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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Pembo
    Free Member

    I made 2×1 litres this year and will be bottling it on xmas eve. One kilner jar is a bit sweeter than the other so which one should I lay down for drinking next year?

    Free Member

    You mean like this aP :-) Bunch of Raspberry Pis and some lego.

    Free Member

    +1 for the CountZero recommendation. Drivers are getting the message now CZ :wink:

    Free Member

    That link to the pension scheme changes was interesting reading. Most people in the private sector would love to have even the revised benefits.

    Free Member

    Ok thanks, ‘sweating’ on one of the sightings.

    Free Member

    Police have started using the vans at night in cheshire. Over the last 2 weeks I’ve seen a van at sandiway and between tarvin and kelsall. Any other areas use the vans at night, and what technology do they use in the dark?

    Free Member

    The staff xmas party got cancelled a couple of weeks ago. Fair enough, we only have around 900 million dollars in cash on the balance sheet. :twisted:

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    WOLD Brewery.

    Yep, sorry for the typo. Just ordered myself 18 bottles for xmas drinking. Works out at just over £3 a bottle so not cheap.

    Edit – not having a good day, maths completely wrong now. £57 for 24 bottles including delivery.

    Free Member

    Hambleton is my second favourite and stocked by booths. My local pub has bought in 3 GF beers for me to try:

    World top brewery – Against the grain is fantastic, light pale ale.

    St. Peter’s – I initially liked this but starting to go off it now. A bit flat and sour.

    Crop circle – bottle conditioned beer and ok but miles behind against the grain.

    Free Member

    Looking to buy something similar myself. Years ago I had a pair of derri boots which were great so I’ll probably go for the same again.


    Free Member

    Got talking about DAB in the pub last night and found out some DAB stations are switching back to mono, which is a bit of a joke:

    “Ofcom has given the green light for more broadcasters on the national commercial DAB digital radio multiplex to switch to mono and permitted Digital One to extend coverage into Northern Ireland, following a recent consultation.

    Absolute 80s and Planet Rock will be changed from stereo to mono transmission to allow TeamRock to launch on the Digital One DAB multiplex next month. The move has been criticised by some listeners who increasingly dismiss DAB digital radio as being a serious replacement for FM in the future if most stations are in mono. Already, most stations broadcast in mono on the Digital One multiplex.”


    Free Member

    Any minor kerfuffle is offset by the choice of content. I do have a pocket size dab which I use via line in for when we leave the dog on his own. Rest of the time we bluetooth iplayer radio and spotify which is where the content choice wins.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother going DAB OP. Use a smartphone or tablet to stream internet radio to a bluetooth speaker. Much better quality and you also get to replay content from the excellent new bbc radio app.

    Free Member

    My local has been good enough to get me some gluten free beer in. So at 5:30 I’ll be having one of these:

    Free Member

    Gorilla. Always fascinate me when I see them in zoos and on the bucket list to see them in the wild.

    Free Member

    theflatboy – Member

    I was going to say that, Pembo. Obviously not for everyone for obvious reasons, but I was getting the missus a Nexus 7 for Xmas anyway so went for that deal. It is definitely the new tablet. Decent bargain, IMO.

    Thanks for confirming that, might be tempted now. The pay monthly contract is £17.33 a month so if you pay for 18 months up front you do actually get the Nexus for free.

    Free Member

    Times and Sunday times are throwing in a ‘free’ nexus 7 if you sign up for 18 months subscription. Total cost is £299 , but I’m not sure if the 7 is the old or new model.

    Free Member

    alanl – Member

    For the past year I’ve been fitting Lunmineux LED lamps, and havent had a failure yet. Must have fitted 100+ now. £7 +vat singly.
    All at 4.5w, availble in 3 colours, warm white – direct replacement for halogen colour, cool white and daylight.

    I did a big office foyer, and they wanted a sample before changing the lot. I fitted one, they couldnt tell the difference between new and old. I could, as when I pointed it out, the LED has a far wider beam, but the same brightness and colour.

    The best thing to do with 12v ones is to throw away the transformer, and just fit a 230v lamp fitting in its place. £1.50 or cheaper each, far better than replacing horrible transformers every few years, and ensures compatability with LED lamps.

    Great recommendation by alanl. I tried the Homebase ones but they were too white and narrow. I’ve now got 2 Lunmineux white warm LEDs and 4 halogen in the kitchen and you just can’t tell the difference.

    Free Member

    @rather – Same recipe as above for damson/bullace gin?

    Free Member

    Picked a load of sloes yesterday, but not 100% sure they are sloes as they are quite big. They are completely round but the size of grapes and taste a bit like damsons, but look exactly like the wiki picture including the leaves.

    First time I’ve ever attempted sloe gin and have enough for 2 bottles of sloe gin, so what would be a good alternative recipe for the second bottle if I go with the standard recipe for bottle 1?

    450g/1lb sloes
    225g/8oz caster sugar
    1 litre/1¾ pint gin

    edit: think they are bullaces based on what scapegoat said and a quick google.

    Free Member

    +1 for the Sun, even allows dogs. KL is a great place to stop off on the way back from the Lakes for Sunday lunch, just carry straight on instead of turning right to join the M6.

    Free Member

    I’m looking for a similar setup to the OP for the kitchen but looking at buying some active speakers to keep the space minimal as I use the BBC radio iPad app and spotify for most music these days. You can get active speakers with Bluetooth built in such as these or go for a non-Bluetooth active speaker hooked up to one of the above. Any suggestions for some good, smallish active speakers?

    Free Member

    There will be some cracking deals coming up on new build part exchanges as we head towards the end of the year. We did it last year and moved in 5 weeks after spitting on the hands, totally stress free.

    Free Member

    Thanks for links to lights guys, CountZero one looks good.

    Free Member

    Still no torch suggestions? Look, I’m just trying to give inconsiderate drivers a gentle nudge, I’m not planning to burn their eyeballs out.

    Free Member

    Would you rather be dazzled, or run over, by a car?

    It’s a long straight road with a pavement so I’ll take my chances.

    Free Member

    As there are so many ‘experts’ on this subject has anyone been involved with a community speed watch program? We have a speeding problem through the village so I’m wondering do they work, or if you get a slapped wrist through the post do you just ignore it?

    Free Member

    If NZ win and host the next event the time difference will make live viewing difficult, so I’m hoping Oracle pull it off.

    Free Member

    You rarely see police speed traps during the morning or evening rush hour so the demographics the OP state make sense.

    Free Member

    Going slightly away from the OP but any thread on sports commentators needs some quotes from the late Sid Waddell:

    “Bristow reasons . . . Bristow quickens … Aaah, Bristow.”

    “Jockey Wilson . . . What an athlete.”

    “That was like throwing three pickled onions into a thimble!”

    “He’s about as predictable as a Wasp on speed”

    “Look at the man go, its like trying to stop a waterbuffalo with a pea-shooter”

    “The atmosphere is so tense, if Elvis walked in with a portion of chips, you could hear the vinegar sizzle on them”

    “Big Cliff Lazarenko’s idea of exercise is sitting in a room with the windows open taking the lid off something cool and fizzy.”

    “It’s like trying to pin down a kangaroo on a trampoline”

    “Well as giraffes say, you don’t get no leaves unless you stick your neck out”

    “His eyes are bulging like the belly of a hungry ch.affinch”

    “That’s the greatest comeback since Lazarus.”

    “It’s the nearest thing to public execution this side of Saudi Arabia.”

    “His physiognomy is that of a weeping Madonna.”

    “He’s as cool as a prized marrow!”

    “Under that heart of stone beat muscles of pure flint.”

    “He looks about as happy as a penguin in a microwave.”

    “The pendulum swinging back and forth like a metronome”

    “His face is sagging with tension.”

    “The fans now, with their eyes pierced on the dart board.”

    “He’s been burning the midnight oil at both ends.”

    “That’s like giving Dracula the keys to the blood bank”

    “As they say at the DHSS, we’re getting the full benefit here.”

    “He is as slick as minestrone soup”

    “There hasn’t been this much excitement since the Romans fed the Christians to the Lions.”

    “The players are under so much duress, it’s like duressic park out there!”

    “This lad has more checkouts than Tescos.”

    “John Lowe is striding out like Alexander the Great conquering the Persians”

    “When I see Steve Davis I see two letters… C S… Cue Sorceror”

    “By the time of the final on Sunday he should be fit to burst!”

    “There’s only one word for that – magic darts!”

    “Keith Deller’s not just an underdog, he’s an underpuppy!”

    “I don’t know what he’s had for breakfast but Taylor knocked the Snap, Crackle and Pop outta Bristow”

    “Even Hypotenuse would have trouble working out these angles”

    “Steve Beaton – The adonis of darts, what poise, what elegance – a true roman gladiator with plenty of hair wax.”

    “If you’re round your auntie’s tonight, tell her to stop making the cookie’s and come thru to the living room and watch these two amazing athletes beat the proverbial house out of each other”

    “When Alexander of Macedonia was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer….. Bristow’s only 27.”

    “Eat your heart out Harold Pinter, we’ve got drama with a capital D in Essex.”

    “If we’d had Phil Taylor at Hastings against the Normans, they’d have gone home.”

    “He’s playing out of his pie crust.”

    “They won’t just have to play outta their skin to beat Phil Taylor. They’ll have to play outta their essence!”

    “Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall body strength.”

    “There’s no one quicker than these two tungsten tossers… ”

    “Look at him as he takes his stance, like he has been sculptured, whereas Bobby George is like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.”

    “He’s playing like Robin Hood in the Nottingham super league”

    “Phil Taylor’s got the consistency of a planet … and he’s in a darts orbit!”

    “The atmosphere is a cross between the Munich Beer Festival and the Coliseum when the Christians were on the menu.”

    “Jockey Wilson, he comes from the valleys and he’s chuffing like a choo-choo train!”

    “He’s like D’Artagnan at the scissor factory.”

    “Steve Beaton, he’s not Adonis, he’s THE donis”

    Free Member

    First autumn in the new house and every morning and evening for the last week the geese from delamere/hatchmere have been flying over the house. Great sound.

    Free Member

    Scenery is pretty impressive too. The highlights from Friday showed some of the gym work they did, get heart rate up to max then solve a puzzle.

    Free Member

    Just the once for fighting in the playground, but the mental torture was almost as bad as the physical pain. Got told I was getting the cane and to report to the staffroom in 2 days time during dinner. When the time arrived I was kept waiting for most of dinner time before Mr Whittle called me in to the staffroom, full of teachers in capes and you could cut through the smoke with a knife. 3 or 4 canes were hanging off a beam and he took each one down in turn, flexed it, swished it around a bit before he settled on his weapon of choice. Then he told me to touch my toes which I did – No boy, not there, by the window so I can see better! So trying to hold back the tears I got in the right position and got a right whack from the cane. Didn’t tell my parents as I’d have got into further trouble at home, in those days the attitude of most parents was if you got the cane you must have deserved it.

    Free Member

    @OP you are one of the 12% that dream in black and white

    Free Member

    Unfortunately with our current political system this won’t change until Joe Public cannot take any more inequality and either there is a massive political reform or we have a revolution.

    Joe Public are so apathetic they can’t be arsed to stop shopping at Vodafone, Amazon, Starbucks et al, so I can’t see a revolution ever happening.

    Free Member

    Barn development which backed onto my old house carried out a bat survey in November and amazingly found none. We pointed this out in our objection and they did change the plans to put in bat boxes.

    Free Member

    30 posts and not a single mention of picolax :D

    Free Member

    Not usually on a school night.

    Free Member

    First thing the consultant asked me when the tests came back positive, was I Irish.

    Haven’t got any links CG but based on what the consultant asked me and the availability of GF in Dublin it leads me to believe the numbers in Ireland are much higher than the UK.

    EDIT: just google “coeliac disease prevalence in Ireland” and there are plenty of links.

    Free Member

    M and S do really nice GF fishcakes and also ‘breaded’ cod. On the same theme I just found a local Chester chippy that does GF fish and chips – happy days! :-)

    The best bread by a mile is BFree (not to be confused with BeFree) but is only available in Ireland. I tried tracking it down in the UK and ASDA were supposed to be stocking it but I can’t find it online. In fact Ireland is a great holiday destination for Coeliacs as around 1% of the population needs a GF diet so everything is geared up for it.

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