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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • Papa_Lazarou
    Free Member

    Coe can’t be a **** and if you think so you must be on benefits, northern and working class.

    CFH – are you by any chance Anthea Turner or her husband Grant Bovine?

    Free Member

    apparently, “pigs are a clean animal”

    a good mate of mine was having a poo in afganistan and when he looked down, there was a pigs snout in the hole he was squatting over that was chomping on said baggette as it came out of his ass.

    ham sandwich anyone?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I ****ing love pork me

    Really, it’s the thought of the living beast whilst chewing the meat that really rings my bell

    Free Member

    no better than most other make of car

    I actually think toyotas feel more solidly built than VW

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch +1

    Free Member

    For the hard of thinking, I’ll repeat what I said..

    let me help

    you said

    Remembrance Day is to commemorate those who fell in the World Wars. It’s about as much to do with Iraq as it is to do with the moon landing

    and then said

    but anyone who lives in this country should absolutely understand and respect what it means.

    so who’s hard of thinking?

    Free Member

    would you look at that!

    Free Member

    Cougar – great to see such strong views based on dross, you’ll fit in well with the BNP, The Mail and all those others who are not quite sure why they are so damn angry at people they don’t know and have never met….

    Remembrance Day is to commemorate those who fell in the World Wars. It’s about as much to do with Iraq as it is to do with the moon landing..

    Time to check your facts and come back to us when better informed

    Free Member

    not the **** dalai lama…………ffs

    did you even listen to it before spouting that or was it just ignorance based intolerance?

    I’m no buddhist, but the guy is just saying we all want pretty much the same thing so it would be good if we could just get along nicely.

    Free Member

    Quite offensive and will only serve to fuel the hatred of the BNP and/or Daily Mail readers.

    In the same way, invading a country under some pretense of promoting democracy, in many cases being rather trigger happy on civilians, treating inmates like animals, torturing, false imprisonment in foreign countries without access to any sort of trial/defense and in breach of the Geneva Convention will only fuel the hatred of people who are wronged under these circumstances and encourage them to fight back at the perpetrators through terrorism.

    The first 15 seconds of this sums it up for me…

    Free Member

    I got a protec lid for £20 from cheshire oaks for exactly that reason and seems to be the only lid I wear on the mountain bike at the moment

    Free Member

    Eton boys try and **** over the masses within months of getting in…who would have thought??

    I’m not sure how anyone can think of a more educated society being a bad thing and the proposed measures will make it harder/less likely that young people will seek to attain that education. IMHO this is a very poor state of affairs and should be fought against with great gusto.

    Free Member

    Good on them – I absolutely support the students in their protest against this massive backwards step which is wrong for our country.

    Free Member

    awwww, the pitter patter of tiny scorpions feet

    Free Member

    I like the snail/sluggish and cloggs popped gags…very good.

    Free Member

    it’s been said, but just dropping the seat by 6 inches would have done them the world of good

    Free Member

    in a theoretical situation where you knew somwone knew something of great significance, which could potentially save lives, then u could argue that leaning on them a bit may be appropriate. But you just know that what George Bush is talking about is the sort of crap that went on in Iraqi prisons, where US service personnel treated the inmates worse than animals on a regular basis, all in the interestes of ‘freedom’.

    Free Member

    >looking for some more subtle stuff.

    spike his drinks with LSD, tie him to some railings and bum him

    Free Member

    A few people doing mech eng

    I did it at Liverpool Poly, which became LJMU. Not exactly rich in prestige, but not done me any harm. Hard and very boring course, but served me well getting jobs etc.

    Liverpool is a good place to be a student by the way – a bit too good at times 😉

    Free Member

    I stopped drinking cos my hangovers lasted about 3 days

    day 1 was like hell, followed by being unable to sleep

    day 2 less like hell, but knackered due to no sleep. Disturbed sleep

    day 3 general feeling of rankness and remorse

    as per the recent drugs debate, not many kicks have a come down that last for 3 days unless u are seriously getting off smack or something

    Free Member


    Free Member

    oh course, none of those people who spend much of the weekend in the pub are addicts are they?

    It’s very easy to be addicted to the drug that is alcohol and blend in with the norms of western society

    Free Member

    what happened to you and your friends is clearly not great, but u don’t ban something just because some scumbags can do harm with it.

    Are you going to ban cars just because the odd chav rags them round an estate? While you are at it, you could also ban the sale of dogs, spray paint, solvents, hand tools of any kind, knives, cataputs, air guns, glue etc etc etc.

    Free Member

    If these people are right who say it won’t improve road safety, then why are Rospa capaigning for an end to putting the clocks back?

    and there has been a recent article in the BMJ supporting the health claims

    and finally, a recent survey suggests only 35% of Scots support putting the clocks back (53% against it, 12% didn’t know)

    So members of the UK population are being needlessly killed, injured and generally less healthy to keep 35% of people in Scotland happy, give them their own time zone.

    I’m fully behind the double british summertime idea.

    Free Member

    I went into up and running in manchester with almost idntical requirements to the OP and they suggested these

    basically, a road running shoe with a different sole to offer better grip off road. I have been very please with them and would certainly recommend

    Free Member

    Lansera please do us all a favour and just delete your account as STW would really be a much better place without bell ends such as yourself

    Free Member

    on the day the government cuts were announced and are likely to mean lost of job losses in the NW, the meat head Rooney story was first on the local news.


    Free Member

    I’m from barrow originally

    there are bits of it that are very grim, mostly with a 1 mile radius of town centre, then quite a few bits that are quite nice/interesting in a +ve way.

    abbey house hotel is nice
    walney island has 11 mile long sandy beach
    roa island is an interesting place, with peil island good to visit on ferry.
    Lake district is very close

    weather is kack
    it’s 45 mins from the motorway
    the town centre is like stepping onto the set of Lord of the Rings
    v rough on a night out

    Free Member

    keep your eye on this folks…tick tick tick maggie

    Free Member

    I don’t drink but enjoy the taste of beer

    most alcho free beer taste rank – like beer flavoured sweets

    however, the becks blue is very nice

    Free Member

    Only Love Can Break Your Heart – Saint Etienne

    Free Member

    very stiff but heavy

    Mine went back to magura for cos the travel adjust seized up (free, fast and got a total overhaul)

    I would go for the current fox 36 floats over the wotan, but at the time (2 years ago) they were great value high performer

    Be aware they will only take a ~205mm front disc

    Free Member

    why has the thread gone wide and flat??

    Free Member

    Cheers for the pointers…i’m def not paying up, but am slightly unsure about just ignoring everything.

    The car belongs to the Mrs, she’s the registered keeper but it was I who was driving. As long as only she communicated with them and there is no mention of my name, then the advice on moneysavingexpert is for her to write to them and say she wasn’t driving the car and is not legally obliged to say who was, then ignore everything that comes afterwards.

    any thoughts on that?

    Free Member

    “those with the broadest shoulders” does not appear to be the people with the most money, many of whom created this mess. Who would have guessed that from a Tory government?

    I think we’ll look on Thatcher favourably by the time this lot have finished

    Free Member

    I’ve just done two years with them in bootle

    typically a hse inspector..

    is both knowledgeable and experienced in their chosen field

    stubborn and will stick to their guns – they want people who are not a push over

    civil service types

    generally good to work for, although I did it as a contractor doing management rather than safety.

    Free Member

    work out the cost over ten years, include depreciation, storage, etc.

    then consider the alternative holiday options u could have for the same cash and how much less hassle it would be

    Free Member

    something to feel positive about – a thread on stw with people generally being supportive of each other!

    A few have gone through some bad **** and I commend you for keeping going.

    I suspect most of society is border line depressed but self medicates with booze, a strategy I would strongly suggest avoiding.

    Free Member

    Thanks to NBT, the cake makers and evertyone else for making this a great afternon out. Nice to meet people and bump into other I’d not seen for a while, even ‘bunnyhop’ who should really have been on her one way trip to the clinic in switzerland.

    [me on red cove with dodgy skate lid that wAS £20 from the vans shop at cheshire oaks]

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