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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • palmer77
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    It may do, basically Right to Choose/Patient Choice means that you articulate your request for an assessment through your GP for said area of need. This then gets passed into the Integrated Care Board (previously Clinical Commissioning Group) and will then be approved or not. It requires your GP being on board with the whole thing. The criteria is essentially where there are existing conditions which have not been assessed due to delays in assessment pathways, or new episodes of care. So that may be where your GP is aware of an undiagnosed condition, but due to delays in access to assessment and support the symptoms are harder to live with. You can then get referred to any provider that has worked with people with similar needs either currently or historically and have been commissioned to do so by any health authority. But some providers, like the National Autistic Society are not taking Patient Choice referrals right now, and others like Psychiatry-UK now have a waiting list similar to the general referral pathway. Like I said happy to jump on a call to talk through it further or share my template letter. In terms of impact, I have life-long adverse mental health due to undiagnosed neurodivergence, my diagnoses have lifted an unfathomable burden and now I am learning to live again. I am still waiting for medication, but am still benefiting from knowing. My advice, if you want to know, are experiencing difficulties in everyday life then do it…

    Free Member

    I went through my GP using Patient Choice/Right to Choose and had both autism and ADHD assessments with Psychiatry-UK. I would highly recommend them, and with ADHD they stay involved for at least a year for any medication tritiation etc. I have a template letter if you wanted to use it. BTW I work in SEND Commissioning before anyone jumps on my back about short cutting waiting lists etc

    Free Member

    What are you going to use it for? I’ve never yet used my Marshall on stage. It’s a hoot to play in rehersal but I’m lead vocal and second guitar – The stage plan for our next gig shows me with Fender Bassbreaker 45, 112 Orange cab, a pedal board and a Shure SM58 – because that’s the sound the other members of the band approve of.

    I have a studio in an old barn at the end of the garden which backs into a pub garden so noise isn’t much of an issue. As I said I’m getting back into playing again after hip issues mean biking is limited and after an electric setup in addition to my acoustic. I’ve ordered the Epiphone Firebird and just pulled the trigger on the DSL40CR, and PEDL-91016 which should open up the onboard options a bit more.

    Free Member

    I impulsively bought a SC20H and SC212 and instantly regretted it!* I’d not realised that there was only one channel and no foot switch for clean/OD. So I’ve decided to cancel the order and am now looking at DSLs. I’m torn between a 20 or 40 and will most likely go combo. I think the 40 has better options for the 2 channels but do any of you have any real use experience please?

    *Also partly financial reasoning as I’m only just getting back into this guitaring again and think a DSL will be more than enough for me at the moment.

    Free Member

    Tradesmen typically £200 per day upwards on day work. On price they’d want £300 minimum target. These aren’t London prices but are south England prices. If you are looking for an actual hourly rate you need to factor in the set-up and clear-up element as you’ll get more work done in half a day or a full days work rather than the same amount of hours over a week due to this faffage. I’d be looking at £15-20 per hour.

    Free Member

    In terms of facing your fears, this is in essence exposure therapy, and used in CBT to help breaks the cycle between thoughts, feelings and behaviour that something terrible is going to happen if you do, or don’t do something.

    One thing to bear in mind, is that CBT in its standard form is not suitable for neurodivergents, particularly autistics (I’m not so sure about ADHD) as it endeavours to change the person you intrinsically are.

    If we think of anxiety as a stress reflex to either an environment or situation, it’s not unreasonable to imagine that in your case heightened anxiety, perhaps experienced in a different way because of neurodivergence, can be triggered by an activity that you enjoyed with your wife, eating in restaurants.

    By simply visiting restaurants, I would suggest that you wouldn’t actually help the underlying anxiety, as this is perhaps linked to you grief, and rightly so. In my experience I think I am going to have to properly go through the grief cycle, to the point where I can be open about my emotions and actually cry.

    It might be worth thinking about exploring your neurodivergence further. It may provide an insight into how your anxiety presents and how you can work with your mind and other elements to both manage and release these stress functions, without any societal preconceptions about what we should or shouldn’t think, do or feel…

    Free Member

    Man, I’ve not really been on here for a few years so I didn’t realise, and am so sorry for you mate. I’m a long term ‘sufferer’ of anxiety and depression but it’s been recently linked to my neurodivergence and I now have diagnoses of autism, ADHD and Mixed Anxiety and Depression.

    I too have had a close bereavement in my family, my youngest sister died suddenly last year of maleria, she was living in Sierra Leone. I have been signposted to CRUISE but not done anything yet as I’m still unraveling my feelings about it all, but think I am scared to talk to anyone…

    On top of that I ended up getting an MSSA infection and Sepsis last year which warranted the removal of my left femoral head. All things being said, these have added to my lack of capacity to cope with life and the SSRIs I am on just don’t seem enough.

    So, my point of all of that rambling, and with the help of some counselling was for me to try and be present, almost acknowledge your feelings. When I feel anxiety, and being overwhelmed I try to remember things that help me to stabilise, such as lying down, breathing, listening to music, crying if needs be, but I struggle to do so…

    Ultimately you will know yourself best, what works and what doesn’t work, and that can include stuff that works for other people. Be kind to yourself, there are no ‘shoulds’ in life, do what you can, when you can, and try not to beat yourself up for finding things tough that you didn’t before.

    I realise that this is a lot of waffle but I hope it helps, big hugs!

    Free Member

    Ok, so Gear4Music have the Epiphone Firebird for £549 to order which is £100 less than others with deliver for 6th May, one day after I turn 46. I followed the advice and decided to go for this one, and then put my name on a waiting list for the ‘proper’ Gibson. Hopefully by buying it now, when the stock come in they’ll fulfill preorders first and I can get hold of it at the lower price than GAK etc al…

    Free Member

    “…If you want the fire bird vibe in an easier shape then ~Ivison Dakota…’


    Looks ace but more of a LP vibe to me, plus it’s not a “Gibson” – Remember this is a case of irrationality here, no room for actual logic ;)

    Free Member

    Heh heh, brilliant plan @eddiebaby!!!

    Free Member

    What do we reckon then, wait for a proper Gibson Firebird to turn up at some time in the next millennium, or pull the trigger on one of these and get playing?

    And while we’re at it what does the STW massive think to choosing between the Marshall Studio series either the 20W combo or Head and 2×12 Cab for home studio playing and occasional gigging?

    Free Member

    Aaah, I’ve just realised there are two studio ones on there, one in Gainsborough and the other in Germany it’s the latter with the neck issues, which seems superficial but given it’s a through design you wouldn’t want to take any chances. Plus as Edukator points out the studio differs in spec, mainly with full size humbuckers rather than the mini ones, and while the one in the UK looks in great condition it doesn’t have the raised middle section, white pick guard or hard case as the 2019 model. Picky I know but ‘I likes wot I likes’ and it’s this one

    Free Member

    Did you read the description? “There is light neck break” 😳

    Free Member

    I’ve not actually played one, but read that the neck dive was typically due to the banjo tuners whereas the current crop come with normal tuners. We do have a HB Explorer in the house though so maybe I will compare the specs from one to the other. Having said all of that there really is no ‘why’ or practical reason to want a Firebird, it just looks awesome to my mind and an actual Gibson has been an ambition for a while. It’s just perverse that when I have the means to buy one, and they have the Tobacco in the range that they can’t be bought!

    Free Member

    Hey, 👋 I’ve not posted on this thread or undead used STW for a long while but forced absence from bike use means I’m looking to invest some time in my guitar playing. I currently have a 20 year old Tanglewood acoustic, which despite the fact that it’s never going to be amazing plays fairly well. I used to have an Epiphone LP and Marshall a few years ago but stoped playing after blowing the transistors up. I have had a longtime longing for a Gibson Firebird in Tobacco Sunburst and Marshall setup. I like the look of the 20w Studio head and 2×12 cab, especially as you can reduce the power down for neighbourly practice. I’m actually fairly well blessed as far as this is concerned as I have a studio/home office at the end of the garden and a noisy pub next door so any loud music people assume is coming from them! Anyway, I saw the Anderson’s review of the 2019 Gibson Firebird and would snap one up in an instant but they’re not to be had for love or money. Apparently Gibson aren’t the best for logistics. This means I can put a deposit down with lead times quoted for between May this year, February 2024 or never! I am somewhat aware that Epiphone now have the ‘Inspired by Gibson’ range, and that they have a Firebird in Tobacco sunburst, but (1st world problem) it’s not a GIBSON! and for a once in a lifetime purchase I’m not sure if I should either wait for one to appear in the supply chain, risk second hand or go for the Epiphone. Does anyone have any experience of the ‘Inspired by…’ range and should I just stop being a drama queen and buy the Epiphone?

    Free Member

    I work in the SEND sector and am happy to have a chat if it would help. Lots of areas are having difficulties right now, and sometimes it’s about how you navigate the system.

    Free Member

    Roofer here, conservatories are always a pain, often poorly fitted and on insufficient foundations resulting to movement over the years and leaks. The abutment sounds like an issue with sufficient cover over the glazing bar and low step height? This can sometimes be worsened because a built up of debris. That said it’s worth remembering that water often tracks along surfaces so in this case the leak could be at the apex and running along the glazing bar. Regarding the panels, you could replace the seals, or if you feel able to, drop the panel out, clean the surfaces and re-fit with some clear silicone for a short to medium term fix.

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    Premier Icon
    Free Member

    You must be crazy….

    A four dot ellipsis?????? What in God;s name were you thinking man!
    [wander’s away too clame the grammer morel higround]

    Posted 46 minutes ago

    But not the spelling moral high-ground?

    Free Member

    Pretty sure that USB to host is to use with one of these: Yamaha UD-WL01 USB Wireless LAN Adaptor

    Which then allows you to send audio files via the IOS app to the piano. It encodes them as backing tracks.

    We’ve got a Yamaha YDP-144 and use it with the above, but it also has a USB-B output to connect MIDI.

    Free Member

    Is there not a solution with a capacitor and a Dynamo?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    We fall into these shit situations and we don’t realise how much they weigh us down, but they do.

    So true

    Free Member

    From a recent post on another site…

    I’ve seen a lot of posts covering mental health and well-being, especially in the context of COVID-19. Personally, I have life long mental health conditions and it is a reality that impacts each and every day. I know me, I know my disability and while this fluctuates I know what (generally) works. I believe the reason for the increase in ‘screen time’, for mental health is a good thing. There will be those who are experiencing these challenges for whom the promoted material may be beneficial. I also think raising awareness has never been as crucial as it is now. But I also have a caveat, not all those currently experiencing these difficulties are going through this for the first time, and while online information is often posted with good intentions, perceptions may differ. People with long term conditions will be familiar with such concepts or strategies, and may use them. Equally, some promoted theorems can actually cause difficulties in certain cases. My point is this, please don’t think that things can always be ‘fixed’, or if you can’t relate, it’s not real, but rather look out for those around you, show genuine interest and display human empathy, simply put, listen without prejudice, it will be appreciated.

    Free Member

    This is like the foam treatment they used to sell, basically it ruins the roof making any repair a re-roof.

    Free Member

    The other thing to check on that style of roof would be the dormer apex’s, and valley feet. If full lead valleys, then these should be cut and welded around the change of angle. If fibreglass sections, they’ll likely have a lead saddle. The issue with the latter is that often these are thrown in by unskilled trades and have very little effectiveness. If the area is especially windy you could get water driven up between the dormers and into any potential weak sections such as these. Worth checking against the side of the dormers too, standard flashing detail for these tiles would be 300mm cover flashing, bent 150 x 150 and affixed to the dormer and dressed into the surface of the tile. In my view this detail is never as good as individual soakers, but it is standard practice. If any of the dims are compromised though it could lead to water ingress. Always worth remembering that most leaks will start above where the water finally makes its way into the building.

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    Free Member

    Ok random out there thought, I’ve worked out why my garage is leaking. It’s the lead flashing which is regularly getting attacked by effing magpies, and they damaged it enough for the rain to start getting in.

    Any pictures, lead worker by trade

    Free Member

    Sorry, in Cambridgeshire. That felt damage is definitely not rot though. Basically when you load (bump) a roof you would usually walk the tiles on your shoulder up the felt and battens placing them at locations over the roof span so that when you come to lay it in there are enough in the locations you need them to be. This damage was caused by the person/a loading the roof using the gap between the dormers to gain access to the upper slopes. You walk on the sections where the battens are nailed to the joists, but as the felt is usually quite tight between joists, any heavy footed or clumsy foot placement can result in felt damage. The rubbing that you can see on the felt illustrates that this was used as a main thoroughfare, which in turn weakens the felt resulting in failure over the (relatively) sharp edge of the rafter. It sounds like the builder/roofer made a felt repair in another location with duct tape. It would be possible to do the same here, but my suggested remedy would be to find all of the areas where the felt is damaged, hopefully with access to the loft. Strip out those sections and put sections of new felt over the damage, lapping onto the section below and under the section above. This should be under the battens which will need taking off in sections (or cut at an appropriate place) and putting back after the repair. This should solve any secondary water ingress and be a lot cheaper that a whole roof repair! I would budget for 2 x roofers for 1-2 days subject to the extent of the damage, so £400-800 plus materials. If the builder/roofer doesn’t want to carry out this work, then I would find a local alternative contractor and agree for the work to be done and recharged to the builder as it amounts to leaving a job unfinished/not fit for purpose.

    Free Member

    Roofer of 20+ years. It’s been said but that definitely looks like it’s been caused when loading the roof. Not mineral 1F felt which is why is suspected looking at the thread title, and while that’s not Tyvek, it is a modern felt so unlikely to ‘rot’. I would be talking to the builder to seek recourse.

    Free Member

    I remember the first Jurassic Park getting in trouble over use of a Microsoft screen saver in one of the lb scenes.

    But, if you want to post a pic up here of your wife’s version I’d be happy to buy a copy if it’s ok, maybe contributing to the £130 if a few of us do it

    Free Member

    Easiest option would be to either route the down pipe from the main roof into another half round, or have a connecting section of pipe between the outlet and the bottom guttering for guaranteed function. I would put a wire cover in the top outlet though as with such a long run you want to avoid leaf blockages etc

    Free Member

    Yeah a batten wouldn’t hurt, maybe a noggin along the hip rafter, or out the batten on edge (so there’s space to lap the sheets onto the hip) if you want to fix the sheets there to prevent windlift

    Free Member

    Hi, I was thinking that you could use something like this on top of the roll out part of this on top of the corrugated sheets.

    Free Member

    Heh heh


    The devils choice ;)

    Free Member

    Old lead roofer here :) Trouble is with that suggestion that unless you put a wood core roll up the hips to hold the lead in place it wouldn’t sit very naturally on corrugated sheets. Additionally it’s a very low pitch, which will have a lesser angle on the hips. This is unlikely to cause problems for general rainfall, but with any wind it’s likely to blow under any detail of that nature. I would be looking to use something that bonds to the sheets, like flashband, although this is very ugly. A hybrid approach would be to source the roll out under tray from a dry ridge system (roofing merchants) which has tacky rubber edges and will adhere to the sheets, but a fabric centre so allows ventilation, and then try to source an industrial dry hip section, these are usually composite and are approx 200mm wide and can be available in 3-4m lengths. They are quite discrete and would mean that you could do the length of a hip in one section, negating laps.

    Free Member

    You’ll be able to get hip lengths for this type of application, having said that the pitch looks very low so you may be better off with some flashband

    Free Member

    I have it, turns out it was Arcade Fire, Everything Now, the official video was a distraction as the intro is different from the radio version, pan pipes at 02:35 for those interested :)


    Pan pipes could be Arcade Fire, Everything Now

    Posted 17 hours ago

    Free Member

    Ok, so I’ve been through they playlist when I thought I’d heard it to no avail, sadly.

    My head has now become more blurred trying to ascertain any distinguishing features.

    Any other bands similar to Arcade Fire in the last few years?

    Free Member

    Not Vampire Weekend, and not quite as upbeat as that

    Free Member

    Not Everything now sorry, more upbeat

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