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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • Papa_Lazarou
    Free Member becomes impossible to listen to Radio 1.

    …in order to read anything written on an item in your hand, said item must be moved backwards and forwards AND into an area of better lighting before it’s possible to see it.

    …you can remember when light bulbs emitted light and did so immediately upon flick of the switch.

    ..explaining to young children that the internet hasn’t always been there.

    Free Member

    Music – considering our size, British Music has and continues to punch well above it’s weight around the world.

    Free Member

    I personally believe the Catholic Church is quite evil. In many cases they are more interested in maintaining power and influnce, rather than doing whats morally right, just off the top of my head:

    – protecting those who sexually abuse children and in (granted isolated cases) punishing the victims (

    – no condoms, even in AIDS ridden areas of Africa becuase it’s better that more catholics are created rather than controlling the spread of disease.

    – virtually everyone I have met who went to a catholic school has a story about evil nuns and/or getting battered by those in charge.

    Free Member

    If the contract says 2 months, thats prob what you’ll have to do unless you can negotiate less. Do you have any holidays to take that will eat into it? There are also 2-3 bank holidays coming up, so thats less time there.

    Free Member

    I want their “job”.

    Free Member

    check the individual specs, but I believe the standard Red FD (ie: not the Red Black edition) has a steel cage and a yaw movement.

    Although it doesn’t exactly match, I’ve bought a Force FD like I said on the basis that I’d rather have it work (hopefully) well than match the rest.

    I emailed SRAM about this and they said I could send it to them via a dealer. They must know the score and are just hoping I’ll go away. In this case, a **** product and **** service.

    Free Member

    OK. Here are the results of 8 hours in the garage, a trip to a SRAM dealer and extensive internet trawling.

    You will be very lucky indeed to get the SRAM Red Black FD to work with a compact if the former has a Ti cage, as it’s too soft and flexy to relaibly push the chain up the big gap between rings. Most people, including the pro teams didn’t use the Ti cage and either switch to the (steel caged) Force or “ProTour cage” (ie steel) RED.

    Spend a fortune on kit and by design it doesn’t work. ****ing awesome.

    It’s a shame cos everything else about the groupset is spot on. Not that it’s very interesting, but I’ll report back when I’ve tried the up/down-grade.

    Free Member

    nice one – purchaseseses made. 😀

    Free Member

    2012 Red has a yaw and the little markers on the top for aligning it.

    2012 Red Black edition has no markers on the top and as i understand it, no yaw.

    Free Member

    Work is rubbish, thats why you get paid to do it.

    Free Member

    +1 here for both an Al cannondale and Paul’s Cycles.

    Don’t assume a cheap carbon frame will be better than a top notch Al frame for the same £

    Free Member

    I think the point being made is why have bikes on the roof/boot if they will fit in the car from the point of view that ‘advertising’ them increases the chances someone will steal them.

    Free Member

    The fewer people know about your bikes, the less chance they’ll be nicked.

    Keep the garage door shut as much as possible, even when inside it.
    block your home address on strava
    don’t leave a bike rack on the car
    don’t have stickers all over the car connected with cycling.

    lock them up inside the garage, cover them with insurance have the garage alarmed.

    There is only so much you can do.

    Free Member

    Can we ban anyone with a French qualification from operating in the UK until they get the British equivalent?

    French protectionism.

    Free Member

    I normally can’t stand meal photos on twitter etc, this is the only one you’ll ever see from me….

    Et voila!!!

    Free Member

    How are KF allowed to get away with these type of practices? Is it not fraud?

    Free Member

    You’d be amazed how many people have been through the same experience as you. I know I have. I know this is no consolation to you at all. But its surprisingly common. So… I know how helpless you feel. But just be there to administer hugs, make brews, and have a good cry on. Its all you can do really. Do it well.

    It feels like the end of the world right now, but in the grand scheme of things, it’ll probably only be a minor setback. Next time will be fine. And there will be a next time. Sooner than you think. Good luck to you both

    ^^^^exactly this.

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? Shuffling paper and sending emails whilst sat in an open plan office full of very dull people.

    Are you happy doing it? No.

    Would you considering a change of career? Yes. But lack direction when it comes to work.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? Yes

    Free Member

    If I’d have been a girl, my parents were going to call me Una, FFS.

    The male name I got is a bit crap. My mum called her horse Ross and I got Ian. Brilliant. Thanks.

    Ian the horse.

    Free Member

    Hand that used to be Brad’s

    am I on the right thread with this one?

    The ex pub landard has extensively tested his new hand and described it as “wonderful”.

    Free Member

    Will there be:

    1. bagpipes
    2. the field of despair

    Free Member

    BANG and the frame finish, any seals, anodising on parts is completely ****ed.

    Neat car shampoo is my suggestion. Put it in your chain cleaner (maybe with a couple of squirts of mucoff), use the run off with a brush to scrub cassette, chain set and a bit on the frame. Rinse. Gleaming.

    Free Member

    dose based on ~22g protein max intake (so if mixed with milk, u need to take that into account). Take ASAP after exercise, def within 15mins.

    buy the ingredients (maltodextrin and whey protein)from or similar, maybe add 6g L-glutamine per dose.

    take a multi-vit/mineral at the same time.

    Much cheaper than buying torq etc at £45 for 1.5kg and you control exactly whats in it.

    No flavourings (unless u steal a bit of the kids nesquik like me)
    no artificial sweetener
    no soy protein, only whey
    no emulsifiers.

    SIS is nasty and contains most of the above.

    If you buy proprietary stuff, torq or zipvit are amongst the best.

    All of above in IMHO, etc.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    36th….quite pleased with that. 😀

    Nice touch letting the balloons drift up into the sky over the start.

    Free Member

    Are the results normally the same day?

    a day or 2 for the results.

    I’m not quite sure how many laps I did. Finished, walked to the car after about ~10 mins then saw the leaders going through. So whats that…4?

    Free Member

    Big respect to Jase and Andrew for putting this on every year. Lives/jobs/families/riding to attend to and all that.

    Just before the mayor did her speach, the heal of her shoe sunk into the mud and with her next step it was just tights on mud. 😀

    Free Member

    rider 31 on CX bike, if you are on here, I draw your attention to the following rule:

    “Any part of the cycle course may be covered on foot but on these occasions the competitors must carry or push their own bike, walking to one side of the path”

    So thanks for the push off into the rocks on the water feature, I now have a nice dent in my frame.

    Free Member

    richpips – I was watching your son do that while talking to NBT. Good bike skills that lad!! Respect to the young chap.

    Free Member

    Re Backflushing…

    There is nothing in the Gaggia instructions about this. What is the purpose of backflushing and should I be doing this on my Classic?

    Free Member

    if you did say something to him, the reponse is unlikley to be:

    “you’re right, I’ll stop the affair straight away and say sorry to everyone.”

    Don’t go for the weekend. get your mrs to speak to the sister and say given the circ, best if you didnt visit as you can’t keep up an act.

    If you do go, stay well out of it.

    Free Member

    Pat Mcquaid would make a good pope as he has years of experience of leading an organisation thats primary objective is to maintain power, wealth and influence rather that do what is morally right.

    Free Member

    it’ll either:

    1. stay as it is
    2. interest rates go up, house prices stay the same
    3. interest rates go up, house prices come down a little bit

    I’d say 1 or 3

    most likley 3.

    Free Member

    I’d rather work at quality time with friends and especially family and have less money

    ^^this, and…

    If you work more hours to get a job completed on time I would ask if the firm are prepared to flex the other way at slack times or when you need to get off. If not, then it’s contracted hours only in my view.

    Free Member

    tuting at radio 1

    Free Member

    report to police.

    Free Member

    as has been said, the OEM forks that come on a bike may, in a small number of cases not be the same as the aftermarket versions…despite being labelled with the same make and model.

    Free Member

    1. your life will not be over when the child arrives, you just need to be a bit more organised.

    2. It is highly likely you will feel different towards the child when it arrives.

    3. Try and be supportive to your mrs as imgine how it feels for her right new expecting her (first i assume) child

    Free Member

    When viewing STW at work it keeps freezing and I get a warning asking me if I want to stop running a script…slows things up in a big way.

    What else am i going to do all day if I can’t get on STW?

    IE7 btw.

    Free Member

    …after catching my foot in a knacked concrete BT manhole cover. After I had already asked for it to be fixed

    An injury due to natural selection.

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