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  • Best eMTB Of The Year: Haibike Nduro 7
  • oreetmon
    Free Member

    got some last night off a usa ebayerer for £380 B.I.N (2011 kashima rlc) usd for 6 mnths and serviced before sale but lad wanted silly postage (150 usd) so i cancled it.

    might have relisted them.

    Free Member

    ive found skunk helps alot,,,,,

    im being serious, i dont smoke tobacco i dont really drink and i wouldnt consider myself a bum, i just have the occasional bong and forget about stuff thats getting me down. 8)

    Free Member

    pie on a barm (muffin?) = a wigan kebab :-)

    Free Member

    thanks for the replies,

    the last 5 months has been pretty siht and to be told to stay off the bike for another 6 has not done me any good either, i feel a bit more positive about all this now.


    Free Member

    i broke it in summer but the doc has left it until now to see if it would calcify,,,, it did not.
    had the op on thurs morning and have been told by a non-riding doctor to lay off the bike for another 6 mnths just incase, heres me thinking i would be able to just get straight back into it,,,, silly i know.

    what worries me is, will i ever be able to take a knock again and get away with it (i fall off a lot) or will i be on egg shells for the rest of my riding days

    im presuming that those who have replied have healed then had a fall and everything was ok.

    just thought to search for other collar bone stories and it seems that every case is different,,, guess its just luck.


    Free Member

    seriously smashed my collarbone up in summer and have been off the bike ever since, fitness is now none exsistent and smoked/drunk more than ever due to boredom and depression over the last 5mnths.

    my collar bone hadnt calcified (just spongified) and the doc said smoking had a lot to do with it.
    had my last smoke on thursday morning, chain smoked 3 before going for the operation to plate my collar bone.
    woke up thursday afternoon, doc told me the op went better than planned, although it will never be the same again he said they had done all they could but it was up to me now, told me if i didnt pack in then i would probably have to go through all this again if it didnt heal (due to smoking) with the risks increasing the next time they had to operate ,,,,,,,,, NO,,,,,,XXXXING,,,,,,, CHANCE, its the best excuse ive ever had to finally stop for good

    havnt touched one since and dont want to ever again, getting back on the bike is more important to me now,,, ive missed riding so much and now im counting down the months to when i can start to try and rebuild my fitness and my bottle again.

    couple of things ive done to help me give up,

    1, wrote a big list (think marker pen and A3) of all the things positive/negative about smoking, not one on the poz list,,, the negs not finished yet as i keep adding to it and stuck it to the bedroom door,, its the first thing i see every morning and i read it a couple of times as i get dressed
    2, left post it notes saying ‘cigs are shit’ etc next to my trigger points aaround the home i.e the coffee jar, the beer cooler.
    3, i watch people who smoke and take note how they react, i have never seen anybody yet who looks like they are actually enjoying it.

    couple of things ive done to help keep my mind off them
    1, eat lots of super strong cough sweets,,, feels like its clearing my airways out (placebo ?)
    2, got a big bag of liquorice twigs (not the sweets the actual wooden twig thingys) from the chemist and chew on them,,,, taste a bit like cigs when you suck them and they keep my hands busy. i believe they are used in poorer countrys as a way of cleaning teeth which is a bonus as my teeth are tobacco yellow.
    3, if i get a strong urge for a cig, i light one up, hold it for a bit then throw it away without taking a drag,,, im fooling myself into thinking ive had one by going through the motions,,, i think ?

    ive packed in a few times over the years. longest i did wsa over 18mnths but started again after a drunken night out thinking i will just pack in again coz ive done it before(stupid or what). i hate smoking, i hate the smell and i hate the way it has such a powerfull hold over me, hopefully this time i will beat it

    keep this thread going boys, if you fall off the wagon let people know im sure you will get the support/ribbing you need to give it another go.

    Free Member

    the fitting instructions give the code for the ‘match maker’ google it and post back if you can,,,,,,, i have lost mine and need to know.

    was thinking it might be possible to mod a nut/washer and bolt to matchmake the shifters to the levers,,,,,, might give it a go and post results if i get round to it

    awsome brakes, ugly though.

    Free Member

    did a job on a single OAP blokes house years ago who obviously adored his dog, moved the couch out to work behind it and found a used (im sure you can guess how i knew) butt plug underneath it,,,, fella went red and looked at his dog,,,,, i nearly puked.

    Free Member

    nearly married a girl i had been seeing for over 12 mnths until i met her mother,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Free Member

    have had this when headset wasnt nipped up right,,,,, its worth a go.

    failing that change your pads from back to front,,,, you never know.

    Free Member

    might be way out here as i would never pay that much for a crank BUT the new style shimano QRs fit my slx lock ring perfect and have come in usefull for a ‘trail fixy’ more than once.

    OOPS, just looked at the link, i WAS way out,,,,, worth a mention though (lockring/QR/trail fixy)

    ive had a beer or 2 :D

    Free Member

    bought some of the old style off ebay recently, brand new £35 quid posted.

    get em whilst you can boys, its only around the corner.

    Free Member

    my spike started to rotate at the rail/clamp area after a spill, shame really as the height markings made things so much easier.

    Free Member

    +1 for credit card / mobile phone, tis the lazy mans multi tool :D and a lot easier than taking everything but the kitchen sink.

    Free Member

    miss-spent youth,long term unemployed,mixing with the wrong crowd, drug habit, drinking every day and depression resulted in me having some kind of breakdown. was put on disability by the docs long term and given prozac,,,,,, the perscription drugs didnt work,,, BUT,,,,


    as has been mentioned, get on your bike wether you like it or not if you dont get home with a smile on your face,,,,, do it again, you will get there eventually.

    im 8 years drug free (still have the odd drink though :D ) and couldnt be happier, 2 months into a complicated broken collar bone that has stopped me from riding has made no difference,,,,,,,, 1 day when its sorted i will be back out rain or shine and I CANNOT WAIT TO FEEL THAT BUZZ AGAIN.

    also try a bit positive thinking,karma and other hippy siht,, no matter how pointless it may seem at the time it will eventualy make a difference, things just drop into place and you will look back and think,,,, what the f,,,,was i thinking.

    good luck pal, i would never wish it on anybody.

    Free Member

    snap a presta valve(easily done) on a cold winter night ride miles from the van with a repair kit but no spare tube and you will curse the day you never drilled and swapped,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i did anyway 8O.

    always drill them never any problems, almost split a rim at the pins once but the drilled hole was fine.

    cant see the point of fancy italian road bike valves on a MTB

    Free Member

    PS i have cracked a 2007 five at the seat post top tube weld after a big off with the seat post all the way out and they offered to repair NOT REPLACE, i would snatch their hand off,,,,the way things are going, who knows what price we will be paying for a top end frame next year.

    Free Member

    cracked in 4 places,,,,, ask them for a patriot frame, sounds liike you need it. :wink:

    from experiance (and a few 5 frames) i change the bearings every 12 months for peace of mind, a single pivot bike eats bearings far quicker than these fancy multi pivot foriegn numbers.

    Free Member

    i like doing the techy climb back up the belmont run as you can then do the decent from the two boys down the dog kennels link it with the gardens or the ice cream run. or up the belmont then link with the steep shute at the other side of the mast which again leads on to the ice cream run.

    another option is park up at white coppice cricket club do the pike then the belmont, a couple of miles of road then onto the moors and head up to darwen tower back through tockholes woods (sp?) and over the moors to great hill with a sweet decent all the way back to white coppice cricket club.

    Free Member

    bang a MASSIVE tyre on the front. :D

    Free Member

    dye it black :D

    Free Member

    fleas and the occasional dead mouse left on your pillow as a thank you present, thats about it for me.

    but,i get a belly laugh almost every night with the stuff my 2 (sid vicious and moggy) get up to.

    Free Member

    rivington, 30mins away.

    big hill with the mast on it.

    4 or 5 nice little runs if you know where they are.

    plenty of bikers around at the weekend to point you in right direction.

    Free Member

    have used a short off cut (20mm) of camelback hose in the past when i ran out, worked well and was easier to install.

    :? looked crap though

    Free Member

    nice-1 P

    Free Member

    keep an eye on slumits web site,

    got a 3 man gobi off them and its a lot better than more expensive tents i have owned.

    for the spec the price is very decent, looks like they are bringing bigger tents to the market soon as well, might be worth an enquiry.

    Free Member

    tyre burn to inner thigh = getting off the back when i shoulda gone down with the bike,,,, i live and learn

    50m round rivi ?=hardcore 8)

    Free Member

    got the old man a ‘sonic anti-pest device’ off ebay the other day. stops cats shoittin in his marigolds, he was over the moon :-)

    Free Member

    wasnt me but tis strange as i usually end up OTB at least 2wice a month in gods country (rivi :D ) have a battered elbow and big tyre burn to inner thigh after weds ride so i have been on sick leave this weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,, should be reet for the weekend though :D

    Free Member

    im 37 been riding all my life (racers/bmx until i was about 17 when i got a bomber for those ITK and bought a new MTB approx every 4 years or so as the tech developed) and considered myself a good rider. unwittingly i must have got lazy with age. a young lad (novice) with a second hand 2005 patriot has joined our mob recentley and is asking why we dont do ‘this jump, drop, line’ etc on locals i have been riding for years………. the little shti…….. thought i was a good rider but ive never even seen these lines/jumps/drops until porkpie (nickname as thats his trail snack) has pointed them out. his enthusiasm and my new bike (2011 orange 5 with ccbd :D) have encouraged me to up my game and im starting to hit bigger stuff that i have condemend as silly in years gone by,,,,,,, after the boy showed me it could be done i tried a 7 ft drop on one of my locals the other week that i have rode past for the last 4 years thinking fkthat
    given the chance you can always progress to the next level.
    it just hurts more as you get older :D

    Free Member

    im thinking the boy doesnt pay for his own componants and even if he does when mortgage/bills etc start eating into his pocket money and a nagging wife/taste for a few sneeky cans are involved im sure he will ‘take the time’ to polish his best way of escape :D

    Free Member

    thanx for posting the links SH. got mine with free postage though of a lad in this country (easier returns etc) might have got the last set though but have seen others with free postage,,,,,, might take a bit longer to arrive but as long as theyre here in time for the darker months who cares :-)

    #curses lack of PC knowledge with links n things# :cry:

    Free Member

    erm, yes,
    seen this whilst googling for another set of these rims. cant comment on the wheelset but the rims are suprisingly good. they look as though they are pinned AND welded they also have pins near the valve hole (for strength?) lightish (600g)for the width and ‘feel more stable’ than the 321s they replaced.

    bought a pair of the ano’ red rims for £40 , graphics (eurgh) came off straight away, look really nice laced to my red pro2s and floaters and the colour is almost an exact match.

    have own for 18mnths and so far so good. both have a slight wobble in them but so they should. one of my regular locals includes a 6ft drop couple of decent sized jumps to flat and babys-yed sized rock garden/field (ice cream run, rivi for those ITK :D )

    a true bargain.

    Free Member

    everybodys different mate, twas just my 2 penneth :-)

    Free Member

    run a 50mm stem on my FS and LTHT (456) and tried a layback for a while as i thought it would help me ‘stretch out on long rides’ with back and wrist ache being common after riding.
    after buying a set of wider bars the layback REALLY didnt work for me so i tried an inline, back/wrist problems have disapeared as i sit more upright/centered on the bike and control has been improved as i can get my erse off the back easier on the downs and the front end is more planted on climbs

    cant really workout the benefits of a layback anymore ???

    PS, i know somebody who cracked an ali frame at the seat/top tube weld whilst running a layback at max length. as frames dont usual crack in this area im thinking the ‘extra leverage’ didnt help :|

    Free Member

    :D sorry NO, these ayed chaps have been in the engineering game for donkeys.

    Free Member

    looks like all the ‘experts’ are tucked up :|

    dont agree with a softer back end, had a few HT and the 456 seems just right, the HT however has always been a weak point for me.

    thanks for the opinion though. :wink:

    bed time now for me, to many zoobs.

    Free Member

    agreed salad,

    tis the only thing that has annoyed me about the current 456,,,, im thinking kinked top tube if i can convince those with access to the machines.

    any more opinions, the usual experts seem to be busy tonight :?

    Free Member

    just bought it,,, give him full asking price.


    obvs a blag

    Free Member

    anybody else had a problem fitting adaptor to fox forks ?

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