to be able to justify doing this as a job. Can’t these people not see the influence they have and the link between what they say and the suffering it causes?

    Can’t get my head around it. You must have to be so cynical about your life, society and humankind.

    Free Member

    You need a control Mum, Car and Phone Neal, then you could be sure what it was.

    Free Member

    Michael Gove, he is a ****.

    Free Member

    “The death penalty protects just as well as prison”.

    That’s true, but there’s no chance of educating society, rehabilitation of the offender, understanding causes and motivations etc…

    It’s a waste on multiple levels really, never mind the moral argument.

    Free Member

    Peyote, I don’t think you’re double thinking there at all.

    You’re just separating ‘killing’ from ‘allow to die’ without explicitly saying so, despite the similarities in outcome I agree with you that there is a moral difference.

    Thank you! It’s a massive grey area as evidenced by the constant legal wrangles over the right-to-die, and prochoice/prolife debates. TBH I’m not sure why as both those seem pretty clear cut to me…

    Anyway, back to the eye-for-an-eye stuff.

    Free Member

    “I agree with the rest though, no good can come of retaliation-in-kind”

    So would you put kidnappers and hostage takers in prison?

    Is it wrong I laughed at that?!

    What about “proceeds of crime” legislation for fraud and robbery too!

    To be fair though, there is a difference between “retaliation” and “justice”, the latter including protection of the public in the case of kidnappers et al.

    Free Member

    True Zippykona. Although thinking about it I’m not sure those two would be classed as “killing”.

    As amedius says there’s a lot of nuance, and a lot of value judgements attributed to the concept of life. Although probably a lot more attributed to taking anothers life.

    Free Member

    Thou shalt not kill is the only religious gobbledegook that stands up.

    Personal opinion – Except euthanasia.

    I have a slight problem with “life” we as a species put an awful lot of value on it I think it’s too much really when we extend incurable diseases months/years past the typical end point*. Yet conversely I will never support the death penalty because I believe as a moral decision, it’s wrong.

    *edited to add – despite the wishes of the patient.

    I never thought of myself as being able to do the 1984 doublethink thing, but it’s surprisingly simple in this case.

    Free Member

    They Need Us More Than We Need Them


    Free Member

    No words to offer that won’t sound trite. But I can try.

    We’ve been there, I remember sitting with the Sonographer. She said it happens a lot. Nature’s way and all the other stuff they say just went straight over my head. The dream has just turned into a nightmare and there’s nothing, absolutely nothing you can do.

    Yet, you cope. You support each other in whatever way you can, you grieve just as you would for any other loss, you weep, you wonder what you could have done (I can answer that, nothing I’m afraid).

    At the moment though nothing matters but you two, don’t worry about anything but yourselves. Take it a minute at a time, and allow yourselves to adjust. Then seek support if that’s you thing, there’s a vast amount of resources out there, it’s a taboo subject, but really, really shouldn’t be, because it happens so much.

    I’m so, so sorry.

    Free Member

    No, more self-justification I think.

    You made your moral choice and it upsets you that someone making a different choice is quite happy about it. He should be ashamed and suck it up like you did.

    The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks!

    Free Member

    So it’s envy you accusing us of Graham?


    Free Member

    Cadbury’s Caramel Bunny.

    I needed therapy.

    Free Member

    There was a school local to me that organised all the inset days to be in a week before holidays, to allow for early holidays for children and parents. The ones who could afford it anyway!

    Free Member

    The need to some time together as falmily? Yeah it’s a pretty big need.

    Sorry, maybe I didn’t make myself clear. Not a need for family time, a need for this policy of ‘no holidays in term time’.

    If there is no need for such a policy (as your research suggests) what is the driver? Have any of the teachers you’ve spoken to explained at all? Curious to find out more as it isn’t something I have much knowledge of.

    Free Member

    Exactly. It makes my life more difficult.

    But is there a need for it? The teachers you’ve questioned don’t appear to believe so. But is that the case for all within the education profession?

    If yes, then why is such a policy in place?

    If no, then I’m afraid I revert to my original argument. You makes your choices, you take the responsibility of those choices.

    Free Member

    The many teachers I’ve spoke to say it doesn’t.

    Well if the teachers are happy with it, then so am I! As Mols almost said “Why make someone’s life more difficult if three’s no need for it?”.

    Wonder what the driver behind the policy was?

    Free Member

    Why make someone’s life needlessly more difficult?

    “Why make teachers lives more needlessly difficult for the sake of someone’s holiday?” would I’m sure be an appropriate counter-question.

    Free Member

    You’d have to make the fine five grand to impact that one!

    It’d pay for free school meals!

    Two things: society makes all kinds of concessions for people with kids. They are a fact of life.

    Secondly, if done sensibly, taking the kids out of school should require no significant “working around” by anyone.

    Agreed, I’m not sure that completely negates my point though. Isn’t it a matter of how significant those concessions are? “If done sensibly” is the key bit though isn’t it. As ever, it boils down to the those who take the rip, and making rules to cater for them.

    The parents who chose a different career to you.

    Interesting assumption, but anyway, no don’t “**** ’em”. Give them as much leeway as you can within the system, ultimately we all make choices in our lives, if you can’t live with those choices you change them, no?

    Or change the system of course, which is another alternative explored earlier on in this thread…

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