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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • owenfackrell
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    Shibboleth – Member
    I learnt enough to see some appalling driving – like people with that "must overtake that cyclist" mentality, even though I was doing 30mph in a 30 zone.
    The OP didn't appear to be doing anything like that sort of speed, 14 or 15 mph by the look of it, and the traffic seemed to be moving quite happily in the mid twenties.

    But that what the first driver is doing hes not over taking he is just pushing past the second car is over taking as he changes in to the other lane.

    As I said, if you're going to ride a bike on the road, you should expect to be overtaken by faster moving vehicles that don't want to trickle along at 15mph.

    Agian being overtaken is fine but not people just barging past you.

    Expecting people not to, getting arsey when the do, or trying to cause an obstruction so they can't is just going to piss them off and further damage the relationship between motorists and cyclists.

    But that is how they teach safe cycling ie not leting people over take when its not safe to do so. I also have been know to wave cars past when i can see its safe but they can't

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    glenp – Member
    One would hope everyone would be given a wide berth! As is required by the Highway Code.


    Sometimes when riding n the dark you can't see the pot hole that has appeared over night until you are on top of it other times Things move out and cause you to swerve or the wind suddenly blows across through a gap in the hedge. There are lots of reasons why a cyclist may suddenly 'wiggle' just like you wouldn't pass a car/lorry etc that close.

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    aracer – Member

    but common courtesy says you should do what everyone else in the queue is doing so if everyone merges a mile up, it's polite to do so yourself.

    Baaaaaa! Baaaaaa!

    If you are stuck in a line of traffic you can have fun with this by slowly going from side to side in your lane and watch the cars behind do the same :)

    Free Member

    tracknicko – Member
    nah i dont buy it. if everyone merges as soon as they see the roadworks sign saying the lane is shut, then you merge at pace, and you never have to slow to go through the gap.

    But if you do that 300yards/half a mile from the merge point then what is the point of haveing the merge point there and not just reduce the whole road to one lane?
    In france they have signs telling people to merge in turn and on the whole they do. I have seen a few places over here with the same signs as well.

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    DaveyBoyWonder – Member
    Whatever had happened to it, it'll have been repaired and have to go through a (VIC?) test to make sure its fully roadworthy. I've owned a cat C before – turned out to be a complete pile of crap so I'd never touch one again. You see cat Ds for sale cheap which as someone mentioned, are financial. Sometimes as little as a wing and a door needing replacing which isn't structural at all.

    A vic test just checks that the car is what it says it is and doesn't do a road worthyness teat though unless its under 3 years old it would need a new mot.
    The difference are a bit more than just structal and cost but i can't remember what they are but you can find out with google.

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    tracknicko – Member
    im with the wagons. nothing infurates me more than bellends in bmw's screaming past the cue to cut in 200yds later on and cause everyone to pause while we wait for the idiot to get let in.

    If you applied that to all places where the lanes reduce from 2 to 1 then you may as well just get rid of the 2nd lane altogether. The point is that its 2 lanes untill the merge point not where the lorry driver decieds it is.
    If every one does it properly and let people merge in turn then the traffic normal moves fast.

    Free Member

    That's where I reckon you're wrong. I have had for instance somebody sitting in lane 2 (of a 2 lane motorway) who did actually pull over after a few flashes. After I'd overtaken them and moved into lane 1 they moved back out into lane 2 again. It only takes a small shift from that mentality to refuse to move out of lane 2 (or 3) at all, and I'm convinced that had I dropped back or moved into lane 1 they'd have definitely stayed there. He was the only other car in sight on the motorway, in front or behind.

    This is the thing that bugs me with driving in this country is that most people don't seem to understand lane disapline. How many times have you been bhind some one in lane 2 of a dual carrige way as they want to turn right on the third roundabout ahead or that right trun 2 miles away. I have also seen plenty of cars late at night pull on to the motorway straight in to lane 2 even though the only other car to be seen is me and im going faster than them.

    Free Member

    We had a clio that was writen off as a cat c. I repaired it as the only real damage was to the rear sub frame which was just a bolt on job but it was to costly for the insurance company to do. It depends on what information you get out the current owner (he may not be aware him self) as to how satisfied you feel with it. You can also use this to get a lower price as they are worth less than a 'normal' one but this will also apply when you come to sell it on.

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    Olly – Member
    and please turn your foglights/drls off (this includes Volvos, they are not fixed on at all, rtfm)

    Mine are unless i pay volvo a lot of money to turn them off. I can even scan and post the bit in the FM if you want.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    No I don't think the beemer did the right thing at all – but neither did you. I said you were driving like a cock – not that you are one. a subtle but important difference.

    Yes you should have dropped into the middle lane and slowed behind mr BMW supercock. thats the safe thing to do. It would have cost you a few seconds at most if anything.

    How would it have cost only a few seconds to go from 60 down to 55 and stay at that speed as the car isn't changing lane raher than the 70 that he is allowed to do.
    It is agains the law to drive in the incorrect lane of a dual carrigeway/motorway.
    Over a very short journey (distance wise) then a high speed save you very little. But if i was to drive from my house to my mother inlaws at 60 then rather than the 11 odd hours it takes at 80 it would take a hell of a lot longer. (80 is legal as we are talking continetal europe).

    Free Member

    I go tthe 3m stuff from

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    TandemJeremy – Member

    RopeyReignRider – Member


    Actually, has anyone noticed an interesting phenomenon? Walkers up big hills, proper mountains and in inhospitable places in general, seem to be much, much friendlier to bikers than those pottering around the foot hills / lanes with their Goretex and carbon pole things.

    Yup. From a series of discussions on here and my own observations I believe that the further you go from the road, the worse the weather and the further north you are the better reception you receive from walkers.

    In the highlands in winter I have never come accross and issues

    I would agree with that other than the further north bit as i have not had any problems down here in the south and only got some odd comments in the peaks.

    Free Member

    Even if it was the courtesy car then it would have only been this for a short while as they tend to us new ones to rty and help shift stock. It is only the indis that use older cars. I have know a few managers/sales people who are more than happy to use their discount tpo buy them selves a nice car.

    Free Member

    We have one car that has xenon lights and the other has standard glass headlights. The xenon ones whilst a good light are not as bright as the others. The problem i have with the projector ones is that they have such a cut off line to tham that they really catch you eye when they do flick up and motorbikes with them mounted in the fairing are even worse as they bounce around. You shouldn't blind anyone if your lights are set up right unless you have odd overspill.

    Free Member

    Looks similar to car phone kits but you can normally see the cradle for it and the control.

    Free Member

    I am looking at this for our new car (xc90) and volvo do do one for ht ecar but they put it over the back seats where as i would like to do some thing that leaves some of the seats in place so the above solution may work well just need to get some fork holders.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member

    Diesels are amazing, literally no disadvantage

    I drove an A6 estate 20.l TDi last week and it went okay but nothing more – just a bit boring*.

    Two days later I drove the A4 RS4 estate. Now THAT'S what a car should feel like

    *I may well test drive a bigger diesel for my next car to see if it feels any more alive.

    Thats not really that fair a comparison is it ;)
    Depending on what you are looking for in a car then there isn't really any disadvantages with the diesel engines.

    Free Member

    On sky one? and what sky product.

    Free Member

    If we didn't have green belt then it would work much more like in the good old US where they have huge places just abandond (sp?) like air base/ports and lots of other industrial sights hell there are even whole towns out there. I for one don't want to see this in our small country.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member
    I accept that. Still seems a daft decision to me,

    IF you think its a daft decision and they didn't do that then whats to stop any one from doing this? How would you go about enforcing the rules?

    Free Member

    green field is a site which has been built on before where as brown field has and is a re-development. I think that by saying that taking the bales down was the last but of building the judge was getting around the loophole.

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    hora – Member
    The Quashqai's diesel is part Renault?

    It is but they don't have the problems with the all new 2.0dci that they had with the 1.9dci.

    My biggest problem with bikes on the roof vers in the boot is that if you have been for a muddy ride when its not raining unless you wash the bike first you end up with it covering the car where as to put it in the boot just requiers putting a sheet or the like down first.

    Free Member

    No one?

    Free Member

    From 2006 and intend to do it again this year I also rode it in 2008 but didn't take any pics that time.
    The rest can be found here
    It really is a ride about the big horizons and if its a sunny day make sure you use sun screen as there is little shade and you will burn on your right side (if going from winchester)

    Free Member

    My HT xc bike the saddle never moves. On the FS for local riding its full up but for playing and desending places like the peaks and wales then i drop it about an inch or so as you can still pedal on the flat inbertween bits but gives more room to be able to move around. Since doing this i have yet to go over the bars where as before it used to happen a fair bit.

    Free Member

    Check the tyres to see if they have markings on them saying inside and outside. Aslong as these are correct then the tyres will work on either side of the car. It is normally very expensive to get car tyres that can only go on one side of the car so they tend to make the profile work from inside out which will work in either direction.

    Free Member

    I agree with samuri and base if a film is any good on the 'have i looked at the time' princpal. the longer it tkaes me to look at my watch the better the film.

    Free Member

    I use a camelbak one thats mainly desgined for walking. It has a laptop pouche in it and i find that it sits very well on my back. It also has a space for a bladder and due to this i have used it for a couple of all day rides when i wanted to carry a bit of exra kit (food mainly) and it was still comfortable on my back.

    Free Member

    Money could be saved if when trusts are allowed to develop and get work done ( ie new buildings) the goverment give the trust the money and allow them control over when to pay the contractors so that defects can be picked up and rectified rather than as it is now, that you have to pay them by a certain date to get the money.

    Free Member

    Pretty local (southampton). Will do.

    Free Member

    Going on the fact that movement will be small and that ti does in deed have a good elasticity(SP?) i can't see it snapping. Also i am sure that they would have done all the calculations needed when making it in the first place.

    Free Member

    Hey Taff
    Looking at your routes we cross paths a lot. Fancy meeting for a ride some time?

    Free Member

    It must be said that in the rain/snow/fog i turn of the light on my helmet and just use the bar one (though this is commuting)

    Free Member

    18.94 so far for me.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    owenfackrell – My King kit is the stuff that works spot on but looks worn. you know the stuff where you wouldnt get much if you tried selling it but you know it works perfectly and is worth more than what it'd fetch.

    I have an awful lot of that sort of stuff :D

    Free Member

    I don't have CK but can't belive the stories of people have xx for y years with out touching them becuase if this was the case then CK would be making a fortune in the engineering world with such long lasting equipment. My Mavic wheel bearings have just been changed after 3 years and a lot of use. My headset is 2 years old and was a chep one but then i use a mudguard to protect it from the worst of the crap and that is still fine.

    Edit: IMHO

    Free Member

    I have an atc5k which is the one that came before the one in your link. I got mine from dogcam and they are a very good company. I would say that i reall notice the weight of it on my helmet at first but soon get used to it. If i was buying again then i would consider the one you posted as the cam part is smaller and would be easier to mount in place.
    My vids look like this.

    Free Member

    +4 for baby born.
    Don't bother with a baby bath you will just not use it.
    Agian the back carriers are good for weekends away when they are small.
    we found a travel stair gate to be really usfull when visiting people who didn't have small kids and on holiday though that can wait till yours can crawl.

    Free Member

    I have got mine from bike tart and its over a year old on my FS (which is baby blue) and you still can't see it unless you are close. it does do a good job of protecting the frame from bangs and accidental bashes into things.

    Free Member

    I like.
    Brassed off
    Taxi (french version)

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