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  • Red Bull Rampage: Wish You Were There?
  • paulrockliffe
    Free Member

    The singlespeeds I cold live with, if they were on fire. Gavgas, your assessment is correct.

    Free Member

    Awful photo!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    So you undo both QRs when you drop the seat post?

    If thats the case, wouldn't it be easier to fashion a QR for the rear mudguard and do away with the shim? How about a shim that goes outside the seat-tube, so is clamped by the lower QR, then you wouldn't need the top QR?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Who gives a shit? People hate stuff, leave them to get on with it.

    Free Member

    MemoryMap does what you're asking. It's not free though, unless you know where to look….

    Free Member

    I've just swapped a Race Face Diabolous for a Crank Brothers Opium C, Crank brothers is tiny! I couldn't find smaller that would fit a 'normal' frame.

    Free Member

    I'm sure that's not true. I did the exact same search as the OP last night and couldn't find anything else either. Looks like they're saving the frame until about the same time as I'll have some dollar, which is nice of them.

    Free Member


    I started a new job in July, I'm the boss, so what I say goes. I've phased out cheques almost completely, because they make an absolute mess of my accounts. When I get a bank statement a list of cheque numbers is a pain to process, but if instead I have the transaction details I can deal with that much more efficiently. As I've gone along I've had to collect BACS details from various businesses of all sizes and without exception all have preferred a direct payment. The other problem with cheques from an accounting point of view is that I have to keep a record of what cheques have been cashed and which haven't, this is especially annoying after the end of a financial year when payments go out that relate to the previous years work. Electronic payments make for far cleaner

    My Dad just bought a van to turn into a motorhome, he paid by cheque and can't collect until it's cleared. I just spoke to him to find out when he's coming down to Manchester to collect it and drive me home for Christmas. He doesn't know because the cheque wasn't cashed straight away. The money has left his account, but not arrived at Renault, so collection has been put back a few days. This wouldn't have happened if my Dad hadn't used a cheque. I can't elaborate on why he chose to use a cheque, (he's not normally so backwards) as I could tell it wouldn't be productive to ask, though it's fair to say he regrets it now!

    Cheques definitely need to go.

    Free Member

    I thought Mary was just supposed to be a virgin when Jesus was born, not that she never got it up the chuff after God had done his thing?

    Free Member

    I wasn't going to raise a non-payment dispute thing, I realise I'm limited in my options, but delaying the postage might be the best way to make the point. Maybe I should tell him it's my policy to take as long to post as a buyer does to pay!

    It's more annoying because I have bought a few things on ebay today, if I paid for these after this buyer has paid up I would avoid PayPal withdrawal fees and not have to wait the 9 days it takes to transfer money into my account.

    Free Member

    Have you looked on ebay at all? I picked up a brand new set of 2008 Magura Louise BAT brakes including 203mm front rotor and 180mm rear rotor for £77 delivered last night. I can only assume with it being Christmas that the market for spare bike bits is a bit depressed, I've not seen anything go that cheaply before.

    Free Member

    Regarding the chain; in order to get better life it's simply a case of re-evaluating your 'need' for perfect gear shifts. If you can get past that a chain will last for years. Ditto your various cogs etc.

    Free Member

    The message was that Santa loves ginger people wasn't it??? I don't know about you chaps and chapeses, but I'd be more offended if it said Santa hates gingers, thoughts?

    Free Member

    HTC Touch HD2 is the answer to your question. I'm amazed Blackberry are still trading off their email solution, when push email has been on Windows Mobile for years now and the windows device are miles ahead of Blackberry in both form and function.

    Free Member

    WTF. Of course it's not acceptable AT ALL. Wallet. Phone. Keys. Done.

    Free Member

    Definitely not secure until cash has landed, no offence but I've been messed about enough times by people that definitely want it only to disappear without a trace.

    If 5 people PayPal me money at the 'same' time, they will appear in a list in the actual time they paid order, so the bottom four can be refunded. The above protocol may be deviated from if someone expresses an interest and there is good reason to give them priority, such as if they live around the corner from me etc.

    Free Member

    I use the RSS feed for the forum on my HTC Touch HD2 (Windows Mobile),, it works pretty well as a means of navigating the forum, you get the posts coming through individually with a link to the thread if you decide you want to read the whole lot.

    Free Member

    I find that if I have my seat at optimum pedalling height and I shift my weight behind the saddle, trying to get back on the saddle causes all kinds of 'issues' with my shorts getting in the way. There's nothing worse than hanging off the back of the bike when the trail flattens out again because you can't get back on properly! Well, there probably is, but you get the point.

    Free Member

    I dismantled a hand wash pump thing to get a bit of pipe when my brake exploded a couple of weeks ago on a weekend away.

    Free Member

    I think I can probably win this one…..

    Free Member

    Definitely closed on Saturday.

    Free Member

    The guy with the genesis hasn't a clue! £1000? I've a Mongoose Transfer trials bike built up for trail (double seatpost = awesome.) That owes me about £150. it is awesome.

    Free Member

    It's a bit rude, but I'm not sure it warrants space on the internet. Why do people get so stressed about relatively minor things on here?

    Free Member

    Also, the emergence of mobile phones lies fairly close to the middle of the 'life' of Mountain Biking. But well done anyway.

    Free Member

    AndyP – Member
    Believe it or not, more people actually died on the fells/hills/mountains before the invention of portable communication.

    genius. More people died over a very long time than over a very short time. Bet nobody would have guessed that.

    I meant normalised for distance riden over a period of time, but I thought that would be obvious. No doubt you realised that and also realise that taking a mobile with you means you're much less likely to die if you get into trouble in a remote area. But you thought you'd post anyway. Genius.

    Free Member

    Looks good, but it's no Foxy RR.

    Free Member

    Yeah,just ignore it and find out yourself. I think I've had 212 just after the end of a 10km running race before, which is outside the 220 minus age thing. Resting, Maximum and training HRs are largely determined by your genes, with training changing things.

    If you're going to do anything with a HRM it's worth doing it properly or not at all, ignore all the rules of thumb and record all your rides etc with it, analyse them and work out what your heart does when you're out riding for yourself and it'll prove to be fairly useful. My experience is mostly running, but now I know what my heart does I can gauge my fitness fairly well by my heart rate during training and races – if I hit 200+ in a race it means I'm not fit, when I'm fit I usually find I only need 196-197 before my legs can't deal with the oxygen supply.

    It's very useful for spotting illness before it becomes symptomatic – elevated HR at rest and when training – or for telling you when you need a day or twos rest – elevated HR at rest.

    For your resting heart rate, it's very difficult to take accurately without influencing the result. I take mine by sleeping with it on; I can upload the trace to my PC and see what my HR drops to during the night, it's pretty clear where resting HR is and you can also see when you were dreaming too. Bit geeky, but you're looking for variations of a few BPM, so you can't really do it any other way reliably.

    Free Member

    rimix – Member
    There was a time, long, long ago, before we had mobile phones. Believe it or not people acutally went riding without them and still managed emergency situations.

    You are everything that is wrong with this forum. Why not answer the question or keep your gob shut?

    Believe it or not, more people actually died on the fells/hills/mountains before the invention of portable communication.

    Free Member

    I'd be more impressed if you'd managed that without actually leaving the house.

    Free Member

    It's not off limits though is it, she's chosen not to go there. Same as I could chose not to ride somewhere because of all the walkers. I don't understand how you can tell everyone to stop for walkers in the same breath as admitting you ride on footpaths, surely the two very differing attitudes don't sit well together.

    Walkers know the score, if they pause for a second as we wizz past it does them no harm, if we stop it's a complete pain. Everyone is happy. Apart from the miserble bastards, they're never happy, but there are as many of them on bikes as out walking.

    Free Member

    There's no way what he did was 'illegal', I've checked the statute and it definitely doesn't mention anything about this.

    'Unlawful' might be a more appropriate term, but I'm not going to check case law. I'd suggest 'anti-social' would be the best description. Or just simply, 'amusing'.

    Free Member

    I tihnk you need to change the email settings from plain text to html.

    Free Member

    God theres a load of repetitive nonsense on this thread!

    I wear a helmet all the time, my head feels cold if I don't and they look cool. They're also especially effective in the rain. I admit that a hat might be better suited to my needs, but I've got a helemet and it doesn't absorb water when it rains.

    In my experience (12 years) as my experience has developed I've started to crash more often, my riding has developed, so I'm pushing the boundaries more often I guess. The analogy of not being able to drive as well as Lewis Hamilton even though you've watched him drive for a long time made me laugh, complete bollocks!

    I agree with TJ to an extent, there is absolutely no way I would ever crash riding the trail pictured above and if I was doing trails like that I might consider not wearing a helmet on a hot day. But then I'd probably go for a different route as I quite enjoy rides with a relatively high probability of death.

    What I find most interesting about this thread (Lets be honest the vast majority of whats been written above is utter crap thts already been said countless times on here and all over the internet) is all these accidents you're all having where you hit your head. I don't mean this in any sort of, 'I don't believe you' kind of way, but are you all a bit crap at crashing somehow? Now, over the years I've crashed a lot, pretty much every time I've had enough advanced warning to be able to effect an exit strategy that protects the most valuable bit of my body. I always cut my knees and arms, but rarely anything else, I've never broken any of the bones that get mentioned on here a lot, I've hit my head once. I hit my head earlier this year going over the bars down Chapel Gate, I hit the side bank of the deep gully. It's rare to ride down sometihng with a steep side like that, so I'm prepared to take that one as an anomaly.

    I'm not saying don't wear a helmet, because I do, but has the art of crashing been lost over the years or do you all like to bleat on a bit and exaggerate to make a point?

    Free Member

    If you're running 20psi and not getting pinch flats then you're not riding properly. You may think you're rad, but you're not. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Peachos, I even showed you the website where you can get them from last night! What you mean is, is there anywhere that can get me one on the bike to work scheme! You're not allowed the orange and blue one, I've just ordered one.

    Free Member

    No they're not motorbike handlebars. 28.6 was oversize from a few years ago. I have two Tioga Cube stems that are 28.6mm, with shims down to 25.4mm, but the Tioga Cube is too tall for the length of steerer I'm using. It's a big lump of metal!

    I've used the shims on a 25.4mm bar for years with no problems, never slipped, never rotated in a crash, so I don't think I need any sensationalist think of the children type nonesene, thanks though.

    I can tell you that a spiral of redbull cans doesn't work though.

    Free Member

    Spare hour? Ride/push up the old mining track between barrow and Causey Pike (Newlands Valley, park at/ride to Uzicarr), turn right and climb onto the top of Barrow, raz off the top down the grass track into Braithwaite. Grin like a lunatic.

    Free Member

    I have a 28.4mm bar, am I normal too?

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