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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • Papa_Lazarou
    Free Member

    do a big poo, hold it like a pen and draw the required lines.

    That works fine with fox forks

    Free Member

    Have you seen cav lately..looks like he’s following the ulrich offseason diet


    Free Member

    Mods – wrong forum, please move to

    Free Member

    If you ride a MTB you are a cyclist and as such, it is your duty to support other cyclists.

    It’s war out there – keep the faith.

    Free Member

    I think McIlroy’s achievement is better.


    Green Jersey
    World Champ
    Multiple TDF stage wins including Paris for the 3rd year in a row
    Peta Todd up le Duff

    Enlighten me to McIlroy’s achievements and why they are more significant. Cav has real passion. If u read his book and see the film Chasing Legends, it may change your opinion of him. Yes, he comes across badly sometimes, but so would you if you’d just done 140km, lost the stage and some hack shoved a mic in your face asking why you are fat?

    Free Member

    So the alternative is voting for a cyclist purely because he does a remotely similar sport to me, rather than voting for someone based on actual achievements…

    right, that’ll be becuase becuase Mark Cavendish has had a such quiet year?

    #Cav4SPOTY (even if it is the x factor of sport)

    Free Member

    HMRC having a soft touch with big business is a much greater issue to the nation – Vodaphone, Arcadia etc etc. But according to callmedave, HMRC are doing the right thing and are in fact treating his mates in big business exactly the same as everyone else. Except they’re not. The Daily Mail doesn’t mention this too often either.

    Free Member

    everyone chill FFS

    HTN (like many other local races) is organised by some blokes who have jobs, families and lives to live, but give thier time up for free to put events like this on.

    There may be a few glitches, but don’t give them **** or they may stop doing it and that, IMHO, would be a bad thing.

    Peace and love


    Free Member

    massive box for tiny items is my recent experience – forces a trip to post office to collect, then I get stuck behind lots of grannies asking if they can still buy war bonds and I grind my own teeth away.

    Free Member

    sit on it for a bit

    then option 1

    Free Member

    in the passed in my house ive seen a wierd mist a couple of times very unexplainable

    it’s call guff

    we can usually explain it as being due to excessive consumption of eccles cakes.

    Free Member


    Willow The Wisp – for some reason, at the age of 11, me and the boys found the moog particularly hilarious.

    Cholrton and the Wheelies etc – my Mrs bought her first house of Laura Cosgrove who was part of the family production company behind this and the likes of Danger Mouse.

    Rent–a-Ghost was one of my favs. Mr Claypole I believe may have allegedly died of aids, which may or may not have come from the back half of the horse.

    Free Member

    be thankful – I sit in an office where no one speaks for 8 hours, as it not even hello or goodbye.

    button it fatty

    I used that little gem to someone the other day after she stopped me and son (in pushchair) crossing a road full of stationary cars. She absolutely exploded and screamed abuse at me and my son for the next 5 mins as we walked along next to the crawling cars. The abuse included screamming that my son (pointing at him) was a bastard offspring, my wife is this and that, I was white trash. I blew her kisses and laughed, which did the job, but am sure it scared my son a bit.

    Free Member

    Binners – I’ve messaged you on Facebook re a possible ride over xmas.

    Free Member

    I think having fun through biking keeps you much younger physically and mentally than the sedentary lifestyle that most people lead. That and not taking work too seriously.

    I’ve just been on biking holiday with my Dad who is 65, bikes well upwards and DH, likes a beer afterwards. Not much difference between us except he drinks more beer and goes to bed earlier. I plan to carry on in the same fashion and feel no need to inject further spice by having a fling or buying a sports car.

    Free Member

    That’s wrong on so many levels

    dressed and Scottish, even.

    Sick mind.

    Free Member

    I think even Frankie Boyle would find it difficult to get aroused by that one.

    What? Surely I’m not alone in getting the horn in response to the appearance of a gravely voiced sccotish female midget dresses as a school boy?

    Free Member

    From now on I’ll always avoid car keys with a Dennis The Menace key ring.

    Free Member

    Oooh! That’s a good one. What are your criteria for fitness to operate as a religion?

    erm, let me think…

    1. No lengthy history of large scale covering up and turning a blind eye to clergy all over the world abusing children.
    2. err.

    These people are in it for money and power only. How can they possibly preach moral values and dish out the old thou shalt be guilty for waking up in the morning routine when in many cases they themselves have been abusing or protecting those who abuse children?

    Free Member

    a few pages back, someone said this

    I dont need to be told that murder is a sin by institutions that have spent the last 50 years systematically covering up the worlds biggest paedophile rings

    +1 from me.

    The Catholic church is not fit to operate as a relgion and should be abolished.

    Free Member

    What time is sign on/start?

    Are mtb allowed?

    Free Member

    the down side of never accelerating hard is, if you have a DPF, it will never clean out and can lead to an expensive trip to the garage. So once in a while u need to push these cars hard and look for the cloud of black smoke out back.

    keep tyres corerectly inflated. As it’s just got cold, u may find u need a bit more air in them.

    don’t carry anything u don’t need.

    Free Member

    mix some washing power with washing up liquid and smear it all over your genitals and anus

    Free Member

    Definitely not one of these.

    Free Member

    where does Brant work this week?

    Anything designed by brant at previous firms will have issues with oval head tubes, mud clearance or be reworked (can’t remember the name of 1990’s steel frame like an inbred) in very cheap steal, all coming on just as he resigned.

    Where it does get confusing is a situation where he returns to a previous firm, in which case all the issues go away and they are once again the best thing since sliced bread.

    So one of those.

    Free Member

    Not surprised you feel a bit down, most people would in that situation.

    1. Try and focus on positive thoughts

    2. Imagine u are 10 years in the future looking back at this. It really doesn’t matter what this other guy thinks about you. Ignore him and if that doesn’t work, tell him to **** off. Really just say to him, “I don’t care what you think, just **** off and stop harassing me or I’ll just add this to the existing grievance against you”.

    3. Keep a diary of everything he does but don’t get upset.

    4. Best idea is to remove this guy from your life. Maybe get another job. When it comes down to it, it is the people that make or break jobs. If you do leave, make sure you make the reason clear.

    5. If he’s done it to other people that you know, tell them you have brought a case against him, they may do similar or offer support.

    Free Member

    This only lacks a Brooks saddle then it would be ideal for it’s sole intended purpose, ie: discussing with like minded individuals on internet forums.

    pass the mind bleach

    Free Member

    If you are the sort of person who steals stuff, then you will always be the sort of person who steals stuff.

    Mince the ****ers. Society would be all together much better without them. I mean really have a huge recycling facility, throw the ****ers in and use the mince as pig food once you’d filtered out all the gold and G-Star Raw denim.

    Free Member

    is there anything that isn’t bad for you?

    Free Member

    my 4 year old would love a pair of fox 36, s=which she can keep on my bike and the 1 year old younger brother will love the box.

    Free Member

    Thomas Cook on the brink – less money and things are more expnsive, so people are cutting costs where ever possible, holidays being one of them.

    Free Member

    whats the twitter account?

    Free Member

    The Tory party work for the top 1% of our society

    So they’re voted in by that 1%?

    You’ve not really understood my point have you?

    The irony is that bigoted little Daily Mail readers and those who think they are posh because they earn 50% more than the bloke down the road, and as a result vote Tory, are actually much worse off under this government.

    I’ll say it again, the Tory party work for the top 1% of our society. If you are not in that 1% and vote Tory, I believe you are not supporting the party that best serves your own (and IMHO the nation’s) interests.

    Free Member

    Anyone ever ask themselves why there is a problem with the people who have the best education our country can offer running the government?

    where to start with that one??

    The Bullingdon Club?
    Out of touch with society?
    Really not giving a toss about the middle and certainly not the working classes, particularly Northerners?

    More of the Tory front bench are old Etonians that at any time since ~ 1920.

    Free Member

    sums it up well….

    The very upper class against the rest of us.

    A group of people who went to Eton running the country and the capital in a fairly difficult time, who do you think they are going to look after?

    The Tory party work for the top 1% of our society and we only have Gordon Brown and the Mail/Express to thank for us not quite voting them in.

    Free Member

    may I say, the OP has set a fine example to all STWers.

    1. Remaining calm in the face of post injury abuse (not sure I would).

    2. Still going into work after the crash.

    Bravo to you sir. A good result from a rubbish situation. Make sure you refuse the first few offers of a pay out and cream as much as you can from him.

    Free Member

    many countries encourage transport integration

    the UK seems to promote transport separation. Rails firms appear to actively discourage people from taking bikes on trains and consider it a nuisance.

    Eee…when I were a lad most trains had a guards van for people to put luggage, bikes and goats in.

    Free Member

    For starters, make Vodafone and Philip Green pay the correct amount of tax.

    I would also reinstate the EMA and scrap tuition fees as cuts to education are a very short term policy and not good for the fabric of society.

    no idea how to sort the rest of it, maybe cuts to overseas aid and contributions to Europe.

    Free Member

    I’ve just done a Morocco trip with cycle active, which was excellent but no more trips till next year. I would check them out as I’ve been on lots of bike holidays with lots of firms and this was among the best.

    Free Member

    The USA is a nation built on personal greed and everything on this thread stems from that.

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