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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Pembo
    Free Member

    Well they didn’t do a very good job compared to this

    And the people in Northern Ireland are pretty handy with petrol bombs. London riots of 2013? Anti-capitalist marches in London?

    The point I was making was there will always be a few idiots who will cross the line and the examples above show it’s not that uncommon, but how the hell can they go to the extremes we witnessed last wweek?

    Free Member

    @Nealglover “It quoted a police spokeswoman as saying that the editorial team should be able to continue work in the building as the damage was relatively minor.”

    Hardly the towering inferno, but go ahead, knock yourself out and misquote me.

    Free Member

    digga – Member

    Not sure if previously linked to on here, but a German paper which reprinted three Charlie Hebdo cartoons was firebombed over the weekend:

    Which is a reaction most people would find not too unreasonable. Bit of a demonstration, break a few windows etc, but the step change to slaughtering the jounalists and police in cold blood is something I just can’t get my head around.

    Free Member

    Ever thought about writing a book detailing your adventures tang? I would buy it.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Lots of bathroom related bad designs on this thread, so what about the sink plug mechanism with the pull up/push down mechanism? Pretty much every hotel I have stayed in has a faulty one of these where you run the water for a shave and by the time you are foamed up the water has all gone.

    Free Member

    @matt have you tried long distance in both eyes when riding? It made a massive improvement to my riding as the trail became 3D. But you won’t be able to read a map or do close up repairs.

    Anyone have a recommendation for a website that does good +1 glasses?

    Free Member

    cheez0 – Member

    You are already breaking the law on amber.. you would have to show a good reason for why you drove through an amber (to get let off).

    red light, no such leeway.

    got what u deserve.

    I was being driven around Dublin recently by one of my colleagues who was originally from Spain. He did the same thing as the OP and just said “Where I come from a red light means another 3 cars can go through.”

    Let the hand wringing begin :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve had mine 2.5 years now and the only complaint I have is the seats aren’t that comfortable, especially on long journeys. If you check out the Skoda forums this seems a common issue. When the stock tyres were replaced I went for some low Db tyres and it made a massive difference to the cabin noise and refinement. Other than that it hasn’t missed a beat, and I confirm the seats fold flat by flipping up the bit where you sit on, then dropping the seat back, but you don’t have to do the first part.

    Free Member

    Who is educating the average person as to what they need to be doing for their future?

    Good point. It seems as if people post up on this forum with some pretty dumb financial questions, and seem to happily admit they haven’t got a clue. It’s not rocket science, but you just have to get through the jargon the FS industry throws around to confuse the average punter who usually buries their head in the sand.

    The good news is financial education will form a part of the compulsory national curriculum for all maintained schools in England from September 2014.

    Free Member

    Seiko? Not sure about the power meter/fuel gauge though.

    Free Member

    Scotroutes – Which part of “alcohol impairs judgement” are you failing to understand?

    But I do understand, hence the above approach which I use to deal with the situation when it arises.

    Free Member

    Why would I be significantly more likely to kill someone after a pint?

    I reckon I would be more likey to kill someone driving around under the influence of my current manflu than after a couple of pints.

    Thing is I do adapt my driving based on how I’m feeling, so whether its manflu or a couple of pints I adjust my driving accordingly e.g. no music to distract me, drive slightly slower etc.

    Free Member

    GS is a nice looking watch and a bit similar to the Longines Conquest Classic. This model is my favourite in the range, anyone else a fan of Longines?

    Free Member

    P-Jay – Member

    ton – Member

    can I ask, why people presume that there will be no state pension in the future?
    has this fact ever been published or stated anywhere.

    The Tories have quietly tried to kill it off every time they’re in government – they’ve recently increased the age in which it’s payable – although it’s not been admitted it’s thought that auto-enrolment will one day replace it completely for people under a certain age – but it will never been taken away from people who are already claiming it or even are working now – it’s likely to ensure they’re not blown out of the water next election any party who stop it, will only do so to new people entering the workplace.

    The previous Labour government implemented a plan to increase the state pension age based on Lord Turner’s work, which the coalition subsequently accelerated. But go ahead, knock yourself out and blame Fatcher.

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member

    I was breatalysed straight after 2 pints of Pedigree and passed so always used 2 pints as my limit when I drove.

    If it was right after, your body might not have absorbed all the alcohol at the moment you were tested.
    Fair point, it was about 15 minutes after I left the pub. But shortly after that a friend was stopped on the way to a New Year’s Eve party but the police had to run off to an urgent call and left the breathalyser on the roof of my friends car. Se he turns up at the dinner party and we have a bit of fun blowing in the breathalyser as the evening went on. The girls failed a lot quicker than the blokes, but one guy was well over the limit before he eventually failed and I had about 4 pints before I failed, but I have never driven after more than 2.

    Free Member

    Looks like that will put paid to our usual after work swifty on a Friday :cry:

    I was breatalysed straight after 2 pints of Pedigree and passed so always used 2 pints as my limit when I drove.

    Edit: Phew, just realised this is just the Peoples Republic of Jockistan

    Free Member

    i work in Special needs education, I suggest you ask for a referral to an educational psychologist for an assessment. Sounds as though she is possibly frustrated, possibly there’s a conflict between cognitive and verbal IQ which can result in dyspraxic tendencies – how is her balance and ability to catch a small ball?
    Difficult to tell without knowing her but it’s worth checking, tends to be a male problem more than girls though.

    ..or go for Plan B which is give her a slap. You will feel better and she will feel better. Didn’t do our twins any harm when they started brattish beahviour.

    Free Member

    Interesting reference to Masons in this 5Live interview
    Skip to 6:15 if you just want to hear the Masons reference.

    Free Member

    What’s on those? They look awesome.

    Fresh garlic Cougar.
    Edit: found a better picture

    Free Member

    I’ve been to 2 MLB games, Yankee Stadium and Giants Stdium and never seen a home scored. Highlight of SF Giants stadium is the garlic fries, the best food I have ever had at a sports event.

    Free Member

    Of course you’d need to knock up some kind of racking system, but that’ll be easier than keeping 40k play stations and their stupid in-board power supply design cool.


    Free Member

    Data wrangling seems to be a current buzzword doing the rounds bonchance.

    I mentioned @BigDataBoart(Learnings of Big Data for Make Nation of Kazakhstan #1 Leading Data Scientist Nation) eralier in the thread, and I particularly like this tweet:

    Vendor tell me they are ANSI SQL compliant: They comply with every part that was easy to implement.

    Free Member

    That’s not what the hadoop vendors will have you believe molgrips. The new technology opens up some great opportunities to provide business value, but is also disruptive as vendors make unrealistic claims on what their technology can do, and teccies wanting to kick tyres and get all the latest buzzwords on their linked-in profile.

    Free Member

    I hope the dog curled one out during that flight.

    Free Member

    Forgot to mention Monty’s Brewery do a GF cask real ale which by chance my local hasd as a guest beer. Currently planning a 2.5 hour rail trip for a session in one of their pubs in Newtown. :D

    Free Member

    @Northwind – where are you based?
    I’m just about to tuck into some of these

    Available mail order[/url] or in branches of Booths, and by a mile the best GF beer I have tasted.

    Free Member

    Not doing anything actively yet.

    Pretty much sums up the industry at the moment. Follow @BigdataBorat for a funny angle on big data.

    Free Member

    Great website. One day last year I could make out the Wrekin from Rivi pike which is 66 miles acording to that site.

    Free Member

    Wolf scarifier/moss remover

    OK, it’s a couple of wheels on a rake but it makes it so much easier. Still needs a bit of elbow grease.

    Free Member

    At the last count it was two coaches and a captain he managed to play a big part in ousting.

    2 captains if he counts himself. But he was/is an amazing talent and I’d still pay good money to watch him bat.

    Free Member

    I did buy one of those USB decks to convert vinyl to digital but boy what a faff. I did 3 albums before giving up – 1x ripping speed, manually dividing the tracks from the full side recording etc. With Spotify I can ‘mobilise’ pretty much any of my vinyl collection in a matter of seconds, and sadly the LP12 and rest of the kit hasn’t been unpacked since we moved nearly 2 years ago. :cry:
    Also, the music recommendations on this forum are pretty good and got me into stuff I wouldn’t normally dream of listening to.

    Free Member

    Spotify premium allows you to download playlists for offline listening. You choose the bitrate depending on how much space you have on your device and what quality you want. Bluetooth in the car picks it up as a source and I can use the steering wheel controls to move between tracks, but not playlists which would be nice. Sound quality in the car is good as you are never going to get great sound quality in that environment.

    Free Member

    Here’s what you need, and you can fund it yourself on kickstarter :D

    Free Member

    I’ve just been through a similar episode but I am already coeliac, and taking the PPIs brought on the dizzines following my initial GP visit based on feeling pretty ropey and lot’s of burping.

    I ended up being referred for an abdominal ultrasound so that’s one possible course of action the doc has, as would a blood test. My blood test showed up high iron content which is still being investigated.

    Free Member

    Another fan of the AKG451 here, and once you buy them you realise how many other people have them. I particularly like the way you can easliy slip them around your neck and carry on walking if you need to speak with someone.

    Free Member

    How many bog rolls sandwich and freezer bags can I stash in the garage

    FTFY :-)

    Free Member

    I occasionally use the one in Knutsford. They now stock 3 types of Gluten Free beer, 2 by Nick Hambleton and the best one which is wold top brewery’s Against the Grain. The general GF range is also pretty good.

    Free Member

    saga :(

    Free Member

    Another thing you need to do is build a bigger network. MBing is a good opportunity to do this through organised rides at your LBS. They won’t be the most exciting rides but you will come across a wide range of people who may know of some job opportunities you are not aware of.

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