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  • owenfackrell
    Free Member

    McRea would have carried on in that car.

    Free Member

    Rachel (allthegear), that is made up internet misinformation. The Equality Act 2010 (which replaced the Sex Discrimination Act 1976) makes it illegal to discriminate on various grounds (including gender and sexual orientation. Positive discrimination (i.e. discriminating in favour of the ‘minority’ is and always has (since the 1976 Act) been illegal. Positive action, is however acceptable – which is taking action to address a previous imbalance. The rules for this are quite strict. see here:

    I do know that there are times when you can positively discriminate in employment such as a female prision officer for a female prision but htey are few and far between and you have to have very good reason so im not convinced that a gay clib could turn you away for being straight (but they can just refuse you entry for other reasons).

    Free Member

    what makes you say that? There are some sections i know that are on a club chain gang and the speed difference between an average fitness solo rider and a bunch of 1st cats, is immense.

    The main reason is that the avarage speed for climbing the hill is faster than I hit going down it at 33mph.

    Free Member

    I started using this on my commute to and from work as there are a few sections on it but it only seems to randomly record that you have done them which i found annoying as i would like to use it to gauge my fitness levels.
    There are also some times on it that i can’t beleave that any one can realisticly get either on there own or in on case on a bicycle.

    Free Member

    jfletch – Member

    all 4×4 drivers are just utter selfish ****s

    Learning from the Wiggins school of diplomacy there!

    This thread is just evidence the whole world is full of selfish ****s. You could have the same rant about lazy gits who park in the parent and child spaces at the supermarket, or cyclists who chain their bikes to railings in awkward places. The list is endless.

    Everyone appears to be selfish becuase inhernetly we are all selfish and when someone does something that doesn’t comply with our own narrow selfish world view we get all mad.

    This thread is a glorious example of this pomposity.

    +1 to this.
    At my kids school there is very few 4×4 and most are ‘normal’ cars.
    Most parents seem to be selfish when taking there kids to/from school be it walking or using the car judging by my experiances of dropping my 2 off (walking as we live just around the corner).
    Oh and i wouldn’t be happy with my 5 year old walking her self to and from school.

    Free Member

    Which group are the seats?

    Free Member

    I have a Monarch thats a few years old now and is still going well. Mine has the adjustable flood gate which does make a difference to how it feels. Like glenh says they are full servicable at home. They even say you can swap the nitrogen charge for normal air so that you can service the dampner. I did this as part of my last service and the shock is still running great (noticeable better after it was serviced for £45 for the kit).

    Free Member

    Good luck to him i say some of those hills get hard. and iv’e only done it in a day one way (and that took 13 hours). To all those say why 3 laps? Its not 3 laps as when you turn around you are riding up th ehills you came down and vis versa which makes it a very different track and by the time he’s back at he begining i doubt he will remember to much of what the ground conditions were like doing the same bits again.

    Free Member

    On my commute to work, if i use my full sus then the average speed at any given point (ie look down at the speedo) is 2 mph ish slower. This is over a 15 mile commuteand equates to about 5 mins or so at the end.

    Free Member

    You are not allowed to stand in the doorways / vestibule as it blocks the corridor.

    But it is alright to put a buggy here? Hell our buggy folds pretty small but I would fall over it in a door way.
    You can not apply the scotsrail rules (or at least your interpretation of them) to the rest of the country as each operator has there own. Like MF I don’t use trains as they cost far to much for us compared to using the car which we have anyway.

    Free Member

    Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obediance of fools
    (Solon, the lawmaker of athens 559BC)

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    No – but I rely on using trains with my bike and do not see why a parent should be allowed to stop me when I am within the rules and they are not

    So you have never tried folding one up or even know if it will fit in that space. so when a lorry flatens you for rlj we can say that as he was with in the rules and you werent that is ok?

    Free Member

    How does a buggy in the space stop you from physicaly getting on the train and then asking the guard/conductor to get the buggy moved? or does a buggy have some sort of anti tj shield?

    Free Member

    Have you ever used a buggy?

    Free Member

    So its ok to leave the buggy in the doorway where it will fall over and trip people up but not in your special bike space evn though its not classed as luggage and guards will ask you to put them there?

    Free Member

    Since when did a buggy become a peice of luggage? does that mean that a dog is a peice of luggage? A wheel chair? The very few times i have used a train i have folded the buggy up and hung it in the ‘bike area’ and have then stood next to it as its not like you can put it any where else. You can yet again tell the TJ doesn’t have children as he is advicating puting a small child who is likly to roll off on to a seat while you walk away from them.
    What are you going to do if there are alrady 2 bikes in ‘your’ space?

    Free Member

    Are they like any of these?[/url] If so then you can get any of them that are the right voltage and swap the holders over if thye are not the same type.

    Free Member

    I like it in an industrial sort of way but not sure what it has t do with sport and the olympics though

    Free Member

    Just to conter all of those above. I have them on my bike as its a fairly flat ride and i have over 2 miles of open heathland which normal has a head wind. I find that they are good for 1-2mph for the same amount of effort put in on a normal day. As a side issue you will (or at least i do) find that you are warm as there is less air flow over you. I to don’t car what people think and i use a rucksack but as the bars have me in the same postion as the drops I feel it doesnt make a lot off difference also i find them more comfy than being on the drops as you are resting your body weight on your arms as apposed to your wrists.

    Free Member

    I have one of these to play with

    My best top speed so far is 17.7knts which is pretty quick.

    Free Member


    I need to contact them over a rim failure on a set of there wheels.

    Free Member

    Back to home serviced cars. Out of interest do you think the chap uses Continental replacement tyres or Event/Linglong? I guess the later. Car tyres are very important to me.

    I take resentment at this statment just because the car is home serviced doesn’t me bugger all when it comes to tyres. I have always serviced my own cars as i refuse to pay other for something i can easily do and for a lot cheaper and not only that i have had such bad experiances of garages when i have used them that do my best not to. I have always fitted good tyres to my cars as they are your point of contact.
    You would have liked the car we just bought. A 57 plate renault megane 1.5dci estate with 28k on the clock and was an ex mobility car and had the servie print out to go with it. oh and the tyres on it are contis at the back (proberly orginals) and uniroyals at the front. Price £5500 with some haggaling.

    Free Member

    I would use such a facility as my farther in law lives in Darvel and its a trip to the 7 stains from him.

    Free Member

    If im driving and using my car for something work has paid for then i expect work to pay me the 40p odd a mile where as if its a social thing with people (by the work or friends) then we go by the way of working in the petrol cost plus parking tolls etc and spliting it by the number of persons. Or the other way we have worked this is to take it in turns to be the driver and cover all the costs that time.

    Free Member

    I have a 1.5dci megane estate and currently gettign between 51 and 57 mpg driving it normally. I expect this to go up when the weather impoves and we go back to summer diesel as this seems to make a big difference. For a change the on board comp is indicatting lower than the actual (brim to brim).

    Free Member

    keeping the bows from dissapearing under water when they bear away…

    They need him on the extreme 40’s then.

    Free Member

    I thought it was to do with the sail trim.
    I want to know what the guy behind the rear beam is for.

    Free Member

    It seems to work in safe mode but with only limited programs running.
    Its not like there is anything that has been added to it recently either.

    Free Member

    Giving birth is NOT a medical procedure. Some women (a small amount) need help but if you are near dr’s then they will intervine if its not going how they think it should. I think that its great that that this country is moving back away from this. Midiwfes are very well trained for this seeing as they do a 3 year university degree on just this. The Maternity hospital here (Princess Anne Southanpton) has both a Dr lead labour ward and a midwife lead ward there is also the option of the birthing centres for those that want a close to home birth experiance. We opted for this due to the complications we had with our first. My wife lead the midwifes on what she wanted not once did they suggest anything to her. She pushed our son out and due to th fact she could get in a position she wanted (the body is very clever like that) she chaught him as he came out and the midwifes never touched him. Dr’s are to quick on connecting you to heart rate monitors when there is no need which means that the women is lying in a poor position to carry on giving birth (ie lying on her back).

    Free Member

    The is not a make i would avoid but plenty of individual cars that i don’t like for one reason or another.

    Free Member

    We would have liked a homebirth for any of our 3 but due to complications with the first it wasn’t an option. My wife used Hypnobirthing for our Son and only had a bit of gas and air and no medical intervention form the midiwfe. We used a birthing ward, which is midwife lead rather than the labour ward which is Dr lead. This may be an option for you, just ask.

    Free Member

    You can get the markers removed from the car if you take it to the right places. The thing is if your buying a scond handcar how do you know that its not been in an accident that on a older one would have ment it was a cat D/C but due to its age/value they repaired it?

    Free Member

    legend – Member

    Dr’s train to specalise in a single area and are very uncofortable to go out side of that.

    just like Electrical, Mechanical, Software, etc Engineers then?

    Posted 23 minutes ago # Report-Post
    nOpe more specalist than that as those are vast feilds and are more like say Dr’s or Vets.

    Free Member

    Do you go through pooksgreen?
    I ride from the general to blackfield most days and have found th ecommute not bad at all. Also what times?

    Free Member

    Saying that an engineeer has to be able to turn there hand to anything rather than a small area of experties is rubbish and even more so to compare it to Dr’s. Try working in a hospital and you will soon realise that Dr’s train to specalise in a single area and are very uncofortable to go out side of that.
    For what its worth i cosider my self an engineer. I don’t have a degree but thats more to do with my learing diffuculties restriciting me from being able to do what the acidemic world wants. i work in a engineering deapartment, have to fault find and report back on problems as well as man mange. Its amazing how many projects go on here with cEng’s looking after them that can’t see problems in looking after the tat that they have put in nor it seems do they care as they are on to the next thing by then.

    Free Member

    My XC90 AWD is great in the snow/ice and even mud. You can feel the car keeping traction as you let the engine control the speed as you go down a hill in it and as its AWD not 4×4 it moves the power/grip from front to rear as it needs to. Having a decent tractioon control system that will send power tot he wheels with grip also helps. The car feels lovely and stable in all weathers and its a 5 star car and you an ge tthem in your price range they are even not that bad on fuel fo rhte type of car.

    Free Member

    We use them here at the hospital butthe trust pays for them. They are non transferable and are like mot’s they are only good on the day they are done as they don’t cover any pending convictions. We have a policy of asking people both on hte application form and at interview if they have anything and will look at both what nad when when making a descion but if its not declared before and only shows up on the return then any job offer is withdrawn. So make sure you are honest as everyone makes mistakes and these things can be worked around.

    Free Member

    DrP – Member

    “FH62 GNU” – sorry, a car parked outside seemed a bit close to my house…
    How have you posted from the future?

    Free Member

    That last bit in the above clip would have had me contacting the cab company and licenceing people about him.
    A lot of that is just bad driving that happens regardless of what your doing. It does make me very glad that my commute is on quite roads with little traffic now.

    Free Member

    Its foggy in and around southamtpon and the airport normal is the worst place as its in a dip next to a river.

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