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    Bangor, N Ireland.

    Getting a tad Autumnal.


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    Yep! The bike was hired to me like that but I didnt notice until looking at the photo later that evening – I assumed the others had fallen out during the ride.

    The fourth bolt fell out mid ride which could have been catastrophic had I been moving fast – I had just started off after a rest. I found the bolt lying nearby and refitted but had to stick to the roads on my way back to the hotel and check it regularly. Tad annoying that I missed some trails but still managed 29 miles on my first ride outside UK and it was brilliant. Very warm and very beautiful.

    But always check your hire bike folks!


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    My MT500 2 is a great jacket and I was very pleased with it until last month.

    At almost exactly a year old the seam tapes have peeled off on multiple seams throughout the jacket. Its probably still pretty waterproof but I expected better quality.

    And  my request for details regarding a paid repair by Endura has been ignored which was also disappointing.

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    I have an MT500 2 waterproof jacket which I bought  in March 2022. Its been worn about 20 times and the seam sealant tape is peeling away in multiple places.

    I emailed Endura asking for details of their repair service and received a reply referring to my “Speedo” product and asking for a receipt/invoice. I replied, but as I no longer have the receipt they say they cant “offer any resolution”

    Im a tad disappointed as its bad enough having a relatively expensive garment fall apart literally at the seams but I wasnt asking for a refund or exchange – I just wanted them to repair the jacket and was prepared to pay for the service.

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    If you suspect a cardiac arrest (collapsed and unresponsive) then start effective CPR immediately and call 999. The call handler will talk you through the compression ratio etc and you keep going until you cant physically continue or told to stop by a medic.

    Note it is effective CPR that must be performed and that’s why some first aid training or knowledge can be invaluable. As stated earlier there are only two heart rhythms that can be treated by shocking – pulseless VT  ( ultra fast heartbeat with no pulse) and VF ( heart is wobbling like a jelly but not pumping) The classic scene in movies and TV when a patient “flatlines” and is shocked back to life is just a myth. 

    If a defib is available the 999 call handler can advise ( in my trust area) where the nearest is. Defibs are not  always miracle makers but can be invaluable. They are simple to use and if the rhythm is shockable (VF/VT) the device will tell you how and when to shock. It will not allow you to shock unless appropriate. The device will also, as stated earlier, provide instructions regarding CPR. 

    When medics arrive they will tell you to carry on giving compressions and will attach their own defib device which has more functionality. They will also supplement CPR with maintaining a viable airway and administration of appropriate drugs ( adrenaline mainly)

    They will perform Advanced Life Support ( drugs, airways, shocks etc) for at least 30 minutes ( much longer with children) until either ceasing efforts or transporting to hospital if we achieve a return to spontaneous circulation (ROSC) 

    It can feel like forever but medics will respond to a cardiac arrest with the highest priority and by calling 999 and initiating effective CPR you are giving the patient the best chance of survival. It is worth noting that CPR requires a lot of force and can seem brutal but please don’t hesitate  to start compressions.  

    It is not always a successful outcome but well worth the effort. Somebody will thank you.

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    I had previously removed the motor to access the dropper post. It looks that I didnt re-insert that bolt correctly.

    Im not attempting to access the actual motor and Ive probably voided any warranty claim by refitting the motor bolt incorrectly. Im not going to attempt removing it – just would like to know if its possible. The motor is secure and the bike is riding perfectly but at some stage in the future the motor will need dropped out.

    Despite years of proven ineptitude I decided that removing 6 bolts couldn’t be difficult. Sometimes my stupidity astounds me!

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    Id recommend a company called

    I have prescription distance only glasses from their sports range and they are really good. Very clear, mirror finish and cost about £25 delivered in less than a fortnight. And at that money Im not too worried about loss or damage. I normally wear varifocals but these are ideal for riding.

    Their site is a bit of a nuisance to navigate – search for SPORT and choose XL option . They also have endless deals – my current pair had a supposedly 75% discount!

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    Spent a few days in London last month on a family trip and stayed near Marble Arch.

    Did various museum and tourist site visits and Id recommend a tourbus trip. Good value, flexible, and very interesting. We also saw Hamilton at the Victoria Theatre – it was wonderful.

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    I used to breed penguins and sell them to local restaurants in Ireland.

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    Was on a family weekend trip to Dublin and vividly recall being chased by Dennis Law. He was wearing his MU kit and finally caught up with me when I fell. As he loomed over me I kicked him really hard in the balls. Except I didnt. I was dreaming and when I kicked out I kicked the wall beside the bed and really hurt my toe. Spent the weekend limping around Dublin.

    A few weeks ago I think Dennis chased me again but this time I didnt see him clearly. Again he finally caught up and as he loomed over me I threw myself at him. Except I didnt. I was dreaming and threw myself out of bed and onto the floor. Really hurt my elbow too.

    I dont know Dennis and as far as I know Ive never done anything to upset him but he needs to stop.

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    He seems to have sunk without trace since I replied I didnt accept PayPal

    Thanks chaps.


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    Is swapping cranks just a matter of a straight swap or is there a lot of faffing with the bikes sensors configuration?

    Just got an H30 and I have been seriously impressed. It replaced an E8000 equipped bike and I was a little bit worried in case I would notice the drop of 10nm, but I havent. The EP8 RS is very effective and behaves impressively well. The lighter weight and extra gearing obviously helps but I have found the Rise performs very efficiently on my local trails compared to the E8000. I tried a couple of very steep climbs by way of comparison and the Rise climbed without anymore noticeable effort than the E8000. Battery life/range is also noticeably better on similar rides. I changed the front rotor to 203 and I think the Deore brakes work perfectly well for my type of riding so Ive no plans to change them.

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    Just took delivery of a new set of Mattoc Comps and waiting or a Hope HeadDoctor arriving so I can get them fitted and used. They do have a lot of very favourable reviews and comments and also look and feel lovely in the flesh!

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    Did my trapezium 2 weeks ago and currently in a plaster cast. Pretty painful still and Im hoping that it will heal within 4-6 weeks.

    Amazing how much you rely on having two hands!

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    Whats your thoughts on the Wilier 803? Any tips/advice? Im hoping Merlin will ship mine this week and I can’t wait!



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    I was stood down at work yesterday and invited to be swabbed as I had very mild symptoms. My wife had also developed a sore throat, sore head and a mild fever and she was also invited /offered to be swabbed. I collected my wife from home en route to the testing station and when she got into the car she turned to me and said she didn’t want to die. I never seen her so scared and helpless. I hadn’t fully realised, despite working in that environment, just how terrifying this is for an awful lot of people and it shook me.

    Got phoned this morning and thankfully we are both negative and just have colds. But its also a sobering thought that we were advised that the test is similar to an MoT in that its only really valid for that day!

    Stay safe everyone….and stay at home!

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    When scientists disagree….

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    Well I got this today. Took a few years but finally indulged myself. Its rather nice.

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    Im tempted by one of these

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    No more excuses
    Been too long
    Must get out

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    Decided to go for an early evening summer ride and on the way to some local woods my chain slipped and got caught between the small cog and frame. This caught me by surprise and I came off the bike and landed on all fours in front of an oncoming car….luckily it stopped – about 18 inches from my head. Undaunted I carried on and decided to explore a nearby small reservoir. I regretted my choice as the trail around the lake was unridable and I ended up pushing and shoving through the bushes until I came to a clearing at the side of the lake. And was confronted by a very angry group of anglers. They were all in their sixties, visibly angry and very hostile. Demanded to know what I was doing on their property and seriously worried me by their mob mentality and twitchy behaviour. Insisted I leave their property by the same route and refused to let me use the much closer and accessible laneway to the main road which I did anyway despite their pitchfork mob antics.

    Successfully escaping the angry anglers I finally made it to the woods and enjoyed the climb to the top and then the rather fun descent. Near the bottom I followed a trail and emerged through a gap in bushes and skidded to a halt. Right in front of me was a semi naked couple enjoying the late summer sun as they humped against a tree. They froze and looked at me, I kinda nodded and then rode off home. Presumably they carried on.

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    I would go for a nice Golf GTD. Brilliant car. Or an Audi A3 – I have a 2.0 TDI S-Line and its a pleasure to drive. Plenty of room, nippy and very easy on fuel.The S-Line suspension is a bit firm and takes a bit of getting used to but other than that they are a great car – mine is 2009 and they aren’t big money.

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    Changed the strap to a nice NATO from Georges Straps.I think it looks rather nice. These Seikos can be picked up for around £100-150 and are well worth it.


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    @CountZero. – thank you…Im very pleased with it. Its a Seiko 6309-729A Diver but has been restored/modded a bit with replacement hands, face and strap.

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    This has been a cracker thread! Always liked the Seikos so inspired by this thread I got this one today from eBay. Its lovely…circa 1987.

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    Enjoyed that! Thanks.

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    Im back to work, can ride my bike and Im regularly trekking over some local mountains.

    Before Christmas I couldnt manage the stairs at home, had difficulty walking across the room and couldnt do my job.

    My knee often feels “tight” but stretching and walking eases this.

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    Last week I was sat with a colleague and we were briefly discussing an Irish Army Air Corps rescue helicopter. My colleague follows them on Facebook. My Macbook was on the table and I was logged into FB along with a few other sites. The screensaver was active.

    Within 2 minutes of discussing the rescue helicopter that I had never heard of, I opened FB and the third item on the feed was from that rescue helicopter FB page.

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    Started my Paramedic training at 54.

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    Small consolation but once you get it going you will love it. Ive a 5005 partnered with a 6006  amp and it just sounds wonderful.

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    Many moons ago I was fortunate to get a lift in an Army Lynx. There was only the two pilots so I was first in and was handed the headset and seated between the pilot seats which gave me a fantastic view. The pilot was a major which was unusual as normally they were NCOs but this chap was maintaining his hours. And he could fly. I think he really was destined for the Red Arrows.

    En route he skimmed trees, flopped over islands as he flew feet from the surface of Lough Erne, missed power lines by what looked like inches and even did a bit of a roller coaster climb and sudden nose dive. The entire windscreen seemed to fill with hills and other really hard things as we sped towards them only to suddenly climb over and down the other side. I thought I was going to die.

    And he sang to himself the entire time as he literally threw the Lynx around like a kite in a storm.

    Once landed he swore us to secrecy saying ” not a word chaps, okay?”

    Another memorable day involved a training day hosted by RAF and the instructor explained the alarm sequence and procedures in the event of a malfunction. He finished very seriously assuring us us that following this the aircraft would “glide to the ground” and pointed to the least aerodynamic aircraft ever…a Wessex parked outside the hut. We didn’t really believe him.

    A few weeks after that I was in a Lynx that had an engine fire about 30 feet from landing. Alarms went off etc but the pilot just carried on with the landing and wasn’t too excited. Best thing was a few days later watching it being towed away by a Chinook. :-)

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    bluearsedfly – I think it really takes the MRI to confirm the extent of the injury, anything else really is just speculation. I didn’t have typical swelling or some other common symptoms, yet still had significant damage that only the MRI confirmed.

    From my experience Id advise against impact activities like running and stick to walking, cycling and stretching until the diagnosis.

    Good luck!

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    I had my meniscus done last December and its much better. I can manage steps and stairs that were just too painful prior to the debridement.

    Total rest for first 2 weeks then started weekly physio and daily exercising – walking,squats, lunges, step ups etc – and recovery was coming along very well. But a couple of weeks ago I think I overdid the squats/lunging and my knee became painful at the rear and along the front where it had originally been painful prior to the op. Physio ceased the squats etc and gave me mostly stretching exercises to do and its slowly recovering.

    Saw my surgeon on Monday and he was unhappy I had been doing squats etc. He said physios were too keen to start strengthening the knee but it needs more time. Needless to say my physio disagreed with that opinion today!

    Anyways,my knee is much better but not 100%. Whereas the left knee just works effortlessly Im aware of tightness and occasional discomfort in my right knee post op. But there was a fair bit of trimming involved and a bit of bone scraping so its only to be expected.

    Hope to be back to work next month too! :-)

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    Original Acoustic Energy 109s paired with Rega P1 and Marantz CD5005 and PM6006.

    Diana Krall is sounding luscious just now…..

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