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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • patricksingletrack
    Free Member
    Free Member

    We reviewed the Vapour up against the Cotic ‘X’ in issue 74[/url] is you want the Singletrack view.

    Free Member

    Hi All,
    I’d just like to clarify a few points.
    Wherever possible we block or request that our advertising networks do not show autoplaying video/audio ads. The process for requesting and blocking varies but we do act to remove any such ads.

    If users alert us to a specific ad we can look into blocking it. However, this does require that we identify the delivery network – something that is not always obvious. Nobody has said what ads they are talking about and as ads are often based on your browsing history, location and settings everyone will have a different experience. Basically, if you don’t give me specifics I can’t help.

    We do not use ads to push Premier – the majority of the site’s users are not Premier much as we would like them to be. Ultimately all traffic to the site needs to be paid for. If you are a subscriber we figure you’ve paid and give you the option to turn off ads. If you don’t subscribe you get ads to cover our running costs.

    Hope that helps and if anyone has issues with the site email me.


    Free Member

    If I was making the flash ads then I would say yes. However, that’s not something we have control over. A crashing browser issue was fixed for my colleague by updating Flash. Thought it was worth a try and good advice anyway.

    If anyone has a browser crashing problem and has updated to the latest Flash player can they let me know. Thanks

    Free Member

    Can I suggest you ensure you are running the latest veriion of Flash Player [/url]

    Free Member

    Black taxies, if you are in range, will normally do the job. Worked when my chain broke.

    Free Member

    Tom says “probably cached redirects”

    It is likely, IMO, to be some sort of cached redirect in your browser, so clearing the cache should help; it normally requires restarting the browser.

    We also have a stw cookie-clearing page, which can sometimes help: (this will log you out)

    IE9 once had a similar problem with cached redirects. It seems that most people affected this time (which is not a lot in total) are using Firefox, so I don’t know what to make of that.

    Tested and working on
    Firefox 13.0.1 on Mac OS X10,7.4
    Chrome 20.0.1132.47 on Mac OS X10,7.4
    Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7
    Firefox 13.01 on Windows 7

    Think that means it’s working. Let me know if not

    Free Member

    Singletrack does some great reviews 😉

    Bar Mounted Lights Grouptest[/url]

    Free Member

    Hi Raindog,
    There’s no special prices for new subscribers. If you have questions about your sub get in touch with the office tomorrow.


    Free Member

    Just checked, Only one Irish order on Friday the 16th and it was dispatched on Monday the 19th.

    Free Member

    Send your paypal confirmation email to us and we can check when it was dispatched.

    Contact details here[/url]

    Singletrack Shop

    Missing orders or queries –

    Free Member

    is that Times new roman up there?

    Well yes if that’s your system font. I’m using default serif and san-serif fonts so really it derpends on your machine. If your an elder PC yes you will get TNR if you’re Android you get Droid fonts.

    Free Member

    bruneep – as they haven’t posted with the other I’ll assume it was an oversight and let them off. 😉

    Free Member

    nbt – yes but geetee has two accounts.
    geetee1972 – want me to delete the geetee account for you?

    Free Member

    FTP into your new server and check if the images are in the wp-contents/uploads/ folder. If not you need to have a look at how you are exporting/importing the site.


    Free Member

    Look at the HTML view in the editor and check the the tag is written as and not escaped is any way.

    Also click on “Add an Image” and check that there are images in the gallery

    Free Member

    That’s the expected behaviour. If it wasn’t you who requested the reset it has been triggered by someone/thing entering your username or email.

    Unless your email account is compromised, there’s nothing to worry about.
    Automated password resets are needed or my job would be a nightmare.

    I recommend people use strong passwords

    Free Member

    Facebook widget issue noted – I’m looking at caching options now. I’ll have to do a bit of dev and testing but it’s on my list.

    Free Member

    Got a Puky since last September.[/url] Our little one has just turned 3 and is using it most days. Very quick – I have to run fast to keep up. Solid build and no problems so far.

    Free Member

    Hi All,
    I’m looking into this to see what can be done to speed delivery of pages. I’m regularly making changes to the site and ad-delivery with the aim of improving performance. Occasionally there will be issues.

    For the record – there is no conspiracy to force Premier. However, we do need to deliver ads to pay for the users who are not Premier.

    I make every effort to ensure pages are delivered as quickly and painlessly as possibly. If there are issues, let me know and I’ll look into them. Feel free to (politely) raise them on this forum or even better email me directly at

    Email is better for me as I’m not usually watching Forum topics.

    Free Member

    Hi Duckman,
    Sorry about that – I’ve fixed it now and also changed the PDF links to so they should be accessible to Kindle also now.

    The PDF’s however can be a little unwieldily on the Kindle so probably best to stick to the text formats.

    Free Member

    Thanks Stoner,
    Glad you’re enjoying the eBooks – we’ll be producing a few more Subscriber exclusive eBooks soon, so good to get the feedback.

    Free Member

    Yes, or £4.38 if you subscribe. Or go digital and get it for £2.50 on Desktop, Laptop, Kindle, iPad, Smartphone etc. Plus all the other benefits. 😀

    Free Member

    Hi eyerideit,
    As a Premier user you can manage add display by going to

    Free Member

    Glad you got it running Stoner. I tried yesterday evening but the office wifi was a bit flakey. I presume you put the files in the /kindle folder as I suggested?

    Free Member

    one thing that I really think is spoilt in electronic versions is the way that double page pics are split.

    We agree and hope to remedy that as soon as we can. However, it does mean designing the mag at least twice for each issue. We need to make sure what we deliver is sustainable with the staffing and finance we have.

    Free Member

    how do you get kindle mag files from the archive to open in the kindle app on the phone?

    I put the files into the Kindle folder in the file system. I’ll check that’s still working and get back to you. Still works for PDFs as I just checked

    Free Member

    If you do like PFDs on your phone I recommend you stick to the low res versions were available. They have a much smaller file size.

    We think the ePub is great for phones as the files are so small you can keep loads on your device. Yes, they lack the design and photography but we see it more as a train or bus reading option.

    Talking of ePubs and their limited amounts of media. This looks like it will be changing. Doing some nice experiments with video in ePubs. While they are not part of the standard and do bloat the file sizes – they do offer a good experience for capable devices while falling back gracefully. As I say these are experiments but we hope to bring you more soon.

    BTW, great to get feedback on android usage and our mag.

    Free Member

    I like the ePub format with the Aldiko eBook app. I find the pdf’s a little unwieldily on smaller screens. Kindle App is quite good to when used with the Kindle specific files.

    Free Member

    Validate or use a FF plugin such as HTML Validator[/url] to keep an eye as you go along. Obviously no good for HTML5 though.

    Free Member

    Want to post it somewhere we can see it? Try building in and posting a link.

    Free Member

    Yes, always build on a real server of you will spend ages trying to fix non-existent problems. I leant that one the hard way.

    Free Member

    Subscriptions and high street prices are going up. If you subscribe now, you will get a full year’s worth of Singletrack at today’s prices. If you leave it until after the price rise you’ll pay more.

    Free Member

    Hi druidh,
    I’ve just tested via the “experimental” web browser and it wasn’t possible.

    However I’ve tweaked it and it is now possible.

    So the answer is Yes!

    Free Member

    Hi IA,
    I’m not an iOS developer but am trying to help. If I give misinformation, it is not malicious but rather a symptom of my inability to achieve perfection 🙂

    Limited time to go through that. However, am I misreading or is there a large caveat at the end.
    “The system handles almost every case for you and well written audio, GPS, VOIP, Newsstand and accessory apps will handle the rest.”

    Without the tools to benchmark iPhone performance on all of a users background apps I can’t be sure that one of their apps isn’t using RAM.

    If you take what Apple says as gospel how do you explane how Safari freezes on my iPad and can only be force quit via the Multitasking bar. Surely the system is supposed to handle the freeze and quit Safari for me?

    Quitting apps and restarting the device appears to me to solve many app performance issues – would be genuinely good to know if this is an illusion and I am better to just stare at it until it fixes itself.

    Free Member

    Solo, yes but iPhones account for almost 10% of visits so I’m happy to spend some time ensuring support.

    Free Member

    Only started when I did the latest software update

    Does suggest the problem lies elsewhere. However, I’ll have a look and see if there is anything we can do to improve it.

    Free Member

    Fine on my Nokia 3310.


    Free Member

    This is a duplicate thread. So some help may be found on previous

    Free Member

    Fine on my iPad. Try quitting some apps to free up ram.

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