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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • Pawsy_Bear
    Free Member

    If I want to be a theif ill make a few segments around where your rides start and finish to pick up a few more of your rides, and it’ll give a good idea where you live (privacy zone withstanding of course).

    I’ll make sure I look out for nefarious hoods in the neighbourhood. Apart from opportunist bike thieves I’d say that most compromise their own security.

    Free Member

    if your set up correctly only those that follow you can see your rides

    •Your name will be anonymized to all logged out athletes.
    •Only Strava athletes that you approve can follow you.
    •Only Strava athletes that you approve can see your photos.
    •Only approved followers can see and download your activities on your Strava Profile.

    also set privacy zone

    Free Member

    I’m using Launch Enduro Knee Pad and elbow, don’t slip fit and forget.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    testing eye sight would make no real difference.

    UK Govt says driver error was the major contributory factor of RTAs followed by, what in my view is the main problem, driver attitude

    ‘Behaviour or inexperience and injudicious action (which includes travelling too fast for conditions, following too close and exceeding speed limit) were the next most frequently reported categories, involved in 25 and 23 per cent of all accidents respectively. The equivalent figures for fatal accidents, for both of these contributory factors, were higher at 27 and 29 per cent respectively.’

    and more significantly, a fifth of all accidents

    In 2013, there were 337 fatalities in accidents involving at least one young car driver, roughly a fifth of all reported road fatalities. Young car drivers themselves accounted for 39 per cent of these fatalities and the passengers in their cars a further 18 per cent.

    We should take action where its most effective based on the facts for safer roads.

    Free Member

    I did read in one of the reviews that if you, like most of us, ride trails that are claggy youd be best steering clear of the plus size. Ive not ridden a plus size but can see the advantage on the downhill. Just, is this viable for UK?

    I loved my Minions in Canada, dry trail swoopy etc etc. Climbing dry trails to was great, so much grip. Climbing up claggy trails in UK on return had me back to HR2.

    Free Member

    when do they go on sale?

    Free Member

    good to hear your ok

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Id suggest that, apart from genuine accidents, a lot of them are down to a variety of issues. Drivers attitude, inappropriate speed, incompetence and lack of consideration for other road users. I wouldn’t lump everyone together based on age, sex, car, lorry or van. Judge each on the facts, let’s not start with all <insert type>

    Free Member

    not just old people, statistically its 17 – 24 year old cause the most accidents. 3 hits for them as well and out?

    Free Member

    I also find it a damn site easier to hydrate sipping through my camlbak tube than trying to reach down and then drink taking my eyes off the trail. Not to mention one hand. Takes a second to flip it into mouth and hand back on the bars eyes ahead and sip away.

    Free Member

    I’m in UK, that was Trans Rockies and Cape Town where it hit 47 degrees. In Stellenbosh MTB we started early at 0530 when it was a cool 22, by 11:30 it was plus 35 by which time I was heading for the cool of the cafe! Back to Joberg in April Msy for Joberg to coast nine day MTB race. Rockies got to 38 one day.

    If your only drinking 1.5 Lts in 5 to 6 hours your not drinking enough and limiting your power. Yes as you get fitter you need less but I’d suggest a tad more and you will go faster and recover quicker. Don’t forget to take on ‘fuel’ as well every hour.

    Free Member

    Non camlbak users come to regret their decision I find on long or multi day MTB events. I see their only hydration at the bottom of rocky descents and its 35 degrees plus. Your out for 80 – 100km anywhere and lose your water bottle …. See it a lot. Bags under seats also strewn across the trail or tools etc from pockets. Also they get covered in crap under the seat. Certainly not had to buy water bottles for a very long time :-D Also I carry first aid (for me but its been used in ager twice on others) as well and waterproof jacket for the obvious but also for when I or someone else comes off or faffing to keep warm, if you ever have a hard crash and its cold you will know how quickly you cool down.

    Free Member

    as technology progresses we get better kit. I know from my own empirical studies (OHB, slides, crash, falls, faff falls etc) that I’m better off with than without ;-)

    Free Member

    Id agree about power its only a rough guide its close enough for mere humans.

    What I was impressed with was how it ramped up the power as you climbed or came off as you went down a hill. Same on trainer road and Zwift. Kept me turbo’ing this winter and its way better than plodding along freezing road. My strength and speed as come up well. Ive still managed road and MTB rides ofc.

    But a system on the turbo that doent bore you to death is a big plus

    Free Member

    why carry more stuff in your camlbak? Chain splitter and spare link, maybe but why faff trying to undo a link? Quicker to fit new link. TBH I haven’t even had to do that with 11 speed in the last 2.5 years.

    11 speed are easy as MS above says

    Free Member

    it will be very painful. Physically you may do it but your ass…….!

    Free Member

    <constructs wickerman for sinners>

    Free Member

    Id suggest more importantly that you go and become a barista for a year, manage someone’s else’s coffee shop. Learn the trade, gain expereince

    Free Member


    1. Check the valve has a rubber grommet under the ring that holds it to the wheel.
    2. Put plenty of stans in and swing the tyre around to paint the insides. I use double.
    3. Pump to 40 psi, should hear it crack into position. Leave over night again after some swinging of the tyre to get the rim covered. Then deflate to 20psi and go ride :-D

    Should stay up.

    Free Member

    Zwift and trainer road :-D

    Free Member

    Oh p.s there is no right or wrong in this. Looking after elderly parents, who can put a price on that?

    Free Member

    Just make sure you consider the end game. Let’s assume it all goes ahead and the unfortunate time comes when he’s no longer with you. If some part of the house deposit etc is part of an inheritance then you could become homeless? Family disputes over such things can be very damaging and costly. I guess take legal advice and have the agreement or whatever drawn up so its legally binding.

    Free Member

    Plenty of second hand Bronsons in your price bracket on pinkbike. I’m very happy with mine. A Zesty or spicey would also hit the mark.

    I have a Zesty as well from 2010. I like the Bronson VPP suspension better. If you get what the Bronson is best at – fast and hard then it makes perfect sense. Trail users looking for plush ride should look else where.

    Weight Bronson, mines 26.55 lbs with pedals :-D that’s an all day weight. HR2 tyres, dropper sram XO and SRAM wheels

    Free Member

    Agreed. Why I now only buy frame and get it built up. Saves a fortune, you get what you want at no extra cost. Wheels will easy swap to new frames to. Upgrading jousts cost more.

    Free Member

    It takes a warrant. Guess we don’t get too many street ransackings. Absurd suggestion.

    Free Member

    Your right, zip car keys phone etc away in camlbak to avoid loosing them. Also if you have an off it wouldn’t help landing on whatever’s in your pockets.

    Free Member

    Open a LBS at a trail venue

    Skyline cycles one at BPW etc all doing roaring business

    Free Member

    Perfectly legitimate request. Police should be able to gather evidence. Don’t support criminals, murders etc walking free. I feel sometimes people forget the victims. Maybe if it was one of their children, parents or friends was the victim they’d consider supporting legitimate gathering of evidence.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Our workshop is packed out.
    We are constantly buying tools because they are wearing out from so much use.

    can only agree, my LBS is the same and just moving to larger shop.

    I think most of us can fix mend the basics but I do rely on my LBS for the tricky jobs or where special tools are needed and the likes of TF Tuned. I do buy on line for consumables, clothing and boots. Just better choice, right size and competitive price. I cant see the local shop competing with the range of stock and sizes.

    Know your market and customers and aim for that. Don’t try and take on the big boys.

    Free Member

    Forgot about pockets in shorts, very useful.

    Free Member

    You don’t wear a liner with the shorts? Pads useful to stop ahem wear…. I’d need the liner.

    All I’d suggest is wear what you want. It’s the same argument on cleats. Recessed or external? Oh you mean MTB and road. I’m SPDs for road

    Free Member

    I’m always surprised at the baggy brigade in the summer, it’s hot and you sweat more for your fashion. Why wear two layers? In the rain they get sodden and hold the water increasing weight. Times I’ve passed baggy wearers caught on their seat.

    If your fat I can see why you’d want to cover up, the answer simple then.

    Winter I wear endura singletrack trousers. Cold, wet it’s comfortable. They do get sodden but it’s a compromise.

    Free Member

    2) A conventional war will run out of munitions and supplies in about 4 weeks


    Free Member

    Rose bikes. Ordered Tuesday arrives Thursday. Great price, service and free returns

    Free Member

    Check the magnet? Had this with the sensor. Since then I’ve not bothered with sensor. Just use GPS. Otherwise not seen this on my Garmin 800 or 1000 both with GPS only

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member
    Some points:
    Can Greece afford all that kit? No.
    Was there corruption involved in its purchase? Yes – Greek and German.
    Are Germany and France helping? No – when Greece was told to reduce its military expenditure they tried to cancel contracts with France and Germany, but they were not allowed to do so, so they had to (retroactively) cut salaries. Cue massive vote for Golden Dawn by military personnel.
    Is there history? Yes – after the fall of the Junta (supported by .. oh yes … NATO “friends”) the military were sweetened by lots of toys.
    Do the Greeks need a strong military? You think not, but you don’t live there.

    Good points, well made.

    Corruption is an issue in Greece, endemic I’d say. Military purchases, don’t think Greece was forced into it. As for contracts then defaulting well you will have to rely on more good will.

    I don’t live there but defence and economics is a global issue. This is forum where we can debate. The junta ended in the 70’s some 40 odd years ago. Cant see the connection. But of course Cyprus hasn’t been resolved.

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