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  • Fresh Goods Friday 541 – The Sunn is shining edition!
  • p7eaven
    Free Member

    The mushroom rashers

    Also I’ve probably eaten a lot less carbs as Ive tried to avoid the temptation of pasta.

    As a result my “problem” has been getting enough calories, Ive been loosing about 3lb a week!

    ‘Problem‘ solved by reintroducing pasta 😎

    A few days ago cooked fresh pasta and a semi-homemade sauce made with tomatoes, garlic, fresh herbs (*2 handfuls of watercress, 3 handfuls of fresh basil), dried porcini.

    The base sauce was posted out to us from MIL, a Poundland deal in a packet named ‘Dolmio Veggie Goodness’ (garlic and lentil) So just added the above to it.

    To be fair it was the most delicious pasta thing I’ve ever eaten. Not sure what ‘cut’ of pasta it was. Can anyone in the know help out? I just reheated some for brunch:

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    Real Engineering

    Interesting to learn of Charles Fritt’s first selenium solar cell (shown mounted on a roof in NYC, 1884)

    Free Member

    Quick masoor daal (red lentil daal) always goes down well.

    With rice/nan.

    Or tarka daal

    Free Member

    Gregs might make a decent vegan sausage roll

    No chance! It’s as bad as their meat one 🤣

    Cornish Bakehouse are worth a go IME

    If I want old-fashioned 1970s party-style sausage rolls then just bake some frozen Linda Macs. They are really good! Also good cold.

    Not a proper meal though. More of a fatty snack.

    Free Member

    i want to eat more veggie meals but am usually put off by the long list of ingredients in the recipes, which would mean a dedicated afternoon round the supermarkets acquiring them, and then probably never using them again….

    That really makes no sense (unless you are planning never to cook again!)

    Also, supermarket herbs and spices, dried pulses, etc etc are generally a rip-off Buy at local wholefood store/market/and/or asian supermarket/and/or online from similar for considerably better quantity and quality.

    1. Best Damn Vegan Chilli. I use reasy-cooked refried/pinto beans (Luchito brand from supermarket) buckwheat grits and red kidney beans. Dial the chilli powder down on the recipe unless you are Texan/Mexican!

    2. Red lentil stew. A good staple. Versatile. Easy to make. Economical. Very nutritious. Really tasty. Tip – eat any lentil dish with rice or other grains for a ‘complete protein’. Not necessarily together. Although this is v good served with rice.

    Also v handy for cottage pie filling, I just make the stew with slightly less water/stock (1.5 cups vs 2) Then make bubble and squeak by frying a diced onion til soft/browning then adding 50/50 mash potato and greens (for greens I use 25% boiled then mashed brussel sprouts and 25% boiled shredded cabbage)

    Put the mash in the frying pan with cooked onions, mix, flatten with spatula and fry gently turning frequently when bubbling. About 5 mins each side. Put the red lentil stew in oven dish and top with the bubble and squeak, raking with fork into high ridges. Cook in oven until bubbling and browning on top.

    3. Gourmet cheatburger

    Vegan recipes

    Free Member

    been looking at how to make seitan today, again, seems a bit of a faff.

    I can’t be arsed either. But mainly because I’m not a fan of seitan. I never worry about protein as long as eating a weekly balanced and varied diet of grains, leafy greens, fresh veggies, nuts and pulses. Also like neighbours hen’s eggs and eat about two or three a week. I add (B12) nutritional yeast flakes in recipes here and there.

    When I ate meat and dairy it was pretty much all wheat, potatoes, cheese, pasta and pork, with regular milk chocolate treats. So was no-doubt deficient in a lot of minerals and nutrients. Since cooking more wholefood vegan/veggan from scratch I’ve enjoyed more variety and taste. When feeling lazy/time-poor and not bothered/haven’t time to cook I’ve learned to be smart and keep a small chest freezer full of batches I cooked earlier. Only two of us here so always cook enough for six or eight and then freeze the meals in all the empty takeaway tubs that I saved up over years of eating like a lazy manchild!

    Main meals this week have been 1. chilli and wild rice, 2. bubble and squeak topped red lentil shepherds pie, 3. Linda Macs cheat-burgers (own hack) on brioche, crinkle cut oven chips 4. homemade chunky coleslaw (Mrs P’s coleslaw recipe is basically a meal), 5. fresh pasta and mushroom ragu, 6. Bowl of winter veg soup with turmeric and ginger and a baked spud on the side.

    Breakfast have overnight oats with fruit and nuts or a fruit salad,or toast and peanut butter. Lunch (that isn’t just an apple or a muesli bar) is a rare thing but I’ll once in a blue moon have fry-up brunch with Richmond vegan sossies or the Cauldron ones mentioned above/or oven-roasted oyster-mushroom slices, beans, mushroom, local egg, sourdough toast

    Will try and post up recipes 1-6 if I get time. Some are mentioned on STW elsewhere

    Free Member

    Have a look at the Carradice zipped roll?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry eulach I just saw the recipe request 😳. Looks like you made something tasty?

    Mrs P on the case now. I have to say that most Floridian/US food disappointments I experienced were branded versions ie fast foods.

    But a few local/homemade recipes were sometimes so tasty that I thought my tongue was hallucinating. Notably:

    Key lime pie
    Pumpkin pie
    Conch fritters
    Cuban roast pork, rice beans (Cuban-style)

    I’ve yet to have a decent (or even slightly authentic) key lime pie from a UK shop.

    Anyhoop, here’s one for next time 🙂 Hopefully better late than never:

    *Note – apparently the ‘whipped topping’ is whipped cream and ’vanilla’ is vanilla essence. Some go for a more meringue topping. It’s simple, and I’m not sure how much of the flavour is down to authentic Key limes (or Persian limes) but she says you can ‘simulate’ the key lime juice with a mixture of 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice and 1/4 cup fresh lime juice.

    Key limes are different-tasting than regular limes. Ironically, the ones you get in Florida are now mostly Persian limes. Interesting factlets:

    Key limes, also known as Mexican or West Indian limes, are more aromatic, with tarter and more floral juice.

    ② They are slightly yellow in color and contain more seeds.

    ③ Though less common in the U.S., they’re more prevalent throughout the rest of the world.

    Free Member

    Proper margherita, thinnish base, mozarella. Two or three anchovies. Fresh basil.

    Nice IPA or chilled continental lager.

    I do like a US-style pizza too. Pizza is still a major vice in the wrecked temple of my former body

    Free Member

    I have the ‘designed for 29+‘ Longitude MK1 (2015)frame, yet my rims aren’t wide enough to yet enable it’s demi-fat superpowers. I run it as a 20spd gravelthing on 2.2s and it bollocks across pretty much everything at a decent rate except for jumps and washboards. To make it more versatile I think I’d like wider rims/tyres but not convinced that the current mix of terrain I travel on it would warrant the extra hassle\expense

    Everything I’ve read says that consecutive models (MK2 – ) are 27.5+/standard 29?

    That doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ve been given good information. How’s the chain clearance on yrs?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    mboy, of your OP this is the part that I find to be of most interest:

    as I know that 25 miles either north or south of where I live, accents and dialect have changed so much as to be almost unrecognisable as the same language, and can be difficult to understand even for someone with a sharp ear if spoken with a heavy local bias!

    What do you claim these accents/dialects have changed from and to? If you were to identify a specific region/locale either 25 miles north or 25 miles south from you so we may then focus on that particular dialect and history?

    Free Member

    Ha I see bedwetting leftist handwringers with eu stars around their profile pics in mine.
    Maybe Twitter make you see the opposite of what you want to cause rage.

    Posted 1 hour ago

    Finally, an STWr who can explain what good ‘Leave‘ is, and why the EU flag causes you ‘rage’?

    See you over at the big thread? It could do with less of an echo. It could do with some good news. Couldn’t we all?

    Free Member

    Back in my day detention was for softies. Making an extra-curricular mark would have gotten the board-rubber thrown at head, or else pulled-up bent-over front of class to get a running-strike from the board-rule.

    Free Member

    Toblerone is the bes

    Ever tried the Twin Peaks from Poundland?

    Worst by far creme eggs, blurghh

    Agreed. BUT used to love them. Remember them being hard to get into (with some ‘snap’) and a thick chocolate, the filling tasting creamy-sweet inside with a smooth texture.

    Now they’re easy to get into and just taste megasweet (and grainy) inside and out.

    I’m not convinced that global warming is solely responsible for The Softening

    Free Member

    The Queen’s bastardisation of traditional British English and English English?

    Most people in Britain speak with a regional accent or dialect. However, about 2% of Britons speak with an accent called Received Pronunciation (also called “the Queen’s English”, “Oxford English” and “BBC English”), that is essentially region-less.

    The major divisions are normally classified as English English (or English as spoken in England, which encompasses Southern English dialects, West Country dialects, East and West Midlands English dialects and Northern English dialects), Ulster English in Northern Ireland, Welsh English (not to be confused with the Welsh language), and Scottish English (not to be confused with the Scots language or Scottish Gaelic language). The various British dialects also differ in the words that they have borrowed from other languages. Around the middle of the 15th century, there were points where within the 5 major dialects there were almost 500 ways to spell the word though.

    Free Member

    2 x ancient animatronic/special-effects and 1 x 1980s hand-drawn animation clips later 🙄

    Are we working up to actual CGI clips? Or consensus is that the only ‘eye-popping‘ CGI is ‘no CGI?‘

    Free Member

    This is edging towards #vectober 🤓

    That ferret’s face is ace.

    I’m terrible

    Humblus Bragus!

    Free Member

    What’s the criteria?

    Free Member

    Stirring up racial hatred to distract from his own failings. What a despicable excuse for a human being.

    I still believe that the real Trump died in 1987 or else is in hiding on an Island in the Sun. Whatever. The ‘Trump‘ that we see today is in reality a #deepcover animatronic puppet-suit-tank

    The Trump is normally operated by incumbent Commander Nigeheil Farce-Rage. And yes I’ve seen them together, this is because Farce-Rage has lackeys who can do a stint in the ‘Garage’ at a moment’s notice. Clever. Hatie Plopkins is also rumoured to be a notable operative, evidenced by her recent shade-upgrade from the neck-up. (White-Power was never so orange!)


    Free Member

    Nobody picked up on Jason and the Octonaughts? I’d like to see that.

    Well, I did – but guessed that it may have been an in-joke so thought better of responding for fear of further self-pwnage 😗

    If no more eyepopping clip than the OP is forthcoming then at the very least we’ll always have Octonaughts and Space Batter.

    Free Member

    Best: Dairy Milk, though I will admit it is not what it used to be

    RIP Cadbury’s. Hello shelves packed full to the ceiling of multibuy squodgey, grainy, overly-sweet, poor imitations of it’s former self.

    I even tried the ProperMocha DarkerMilk Wonkapoppin MegaButtOn Seasonal Sensations Special Edition Mk2 ™ bar and to be fair it did give my diabetes a toothache.

    Even Lindt/Lindor is better than the Mondelez/Kraft ‘Dairy Milk’ analog. It must be our ‘British Is Best’ myopia that thinks today’s Cadbury’s ‘best’ even long past the point where it was even British.

    Free Member

    Though omitting the human side of being fried to a crisp.

    Yep. Most war films fail in that respect.


    ! I withdraw my complaints 😃 (except the quality of the CGI 😂)

    Complaint upheld. Still waiting for some better clips. Nation of complainers relentless mockers and all that 😉

    I get by now that my OP was shite (and even agree) but let’s instead have some of the best! Or is all of CGI just a bit rubbish?


    Free Member

    It was all academic come the Webolution. You’ll be too busy polling for impressions to care much about whether a newt is an eft or an effet. Don’t be gaking at the clavy as the fire of language sputters and fades into commercial spam.

    hashtag murican
    hashtag wanadate?
    hashtag sothruwithtwitter

    Hey world! R U Left or Right? Like And Subscribe!

    Free Member

    I don’t spend long thinking what it must be like to see the world through that particular lens, but it must be a scary old place….!

    Yes they sure do look ‘scared‘ 🙄

    Talking of Hatie Plops – wasn’t it showboating on stage at a Trump rally the other day? Quaking it’s jackboots?

    *Edit- But yes, the followers are the scared ones. Thinking that some swarthy migrant is going to steal, rape, poison and murder everything that they hold dear before pissing in their bacon sandwich and slicing their head from their shoulders.

    It’s Hatie’s job to keep that narrative going. Fear sells as fast as hatred. Together they are an unstoppable force.

    Free Member

    space batter

    Free Member

    So some of the grammar rules that grammar pendants love

    Free Member

    I’m with footflaps on this. No need to follow/support their aims/agenda (views are impressions, but subscribers/followers are much bigger impressions)

    If you must, just read their public tweets and then verify independently if you want to hop onboard their train. If they’re talking utter vile bollocks then there is the rub. Engage and inflate? or walk away? It’s a shitshow. But be aware that it’s very easy to be naive enough to think that you aren’t just a pawn in their chess game.

    Free Member

    “A bit” over the top? I’m trying to imagine sitting through a whole film like that, and failing.

    The whole film is like that? Ahm oot.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the problem the op is describing that the BBC and other news organisations are trawling twitter and other social media for news, and trying to portray trolls comments as public opinion?

    Not necessarily troll comments.

    I find it hard to differentiate between, say

    1. ‘honest’ trolls trolling for kicks?
    2. bad actors trolling to spread propaganda?
    3. satire-trolls satirising extremists?, or
    4. regular people parroting/spouting whatever?

    Yet it seems that the most inaccurate and ill-informed comments (whatever the veracity or otherwise of the ‘seeder’) are ‘news‘ as long as they are sufficiently inflammatory. I’m not sure that the BBC is the biggest culprit of this by a long shot, but I see it pretty much across the board.

    The thing with social media is the ‘monkey see – monkey do’ effect. See the recent ‘covid Proms‘ debacle. BBC punched itself in the face after being accused of being PC and ‘banning the lyrics’ by reporting itself of being accused of ‘being PC and ‘banning the lyrics’. The twottersphere was of course as usual hanging with anti-BBC vitriol before it was reported by the BBC, but the source of the first accusation was … who knows or cares? The popular opinion is the ‘truth’ that matters now.

    Social media is both a rumour mill and propaganda dump. The truth rarely gets it’s boots on because the meme/narrative/rumour/propaganda was instantly spread around the globe by #everychannel, #everytwotter, #everytuber, #everyinsta, #everyfber

    Free Member

    Sorry alcolepone no idea. I just paste the youtube link and it appears in the space above my pillory 🤣. My method also seems to prevent other’s clips from appearing


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    Free Member

    zefrank1’s True Facts

    Witty take on wildlife narration. (Seemingly) effortless (and humorous) storytelling along with some stunning wildlife-footage.

    Free Member

    Funny … I joined an MTB group on FB and was taking a (rare) look at it tonight. Ended up in stitches just at how **** people can be to each other … even when they have their real names/profiles up there. Not like on here with people ‘behind’ aliases.

    Maybe it’s just moderation here that generally keeps people the sunny side of Rule No.1, but seriously, I spat my drink out. Let me screengrab for your enjoyment. It might even be you 😑.
    shall anonymize/censor. Brb.

    Edit: here but for thevgrace of mods go we…


    Free Member

    I growed up probly an ondfull of moiles frum yow, but South West of Brum, so I asked me ant un uncle abaht them nearer Wuster (theym frum Wollescot, just off the Wuster Rowud ayet? Anyrwod up, I adsked em abaht the way prapper folk spaeke, yannow, like yow lot does down south unthet? An they sed yum maybe troyin to be pash? They ay bothered abaht it like yow lot am. Orses fer courses ayet? Worry yersen saft yerull.

    Me grandad comes from deep Wustershire an he day spake like uz. He sounded like Benny Hill a bit. Man of few werdz but them worree yowsed sounded loike countrified. Norra massive bumpkin burra birrovabumpkin. Wuster folk. Not the pash uns.

    Free Member

    In grim style I haven’t managed to attend a ‘major’ gig since 2015 (GSYBE @Colston Hall) and then I missed all but the last 15 minutes because of an accident on the M5.

    So earlier this year I bought tickets for me and a mate to see Osees @ SWX in May this year. Weeks after the purchase it dawned on me that it wasn’t to be.

    Eventually they put the gig back to this November, but even now I can’t think that two old overweight blokes with multiple dependents are best-placed in an indoor moshpit Autumn 2020 edition.

    2 x tickets available. Worst stealth ad ever.

    Maybe in another 5 years I’ll get to see a band. By then I’ll be old enough to be going **** lawn bowling 😝

    Free Member

    Best: dairy milk with crunchie bits in, but it’s only randomly available
    worst: american junk

    Paradoxical! I’m old enough to remember Cadbury’s before it began the sharp decline/buyout process which turned it into the ‘American junk’ it is today. Yes, I still prefer it to Hershey’s and Reese’s, but then again I generally prefer being punched in the stomach than the face. George Cadbury will be turning in his grave.

    Free Member

    I can’t even work it out. Seem to be in a fix.

    n (in working order) = 2 (or 3 if a kickbike counts) ie
    – 29er – Longitude
    – Traditional tourer – British Eagle
    – Touring 26/20 footbike – Kostka G5 Tourstar

    n-ish = 6 ie as above + 3 currently in bits/need of repair:

    – 26” hardtail – Orange p7
    – 26” Dutch utility/cargo bike – Batavus Personal
    – Retro road bike – Raleigh Sirocco


    X = n-ish-1 ie repair P7 and Batavus, get rid the roadie.


    X = n+2 ie:

    – a decent long-range e-cargo bike
    – a decent new/used aggro hardtail with sliding dropouts (to replace the P7)

    *Edit anyone else just feel like saying f it, get rid of all (including boxes of mudguard stays, saddles, seatposts, old rear lights, brackets, odd parts-with-no-memory, etc etc) to replace with one simple bike? I have this problem. I remember simple and very happy times just with 1 x ATB. This bothers me.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure as I’d want to eat chocolate that has “colon” in its name…

    I have form – 2nd favourite is dark choc and orange from Lidl. Goes under the name of

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