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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • Papa_Lazarou
    Free Member

    Iran with Big Macs

    (bits of it anyway)

    Free Member

    I’ve seen a dogs footprint in a human turd

    Free Member

    these two are worth a look…

    The STATE Cinema

    Funeral Parlour

    Free Member

    erm…not much happened I’m afraid

    we did a 2-3 hours tame route from the cottage that I planned and put on the gps, but didn’t end up doing any of the routes suggested on here or going to trail centres due to mate bringing a broken bike and babies keeping us up all night.

    thanks anyway for posting up the info in the first place

    Free Member

    any senario involving LL will only end in heart ache.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Anyone who votes Tory, lives North of the home counties and/or isn’t super rich needs to stop reading the Daily Mail and think if the people they are electing really have even the slightest interest in the well being of them or their families, over and above being worker drones.

    Free Member

    Have you seen The Crying Game?

    Free Member

    we are very happy with our panasonic lumix and it’s good quality wide angle lens.

    I’ve recommended it to a few people who have gone on to buy one and also been most happy with them.

    Free Member

    getting a child christened is a choice that should be made by both parents. for your ex to go ahead and do this behind your back is bang out of order and demonstrates she is not respecting your rights as a parent.

    I imagine the legal route is the only option with someone like this and recommend you look into this ASAP.

    Free Member

    i ‘stopped’ about 5 years ago. every now and then I forget how bad it makes me feel and have some, then I remember and leave it for a while. Longest I went was for 2 years.

    a few pointers…

    at first it IS hard

    the longer you leave it the less you want it

    resisting the first drink in the pub is the hard bit, then it’s easier

    becks blue is a nice tasting substitue and grabbing a cold one out of the fridge pushes many of the same buttons.

    alcohol is a poison/drug, just the same as coke or anything else. Unfortunately, it’s ingrained into society and this makes it readily available and acceptable. Going to the pub with mates is still good up to the point they have had about 8 pints, then it becomes a bit of an eye opener.

    Free Member

    BoardinBob +1

    Free Member

    Lets imagine there is no royal family and they attempted to sell the case for one to the public….

    so we will take a family, let them live like royalty in castles and palaces, jetting all over the world etc. This will be paid for by the state out of tax revenue and the right to live like this will be heriditary


    Free Member

    I was off work for 5 months last year between contracts. If you have kids, a house to look after, enjoy cycling and look after your own bikes, then I concur – def too much to do to have time for a job. I think people thought I was just sat at home in the garden, which must have happened about half a dozen times during that period.

    Work is a pain in the arse, just spend less, then you can work less.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I like sea food, but it’s russian roulette on the old nipsy.

    Last time me and mrs PL went out for a thia I had the hot and sour sea food soup, 10 minutes later I stopped mid sentence to walk quickly to the toilet, but taking very small steps.

    scalops are the worst for me. Prawns are fine, including the crakers,


    Free Member

    words fail me

    I would poke fun but suspect the guy may be of a very low IQ

    Free Member


    Free Member

    DaveRambo – yes please


    Free Member





    Free Member

    just a minor point and not wanting to lecture or anything – not sure it’s such a good idea to leave children in these seats with the bike balanced against something, as in the top photo.

    Very easy for the kid to cause the bike to fall over and wouldn’t be nice if they hit something on the way down.

    Free Member

    I used to work with a super serious body builder type

    in meetings he would randomly go bright red and start panting, also very prone to mood swings.

    nothing going on there then hey?

    Free Member

    Oh where to start.

    First of all may I say I no longer drink, mainly due to frequency and magnitude of scrapes, here are a few for starters:

    1. After a nights clubbing, going back to my parents house for a tent and deciding to steal a small rowing boat to go camping on a nearby island. We used a plank of wood and a cricket bat as oars and got about 1 hour out to sea when I needed a slash. I couldn’t go kneeling at the back of the boat so stood up, causing said boat to sink immediately. Shoes off and swam for over an hour to the ship yard dock gates which are large enough for an aircraft carrier. Couldn’t get out of the water, shouted for help and a security guard threw in a life hoop thing. RNLI turned up some time later an took us to a point where we could get out of the water, where we were met by police, security from ship yard and ambulances. Arrested and spent night in cells. Dad heard about it on the radio at work and it was headlines in local paper.

    2. Rode bike naked through Le/The Pub in Chamonix and out into the street.

    3. Chased a naked female around some gardens in Liverpool, only to go back the day after to try and find my keys and realise it was a convent and all the little statues we jumped over were of mary

    4. Ragging a reliant robin around walney island when leathered and chasing after women

    5. Making an impromptu speech at a graduate training exercise attended by all the bosses, which included the line “..and may I say how much I’d like to bum you all, [pointing to this real t**t at the back] especially YOU”

    I could spend all afternoon doing this

    Free Member

    morzine is more central for the rest of the PDS area and more going on in the evening, best choice IMHO

    Free Member

    the daily mail is a newspaper for ignorant, bigoted, curtain twitching hyacinth bucket types.

    James Martin brags about running groups of cyclists off the road in his daily mail column and that, I’m afraid, is about the level of this rubbish.

    Free Member

    beans on toast

    I mean, I don’t really eat it that often at home, but when away, this is the one meal I really miss for some reason.

    Free Member

    Adidas Ivan Lendl

    I used to dream of these as a lad, except growing up in Barrow-in-Furness, shoes of any kind would have been good.

    Free Member

    there is a street party at ours, I was thinking of putting some speakers in the window and playing the sex pistols God Save The Queen very loud on repeat all afternoon

    Free Member

    you don’t need to spend it you know, theres always the option to just keep hold of it until you need something or am i the only one who thinks like that?

    Free Member

    john denver

    #sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy…etc#

    he sounds like ned flanders

    Free Member

    We bought my daughter one of these about a year ago.

    It is very good quality, well made and importantly – LIGHT.

    Still in perfect condition despite regular use. Brake works well and allows proper control.

    Free Member

    that said, and while I recognise the significance of A Love Supreme, it’s hard work on the ears.

    Free Member

    Miles Davis – Kind of Blue

    I NEVER get tired of listening to this

    Free Member

    celebrity juice is great TV

    Free Member

    depressing to see these people teaching so much hatred to those children and how the power of a cult can make people reject members of their own family.

    IMHO anything that tells you what to think without question is a watered down version of this, pretty much like all religion.

    Free Member

    good stuff, had fun today and nice to meet everyone


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mine started playing up, pistons not retracting properly.

    Magura do not and have never done seals for these brakes. I scoured the planet for some, including magura HQ – no chance.

    I had them bled and the existing seals cleaned up (maybe some rubber grease on them if I recall correctly), at first they were still sticking, but then freed up and have been ace ever since.

    Great brakes so worth trying to sort out IMHO.

    Free Member

    we played well” as said by some bloke in the office talking about a football team he doesn’t play for

    and more recently..

    “we’re all in this together” when clearly, this isn’t the case

    Free Member

    whats the crack with camping, is there car parking allowed at the campingsite or do i have to come up with a clever way of keeping my bike safe

    i’d like to know about bike security as well please, spesh if we can’t get cars up there

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