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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • Papa_Lazarou
    Free Member

    if you want to be on the inner inner circle of STW, surely most of the following boxes need to be ticked:

    – live in Calderdale
    – beard and/or weird specs
    – attend bike events wearing a cowboy hat, possibly in leopard skin
    – constant twitter exchanges with other members of the inner inner stw circle, never reply to those outside the inner circle
    – often not that good on a bike and a bit fat
    – massive ego

    Free Member

    c(r)apita are the most disorganised company I have ever had the misfortune to deal with.

    Good at selling themselves and **** thereafter.

    Free Member

    I get the piss taken about my dyed hair even though it isn’t.

    Free Member

    If you don’t get sack, it sounds like you should be leaving anyway.

    Get CV done and onto internet boards ASAP.

    Free Member

    At the moment it’s free to park. If a trail centre building is put in then this will, I assume, contain bogs and possibly showers. In which case paying for parking isn’t such a bad thing and hopefully year passes will be available, as is the case with some other trail centres.

    I really hope it takes off. Having been to some of the Llandegla summer BBQ evenings, I’d love a bit of that near us and think the whole proposal can only be a good thing for MTBing in Rossendale. 😛

    Free Member

    Ryan Air seem to be one of those firms who actually hate their own paying customers.

    If they treat passengers with distain, I can’t imagine what it’s like to work for them.

    Free Member

    Based on what I’ve seen on Lance Armstrong and the tone of his press realses to date I don’t think we are going to see a tearful confession from the ****.

    More likley is, he’ll say the absolute minimum in order to get back into sport. Lance wants to be in control and at the moment, he’s being held down by bans and stripped of titles.

    Free Member

    quite a few of our neighbours have had stuff nicked from the cars when they thought they’d left it unlocked. At the same time our remote activation stopped on the cars. Seemed somone had left a clone/blocking device in a hedge nearby.

    so don’t be too sure you left it unlocked. For insurance purposes I would not say this.

    Free Member

    As for most of Kubrick’s output….I love it!

    [granted it does go a bit mental towards the end]

    Free Member

    Someone earning £16k a year must take home about ~£12K?? So £4k on train tickets and the time spent travelling must mean they’d be be on a highr rate £/hour on a paper round.

    I’d prefer to be a tramp and eat out of bins/hedges or take it in the ass from truck drivers.

    Free Member

    Best – Belgian Biscuit 40th Invitational Tour. 12 of of biked around Flanders for a few days taking in some war and beer stuff. Top laugh. Daughter doing well at school.

    Worst – nothing to moan about compared to some, chin up folks.

    Free Member

    As a bell-end indicator, its probably as effective as a private number plate on a car?

    LOL. Our neighbours have matching number plates, effectively “b3llend1” and “b3llend2”. I’m embarressed by it when we have visitors.

    Free Member

    IMHO Rapha do make some quality gear, but considering the rapha-condor-sharp team shirt was no different in materials/manufacture to any other team strip and was £140…how much do we reckon for the Rapha-Sky replica shirt????

    Free Member

    I would send them a letter telling them you want a cheque for (for example) a grand by the end of Jan to cover the costs of repairs and compensation for injury or you’ll take them to one of these no win no fees firms, which they will almost certainly loose the case and end up paying out more.

    Free Member

    Illegal and immoral. Disgusting in fact. Where to start…house fire, burglary etc etc.

    I’d keep out of it. You can’t speak to them in a professional capacity and getting SS involved may not help the kids.

    Free Member

    I can’t find the car that sounds like a duck thread using search….link anyone please?

    Free Member

    Halloween/ghost thread was good, but I forgot about the car that sounds like a duck thread. Brilliant. Actual tears just thinking about it.

    Free Member


    want to finish now

    Free Member

    Some people go for a pint or two at lunch time and return to work….not that far removed from the situation described by the OP.

    If it’s impacting on work performance, have a quiet word suggesting he may want to tone it down a bit, esp from the point of view of client interaction.

    Re smoking fags at work – I find Sort of strange how it’s seen as acceptable to feed addiction to cancer causing substances during work time and that employers actively support it by providing facilities.

    Free Member

    My Auntie Betty bought me a car cleaning kit in a leather pouch when I was about 12. Thanks.

    Best present as a kid..

    Came down the stairs into the living room and there on the mat, on it’s stand, was a Grifter. That mental image will always be with me. Utter childhood joy.

    Free Member

    Plastic coat hangers – too noisy to handle at 6am, virtually impossible to touch without them clattering against each other or something else.

    Plastic bags – rubbish in every respect.

    Free Member

    There’s the first 5 pages of Mail/Express content sorted for the next 2 years.

    Ultimate “benefit scroungers”

    Free Member

    It’s not someone elses ‘choice’ to smoke near my kids.

    Free Member

    someone “kindly” offered me £100 to keep it for all of December

    It’s coming off 1st thing saturday am.

    Free Member

    I have to hide everything from my mrs otherwise she tidies it away and erases the location from her mind. Everything just goes in the nearest drawer or cupboard so the place looks tidy.

    I found my GPS in with the hats last night.

    Free Member

    Clueless people in 4x4s who appear to be under the impression that having a such a vehicle means they don’t have to adapt their driving for any weather condition, as illustrated by lots of women crashing SUVs near us last time it snowed.

    Free Member

    I got bored of feeling shit and making a **** out of myself so gave up for a few years. Now I have a few every few months, but even then I shouldn’t as the thought of a few beers is much better than the reality.

    For me there is no where to go after 2 pints – stop drinking and soon feel a bit tired and rough OR keep drinking and it all gets messy.

    5 pints and I’m leathered, then it’s 3 days before I feel right again…a heavy price to pay for something not that great.

    Free Member

    I trained fairly hard to come just below mid table in a race a few months back. Also spent quite a bit on getting the bike right for it, all to be just below average. “it’s just the taking part” I was told….no it isn’t, nothing will be achieved with that attitude. But there’s the rub…how to be determined but then not be crushed to finish mid table.

    My advice – take some time off racing and enjoy riding. Only go back to racing when you feel ready.

    Free Member

    that sucks (the bike stolen and frame destroyed). It would take a really special kind of f***tard to buy a frame in that condition.

    cheers for advice.

    Free Member

    I support reductions in speed limits on the basis that if shit drivers are moving more slowly, both them and other road users have more time to react, plus the consequences of any accidents are less significant.

    Free Member

    Plus there’s the **** to think about.

    I thought “working from home” was an euphemism for ****ing

    Free Member

    Culture needs to change so working from home is the norm – many of those people sat in cars every day don’t need to drive to an office to use a pc and phone.

    I apprecaite some jobs can’t be done on this basis, but many can and enough to make a big diffence to traffic and pollution levels.

    Free Member

    fast up/fast down/ready on time with working bike/carries jelly babies and hands them out at regular intervals.

    Free Member

    I had a new zip fitted to a Mountain Equipment hard shell jacket by the above firm and they did a very good job indeed. Someone at Mountain Equipment recommended them to me in the first place.

    Free Member

    A man is given a home with a garden next to people who have lived there for a very long time.

    Man decides to take section of neighbour’s garden.

    Neighbours then subjected to campaign of brutality and inhumane treatment lasting decades.

    Both sides are clearly as bad as each other and to suggest anything else would be ridiculous.

    Ninety-four Palestinians and three Israelis have died since Wednesday.

    Free Member

    due to tory cuts, our GP has been replaced by a crash test dummy with a prerecorded response to all patients:

    Take ibuprofen and rest

    this may actually be right in your (her) case.

    Free Member

    drug mules

    Free Member

    Nice one brooess – please let us know how you get on with BC.

    Free Member

    I was forced to have lunch in a cafe in the arndale centre years ago. The world smoking championships were being held at the same venue that day. Nothing I ordered off the menu was available. I had a jacket spud. It was horrid, so quickly drank my coffee to leave and there was a piece of sweetcorn stuck to the bottom of the cup.

    that, and a pizza from a scottish chippie that was just a ****ing hot yellow mess from space.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing that’s a no then

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