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  • Marzocchi Enters Liquidation – MTB business sold? UPDATE
  • P-Jay
    Free Member

    I’m on 1750 cals a day at the moment to lose weight and I’ve got a streaming cold – it’s getting harder to pass the Indian Takeaway…

    Yay, boiled chicken with veg and a light dash of snot for tea.

    Free Member

    BoardinBob – Member


    Just curious, how does she get nominated but Bryceland doesnt? Her success this year cropped up on the BBC sport site but Josh went unnoticed.

    Wales is a smaller country and a Welsh World Champ at anything is a rare thing, whilst she’s very, very worthy of the nomination and indeed winning it (as is Josh) it’s unlikely a MTB athlete would make the final 8 of the National Award.

    I’d love to see her win it, but even with every MTBer in the UK (and some abroad) voting, She’ll been lucky to beat Gareth Bale, football’s such a huge sport.

    Free Member

    They’re allowed in our place, but in fairness there’s only a handful of us here and the one smoker/vaper doesn’t work here anymore.

    I notice they’re getting very elaborate, his looked like a cross between Dr. who’s screwdriver and a steampunk sex aid.

    Conventional thinking says they’re harmless to people around the smoker, but conventional thinking thought DDT, Asbestos and Thalidomide was harmless, I suspect in years to come the true risks will be known.

    Free Member

    Not sure, but I’d certainly avoid naked flames during my dip anyway!

    Free Member

    Ours is next Friday – “pub for 3!” for someone who only drinks twice a year (on average) this is a bad sign.

    I guess it’s one of those things when some (well lots) of people want to get as drunk as possible – I was no different in the past I guess, but I grew out of it in my late 20’s – I love a few drinks now and again, but hate being drunk and detest being hungover, it’s a horrible, horrible waste of a day to me.

    Free Member

    Yes thanks – out beautiful 6 month old started sleeping from 7 till 7 4 weeks ago – we had 5 months of hell – until 4 weeks ago she never, not once slept for more than 3 hours, it always took 45 mins to settle her again so a normal night meant 5 hours sleep in two shifts, a good night 6 and a bad night none, none at all.

    When she started sleeping though it took a week to actually feel tired again – the first 5 days I felt so rough on 8 hours sleep I thought I was ill – it took a week to come down from ‘over tired’ to simply tired – I feel like Zeus now.

    Free Member

    Okay, SAAB as you probably know is now dead, yes they’re 90% Vauxhall under the skin but there’s a risk there. Also even long before they went under SAAB’s depreciated like pumpkins in November.

    As for the Audi that era has the older ‘PD’ engines which were problematic at the very least.

    I couldn’t reckomend either really.

    Have a look for a Seat Exeo (I should declare I have one, so I’m biased)

    When Audi stopped making that Audi they shipped the production line to Spain and let Seat use it because they wanted to make an ‘Exec Car’ but they revised it – so for the same money as that Audi you can have the same car, only newer plus:

    It has the later ‘CR’ VAG diesel engines which are head and shoulders better than the ‘PD’ ones. Mine does 50-60mpg on the motorway (when I haven’t got bikes on)

    More spec, most Exeo’s especially the estates are top spec Tech SE (leather, lots of toys) or Tech Sport (less toys, bigger wheels).

    Better ride and handling – they nicked the set-up from the A6 so they ride smoother and corner better.

    NO KNOWN FAULTS it’s one of those very few cars that has zero ‘known faults’ by the time VAG stopped making them they were on the 4th version of the platform and ironed out all the kinks.

    The only downsides are they’re a bit of a dogs dinner at the front, it’s obviously an A4 – my mates RS4 looks almost identical in profile (minus the massive wheels an arch extensions – I’m not jealous, really I’m not – can we drop it OKAY!) – but the front looks like someone’s nailed on the front of a Leon and called it JD – it doesn’t really work.

    Oh, and they’ll never be worth the same as the A4 version, even though they’re older, more thirsty, slower, with a harsher ride and steering wheel that doesn’t entirely line up with the seats and pedals – the badge sells them.

    Free Member

    Cwmcarn is more ‘all weather’ than FOD.

    Only two tracks though, the original has loads of line choices – I’m not sure of Darrel’s most recent plan, but I think they’re lifting the original on Saturdays and the new one on Sundays.

    Free Member

    I’ve been taking fish oil tablets for years now, 3000mgs a day.

    My doctor moans about it, but they ‘generally’ hate supplements, they’re too blinkered about promoting a hugely varied and balanced diet – yes if I ate the perfect diet I wouldn’t need them – but I don’t, it’s not practical for me sadly.

    Free Member

    They’re basically offering a claims handling service, this is pretty big business – but at least if it’s from SEAT it should mean repairs are decent – they won’t do it themselves of course – most dealers don’t have a proper bodyshop.

    Even the insurance companies use them now, they’re the people who ‘ensure’ you get a stupidly nice hire car whilst they handle your claim and simply chop out a figure for your pain and suffering without you having to fake whiplash.

    Free Member

    It’s be a feel-good statement with less than 6 months till the next election.

    The major headline I’ve seen is “£2bn for the NHS!!!”

    Of course the small print says “£2bn will come from other departments within the Health Department”

    which is akin to breaking into your kids piggy banks and then acting like you’re doing them a favour by giving it back.

    Free Member

    It’s funny how the most anti-television people are often the very same people who like to let everyone know so via the internet, hey ho.

    Anyway, no at 5 a TV in the room is the parents trying to buy themselves some time away from their kids, my son is 9 and would like one so he can play Minecraft in his room, but we’d have to drag him out kicking and screaming – we’re going to hang on for a few years until he’s a teenager and wants to spend any time at home on his own anyway.

    He’s had a tablet device for a few years now, he loves Minecraft PE (which is TOTALLY different to Minecraft PS3 or PC I’m told) – chose an Samsung Android one partly because at the time ipads were still fortunes but mostly because I can have a lot more control of it – I’ve restricted youtube to the weekends and he can’t turn off safe mode – the internet is limited to only the safest websites and I can audit everything he views and does on their via Google.

    He’s recently got into Instagram, but again it’s an account in my name he doesn’t have the password for, so he’s got a closed account and has to ask me before he can accept any new followers – I can see who he follows or searches for any time.

    We’ve also had the 21st century version of the ‘chat’ about strangers, puppies and vans.

    Free Member

    A jacket from Mountain Whorehouse and a weekend ‘pass’ for the Alps next summer from my Wife.

    A nice bottle of Sailor Jerry from myself.

    Free Member

    A jacket from Mountain Whorehouse and a weekend ‘pass’ for the Alps next summer from my Wife.

    A nice bottle of Sailor Jerry from myself.

    Free Member

    There a few tracks that are “album only” typically it’s some one-hit wonder from a few years ago or the one decent track on a compilation album.

    But some artists have decided their albums are works in their own right and can only be appreciated in their entirety. Mostly the really pretentious ones from the 70’s “go figure” as they say.

    Free Member

    Leave him Tony, he’s not worth it!

    Free Member

    Old Man works for BapCo, and he reckons it’s a move to kill off the shale gas industry before it’s established.

    As for fuel prices, Petrol and Diesel has been on the gradual slide for months now, I don’t take too much notice but it’s been ages since I managed to squeeze £80 in, I used to hit that with ease not long ago and my last car had a slightly smaller tank.

    Perception is a funny thing though, fuel drops from £1.40 a litre to £1.20 and people start at least half-joking, half-thinking about getting something thirsty and loud, when it wasn’t long ago petrol went from 85p to £1 a litre and suddenly hybrids and diesels were the way and started the push that made the 50mpg the norm for economic cars and the previous ones that did 35mpg seem positively wasteful.

    Free Member

    dday – Member

    Low hanging fruit. (easy sales opportunities)
    Hunting elephants. (as above)
    Reaching out. (getting in contact)
    Strategize. (Really? It’s not even a word!)

    In fairness at lot of them are just ‘management bullshit’ and we lead the world in that crap.

    Free Member

    Been snapped lots of times, only once it bothered me – Passports last year, there was a little section that snaked down some loose wet rocks, nothing life changing but it needed a lot of attention – it was pretty dark in there too – just as you got to the bottom and looked up for the exit – BOSCH, big arse tripod mounted flash thing in the face went off.

    But usually I don’t notice them.

    Free Member

    I’ve driven worse… :|

    Free Member

    “Socialize” has arrived, but I don’t think anybody actually knows what it means… Least of all the people who use it.

    Doesn’t it just mean going to the pub?

    Although it’s ‘Socialise’ obviously.

    Free Member

    I can stand “can I get” or “my bad” and frankly I thought “burglarized” was a joke word.

    But I don’t complain, language is an ever evolving thing and belongs to anyone who wants to use it, some people seem to thing that if it’s not in the OED then it’s not a ‘real’ word – but dictionaries are reactive things, they’re there to try to catalogue language, not to impose any sort of rules.

    Free Member

    Anything “not tested on animals”.

    “every chip will eventually crack”

    Special K claims of helping you lose weight (has more calories per kg than corn flakes, they just recommend a tiny portion).

    Colgate “total” – they used to make toothpastes to cover lots of specific problems, but that seemed a bit unfair so they combined them all into “total” now they make a total for every kind of problem.

    Free Member

    Whether they make Freelanders or not anymore will have little effect on residuals, many others factors will play a much bigger part in it.

    Have a look at 5-6 year old ones and you can get a feel for how it’ll go – Oil prices are falling at the moment and petrol prices will follow suit (maybe) shortly which will take pressure of thirsty cars like 4×4’s.

    Free Member

    Once a week without fail year-around. During BST I get out for a few hours after work once a week too, GMT means the local leisure centre gym – hate it, but it stops the worst of the winter rust. I’ve tried night riding with some borrowed lights but I haven’t the cash for my own set just now.

    I’d love to ride more but it’s always a balancing act between work, my Wife and Kids and the riding. I gave up trips to the pub with my mates years ago to ‘buy’ more time for riding.

    Ironically I’ll give all my time to my family gladly but they’re also the main reason I could never give up the MTB – I’m a better Dad when I’ve destressed riding and with luck it’ll keep me fit into my 40’s and well beyond.

    Free Member

    Can’t stand the BT coverage, always loved it on the BBC so watched less of it this year.

    The whole sport seems to be in a transition phase but one thing is certain to me, they have to cut costs.

    As for who’ll win next year, if the Honda is still so dominant on any track with a wiff of a straight MM will sod off and leave them all.

    If Yamaha build the best Bike then, well MM will probably still sod off, but there’s a chance the ‘too old’ Doc might nick a fairytale season.

    Free Member

    Well I thought it was funny, I saw the ad on the TV and said to my Wife “that’s the most Daily Mail thing ever”.

    Free Member

    Fish & Chips, we also have a bit of curry sauce too, coz we’re all cultured and that.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    “130mph when the road was empty meant she caught her flight, by the skin of her teeth – 100mph wouldn’t have done it.”

    as i said in the other thread – id like to see you defend that position in court.

    Thankfully despite speeding at least a little bit pretty much every time I drive, I’ve never had an accident and never been prosecuted for speeding in 15 years of driving.

    If I’m ever caught I’ll fess up and throw myself at the mercy of the court – what else can you do? It’s certainly a factor in my risk to reward thought process.

    Free Member

    munrobiker – Member

    Thanksgiving is a pretty nice holiday, really. Non religious, everyone can join in and it is, in essence, about being grateful. Not about some bird who got knocked up and came up with a very dodgy story to cover her tracks. We did it last night (and will be doing it tonight too) but my wife’s American.

    I don’t think it will become a thing over here, it’s too specifically rooted in America’s (and Canada’s, in October) history to apply to any other nation. We could do with a good secular celebration over here, though.

    The biggest downside I can see to Thanksgiving is that the food is revolting! Sweet potato mash baked with marshmallows, green beans baked with mushroom soup and canned fried onions and a pumpkin pie made out of homogenous canned pumpkin. I’ve done 6 thanksgivings now and am just about able to stomach that stuff…

    It’s it about celebrating a meal that the Native Americans put on for the settlers – well before they returned the favour by killing them all and stealing all their land?

    Perhaps a fight over stuff is apt way to mark it?

    Free Member

    wilburt – Member

    As anyone explained why they need a car that can do over 100mph yet?

    Because sometimes your Wife mistakes “check in time” with “we’re closing the door of the plane time” and you get stuck behind a camper on the twisty bit between Morzine and the motorway to Geneva Airport.

    130mph when the road was empty meant she caught her flight, by the skin of her teeth – 100mph wouldn’t have done it.

    Free Member

    Modern cars are more controllable than ever before, ESP (insert whatever it says on your dash here, they’re all the same) makes them virtually impossible to ‘lose’ unless you’re driving like a complete moron.

    The brakes on humdrum little shopping cars can drag them from 50-0mph quicker than Ferrari’s and Porsches of a generation ago and whilst air bags and rigid safety cell don’t help you much unless your in one during an accident – they have engineered much softer and better shaped bodies if you’re hit by one.

    All lovely things that are reflected in ever lower rates of deaths on the road – sometimes thought it’s counter productive it’s so piss easy to go fast in them, it doesn’t really matter if you’re packing 60bhp or 600bhp because even the slowest cars have got 3 times the grip of 20 years ago, it might take a while but you can carry so much speed these days.

    If modern cars are too powerful it’s not an safety issue to me, even the most crazy of barely road legal track day warrior has a throttle pedal and not an on/off switch – to me it’s the wastefulness of it.

    They’re very clever now, they can make a 200bhp car that can do 140mph and 50mpg (not at the same time of course) but if it didn’t weight 2 tonnes it could do the same and get 60, 70 even 80mpg – they’re all massive now, the 3 series is bigger than the last 5 series and a MK1 Golf is smaller than the current Polo, much smaller.

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    Is that demo photoshop gone wrong or is the shock really on one side?

    Nope, that’s what they look like – asymmetric ftw!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Yes very quiet for me too, I was actually running really late but managed to get here on time.

    Schools are open, when my Son’s is anyway.

    Can’t be ‘black Friday’ surely, it’s only been a ‘thing’ in the UK for a few years.

    Free Member

    They might meet him very soon!

    Free Member

    Westminster would have lost the vote had they not agreed to a raft of changes to allow Scots more power to make Scotland work for them – the vote was a simple yes/no and it was incredibly tight – but in reality a compromise was found.

    If Westminster doesn’t honour it’s promises Scotland has every right to call another referendum and should do.

    Perhaps Cameron decided that he couldn’t win the vote fairly, so made a lot of promises knowing he wouldn’t keep just to land the problem in the lap of the next Government?

    Free Member

    Thanks all, I’ll check them all out.

    Truativ winning so far, it’s the cheapest and I’m tight AND skint.

    Free Member

    Bob the Ranger and his boys have done a brilliant job on Twrch at least (not ridden the others recently) – no puddles.

    Of course if it’s pissing down Airstream to Archie’s will be a fast flowing stream with a trail as it’s base – take a towel and a couple of MTFU pills.

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