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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • patricksingletrack
    Free Member

    Tom is working on it. I’ll post on here as soon as it’s sorted.

    Free Member

    Papa_Lazarou – If you can send me a screenshot I’ll look into that for you.
    If you are you able to, I’l recommend you install/upgrade to a modern browser.

    As a pragmatic quick fix you could get a digital sub and turn off the ads.

    Free Member

    Hi Simpsan,
    That was a call for people interested in being in the trial. The trial was oversubscribed and I don’t think you were included.

    The opportunity to opt into app access was made available in December and from what I can se you have not opted into it.

    We should have the technical problems sorted soon so if you want to opt in head over to your account page and tick the box

    Free Member

    Thanks MikeG, but I think we can rule your mother out as the cause of the problem 🙂

    Free Member

    If anyone sees the ad can they right click (or for touchscreen, press and hold), copy the link url and past it into an email to

    That way I may be able to work our which network is serving the ad.


    Free Member

    Yes, you can’t expect me to sit and read every thread.
    Just email and the relevant people get it.

    I’ll look into ads this morning.

    Would have sorted it two days ago if people had emailed

    Free Member

    DavidB – Yes, for his site but the process would have to be carried out for every site on order for it to be a useful figure. What’s important in web stats is normally comparison between sites. So as long as we are all measuring the same thing, we can compare.

    Personally I always thought pageviews and visits were more useful comparators, but unless I can persuade the rest of the web and advertising industries that doesn’t really mean much.

    Free Member

    If anyone wants to know how Google do their complex calculations.
    How Visits are Calculated in Analytics

    Free Member

    Ok – For those of you who wanted it the 2103 Calendar is now linked to from the bottom of the MagArchive Issue 78 [/url]story.

    You’ll need to Premier to get it mind.

    Free Member

    It was working but recent updates seem to have stopped it. I’ll look into it.

    In the meantime –
    tap and hold the movie image and select “open in new tab”.
    Flip over to the new tab and enjoy.

    Re: Nexus 4 I’ve just tested and same instructions apply

    No Flash on the Nexus but most vimeo and youtube videos are served with HTML5 alternatives.

    Free Member

    Watch out for big images:

    Uplaod large images and allow the system to use the image compression built into WP and then select the “crunched” versions ie small, medium, large, you’ll get smaller file sizes and faster load times.

    Free Member

    If you really really want one I’m sure we can send you a PDF. If you want printed stuff you really need to add the Print &… to your sub.

    Free Member

    Listen very carefully, I will say this only once.

    A user in a jokey way asked for a D beside his name as he had donated. I, also an the spirit of “humour”, gave him the custom tag ;-D

    Others who were on the thread at the time said “Ohh! Can I have one too?”

    I, again in the spirit of “humour”, said “For the next hour, anyone who donates using the classified button can choose a tag of their choice”.

    I thought it was “A bit of fun”.

    Right! Now that’;s sorted I’m off to attempt to build some ajax image sliders which can take advantage of the new gallery features of WordPress 3.5. I may be some time!

    Free Member

    luck of the draw but I expect it will be brown. May need a saddle swap thread on here soon 😉

    Free Member

    The custom user tags are a bit of fun and I’ll be turning them off after 7 days.

    Free Member

    Bigndaft I’ll look into your sub this morning. I’ll also check our stock of saddles though I don’t think we’ll be running out soon unless there is an insane rush on subscriptions.

    Free Member

    If you take out an annual digital sub now you will get a free gift (currently the saddle).

    You can upgrade to print at any time but your upgrade will be for a full year from upgrade point, with the remaining balance deducted from the cost of your new sub. eg. If you upgraded after 6 months you would get 50% of the remaining Digital credit against your new Print and Digital). The upgrade/downgrade is self service if you choose the pay online method, so you can switch whenever you like.

    BTW, you only get a free gift with the first sub in the scenario above.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Yadgar is fantastic! Mainly because its owned by the grumpiest man in the world, who quite literally throws the (exceptionally good) food at you while fixing you with a look of utter contempt

    I used to work a few doors away and after months of eating there, one day he was a little bit friendly to me and I felt inordinately pleased.

    Free Member

    Manchester Museum has a big “picnic area” on the top floor. Bit far out of town though.

    Also partial to Yadgar

    Free Member

    If you are genuinely offended by Jeyboy – I’ll contack clubber and request an alternative – let me know.

    It was an attempt at fun on what was becoming a rather attritious thread.

    I’m thinking of changing mine to tomfoolery 🙂

    Free Member

    Not uncomfortable – just bored and responding to a request for a D.
    Anyway, if anyone paid for a custom tag and hasn’t got it get – let me know

    PayPal reporting is horrid so I may have missed some.

    Free Member

    Mark is more than happy with that. You pay your money and make your choice.

    Lets put it this way Junkyard – if we don’t get a fiver from you, we’ll be choosing your tag!*

    *Not a genuine threat – that would be blackmail

    Free Member

    clubber – no, tags are for the donor only

    Free Member

    Junkyard – £5 and it’s yours.

    Free Member

    For the next hour anyone who sends a donation gets a ;-D or the sort tag of their choice (within reason) for one week.
    I’ll set them up tomorrow

    Free Member

    bruneep – was that the kind of D you were looking for? 🙂

    Free Member

    Sorry Jota, if you donated on the 1st of November, Thanks very much!

    Free Member

    News just in. We have just received our first classified donation in 3 months. It is for £5. Glad to see someone felt we were worth their money.

    PS. Just got another fiver.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’m in the process of swapping out all our javascript ads for ones contained in iframes. This should fix the issue. I’ll post here when I’m done. Given my workload It may be a few days.


    Free Member

    Hi jon1973,
    The pageFlip version is optimised for desktops and laptops and I wouldn’t recommend it for smaller screens. In addition only Androids that support Flash will work and the offline version of pageFlip is Mac and PC only.

    You can currently use the PDFs and ePubs and we plan to include access to a Google Play app to be introduced shortly.

    Hope that answers the question.


    Free Member

    Looking into a fix for this problem now. Hope to sort it today.

    Free Member

    If anyone ever needs to get in touch with us, there is no big secret. All contact details are here and that link can always be found in the footer of every page of the site. If for any reason your email gets missed or mis-filed and you don’t get a response, email again and complain.

    We work hard to try to get back to everyone in good time with sensible responses.

    Free Member

    Hi singlecrack,
    I’ve not read the full thread so apologies if someone has already answered. I’ve looked at your account and when you singend up January 2012 you had to choose Direct Debit if you wanted the free t-shirt. You didn’t so you didn’t. However if you really want a t-shirt head over to the shop to get one at a subscriber discounted price.


    Free Member

    Hi, I’ve had a look using physical and virtual iPhones and can’t replicate your issue. Can you tell me any more about device so I can investigate.


    Free Member

    Added to my growing jobs to do board. I will get round to it – promise. Sorry for delay but am really very busy

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth – I have an iPad and a Nexus 7. Since the Nexus arrived the iPad has seen very little use. In fact I only use it for iPlayer and that is because BBC have not released iPlayer for Android Jelly Bean yet. Regarding the small screen and eyesight, My eyes are fairly knackered but find most android apps have adjustable font size or the size is ok to start with as they are primarily designed for 4inch screens.

    Free Member

    A stand-alone Android app is coming soon.

    Free Member

    Hi All,
    Our margin is not large enough to issue free t-shirts and £10 discounts each year. Sorry but it’s true.

    We are currently issuing the new plastic ones as subs are renewed – more info here

    honourablegeorge – we’ll do the offer for Irishers if you want. Sign up for online payment and we’ll get you sorted.

    Free Member

    Hi All,
    Sorry if you are an existing subscriber and got the email. I think the majority will be down to having multiple email addresses registered. We don’t bulk email you guys very much (almost never) so when we do send a circular we’re going to pick up these problems. We’ll try to clean up duplicates over the next few weeks.

    If anyone has got a duplicate email sent to the the same email address (check the email’s headers to make sure it’s not just being forwarded) I think this may be down to a glitch with the software or the way I loaded them up. I’ll look into it this morning.

    Stuey – are you waiting for a Premier card? I’ll ask my colleagues where we are up to with sending out new Premier cards. I notice you haven’t got a “P” beside your name. Are you currently subscribing?

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