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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • ormondroyd
    Free Member

    For gawds sake, people don’t have to push for pressure to build up in a crowd, particularly in a bottleneck, particularly not down a one-in-six descent into a caged pen.

    Free Member

    You know those things that have been exposed today as lies and smears? You can stop believing them now.

    Free Member

    The reason I mention it is that impact energy goes as the square of velocity – so an impact at 25mph will have 4 times the energy that the helmet is designed for.

    That doesn’t mean the helmet won’t still absorb a good amount of that energy though. Even if it’s a quarter of it, that’s still potentially a big difference to a head injury

    Free Member

    I never like the idea of mounting forks onto a rack by the dropouts like that.

    Free Member

    Awesome place. Ten degrees colder than anywhere 20 miles away, but awesome place.

    Free Member

    Is that a real advert? It’s a bit, erm, tragic.

    Free Member

    I’m impressed by Viewranger

    Free Member

    I was thinking if I ever moved back to South East Kent (I’m from Deal) I’d get a fat bike and start finding some bits of coast to ride.

    Edit… and having been round Sevenoaks yesterday, I’d be jumping on the train out that way quite a lot with the mountain bike. Those hills are bigger than I realised

    Free Member

    Bascially the value of the business if scrapped was greater than the share price. He figured it could only go one way, paid his mortgage off and had plenty to spare in the end.

    That approach fails horribly if shareholders get wiped out in a debt-for-equity swap or anything similar like that.

    Free Member

    Don’t feed the trolls, and don’t click on their depressingly successful shite-filled websites

    Free Member

    Any decent LBS (and most bad ones)

    Free Member

    It’s pretty, but that video is doing my head in. Why do they have to cut shots every second or so?

    Free Member

    Unlilely, was doing some research recently for a feature and it seems most of the major supermarkets have moved beyond the aggressive expansion phase.

    Tesco just won an appeal for their 16th store in Reading (on their usual planning technicalities. They can spend a lot of money on lawyers)

    Free Member

    But yes, second opinion needed. I was told I had muscle injuries until I finally got an MRI

    Free Member

    And get a singlespeed, really.

    Yep, really seems to help my meniscus-damaged knee. It’s spinning that gets to it, rather than pedal mashing. That, and swimming.

    Free Member

    My other half is there today. It sounds amazing.

    Free Member

    I’ve been to two:

    1) A strange naggy one who did all sorts of woo woo stuff with an electronic acupuncture machine, but who correctly diagnosed my injury as being cartilage (the docs had put it down to “overuse”)

    2) A post-op NHS referral one, who was aghast at my doing a 10 mile bike ride the day before. “Do you think you’re some kind of superman?”. Didn’t go back.

    Free Member

    My road bike isn’t uncomfortable

    Free Member

    The delay is due to a delay? Sounds like First Great Western

    Free Member

    my general opinion on drugs (ectasy aside) is that they might as well let them crack on with it.

    Who’ll be the one to teach kids to inject themselves with EPO to ensure they make it through the amateur ranks?

    Free Member

    So he grassed every one up to reduce his own punishment.

    He complied fully and as a result the authorities didn’t come down as hard on him as they otherwise would have done.

    What would you rather he did? The usual clamming-up “no comment” stuff that most cyclists prefer? You call it “grassing up”, I call it “cooperation”, either way I’m glad he did it

    Free Member

    Millar is taking a lead role in commenting on Lance, and the remaining overseers of that period (your Riis’s Bruneels and so on) and indeed our recent loss of Mr Schleck…

    Isn’t he?

    oh no hang on, he now has his gob firmly shut, as he has a ride for the time being, and could do without rocking the boat.

    Not entirely correct

    He’s stated…

    And I do have an opinion on Lance that I’ll talk/write about it in the near future, like everybody I’m trying to digest it fully.
    It’s so big that I can’t simply respond immediately, especially on Twitter, I need a lot more than 140 characters.

    He’s also criticised Liggett for his interview. “For me he is not the “Voice of Cycling”.

    Free Member

    Not the best of timing to be linking to theory based on the Texan’s miraculous fitness improvements.

    Indeed. I saw a pro rider on another forum recently say something like: “At least now people might stop telling me that the art of climbing is to ride with a higher cadence in a higher gear than my competitors”

    Free Member

    As a Fulham fan, let me say it was screamingly obvious to everyone what game Liverpool were playing with Dempsey. Tap tap tap tap, all summer long, and then a late and derisory bid to make Fulham cave in.

    Lovely straight bat play by Fulham. I can almost imagine they were on the phone to Levy saying “They’ve offered x, make it x+abit and he’s yours”

    Free Member

    You can get SpeedBall2 on the iphone. It’s way too easy after a while though.

    The one I’d love to see remade, with a GTA type game engine, is Skooldaze / Bak 2 Skool

    Free Member

    Looking at streetmap, A4 through Brentford seems to have a decent cycle lane all the way along it, for ages

    Free Member

    Actual court papers or just a debt recovery firm threatening court?

    Free Member

    A mate of mine summed it up nicely with “weird how he uses ‘Phil’ to mean ‘dickhead'”

    Free Member

    Are XT rings still made of wensleydalechainsucktanium, or have they improved from the mid 2000s?

    Free Member

    Stunning open letter from Michael Ashenden to Phil Liggett:

    Free Member

    The whole situation is so tangled up in legal muddles that no-one bar LA actually has a clue of what really happened anyway.

    Again, Lance tried to tangle it with his case challenging the process, but he lost the case, which makes it all pretty clear.

    Free Member

    Liggett, voice of Lance’s special edition DVDs, business partner, seen in past living the high life on Lance’s jet? 😀

    Thank god for an unbiased voice, at last!

    Free Member

    I got told off once by Sideways Tim for using the phrase “I don’t need one of those” in his shop. The point being, it’s not a “need” kind of shop 😀

    Free Member

    No just carry on without him and preferably in a court.

    Why a court and not arbitration? What specifically would the court add to the process? I don’t see what standout difference it makes other than making a larger number of lawyers richer. But it’s a genuine question – does the court feel more credible in your eyes?

    Free Member

    This system as it stands does not allow independant judgement. That suposedly comes later if you appeal, independance should be first. I am not against the Armstrong prosicution but would prefer to judged by a judge and not the investigators. Would you like to go into an arbitration meeting meeting with a police officer that investgated your alledged crime?

    But that’s just not true. People are falling for spin.

    Q: Does the athlete have the right to a hearing if USADA proceeds with adjudication as a result of a positive or elevated test, or other potential rule violation?
    A: Yes. The athlete has the right to contest the sanction sought by USADA.

    The athlete may elect to proceed to a hearing before the American Arbitration Association (AAA) using a single arbitrator (or a three-arbitrator panel, if requested by either of the parties) selected from a pool of the North American Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) arbitrators, who shall also be AAA arbitrators.

    So in Armstrong’s case, as with so many others, he’s been accused by USADA, and has the option to arbitration by the American Arbitration Association.

    Free Member

    TGO – I think it’s the weather first and foremost. Have been riding in the Chilterns for over a decade, and the trails have remarkable power of recovery back into neat singletrack ribbons, even from being bulldozed wide in the mud

    Free Member

    The worst spot on my loop north of Reading today

    Free Member

    > If 10 suspected car thieves were told they’d be immune from prosecution if they testified that I was a car thief…..

    This just shows how well the Armstrong camp’s spin is working. How would you apply this, for instance, to Emma O’Reilly?

    Free Member

    My XTR mech has been on my bike for the best part of ten years. I definitely remember swapping out cheaper mechs because they developed play

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