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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • orangesoul
    Free Member

    Thanks for the pics and info. Massive help 🙂

    Free Member

    Do you think you could get a set of 40s in or would it be tòo tight? What do you think of the bike?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info. I’ll be sure to give pedalcover a shout.

    Free Member

    Not sure what the exact problem with the shock is. I just know that I’ve now gone through 2 of them. My old 5 had a Fox RP23 and was faultless for the best part of 8 years. It’s a Lapierre frame. New Zesty AM.

    Free Member

    Thanks Boxxer7…how does it compare to your Stumpjumper?

    Free Member

    Lockout works a treat. I’ll drop the lowers and check the oil levels. Could be time to service the seals.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget the cafe is normally closed on a Monday so no coffee and cake post ride.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice chaps.

    Free Member

    Out of interest and also because I can’t figure out which one has the play!!

    Last time they were done I’m sure the mechanic said one normally wears out faster but I can’t remember which one he said.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info chaps.

    Free Member

    Why will a single set up destroy the mech?

    Free Member

    Cheers chaps, I’ve just ordered a set of o rings from evilhomer.

    Free Member

    Svalgis / Nick,

    Internals weren’t touched, it was only the foam rings and wiper seals that were changed.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve damaged / broken the o-ring between the two chambers. How easy is this to remove / change?



    Free Member

    My XT’s didn’t need bleeding and I used a spare spoke to attach to the hose in order to feed it through. The rubber grommet is a right b1tch to fit back into place though! Olive will need replacing when the hose is shortened.

    Free Member

    Popped in today and picked up some motorbike fork oil for my Revelations…shed load cheaper than mountain bike branded stuff. Spoke to the mechanic who was really helpful.

    Free Member

    I’ve owned a Soul and ridden a Solaris. As quick as the Solaris was I preferred riding the Soul and felt more comfortable on it…just my opinion. I now own a 5 year old 5 and 3 year old Anthem. Both 26 and both brilliant fun. I get pleasure from riding my bike as hard as I can and as often as I can (snow permitting). It doesn’t bother me what wheel size I see on the trails as long as I see a smile on the riders face.

    Free Member

    cheers guys, i’ll try heating the rubber and using a bit of lube to tease it in.

    Free Member

    Cheers Hob Nob. May need an XL at 6’3 tall??

    Free Member

    Richie, do you know what size frame a large equates to? Is it a 19″?

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, Richie I’m based in Chester. I think Tweeks Cycles may stock them?

    Free Member

    Just picked up my new Starley frame, forks, post, stem and bars today. Very impressed with the service and the bike fitting too. Well worth looking into.

    Free Member

    Candodavid – don’t suppose you could give me some idea how much that 2 Souls frame was? Looks awesome.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the offers gents but I’m 6’3. Rorschach where are you based? Alfs?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    To answer the first couple of posts. I live in Chester and generally ride Llandegla for a quick blast and then Marin, Coedy, Penmachno etc. I’m fitter than I’ve ever been and ride as hard as I can (full Degla black in 1 hour 12 mins today).

    I’ve been thinking about swapping the Soul frame for a while now and was tempted on getting a short travel full suss 26er like a Giant Anthem, Santa Cruz Superlight or Turner Flux as I was literally going to swap the parts over and save on new forks, wheels etc. However, I’ve been chatting to a buddy and I’m now keen on a 29er which is why I was keen on hearing peoples thoughts about full suss v hardtail.


    Free Member

    Pete – money sent and you should have my address too. If not let me know and I’ll email it over. Could you let me know when you post them.

    Boxfish – thanks for the link. Tried 3 different lbs’s and none could order the pads.



    Free Member

    Hi Pete,

    I originally ordered them through UK Bikestore but unfortunately they couldn’t get them in.

    If you’re okay with selling yours how does £6.50 posted sound? If any good let me know your paypal address and I’ll send you the money.



    Free Member

    Cheers folks. I’ll see what deals Hope have on their pads.

    Free Member

    Hi, I’ve used all sorts of chain rings on my singlespeed. I did snap a Middleburn one which caused me to knee my stem and that hurt like f*ck. I’m currently using a Blackspire downhill one which seems pretty good. I’ve also used old XT 32 rings which were fine for the job. I’d probably go On One as a mate used one without any problems.

    Free Member

    Well, I have to agree with Jammy that this debate seems to have spiralled out of control.

    To confirm…

    – The forks are Reba Teams.
    – They have the adapter for a poplock/pushlock etc at the top of the leg but can not be manually locked. If they could be manually locked (without having to take the forks apart) I would be more than happy with them. Unfortunately they can’t.
    – Jammy has offered to go halves on a poplock/pushlock etc and very decent of him too.
    – I did express my dissappointment and probably wasn’t the most diplomatic in doing this. Apologies.

    So what can we learn from this…

    – Sellers. Please advertise your porducts in as much detail as possible. Explaining if anything is missing, damaged, getting close to being worn out etc.
    – Buyers. Ask questions. If you’re not happy with the photo’s provided or the product description, ask more questions. Never ever assume that something is as you’d expect it to be.

    I believe that this debate has now been resolved between both parties for which I’m thankful.


    Free Member


    In relation to Jammy’s original post I was the unlucky purchaser of the forks in question.

    As you can probably tell I wasn’t too impressed at receiving a set of forks that can only be locked using a pop lock without the actual pop lock. As asked for three things to take place, 1. Pay for a pop lock, 2. Forward on a pop lock, 3. Refund the full amount and I’ll send the forks back to him in the condition that I received them. Unreasonable? The last option puts us both in the same position we were prior to the sale of the forks with no one losing out as he had to pay for postage and I’d have to have paid for postage.

    I wasn’t impressed with receiving the forks minus the pop lock as the forks were described as being in excellent condition. In all fairness to Jammy the forks stanchions, seals etc are spot on, but excellent condition in my eyes means that everything is as it should be. If the advert said, forks are in excellent condition but the sale does not include the pop lock then I’d know where I stood and wouldn’t have purchased them.

    I’m pretty sure Rockshox and other fork manufacturers don’t sell forks that can only be remotely locked without including the lock in the sale, or mentioning in the blurb what is and what is not included.

    From the replies on this thread I can see that a few of you think it’s my fault for not asking if it’s included and that if it’s not pictured then why would I think it’s included. Well, to answer those points the picture provided of the forks was of them lying flat on the ground. All I could see was a lock to the top of the right stantion but as there was no cable or pop lock showing I thought it was a hand operated one (These forks are sold in two formats – pop lock or hand operated lock). As such I didn’t question how the forks were locked.

    For those wondering how much I paid for the forks it was £258 posted. I wouldn’t say that’s a bargain nor would I say I paid over the odds. I think it’s a pretty fair price after looking at recent sales of similar forks on ebay. I know that the forks were at one stage listed on ebay but never sold, so I guess he only received offers below what I made.

    If Jammy had offered a refund, partial refund or to forward on the pop lock then I would have felt better about the situation as I’m sure you’ll all agree that you place a great deal of trust in people when buying stuff off the forum, especially when it costs hundreds of pounds.

    I have been using the STW forum for a couple of years now and up to this point have never had any issues. I’ve always found that things I’ve purhcased from you chaps has been as described, or in most cases better than described. Likewise I’ve never had any problems selling items either as I try to include as much detail as possible about condition, age, use etc. Unfortunately, I now find myself in a situation whereby I have to spend another £15-30 on getting the forks to where they should already be. Is it fair? Personally, I don’t think so.

    Finally, for those that replied 3. to Jammy’s original post I hope you never find yourself in the position that I’m in. If you do I’m pretty sure you’ll feel differently about receiving goods that aren’t complete then.



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