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  • Petrichor Projects PP002 Women’s Bib Shorts
  • owenfackrell
    Free Member

    juat as a bit of info on the fords. the 1.6, 2.0 and 2.2 tdci engine is a rebadged PSA one along with the 2.7 as used in land rovers, Jags etc..
    The 1.8 tdci is based on an old engine as used in the escorts etc
    like i said on the other thread the renault 1.9 dci engine from a certain age range (01-03) seems to suffer turbo failers. The vag engines are also not with out there problems nor are those from Ford/PSA as they have problems with the dual mass flywheel.
    You tend to here of more people with problems of a car than those with out.
    When you look for a new car don’t just assume that a low millage will mean that it will be fine. An ex company car will be very well looked after mechanically and tend to make good second hand buys as people are still fixated on millage rather than how the car has been looked after/driven.

    Free Member

    Not an expert, but a mate of mine had an 03 laguna 1.9DCI and he had problems with it blowing turbo’s. Think it had 4 in 12 months. Luckily he only had to pay once. The garage who fitted it said it was a problem with some lagunas at this age. He mended it and got rid!

    When the turbos go in them a lot of garages don’t replace the oil pipe or clean the intercooler or egr valve which normally leads to the turbo going again.
    Renault relased a modified oil pipe in 2003 which is why you here of a lot less of the newer ones going bang.
    I also think that a lot of people when they first got in to the diesel cars of 2001-2003 just drove them like a petrol (as most were bought for company car tax reasons) and didnt let the them idle for 30 sseconds or so on start up or stopping.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t drive it if i was you just incase it is the turbo seals ( a know problem on the earlier dci’s) as they can lead to self detination of the engine where it will run on its own oil at high speed (as the oil is a bit like giving a kid sugar) and then seize completly as it runs out of oil.
    Out of intreast what is the millage on yours?

    Free Member

    How about a waffer thin mint?

    Free Member

    I atcually think that the 2009 cars look better as there is less bits on them and look cleaner as a result.

    Free Member

    I would also surggest that she concintrats on what the newborn needs as our 2 year now walks every where and we have been buggy free since december which makes trips out so much easier.

    Free Member

    I full respect the right of an indavidual to wear or not wear a helmet but as i regulary commute by bike as well as ride off road there is no way i could look my children or wife in the eyes and not wear my helmet. it may not stop that car from hitting me but it might help reduce the damage to my head and for that reason i will wear one.
    The above about high levels of helmet wearing and high levels of accidents etc it strikes me that those with the low level of usage have the highest level of bikes and therefore the bikes get much better respect/treatment on the roads which will lower the level of risk anyway.

    Free Member

    Your wheelbase stays the same though the bb height increases.

    Free Member

    I went to the east of the cavennes a few years back and found some vvt routes.
    If you go here and then pick the one nearest to where you want to go it will tell you what routes they have near by and where you can get the map showing the starts.

    Free Member

    I hate that as well so keep a spare pair at work.

    Free Member

    I got my first recently and really like it though it isn’t bike related. I spent a long time making sure that i got it just how i wanted it as yo will have it for life.

    Free Member

    I try to take all my clothes for the week on a monday and leave my shoes at work as it make the bag lighter. Again the same with the lock i tend to leave it here as it is a heavy old thing.

    Free Member

    I had the same light as miketually till i forgot to tighten up the bracket properly and it wnet under a lorry.
    I run 2 lights on constant on my bars and a flashing straped to my forks.
    I have one rear on constant and another on flashing.
    I have these[/url]
    plus the front one of that rear one my others are no longer made it seems but they are still serving me well.
    I use both flashing and constant as i feel that the flashing draws the attention where as the constant ones allows people to gage how far away you are.

    Free Member

    I have an excuse for poor spelling plus i wrote just as i was leaving work so did in a hurry. I am not a big swearer any way so it doesn’t come that natrualy.
    my wife is very good at spelling plus as she works in HR knows how to write a cv.
    I am just pissed that this person was ment to be her friend and then just shit on her and i hope that she fails in her new role as she won’t be getting the help she has up untill now.

    Free Member

    That Mi-28 looks like an angry beaver (the animal) or maybe a ground hog.

    Free Member

    james – Member
    LX HTII 44-32-22T = 936g
    Hone HTII 44-32-22T = more, (inc. steel pedal threads/HT axle)

    Nope the Hone triple doesn’t have steel pedal threads and is almost the same as LX other than colour the weight is the same.

    Free Member

    The spitfire was desgined and tested in Southampton.

    Free Member

    As my fav has already been on (the SR71) I think of all modern planes this is advanced and pushing the boundries.
    I watched a program on the development of this and watching it take of vertically then go over mach1 was impresive.

    Free Member

    i was expecting it to come out mainly blurry as the cam is on the bars but its isn’t to bad.

    Free Member

    Too add to that the more you seal up a bearing the more resistance you put into it which isn’t so much of a problem for engine powered ones but you would notice it on the bike if every thing dragged.

    Free Member

    Didn’t even know i could make it private.
    i have changed it to anybody now.

    Free Member

    Nice vid
    Must go back there next time i am up at my parents.
    The bit where the guy almost goes over the bars looks new, could you drop it?

    Free Member

    Not really as there is only a small bit going into the liner so should be no worse than if it was lower. in fact on mine due to the routing the cable is protected from rear wheel spray at that point any way.

    Free Member

    You trim the grey liner where it exits the last ferrel.
    You fit the grey bit first then the first ferrel etc.
    you need to make sure that the inner part of the outer is nice and round after you have cut it.
    The clear bit is used if you have under bb routing and it is used there.

    Free Member

    Not into trains as such but do love the shear mechanicalness of steam trains they are an object of beauty but i also think that of the big steam engines that powered pumps, mills etc..

    Free Member

    JulianA – Member
    It’s an awful long walk into town from Southampton General..

    Would stop people if they could get the bus for not much and shierly is not far.

    Free Member

    JulianA – Member
    What got me was the visiting hours: 2-3 and 6:30-7:30 – a pain for me living 8 miles away but rubbish for people living a long way away!

    Do the ward sisters have control over when you can see your loved ones? I think so! Visiting hours vary from hospital to hospital for the same type of ward, as well (I have checked this, by the way, as my sister-in-law works in Southampton General)

    I was going to sya that they are longer here at soton but you sort of bet me to it.
    Our car parks are pay on exit for visitors, staff pay out of thier wages. the biggest problem here is that the site is 100 years old and like a loyt of big hospitals there is no room to expand out wards whilst the hospital grows in size and the amount of services it offers. there are discont schemes here for long term visitors as well as free for ICU’s extra.
    There is plans to expand the amount of public parking but it would involve closing the car park so its a bit of a catch 22 situation.
    the reason they charge here is to stop people park and going in to Town etc.

    Free Member

    The ones that get me is where the owner comes running up tell me that its ok as the dog is friendly. Thats fine except that my daughter is afrid of dogs that she doesn’t know as most are big to her and are more than cappable of knocking her down. How about not letting the dog run off if you know hes going to run up to people they are not to know that hes only being friendly any more than if a person just came runing up to them at full pelt.

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    We should all pack helmetcams.

    I do use mine for that and am in the process of compling a short on bad driving/near misses.

    grant – Member

    5th march – driver turns into a side road from the opposite lane/direction without looking and broadsides me, spinning me onto his bonnet then into the ground. I’m left with a broken collarbone (the ends being 4cm apart, one end having been pushed under the other by the impact), a banged up knee, a ride in an ambulance, lots of bruising, an initial month off work, 2 days in hospital for surgery to rebuild the collarbone, months of rehab and 3 months off the bike.

    Hope you get better soon and have his insurance details.

    Free Member

    glenp as you seem to have a dislike of hybrides whats your take on flat bared road bikes? as they can offer advantages in traffic.
    toxicsocks what trust do you work for as mine is bring this in in April as well.

    Free Member

    We have an Adventure AT3 Alloy trailer and it isn’t that bad it can take 2 kids well plus a bit off stuff. I use mine to bring my daghter back from nusary on a weekly basies (10 miles). I got a rain cover for mine for the days when its properly wet. It attaches to the quick relaes so i can also use it with my MTB that has discs which was a big plus for me.
    I had to strip an drepack the hubs when i got it as they were a little ruff but are fine now.
    If you have any questions then ask

    Free Member

    Flogging it from cold aswell, is never a good idea. I bet the oilsd hardly warmed up after 5 miles.

    This can also lead to killing the turbo along with the many people i hear/see reving the engine just after starting it or just before they turn it off.
    The quote seems resonable to me as labour rates are what push the prices up.

    Free Member

    Lactic – Member
    Thanks for letting me know how it works Donald, there was me thinking that Moyles could be a brain surgeon. He could however have a go as a porter or help with maintenance.

    What make you think that working in maintenace is any eaiser than being a brain surgeon? It takes years of training and skill to be able to do it i wouldn’t want any celeb near my hospital and the machines here.

    Free Member

    Mine looks like this though it does have more lights on at the mo.

    Free Member

    I like this on the honest john site

    Bad: Huge number of quality problems in direct contradiction to “Few things in life are as reliable as a Volkswagen”.

    Free Member

    the giant SCR range does all that though can’t remember which one is around £500.
    I have a scr2 and use it daily to get to work with full length guards on and find it very good for that.

    Free Member

    This lady is ment to be an ice hockeyist.
    Not that sure on her age but says she is a sinior which i thought was 16+.

    Free Member

    opps your right though you could make it look accidental a lot eaiser than just walking up to people with a gun for instance.

    Free Member

    Lactic – Member
    No gonefishin, I haven’t been to that sort of altitude, that’s rather my point. I don’t underestimate the challenges of altitude but a trip climbing Kili would still be a dream holiday for many of us outdoorsy types, as would Hawaii for those less energetic.

    But isn’t that the point of them doing it? ie it is outside of there comfort zone and hard for them plus not something that they would normally dream of doing.

    Free Member

    kevonakona – Member
    I know it’s wrong to think this but surely they could have got a better photo of him.

    I thought that as well as he is ment to be in his 20’s.
    I do think that if you want to commit murder then using a car carries the best chance of either getting off or a short sentance.

    There must be some good evidence that she was doing something wrong for it to get this far.

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