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  • Cotic Jeht Gen 2: First Looks (No Feels)
  • Papa_Lazarou
    Free Member

    I had the same problem a while ago. You will not get seals from anywhere, inc Magura. I discussed the issue with Magura and they said you can only replace the whole caliper. Replacement seals have never been available, which is bobbins.

    However – if they are sticking rather than leaking all is not lost. I had the same problem about 2 years ago. The local bike shop stripped them down and used red grease on the seals. They have been used every week since then and are still working fine.

    Free Member

    I love eating anything fishy, especially clam and prawn

    Free Member

    gone quite well so far

    Free Member

    did it look like this?

    Free Member

    I’d be interested to know if anyone has ever:

    1. had a dropper post that didn’t start to wobble after a while

    2. Been pleased with the reliability of CB stuff. On a recent holday, a guy had their bar stem combo. The stem wouldn’t clamp the bar properly, no matter how he adjusted it. Quite special to be so expensive and yet utter ****.

    Free Member

    Drink is adictive and I think more people have a problem than like to admit it.

    I would suggest just stopping completely. Hard at first, but the longer it goes on the less you want it. After quite some time, you rarely actually want to drink rather than actively having to resist an urge.

    The problem with cutting down is it seems like a good idea until you’ve had a few plus the urge will still be there.

    I never got to the stage you describe, but get drunk easily and have terrible hangovers. Plus used to go (for me) too far quite often. Believe me when I say life is less complicated without booze, you don’t feel the need, have more cash, feel better generally and no hangovers.

    Free Member

    re clearances – it depends on the job. Some will want you to have it in advance, others will ask you to put the forms in before starting – all depends how desperate they are. One thing to note is thies can take a while, I’ve waited 4-6 weeks in the past for basic security clearance.

    Free Member

    many moons ago i bought a Marin Attack Trail, which just about fell to bits in a month. Grant at ATB Sales told me that I should not use even a low pressure hose but instead wipe it with a cloth after a winter ride in the peaks. He also said, and I quote, “some poeople only ride their bikes once a month”.

    Briilaint advice on improving reliability – just use it less!

    Free Member

    Just find a good accountant to take care of all the tax stuff and advise you on setting up your own limited firm. Get recommendations from mates. I would suggest someone who has a fairly balanced approach re IR35, ie:

    doesn’t have you paying more tax and ni than a staff person BUT dosn’t have you claiming for pets (company mascot) or a canoe (for coporate entertaining) like someome I know.

    register your CV on monster and jobsite, plus any others u can find.

    Free Member

    I really like it – takes me back to BMX days when I was a kid. They were chromed steel, but same ace look.

    Free Member

    I go through phases of doing the drive through happy valley, depending on where I’m working.

    You have to make the trip each way either late or early. If you are on fixed hours it will be a mare.

    I just decreased my getting up time by 10 mins per day till I found a time when I wasn’t sitting in traffic. Any later than about 6.40am and the traffic is stationary on the M60 between the M61 and M62.

    Going home, things have got better since they improved the M62/M60 junc, but you need to leave at either 4 or 6pm, anything between and it’s traffic jams.

    Cycling to work is a good option – the path by the east lancs is v good and you can gut through to risley at the greayhound roundabout.

    Free Member

    Being staff is sort of liked been owned by the company, you will often work and not get paid for it.

    Us contractors had a good chuckle and wound the staff guys up yesterday, who’s obvious and immediate response was “pension, paid holidays yadda yadda yadda”, to which the contractors immediately countered with the killer salvo of “we get paid 50% more and then pay less tax”, which shut them up. However, there will obviously be a chance of promotion for every one of them when the boss leaves in ten years.

    Free Member

    I have old pair of 130mm bombers on mine, they are slighly over the max ride height.

    I like it that way very much, great all round trail bike. I sometimes use the ETA thing to knock the travel down on tough climbs or racing.

    My advice for ‘normal riding’ on a HJ is to go on the long side rather than short. I also like the idea of a through axle rather than QR on my next set of forks.

    Free Member

    as mentioned above, some of the organisers of road sportives must be making a fortune on every event (on public roads), some you don’t sign on for or get timing.

    I’ve not done the SITS or MM for some time due to not wanting to pay quite a bit for riding worse than I could find at the end of my garden.

    Free Member

    sod that – Happy Contractors Day!

    We contractors get paid while all the staff turn up for nothing. 😆

    Free Member

    However the main point of the program was that our understanding of exercise it changing and that having the same recommendations for all us may not be appropriate.

    totally agree, it applies to medication as well as exercise. We need to listen to our own bodies.

    Free Member

    1. Many of the people on the road each morning are driving to an office to use a PC (often slower than the one at home) and a phone. This IMHO is bonkers – safety, environment, cost, time yadda yadda yadda. It contributes to the demand for fuel and hence the increasing price.

    2. The oil firms can charge as much as they can get away with. They are in business, not providing a service. The tax element is not increasing at anyware near the same rate.

    3. Plenty of people on my estate still drive the kids to school in big 4×4, then go straight home. I know this as it takes us only about 5% longer to walk there and back. I can’t see anything below about £20 per litre stopping this.

    Free Member

    not read all of this, but the size of the payouts when celebs are involved seems excessive IMHO.

    If I get knocked off my bike, physically injured, can’t ride or work for a bit and my bike gets damaged, I’d be lucky to walk away with £5k. Given the choice, I would much prefer my phone to be hacked and untruthes printed in the press and would certainly be happy for that to go ahead for £600k

    Free Member

    No jobs, YTS 2.0, scrap the EMA and ramp up university fees.

    Keep the cannon fodder down old boy!!

    [On the subject of EMA, if young people can be paid to stack shelves, why not to help some remain in education?]

    Free Member

    Mackerel in tomato sauce and Rivita, not bad actually and get to sniff my own fingers all afternoon, so 6/10.

    Free Member

    what is the market like for finding a new job in your industry?

    could you work as a consultant/contractor?

    If the answer is positive to both of these, take the money, have some time off then go contracting. Result being that u get out of a place u are clearly sick of and hear a very big KERRCHING sound.

    Free Member

    There is currently no credible opposition. Cameron is ahead in the polls despite all that’s going on with the NHS. The tories have free reign to do as they please.

    Free Member

    crank bros issues are with their bearings can’t see how a stem and bars can go wrong ?

    I’ve just been on a week long bike holiday and another guest had CB bar and stem. The clamp didn’t work well enough to stop the bar gardually rotating over the day. No matter how well it was cleaned, screws tightened correctly…it just didn’t work. Expensive too. FAIL!

    Free Member

    I would have done something that I…

    A. liked
    B. was good at

    Rather than Mechanical Engineering, just because there are plenty of (in my experience tedious) jobs.

    So probably something like History or English.

    Free Member

    when you can no longer listen to Radio 1.

    for me, this was some time ago.

    Free Member

    oh and The Night Will Always Win off that as well.

    No Surprises by Radiohead always gets me looking at the knife block.

    Free Member

    Lippy Kids and Open Arms, both off the last Elbow album.

    Free Member

    posting CV on should be your first task, making it searchable.

    Free Member

    Well obviously not too far from manchester you hit the pennines and cross them near the woodhead pass if I remember correctly. It would be fine on a CX bike, but I would say you have probably done the best bit.

    We rode the whole thing a few years ago. While it was nice to ride the across the country, at times it seemed like a tour of the worst bits of every town in the north. The signage is terrible as well and gets worse as you go east.

    Free Member

    Send a toff in a top hat to convince them to stay in the UK?

    Call me Dave has never be so in favour of Unions since they ensured he would be in power for 2 terms by selecting the wrong Miliband.

    Free Member

    well, given that choice I think u went for the right one.


    Free Member

    Pook – good video, but MBR buff. Dear me, have some pride man.

    Free Member

    people took short cuts??? FFS

    Kick ’em out.

    I need some way of improving on 47th. Inclusion of the DNF in the results has put me in the top 16.9%, I am that sad.

    Free Member

    47th for me. Think i’m quite pleased.

    Free Member

    The scramble through the small bog and up the bank, about 200m before the right turn down to the the car park….I found that required a bigger dose of MTFU than MTFU hill.

    Free Member

    Great day, nice to see everyone helping get the cars out.

    Do u have to pay for the gritter? If there are not enough funds I suggest a whip round to cover the cost.

    Free Member

    I don’t use ‘love’. My dad does and it makes me wince a bit.

    However, it has never occurred to me that calling someone ‘mate’ could in anyway cause offense.

    Free Member

    Paul’s bit on A Day in The Life. Not actually that bad on it’s own, but relative to JL’s half of the song it is toe curling.

    Free Member

    we spend on wars and activities that destroy the environment, so why not on something that brings nations together in a positive environment?

    IMHO it will promote UK sport and encourage young people to be active. As in many cases across the country, my daughter’s primary school is planning lots of Olympic themed events, stimulating an interest in sport for both boys and girls at an early age, which I believe is a very good thing.

    Free Member

    You know the battle scenes in Lord of The Rings, well that just with more mud and uglier participants.

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