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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • paulrockliffe
    Free Member

    Ok, thanks for that, that’s exactly how I would race when I was running instead, so not sure why I went off like a headless-chicken! Will study the data and chill the **** out next time! Will try a harder warm up too. I did get a lot out over the last mile and was swimming in lactic at the end, so I did recover, just not an optimum strategy.

    It’s a low-key Club training race thing really, I did one 6 or 7 years ago when it was a 10, I presume the funny distance is a function of road safety requirements.


    Free Member

    Cheers chaps, useful info. Ironically I had the bike set up with tri-bars and bar-end gears etc until a month or so ago, swapped them off as they were a pain to change gear on and sold the bits as I wasn’t planning on needing them. Might get some clip ons at some point, but want to do a few to judge progress really as that’s why I was there rather than out and out speed.

    Anyway, course is here:

    Not overly lumpy, but a bit of a climb out of the turn around point and a few minor inclines. Was very quick conditions last night, no wind etc. Think that there’s room to improve my pacing based on the correlation between my heart-rate and the course profile. Looks like I went off too fast and lost time while I recovered from that, but you live an learn.

    The one thing I don’t have a clue about is warm ups when it comes to cycling? Rode the 10 miles there from home as my warm up, but had an hour between that and racing, I did a couple of minutes with some sprints in just before I started.


    Free Member

    I’ve only used it once, I borrowed a mate’s bike to do the Whinlatter Enduro on. Didn’t actually notice until after the race that I had 30 gears, just that it was a massive faff to get the mud out from between the front chain rings.

    Free Member

    Do you find that it’s almost impossible to get mud out from between the front three chainrings, or is that just me? Are they closer together or just a different shape?

    It’s your fitness btw.

    Free Member

    If you use the same device over several rides, the numbers will be comparable. So if you get 600 on one ride, then 700 on the next, you can be sure that second ride burned about 15% more calories. Whether the absolute numbers are ‘correct’ is pretty difficult to know, but as a tool for comparison it is reasonably useful.

    Free Member

    I can’t see a Rohloff being less efficient than a derailleur caked in the Peak District’s finest clay?

    Free Member

    Don’t worry, he is very good, so I’m expecting a clean run. Don’t let me down!

    Free Member

    He wants to ride down it.

    Free Member

    Just got a Banshee Spitfire, not 160 at the back, but designed to run 160 forks. Immense bit of kit.

    Free Member

    Hi. This is the Bike Forum. You want to be somewhere else unless he rode his bike in space?

    Free Member

    Bear in mind that most of the magazine guff is made up nonsense.

    Free Member

    I think the Flux is a great XC bike for someone that isn’t bothered about the last 1% of performance, that just wants to race and enjoy themselves and not feel like they were beaten by others because they had better bikes.

    Free Member

    I thought some of it might be ok. I was going to say the best way might be up the way you’re thinking of going down, get the pain out of the way sharpish rather than dragging it out over Scarth Gap.

    But I’m sure on this rare occasion I’m wrong given the advice above!

    Great Gable though…….

    Free Member

    Have I voted for my Transition TransAM yet?

    Free Member

    From the details posted, I would guess that no one necessarily or deliberately over-valued the stock. It’s more likely that the stock diminished in value, as a headset instruction sheet would over time. That being the case, what should have happened is that the stock inventory should have been restricted to items currently being sold, so that no value was attached to old stock.

    Mind you, the story doesn’t seem quite right in that it looks like the mistake was discovered, the bank where told and then the bank have asked for their money back and wound the company up as a result. I can’t imagine many people in a similar position would have told the bank. The prudent course of action would have been to keep quiet and to build the inventory up over time, which would have allowed the company to sort the problem out in their own time, rather than risking the bank pulling the plug.

    But, there’s a fundamental problem with that funding model as it means that to avoid the over-valuation problem you would need to design your new part, then make a thousand of them to hold in stock, while you sold 1000 of the old ones, before selling the new ones. In effect you’d have to delay taking new products to market because of the banking covenant. If you didn’t do that you would either have to hold more stock than required by the bank, or you would breach the covenant every time you replace one product with a new one.

    There’s plenty of things in that story that would add weight to a theory that the CEO took a course of action that would lead to them maximising their financial position from a failing company. While that would be pure speculation based on the facts presented I think that we don’t have the complete picture here.

    Free Member

    If it’s new lowers you need, it’ll be cheaper to pick up some second hand forks!

    Free Member

    I presume the security on inventory is supposed to be a rolling inventory. It means that you must keep whatever value of stock stipulated by the loan, so that if the worst happens the bank can at least carry on selling your stuff for a while to recover some money.

    Free Member

    Ha ha, 140mm isn’t long travel on a hard tail! 160 is where it’s at and the really cool kids are on Ragleys with 180mm upfront. My 456C with Lyriks is absoloutely brilliant.

    This links onto a couple of posts above; biking isn’t about efficiency, it’s about having fun. Most of the time anyway. So I’ll ride a bike with one gear up and down big hills because it makes the 2-3 hours I can ride in an evening a better workout and with less faff and cleaning afterwards. And I’ll ride my DH bike up and down mountains occasionally, because I’m in no rush to get the ride done and it’s fun to ride different bikes.

    Free Member

    I ride SS as it makes me better on my other bikes because it massively improves upper body and arm strength. I like not having to mess about with gears that dont work in the mud or having to spend all my money replacing chains and cassettes after the trIs have ground them to dust.

    Mnd you, I’ve also got a granny on my 40lb freeride thing, but then whats the point in not being able to take it out for a pedal on occasion?

    Free Member

    Possibly, but I don’t know for sure what off that page I’d need, damper service kit?

    It’s a set of 2009 Coil U-Turns BTW.

    Free Member

    I’ve used a jubilee clip as a guide quite a few times. But next time I’ll probably get a tube cutery thing as it’s good to have obscure tools in your tool box.

    Free Member

    Banshee Spitfire with Lyriks for trail, light DH
    Banshee Scythe for DH
    Transition TransAM SS for training
    456C with gears
    Cheap road bike for more training

    I could probably get rid of the 456C and not miss it too much, but it is my best bike for racing at the moment. I will ride it quite a bit when I get some more forks for it. Need an XC FS to race next…..

    More = good.

    Free Member

    Is this the one where he had the motor down his seat tube?

    Free Member

    Can a rock be moved to make a strategic kicker for the drainage ditches?

    Free Member

    Is that manual ok for my 2009 Lyriks? Also, how did you find it, I clicked all the obvious buttons ont here and ended up with user guides only?

    Free Member

    Looks like someone has thought their frame will sell better as a complete bike, that’s all.

    Free Member

    Yeah it was nice out this morning, I got up onto Grisedale Pike, then ran down to Braithwaite via Coledale, bit misty on top, but warm and dry. Ace.

    Free Member

    Depends where you are in the race really, if your fast and generally clear of traffic, you might not notice. If you’re down the field a bit almost certainly someone will overtake you just before a single track section and then hold you back. You will remember them, but you wont remember all the others that were near you, but didn’t hold you up.

    Has happened to me a few times, generally it’s people gtting their pacing wrong as you usually get past them on the next climb and don’t see them again. (But cheers for letting the guy in front take 200m out of me while you were dicking about!)

    Free Member

    Depends on tyres and rims. I’m running Rubber Queen 2.4snat 20psi, ghetto tubeless. Havent had any burps or deflations in over a year now. Awesome.

    Free Member

    Was supposed to be due in April and is in Leisure Lakes catalogue etc?

    Free Member

    If it was a good deal, tell them to get it sorted, stand your ground until they either cave or offer a refund. No point in demanding a refund if it then costs you another £50 to get the forks you want, though the principle of the matter may be a consideration.

    Free Member

    I found a mountain in the Lakes that I thought might be a goer, pushed up it and thought it might not be such a wise idea, then pulled some of my best A-game out of the bag and didn’t die. That was pretty spectacular.

    It was one of those rides where everything came together perfectly, made all the better because I’d set off with the wrong bike and been worried it was going to be awful for most of the way up.

    I could tell you where, but then I’d have to kill you.

    Free Member

    I’ve just got a Spitfire, it’s pretty mega. 127mm at the back, slack angles, will take up to 160 at the front. I’m runnning U-Turn Lyriks, which let you set it up good for pretty much any trail. Not particularly heavy, but weight doesn’t really concern me so I don’t know how it compares to other stuff.

    Free Member

    They did say that you could do custom paint jobs, but I’m not sure if anything ever came of it. I had an awesome design in my head, but it was going to take too long.

    Free Member

    I dabbed once on Sticks on a ride before Christmas (patch of ice) and pushed downa short section of gully, if I was riding it now I would be expecting to give the gully a go. Apart from that it’s all rideable and really good fun.

    Free Member

    backhander – no, not really, but I was there a couple of weeks ago and that does sound like the sort fo thing I would do!

    Free Member

    backhander – that would have been me!

    Free Member

    If I was going to provide route advice, I’d want to have ridden the routes myself and know exactly what was involved as I wouldn’t want to be partially responsible for a group going off and bonking on the wrong side of a mountain. To that end, it might be worth considering getting GPS traces of all the routes. It would be ace if the living room wall had a large map of the area, with each section of trail graded and described, detailed route descriptions, with profiles etc. The use of Memory Map type software to plan routes would be very useful in being able to plan routes for your guests and being able to hire a GPS to HELP with navigation might be a bonus. The main help would be in being able to see how much of the route and how much climbing you have left to go.

    Bail out options on routes too.


    Free Member

    I did all of that route last summer, when it was a lot busier than it will be this weekend, I came down Riggindale, which was pretty busy. There was some interaction, but all of it positive and a few people stopped as they wanted to see us ride the difficult bits. I’ve never been bothered up high in the Lakes, it doesn’t attract that sort somehow. Maybe it’s my good looks.

    Free Member

    karnali, if you mean where I think you mean, then yes, and yes there is a footpath that drops you out right at the bottom, but I meant to stay on the fire road, which also takes you right to the bottom next to the A66.

    When the original plans for the forest were being looked at they were knocked back because of the impact of traffic travelling through Braithwaite. When I heard the trail had been built I did wonder if there was going to be a carpark at the bottom with a trail leading up to the visitors centre, still not sure how they got around the traffic issues at the planning stage?

    I didn’t find the ‘roadies’ too bad, though one chap sprinted past me on the second lap before we dived into a singletrack section and the next chap I’d been closing down took 200m out of me as a result, the swine!

    I don’t think it’s a secret that you should concentrate on the climbs though, the difference between flowing down the descents and going maximum-attack isn’t much over the whole race, but saving your energy for the climbs will make a good difference. What I mean is that usually you don’t lose much time by just being smooth down the trails and if you pedal like a loon you’ll lose a lot of your smoothness. Besides, you’re climbing for I guess 75% of the race at a guess.

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