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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • Pembo
    Free Member

    A friend of mine was a radioligist and many years ago a guy came in with a 'foreign object' up his bum. The x-ray showed a square glass hp sauce bottle 8O

    Free Member

    KINGTUT – Member

    Jamie – Member


    It's not even live.

    You lie!

    *runs out the room crying*

    Fraid not, filmed 10 days before apparently.

    In November apparently!

    Free Member

    I used the Smart Repair Company last year and they did a really good refurbing my alloys.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I'm in. I lost nearly a stone last year and would like to lose another stone by my 50th in August 8O Email in profile.

    Free Member

    If it doesn't work out with Barney McGrew please email me the details.

    Free Member

    Pembo – customer won't leave as they are technically tied into our company. But I know what they have planned and the customer ain't gonna like it.

    Why didn't you respond to my point about negotiating? The comment about the customer was secondary. Sounds to me like you need to grow a pair :wink:

    Free Member

    iPlayer is only available through your internet connection so you have to cable the Humax to your router.

    Free Member

    Slightly off-topic but have you tried BBC iPlayer on the Humax? If so what's it like.

    Free Member

    Chewkw is right, you need to negotiate. By the sound of it you work in sales so just look on this as another sales opportunity. Assuming that the company is realatively small and is cutting costs because of the downturn what would you offer if you were the boss and had to let someone go? Again, assuming they have offered you the bare minimum tell them it is not acceptable and you want £xxx. Take the next day or 2 off sick and let them stew, chances are they will come back with an improved offer. If not you're not in as good a position as you think you are.

    I wouldn't concentrate on the customer angle too much. Chances are the customer will have enough on their plate without having to worry about you, will they take their business elsewhere if you leave?

    Free Member

    Hammond's Land Cruiser only had 2 wheel drive by the time they reached the dunes so they had to come up with a cop out. I'm sure if it had 4 wheel drive Hammond would have driven down the dune.

    Free Member

    I was tracked by someone with a laser sight in Delamere. You've seen the films where the guy sees the red dot on him before the bullet takes him out? It's not very nice when the dot is tracking you down the trail.

    Free Member

    There are good unions and bad unions, same as good management and bad management. BA and the Post Office seem to have an abundance of bad unions and bad manmagement.

    Free Member

    I had the same problem with my Garmin 205 and I solved it by completely draining the batteries. This means continually switching it back on when it switches off. Once you have done this fully charge it and you should be OK.

    Free Member

    Same thing happended last year.

    Free Member

    Google Listen is the nuts and free. Dead easy to setup subscriptions to podcasts and then download when new episodes are available. Most used app on my phone by far. It even goes into pause mode when you unplug headphones so you don't have to faff around unlocking the screen.

    Grid Reference – gives you a 10 digit OS grid reference.

    Free Member

    squarepace[/url] seems to get good reviews but I haven't used it myself. You can have a play around and build a test site for 14 days without using your credit card then it costs from $8 a month with no minimum contract. Not sure if there are any issues with it being a US site.

    Free Member

    This time next year WM7 will be out and no one will remember Andriod or the iPhone ever existed !!!

    Yeah right.

    "The increased focus on Android and relative decline of Windows Mobile devices doesn't bode well for Microsoft. The HTC 2010 roadmap could be a sign that HTC has seen the writing on the wall and is making the transition to the emerging Android platform, or it could just be a symbol of the delays Microsoft has faced in bringing Windows Mobile 7 to market.

    If Microsoft loses HTC's attention, it could be the final nail in the coffin for the languishing mobile operating system. Even if Windows Mobile 7 lives up to market expectations, by the time it hits the street it could be a case of "too little, too late". HTC is doing what it can for Windows Mobile 6.5, but Microsoft needs to give HTC and users something more to work with.

    The HTC 2010 roadmap is great news for Android, though, and illustrates the growing presence of the Android OS. Device manufacturers and wireless providers alike–with AT&T being conspicuously absent thus far–have jumped on the Android bandwagon and 2010 looks like it could be a significant milestone in terms of Android's ascendance."

    Free Member

    Got my HTC/Android on Vodafone for £28/month unlimited internet/text and 600 minutes cross network. Phoned up Vodafone for a PAC code, told them I was getting an iPhone, yaddy, yaddy….

    This time next year Droid will be huge. They already have thousands of apps, OK not as many as Apple but how many apps do you need or use?

    Some developers have already stated they will no longer develop for iPhone because of the restrictions Apple put on them.

    Free Member

    This should do the trick

    Free Member

    Carbon fibre fan blades on Rolls-Royce aero engines around 1970. Great power to weight but not good with bird strikes or wet weather. Thankfully didn't make it into production.

    Ratner jewellery.

    Free Member

    And is arse is on the saddle, right???

    Free Member

    Sax quite rightly mentions body position and seems to be the only person on this thread that 'gets it'. Just take a look at this picture of Steve Peat and think about it.

    Free Member

    Just found an interesting web article dated August 2009. Sounds like the local community want to get something moving but don't really know where to start and are looking for suggestions (email link in article). Not sure I want it to become like Llandegla but anything that brings jobs to that part of the world has got to be good.

    Everything may seem quite up on the Bike Trails, but they remain the “Elephant in the Room”. It was arguments about the trails and in particular car parking for the riders that caused so much bad feeling last year and the resignation of Menter Bro Machno’s previous Directors.
    Things have been quieter over the last 9 months, but it doesn’t mean that the problem has gone away. Indeed, if we don’t as a community make some decisions about the best way forward, it will undoubtedly come back to bite us again sometime in the future.
    Dafydd, Sion and Jeremy agreed to take over responsibility for Menter Bro Machno on an interim basis to give the community an opportunity to decide how it wants to move forward. Over the last 9 months they have been managing the trails and investigating the various options available to us.
    Where are we now?
    There are 23 km of bike trails in the forests above the Machno and Glasgwm valleys which were developed with over half a million pounds of public money. They have been constructed to a very high standard and are popular with the riders who use them. However the trails have yet to be formally “opened” or marketed to potential users because the current car park on Forestry land is only temporary and we need to find a suitable alternative that is acceptable to the community.
    The trails were developed to help regenerate the community and MBM’s “ownership” of them gives us (the community) some control over how they are used and the potential to generate income for local projects. At the moment however, most people see them as a problem rather than an opportunity and believe that the wider community gets no benefit from them. Indeed the increased traffic flow through the village and the environmental impact of the car park, wherever it is located, mean that they are seen negatively by many people.
    What is our strategy?
    MBM’s strategy has been based on the assumption that the trails are here to stay and that we need to try and find a way forward that is acceptable to the community as a whole. We also believe that local volunteers will only be prepared to put in the time and effort required to manage the trails if they can see real benefits for the community, so we need to establish whether this is realistic in the long term. As a very minimum we have to be confident that we can generate enough income from the riders to maintain the trails (circa £5/10,000 per year) and we think it is reasonable to expect a similar contribution to local projects (another £5,000 could match other public money to provide up to £25,000 for the local area).
    We decided not to try and increase patronage until we had some agreement among the community about the best way forward, so our focus to date has been on the existing users of the bike trails. This has meant carrying out inspections and maintaining the trails, monitoring their use, trying to maximise income from the “Honesty Box” and undertaking some preliminary market research.
    At the same time we have started looking at various options for the future, including contentious issues like alternative locations for the trail head and car parking.
    What have they achieved so far?
    Inspections have been carried out and the first significant maintenance work has been carried out on the trails at the cost of over £3,500,
    • We now have detailed figures for trail usage (almost 9,000 riders have used the trails over the last 11 months). We have also been carefully monitoring the income from the honesty box (over £1,600 since we took over in September) and have been able to use all these figures in our business planning.
    • We have agreed with the Forestry to improve the signage on the trails. This is a Health and Safety requirement, but it has also given us an opportunity to make the “community ownership” of the trails clearer to the users. Loop 1 is now called Dolen Machno and Loop 2 Dolen Eryri.
    • We have been talking to Forestry, the National Park and other stakeholders to see what might be possible into the future. It is clear from our business planning that the trails won’t be viable with the current number of riders. We would need to at least double the number of visitors and significantly increase the amount they each donate to cover the routine maintenance costs and provide a contribution to community projects. Any expansion on this scale would have inevitable consequences for traffic levels, etc., so we have been looking at the possibility of relocating the car park and even the trail head to the other side of the village (i.e. closer to the A5). There is no “magic bullet” that will solve all our problems, but we want to make sure the village can consider all the possible options.
    What happens next?
    • We need to do some further work on the business plan and options appraisal. This includes further investigations into other potential sites for a car park and possible changes to the trails to improve access and reduce traffic problems.
    • We will be using to communicate information about the trails to existing users and will be looking to canvas their views and ideas as we move forward with our planning for the future.
    • We then will hold another public meeting to seek the views of the community and decide how best to move forward.
    • In the meantime we want to try and maximise the income we get from existing users of the trails and we are in discussions with Forestry so we can improve the signage at the trail head and make it clearer how we plan to spend the cash from the Honesty Box.
    • We also plan to set up a “Friends of the Bike Trails” group for people in the area who ride the trails or who are interested in doing so – see below for details.
    What can you do?
    Get involved! Let us have your ideas. You have four ways of doing so:
    • Join Menter Bro Machno; it’s free and you get to vote on big decisions and an opportunity to appoint the Directors, or even become one yourself!
    • Attend the next public meeting and let us have your views.
    • Send us your ideas, suggestions, comments or questions (email us at or write c/o The Secretary, Menter Bro Machno, Plas Canol, Penmachno, LL24 0UE).
    • If you are a keen mountain biker or are thinking of using the trails, why not become a member of the “Friends of the Bike Trails”. Email or phone Jeremy on 760-463
    If you are really keen or have strong views, why not do all four!
    Menter Bro Machno

    Free Member

    borders are owned by amazon, same company

    Not so, they are owned by a private equity company in the UK, nothing to do with the US operation.

    Used to like browsing around Borders but I always got the impression that was all people did, had a cup of shitbucks, then went home and ordered from Amazon.

    Free Member

    Temp was zero degrees BUT blue skies and snow capped mountains – Whinlater

    AWESOME !!
    ditto the Marin. We had a heavy shower towards the end but it didn't spoil a fantastic ride.

    Free Member

    In summer I may stick my helmet in my backpack until after the first climb e.g. Llandegla or I'll remove it going up a long slog of any other climbs. Just makes it a bit more comfortable/bearable when the weather gets hot but obviously haven't done this since 2006.

    I smashed a helmet last winter when I came off on the ice where I fell backwards and gave the back of my head a sickening crack, probaby similar to the shower injuries mentioned. I got mild whiplash but I hate to think what the injury would be without a helmet.

    The other time I don't wear a helmet is if I take the dog to Delamere and I'm bimbling around looking for new tracks.

    So as TJ says, wear one when you feel it's appropriate.

    Free Member

    Kind of agree with TJ, flex your muscles and show you will not be a pushover but don't get bent out of shape over it. A mate of mine did this and went the full course which took nearly a year, he ended up with a 6 figure payoff but was on 'happy tablets' towards the end.

    Free Member

    In a single year, the regulator found that nearly a quarter of all accounts paid a penalty for going overdrawn – and only 6% of customers actually switched banks in search of the best deal.

    Yet another example of the lazy british public just having a good moan rather than doing something about it.

    Free Member

    Always a grey 5 series on the M6 Toll, i always have a wee chortle when you see them pull some twit in a flash car who thinks that the first 2 miles after the toll booths are an extension of rockingham drag circuit

    lol. I do the M6 toll once a week and it's like shooting fish in a barrel for the unmarked police cars. They also camp out with a camera on the bridge going to Norton Caines services.

    Free Member

    Last night's show was more like Last of the Summer Wine than Top Gear.

    Free Member

    Anyone got the sequence of cranes falling into the harbour in Ireland – that always makes me lol too.

    No, but I like this one, especially the lack of hard hats and high vis jackets.

    Free Member

    My mate uses a patio furniture cover from B&Q. It works well because of the sides, lots of sizes available from places like ebay for about a tenner.

    Free Member

    +1 for the start at Llanarmon DC and Phiiiil is right about the boggy bit at J11, what a nightmare but a great view over to the waterfall at Pystyll Ryhder. I forgot my hydration pack so had to rely on rehydrating at each village with water and stuffing a couple of Capri Suns in my back pocket. Finally got the better of me on the Wayfarer climb but the descent back to DC was sweet.

    Free Member

    The Gulf logo is my favourite. I sat in one of these when I was about 11 and it's one of those moments as a kid you never forget.

    Free Member

    I've been waiting 2 weeks for a new helmet mount. Contacted them last week for the track and trace number but was told it had shipped standard airmail so they couldn't tell where it was. Paid £10 for P&P so I'm a bit cheesed off.

    Free Member

    Delamere is very good once you get to know it. Probably as least 200 bits of single track which you can cobble together in infinite combinations. It's taken me 3 years to find pretty much everything but I still keep coming across new bits of cheeky trails. Weekends are a pain but if you get away from the visitor centre you can still get some decent riding. Primrosehill wood just over the A556 is also good.

    We (2-4) usually go out Tuesday nights so email me if you want to join us. The Monday night ride is good but with 20 in the group it gets a bit slow.

    Free Member

    Just bought some of these for mounting my ay-up batteries on helmet and bike as I found the velcro a bit of a faff. Could also be used for a maglite helmet mount instead of cable ties. Great name and also a good product.

    Bongo Ties[/url]

    Free Member

    I had to order a replacement helmet mount last Tuesday night and paid £10 sterling for p&p. Damn thing still hasn't turned up and I just think ay-up are taking the piss a bit. Helmet mount 6 dollars, p&p 18 dollars.

    Beginning to wish I hadn't bothered although the lights are bloody good.

    C'mon ay-up go back to having a UK distributor.

    Free Member

    Churchill's funeral, would have been 4 at the time.

    Spooky. That was my first memory and I was also 4. But I don't remember England winning the world cup a year and a bit later.

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