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  • pat12
    Free Member


    not 100% as i’ve changed it but pretty sure it was 390mm (reverb stealth)



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    Free Member

    Do a search, the topic has come up a few times with plenty of useful info.

    I did, could only find threads on What airport you’ve visited, “best bike ever and one about someone who got dumped :(

    Free Member

    I was in a similar situation two years ago…

    i’m 5’9 and a bit, Rode a Bronson V1 medium and large back to back but couldn’t decide. Medium felt really chuck about downhill but the large felt much more comfortable climbing and over long distances.

    Now i think the sensible advice in this situation is to step away and try another (equally good) brand, however if you are anything like me you have probably bought in already :)

    I kept going back for more and more test rides i even tried a 5010 at the recomendation of the shop which in all honesty could have been a better bike for me.

    Still i pressed on. Emailed SC directly got a very quick response from them saying their advice would be to size up.

    So i pressed the button on a large and stuck a 30mm stem on it. Now this bike felt perfect reach wise and was generally great on most stuff. The problem was i only had about 5/6 inches of dropper showing when the saddle was up, as the seat tube was so long. When it got really steep or i was juming i felt i couldn’t get the seat down enough and/or the bike under me enough and this resulted in feeling i had too much weight over the front.

    I guess some coaching might have sorted this however 6 months after i bought it the v2 came out which was a bit longer.

    I persisted with mine for another year. Before i got it i was planning all the upgrades i would make and i just sort of lost interest which kind of told me i knew the bike was wrong for me.

    At the end of last year i stopped brooding about it and changed it for a medium which i run with a 50mm stem. Such a difference in the air! and most of my riding is short blasts (post child) the extra reach is not so much of issue (i mostly climb standing up anyhow). Bike still feels comfortable and i love it again. (just bought some new cranks for it so must be back on track!)

    I have since rode quite a few other non-SC bikes and i think i’m mostly about right with mine.

    I got mine from Pedal & Spoke and they were great, they put up with me doing about 3 months of back to back test rides and generally being undesisive (probably the hardest sale they’ve had :) ) so i’d say if you are local to them its worth doing another ride to be sure. Welcome to try mine if i’m up there at all.

    P&S also gave me a very fair deal on a frame only trade in but still cost me dear <sob> so its worth giving it some thought!



    Free Member

    Thanks again, Good advice.

    just got to fine a shockwix locally now

    Free Member

    My experience was that I was ‘mostly right’ doing it by feel but that the changes the Shockwiz suggested made it noticeably righter.

    i think part of the problem is i don’t know what “right” should feel like. Which i suppose is a good reason for getting a shockwiz

    Free Member

    Thanks all

    I thought about getting a shockwiz but i had a few reservations…

    Will it make much difference to what i do now?
    If it does will i understand why?
    What will i do when i don’t have it?

    is it like a guitar tuner, fine to get you started but ultimately you need to learn do it yourself?

    Free Member

    as far as i know they only open the calendar in three month blocks so i guess those days should open up around now, but i think its pretty manual process. The greyed out usually means not available to book yet.

    However can’t tell you how the woman’s thing will affect the availability.

    i normally send them an email to reception@ or a Facebook message, they are pretty good at getting back to you on those two in my experience.

    Free Member

    inform him, even via email. he’s the boss and the responsibility doesn;t stop whilst on holiday.

    Eeek?!? I never check my email when I’m on holiday coz err it’s a holiday!

    Free Member

    Any tips please ?

    Buy their top up insurance

    Free Member

    Re the chargeback…

    My company takes online payments and when we get chargebacks (invariably as we offer installments and the customer has forgot they set it up!) our merchant bank basically writes to us and says we’ve had a chargeback we will honor it unless you prove otherwise. We have to send documentation proving the transaction is valid

    Not sure if its the same with overseas operators (or its just our merchant bank being shisters ) but if it is, sounds like they think they can prove the charge.

    Sorry that doesn’t help you much but as said before i’d keep pressing the credit card company.

    Free Member

    Last time we stayed in The Shed – basically a converted garage, but only sleeps four. £40 a night. Perfect and very nice with full Sky TV. The kitchen area does not have a hob, but Lynne let us use her kitchen in the house to cook up our curry – she makes great gin and tonics too! Friendly local pub just down the road.

    Ahh good! Thanks for that, Just booked this the other day (via for a couple of nights in Aug.

    Spoke to Lynne and she seemed very helpful/nice, also said you can ride to BPW from the shed should you wish.

    Free Member

    Oddly if you had asked a year ago I’d have said err no. But now I have a young child, when my wife askes if I can pop to the supermarket I say gladly!!

    I especially like Aldi as they always have a couple of isles of cheap crap to peruse. Idled away many a happy 15 mins pondering the workzone mini compressor, before concluding its crap.

    Happy days

    Free Member

    had to get rid of our video monitor, we were both watching it like hawks instead of just relaxing.

    Free Member

    Got a trip planned for next week so I’m sitting in the garden with a glass of red, stripping/cleaning the bike in preparation Very pleasant. I’m not complaining :)

    Not get too many evenings like this

    Free Member

    Bizzare, i met him a couple of times back in the day.

    (in a Brighton software developers networking capacity i hasten to add )

    Didn’t have him down as a hater or a kipper for that matter.

    Seemed like a decent bloke

    Free Member

    Thanks all, first stop – measure her bonce (easier said than done)

    Free Member

    As someone who has been on the receiving end of being hit by a drunk driver, having to give my own mother mouth to nose (jaw completely smashed) and then watching her and one of my brothers having to be cut out the car, I don’t understand why you are asking on here rather than stating that you’ve already informed the police as the person is a selfish prick who doesn’t car how many lives he may ruin.

    wholy crap that’s frighting :(

    Free Member

    is thread just a (not so) elaborate way of telling everyone you have house in Spain?

    not jealous at all.

    Free Member


    Not sure if the OP is on the latest version but i felt the new release sorted out most of the issues and the interface was much cleaner.

    Sure i paid a new beneficiary from the app the other day. It was frustrating you couldn’t do it on the old app but i assumed it was because if some one nicked your phone they wouldn’t be able to transfer all your money.

    I dislike the web version though, not sure why it has to open in that silly little window.

    I opened an additional joint account a couple of months back and the lady told me there are new regulations requiring them to ask more stuff than in the past.

    Free Member

    A wireless keyboard with numeric keypad – finally.


    (Now they just need to put the # key somewhere sensible and I’ll be happy)

    Free Member

    Re the shock setup, you should probably forget what the LBS said, find the recommended sag and set it up for you. Plenty of you tube, magazine articles on this. Just need to get it in the right ball park

    Re the sizing, can’t really help except to say I’ve sent taller blokes on smaller bikes on the trails. I guess don’t think about the actual frames size but more whether you can get comfortable on it without butchering the geometry.

    Free Member

    God I should really stop drinking coke

    (Edit: Hehe definitely checked the auto complete on that one)

    Free Member

    ha that’s killed any chance of any summer ;)

    looks great though!

    couple of things…

    1) hard to tell from the photos but do the rafters overhang the boundary?
    2) Is there any fall on that roof? will there be a waterfall into your neighbours garden in a downpour ? :)
    3) I use my BBQ all year round, its in the back half of a carport under the same poly-carbonate sheeting that you are planning to use, FYI the roof does seem to get covered in grease from the cooking. (nothing a quick jet wash won’t solve though). I keep meaning to make some kind of chimney.

    Free Member

    HI all.

    Back now. :(

    Hired a trek and bumbled about for a couple of days. Found a few trails around lluc.

    Now i was off work, it was hot and sunny and the scenery was amazing so i’d dare not say it was rubbish but i just don’t think i hit the good stuff.

    I went in to 2gocycling but found then not particularly helpful and they only offered some s***ty looking hardtails for rent (to be fair they had just been swamped by a large group of roadies from london when i went in.)

    i found these guys and had some very encouraging discussions with them. Unfortunately time conspired against me so i can’t actually recommend their service but they seemed to offer exactly what i was looking for.

    Thanks again everyone

    Free Member

    Just back from there.

    Sorry can’t help with the transfer, but i hired a qashqai which was halfway down the list of available cars price wise and it was still only 140 euro for 10 days.



    Free Member

    We’ve had our car from new, it’s 8 years old now.

    I was driving the other day and the wife says can you turn the radio down, I did.

    “How did you do that?!” She says


    “Turn the radio down without touching it”

    Err?! Used the button on the steering wheel

    “Oh never knew it did that”

    What 8 sod**** years??

    “It doesn’t say volume on it”

    It has the world recognised universal volume symbol on it


    Heh we have Spotify on the iPad to the stereo via Apple TV….. not a chance. When I explain it she says, you make it too complicated!

    Seems to just be restricted to audio, computers and phones no issues. I find it amusing not exasperating though and to be honest 99% of the things she does on a daily basis are much better than I could do

    Free Member

    Thanks! Evening ride would work well!

    Will check them out this afternoon

    Free Member

    I’m going to be staying in between pollensa and Porto pollensa.

    Looks like we are staying in the same area. I’m going to ask around in town this evening but as others have said it’s seems a bit of a slog out to get anywhere from here

    Just need to drive out to a decent trail head and start from there I think. Will have a look at Lluc too

    Will report back any findings

    Free Member

    Thanks all!!

    Peguera looks like exactly the thing I am after, shame it’s at the wrong end of the island though

    Think I’m gonna get one of those treks delivered, perfect!

    Now just need to find some local(ish) trails (and not get lost)

    Free Member

    The label on the bag containing the spacer that came with my Hope 4 Boost hub reads as follows:

    “Use this spacer when fitting a 9/10 speed cassette or XT-M8000/XTR-M9000 (11 speed) Cassette”

    nice! Thanks

    (erm hopefully the spacer that was already behind my old cassette is the right one – i’m going to assume so and press onwards)

    Free Member

    so same spacer it is then!

    Thanks, good info :)

    Free Member

    Yes, that one. Did the job well and the kids always seemed to enjoy it. It’s worth buying the sunshade as they’re completely exposed up there.

    Thank you!

    Free Member

    I find driving in Europe much more chilled than over here, apart from when I came off the Motorway too early and found myself in the middle of Naples….

    I’ll add the middle of Lisbon to that list. that’s half a day of my life i’ll never get back, i only wanted to go round it too, not through :)

    OP i found quite a good little sticker among the overpriced fluro vests and the (now not so) compulsory breathalyzers, its see-through and has a diagram of a road and roundabout with direction arrows, you stick it to the top corner of your windscreen, when you get back off the ferry/tunnel you flip it over and is right for the UK

    Found it helped the first time i drove in europe especially if you have a “F***! which side of the road am i on?!?” moment.

    But to be honest you spent the first hour out of the tunnel driving like its your test again then it becomes second nature. As others have said the most dodgy moments are leaving the hotel the next morning as you just jump in the van and go.

    Free Member

    according to the beeb..

    The duke carried out 110 days of engagements in 2016, making him the fifth busiest member of the royal family, according to Court Circular listings.

    at the age of 95 – got to give him some credit for that i suppose

    Free Member

    Where are you based and what sort of price?

    Brighton, not sure of the price – i’ll have to look on ebay. I entered the details into the apple trade in thingy and they offered £230 :( so i’m thinking it will be around £400 on ebay.

    My old model the screen comes off pretty easily with a suction cup, from what you’re saying the slimmer ones its more tricky?

    Yea the screen is glued to the chassis. You still need the suction cups but you have to split the glue with a tool like a guitar pick then re-stick with adhesive strips when you are finished. Not hard, just a PITA

    They suggest its non up gradable, i think its to make people buy a apple priced SSD at the start or replace with a whole new unit when theirs goes bad. Bit shit really imo.

    Free Member

    Where you based? (I can probably make an educated guess!)

    I have a couple of 27″ iMacs for sale (not sure of the year without checking) but think they were purschaed in 2014/15, certainly the slim design.

    Unfortunately they are the 1TB hard drive versions (8GB ram). Now I’m a massive Apple fanboy but even I’d have to admit these are not great computers. Put in a SSD and they are passable, however the upgrade process is a faff (involves breaking the glue that’s holds the screen on and re sticking) but it’s not too hard, you should really add an inline thermal sensor with a third party SSD too.

    Anyhoo if you are interested let me know :)

    Free Member

    Bizarre, I have just been ripping out an old avaya installation in my office today, including a voice mail box. I assume i still have the software somewhere. I’ll have a look tomorrow just in case

    Free Member

    damn i’m on day 3 – this doesn’t sound promising :(

    Free Member

    Yesterday (in light of what happened last week) all employees have been emailed and told to change their passwords but then email the new ones to a member of admin

    Humm changing everyone’s password to one you know and preventing them from changing it would be bad.. but would be one approach.

    Attempting to share mailboxes by asking people nicely for their passwords then hoping they will send the correct one seem pretty silly to me.

    I’m the worlds worst (self appointed) email administrator and I’d not even do that :)

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