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  • Cotic Jeht Gen 2: First Looks (No Feels)
  • ormondroyd
    Free Member

    Giordana stuff is fairly typical Italian sizing. But it’s very nice for the money that CRC charge. I got a windproof from there for about twenty quid in their sale. It’s really nice.

    Free Member

    The South East Coast had a pretty near miss in 2007

    Free Member

    Yes, they’re very good. But it says there “item discontinued”

    Free Member

    Serious question – if someone was accused of murder, would sworn testimony, a receipt for a weapon and a threatening email be enough to convict them?

    Yes, if the testimony was strong. Unfortunately more and more people seem to have been misled by CSI, and other programmes like it, into thinking that you need laser-guided, DNA-confirming, enhance-enhance-ENHANCE forensics to secure a conviction. A criminal lawyer friend of mine told me it’s a right pain in the arse because juries have to be firmly briefed accordingly.

    Numerous people are convicted on witness testimony alone.

    Free Member

    As yet only testimonies of other junkies.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Plus you have to account for the additional CO2 emissions from people travelling to post office depots to collect stuff that could have got through the letterbox in a jiffy bag.

    Free Member

    Who ordered the track bolts?

    Free Member

    The Corner of Doom in the lower field seemed to be the most common crash spot. That’s the one that got me and my brake lever.

    Free Member

    Were you on an All City Nature Boy? If so then you were going well, up to that point.

    No, I was on a Crossed-up Karate Monkey.

    I rode like a mincer, was congratulating myself for getting through it unscathed, then promptly ate tarmac at the last corner.

    Hah! Funny you should mention that. My *other* comedy dismount was in exactly the same spot, down out of the woods, thought I’d turn tight onto the tarmac, and washed both wheels out. Close enough to the line to hear the commentator say “oooh, that’s got to hurt on the last corner of the last lap”

    Free Member

    I live 5 minutes walk from that Reading course but unfortunately couldn’t make it.

    Did my first ever CX race yesterday, though: Rode Seniors in the Rapha Cross at Alexandra Palace. Crashed and dislodged a brake lever on the 2nd lap, which took ages to sort (and I really had to sort it, I was singlespeeding so having nothing to hoik on wouldn’t have been good) so ended up finishing last of the finishers, 4 laps behind some bloke called Nick Craig.

    Free Member

    I like that video.

    Amazed to see my own order being packed. New Giro Xen on the way!

    Free Member

    Why not just be honest, tell them what’s happened, and hand it back, money and all? It’ll make the recipient happy, and that’s a good thing.

    Free Member

    Summer here and the most of the trails are bone dry.

    You sod 🙂

    Free Member

    The case is only suspended, pending the outcome of the UCI’s independent enquiry into itself.

    Free Member

    I meant it increased by 10k yesterday. It’s up well over $80k total.

    Just topped it up a tiny bit more with a second small contribution. It’s still important.

    Free Member

    Just tweeted by Paul K:

    Paul Kimmage ?@PaulKimmage
    How do I feel? I feel like Maximus as he prepared for battle.

    Paul Kimmage ?@PaulKimmage
    “On my signal, unleash hell.”

    Paul Kimmage ?@PaulKimmage
    Hope to deliver that signal very soon.

    Free Member

    Yup. The momentum of the defence fund has been simply amazing this week. It went up something like ten thousand dollars yesterday.

    Free Member

    Suspended pending the inquiry. Poor Paul, being dicked around for even longer.

    Free Member

    It also will definately be the cleanest tour ever after this years fun and games.

    I love an optimist.

    Free Member

    One of the funniest Simple Minds memories, where Queen absolutely blow everyone away at Wembley, and then it cuts to Simple Minds in the US and you can see Jim Kerr’s eyes kind of saying “oh…. bugger”

    Free Member

    I’m “racing” in seniors on Sunday. Will be on a big green singlespeed Karate Monkey cross bike

    Free Member


    (I really liked that album of theirs, back in the day. That early one)

    Free Member

    In other news, here’s (really) the 2013 UCI Worlds mascot

    Free Member

    Dutch Cycling Federation letter to UCI:

    Dear Mr McQuaid, dear Pat,

    From the KNWU we strongly feel the need to inform you about our view on the problems and challenges international cycling currently faces. The immediate cause is obviously the USADA report, the immediate strategic decision of Rabobank stopping the sponsorship of team Rabobank (because they lack confidence in the international institution of cycling) and the UCI’s response last Monday.

    Let’s start by determining where we agree upon; the professional international cycling sport finds itself in the deepest crisis ever. The credibility of our wonderful sport is more than ever at stake. The USADA report has made it painfully clear that:

    – within the international world of cycling systematic doping was (is?) common;
    – despite stricter controls doping could not (can not) hardly be detected (since that is still the permanent response of Armstrong: ‘I have never been caught on using doping’);
    – and that many people in the professional circuit knew, guessed or accepted this use of doping and ‘just thought this was normal behaviour.’

    It is good and important that the UCI in its statement has completely agreed upon the report of the USADA and took over the corresponding sanctions against Lance Armstrong.

    Moreover, to the opinion of the KNWU it is more than ever necessary that the UCI now, as lead agency of international cycling, has the obligation to present very strong measures and reforms to come out of this crisis and to restore the credibility and confidence of the cycling sport.

    In recent years there have undoubtedly been taken steps forwards in the fight against doping. The blood passport was the most important measure. But even more can and must be done over the next 5 to 10 years to really purify the sport from doping and to step aside from a system or culture where ‘the lie reigns.’

    10 years ago, after the ‘Tour the dopage,’ the statement was made, also from the UCI, that this could not happen again. That we were on the right track again. That the controls were improving and the culture was changing. Unfortunately in 2012 we have to conclude that the USADA Report has concluded that it is even worse. The key question for us, the KNWU, is to what extent we really can legitimately say that, in the year 2012, there no longer exists or can be spoken of a culture that tolerates, seduces or even encourages systematic doping. We are not reassured. On the contrary, we are very worried, and we are not alone in this. Rabobank resigning its sponsorship, and in particular the reason why it stopped, is painful and significant. We can not sufficiently answer the question whether or not the doping culture has become widely accepted in professional cycling in the recent years. The credibility of the sport and the institutions around it are therefore more than ever at stake.

    This deep crisis requires a strong and unconventional approach. We believe it is very necessary that an international independent investigation, a kind of truth committee, will be put in place soon (perhaps by the IOC or the UCI, or by the national federations). With appropriate and effective legal measures this committee will conduct thorough research into all the aspects and facets of professional international cycling. All those involved in the system of professional cycling ((old)-riders, teams, soigneurs, team doctors, team leaders, team bosses, sponsors, doping authorities/inspectors, regulations, national federations, UCI, organisers, etc) should be within the scope of such a truth committee. With a dual assignment:

    1. Let this committee bring out all the facts and findings (‘truth’) from 2007 till the present, exposing the system, its culture and how the system operates, show what progress has already been made, and also where the system fails.

    2. Give this committee the task to make recommendations or take measures which can faster contribute to the professional cycling sport becoming cleaner and where the principle of fair play prevails.

    If we do not use this crisis, with all those involved, as an explicit opportunity to really clean up, we fear that the culture of doping and lying in cycling sport that is unfortunately so deeply rooted, may never go away. Now is not the time to come with more fundamental proposals or reforms. Let the committee think about these aspects and present these proposals. Alternatively the circumstances ask to enable fast, precise, powerful and for resolute measures beyond what the UCI is already doing. It could be considered to implement measures in a ‘code’ to which the teams need to commit before they can even obtain a (ProTour) license. Of course there are always legal restrictions, but it is also important to make a statement right now. Besides the legal boundaries and frameworks above all moral borders and frames will be needed. Principles that are broadly agreed and lived upon and should be sought from all stakeholders, such as:

    – Suspension of four years instead of two years and greater financial penalties or deduction of points;
    – As well as penalties for the teams (and their responsible managers) whose riders are caught using doping (points deduction, financial penalties, withdraw licences), to make doping a collective rather than an individual issue;
    – No ProTour teams are allowed to hire people (soigneurs, doctors, team leaders, team bosses) with any prior involvement in doping practices (simply no ProTour lience is provided for participation in the ProTour circuit);
    – ProTour teams are only allowed to work with UCI accredited doctors;
    – The explicit separation of the different roles and responsibilities (governance) of the UCI (and perhaps of national federations. Indeed, because of the commercial and financial interests of the ProTour a conflict or apparent conflict of interest arises which at all times must be prevented);
    – Measures that contribute to a greater degree of self-cleaning and adjusting capabilities;
    – Etc.

    More than ever, the UCI must dare to act forcefully. Critical to everyone involved in the sport, including the UCI itself. An authoritative, independent international truth and inquiry committee with adequate legal measures can thereby serve as an important starting point. Only if we as an international cycling community are willing to take a very critical look to the ‘own system’, we will be able to build a clean, sportive and credible future. On behalf of the Dutch anti-doping authority and the NOC*NSF, we do an urgent appeal to the UCI to take the necessary and convincing first steps or make the necessary decisions in the Management Committee next Friday.

    If the UCI fails to do so, we as KNWU/Netherlands at national level are considering the possibility to create such a truth or inquiry committee (with the greatest international assignment or scope as possible), because we believe this is necessary.

    This is obviously in our opinion internationally but also nationally of great value. But it is evident that an international approach clearly has our preference. We hope you will choose the vigorous and forceful approach.

    With kind regards,

    Royal Dutch Cycling Federation,

    M. (Marcel) J.G. Wintels

    Free Member

    This is a really amazing and important moment and I really hope something really comes of it.

    Free Member

    The Paul Kimmage defence fund has gone ballistic in recent days, particularly as the story hits the mainstream in Ireland, with very critical coverage of the UCI and McQuad.

    It’s rocketed up to almost $80k, including a couple of thousand dollars just in the last few hours.

    Free Member

    (that said, you could always do this:

    Free Member

    I love my KM but why would you replace a bike you love?

    Free Member

    I’m a football fan and see no reason it wouldn’t absolutely be ridden with PEDs

    Back to the topic, this is about as far from knee jerk calls for a sacking based on a single event as it could be. This institutional failure is over a decade old

    If there was any chance McQuid could learn a thing, then it might be a fair point, but this week shows that to be (still) an impossible ask

    Free Member

    Direct link to the Kimmage Defence Fund here:

    It’s almost at $70k now.

    Free Member

    It’s okay though, cycling has moved on, we should stop looking at the past and realise that things are different now, and that unrepentant dopers no longer win races like the Olympics and the Vuelt… oh… wait

    Free Member

    Fair enough both. Used to be a major issue with BMI in particular. You had to post boarding passes all the time.

    Free Member

    He’s referring to Ashenden’s lab’s retest of frozen 1999 samples, to validate the new EPO test that had been developed.

    Free Member

    Do you collect air miles? Because often you need a paper pass in the event of a dispute, at least to comply with the resolution process. As one frequent flyer I know once said to me, “Friends don’t let friends use mobile boarding passes”

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member

    It’s impossible to take the line that “he doped, but they all were”, and still regard himany of them as anything but a scumbag


    How many of them sued and threatened to ruin people for telling the truth? This is just one of the reasons Armstrong stands out from the crowd.

    Free Member

    To me it’s pretty simple. It’s impossible to take the line that “he doped, but they all were”, and still regard him as anything but a scumbag, unless you think it’s okay to sue and possibly financially ruin people for speaking the truth.

    Free Member

    Emma O’Reilly: “Once my involvement in the project became known, Lance wasted no time attacking me and my reputation. Lance filed suit against the Sunday Times of London in the United Kingdom, and then sued me and L’Express, in France. Lance also tried to discredit me by publically referring to me as a prostitute and an alcoholic. The lawsuits against me were dropped or settled in 2006 but the damage Lance caused to my reputation remains”

    Then there’s Betsy’s statement about Lance yelling he was going to “make one phone call” to Trek bikes to “f***ing shut him up”, referring to Lemond.

    Frankie Andreu’s email to Lance:
    “If friends have an argument, which happens, then yelling, cussing, swearing and hand signals are fine. What I didn’t appreciate was the threatening tone (not physical) and statements you said to me. “You don’t know who you are dealing with, you don’t want to mess with
    me” “You’ll regret messing with me, I’ll make you pay.”
    We went from arguing about the reports to you saying this stuff
    towards me.”

    There’s loads of stuff like this.

    What a man.

    Free Member

    I’d happily take a road bike on 1km of fire road. If you ride in France, half the back roads have a habit of turning into farm tracks anyway. It’s fun riding them on 23c tyres. Just pick a line and ride sensible.

    Free Member

    Given that all those that testified were also drug cheats, I think their testimonies should be disregarded.

    Honesly, you could be copying and pasting straight from a “Team Lance Press Pack”.

    How about

    Emma O’Reilly?
    Betsy Andreu?
    Betsy’s corroborating witnesses, Piero Bocarossa, Lory Testasecca and Dawn Polay?
    Marco Consonni?
    Renzo Ferrante?
    Paul Scott?
    Jean-Pierra Verdy?

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