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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • oopnorth
    Free Member

    Funnily enough I’m struggling to get my HR up – maybe you could donate a few beats ?

    I’m sure these races will help 😁😁

    Free Member

    @scaredypants I’ve got AF mate, heart issue, so I can’t ride right now. See my thread on it from a week ago.

    Free Member

    😫😫😫 I’ll be watching to see how you all get on. Hopefully the old ticker gets sorted for me to join the winter or spring series.

    Best of luck all.

    If you need any help with admin or anything, course selection, etc….let me know!

    Free Member

    Clicks the LIKE button!

    Free Member

    Hi STW zwifters. Autumn is coming. So advance notice: let’s try and put a Team Time Trial team together starting from 2nd September.

    At least my current heart issues have given me a proper excuse this time! :D Although right now I’d love the pain of a good fast race on zwift!!
    Best of luck everyone!

    Free Member

    Seriously, thanks for all this information guys, it really helps.

    I’m pretty positive with it all, I think the frustration I have is the timeline dictated to me by the cardiology clinic, but understandable in the current environment. Not getting depressed or anything at this point, it is what it is and I will live life and deal with it.

    I think alcohol may have a part to play, only because I had a few drinks the night before, so that has been stopped. Coffee I was always drinking with no flare up previously, so I may experiment with bringing back the odd one, but for sure it helps to drop the amount down, de-caff ain’t so bad.

    I’m planning to add some gentle turbo next week to see how it goes, the clinic suggested to get some gentle exercise in if I can.

    All the best to you all.

    Free Member

    Even if not, lifestyle changes can make a big difference, alcohol is a big trigger even in small quantities.

    Already addressed that*, and the caffeine.

    Right now I still have a HR that is all over the place, even when resting, usually in the mid 80’s bpm and does at times go over 100, rarely does it get below 60. I don’t care what treatment solves it, as long as my HR can get back to some normality and I can start exercising to some degree again, currently I can’t do a flight of stairs without becoming pretty breathless.

    *EDIT- I should mention, just so you are clear, that I don’t really drink much before people think I some kind of binge drinker. A few pints on a weekend usually, or alternatively a bottle of wine but no more and none mid week.

    Free Member

    @DezB that’s a strange one. I have been told I’m definitely going to have the reset and then the ablation to get it hopefully permanently fixed. Yes I’m on the meds for now but they are not having that as the sole option, it’s just an interim method of control, the plan is to get me off them.

    I’d be talking to your cardiologist if I was you.

    Free Member

    Tough times @el_boufador but glad you have managed to control it and get back on the bike.

    Right now I just feel in limbo but that will pass, my aim is to get back biking whatever it takes and all the stories above make me sure that can happen.
    Hopefully the clinic tomorrow will be able to help with these current issues and calm things down.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the stories guys, it gives me hope. Feel wasted this evening but it’s the first week and as mentioned I don’t think the tablets are doing their thing. Hopefully the clinic on Sunday will sort that.

    So glad that some of you have got through this in your own ways and have become drug free and back on the bikes as normal…fingers crossed for that one.
    Anyway the stimulants have gone for now although I’ve not been advised to at this stage. On de-caff, etc, health is more important.

    Free Member

    Good to hear @roverpig, glad your wife has had positive results and has managed to keep doing the ultra marathons. I take it she is still on the meds which are keeping her stable?

    Free Member

    Good information @superficial,very helpful. It’s early days so first it’s the clinic and observations to see which way they need to go, right now I just want them to get the breathing and HR on a better track. Hopefully then I can look at getting back on the turbo or something at a light rate.

    Once again cheers for all the help and well wishes. Thanks @savoyad

    Free Member

    Thanks @willard @butcher and @el_boufador, some good points made. I’m not depressed about it yet, I’m just hoping for some element of normality as mentioned above, and am prepared to make changes to do that.
    Alcohol could be the trigger for sure and right now I’m considering cutting it even though I only really had 2 or 3 on a weekend evening. I will definitely take it down to just now and again.

    Some good things to look into, I will definitely take a look at the book.

    Free Member

    Cheers all for the initial feedback and advice. I realize my biking may have to be toned down a bit, hopefully not too much so I can still do some hard efforts and longer rides. Let’s be honest I was never going to the Olympics or grand tours anyway :D

    Hopefully I will be back on the STW Zwift races in time and can still show up! Might have to miss the Autumn series though depending on how this goes.

    They have started me on bisoprolol too. The plan seems to be meds first, then maybe turn me off and on again if needed, then I think it will be ablations.

    Just hoping for a bit of “normal” really, I don’t want it to impact the things I love to do, but I’ll adapt as I have to.

    Free Member

    @Kryton57, this all stems from the Zwift “Sunday hills” rides we were all doing over the winter and spring period indoors, hence the thread title.

    God knows how Surrey hills came into it.

    Free Member

    Not sure if I’ll be able to make this due to other family commitments on Saturdays, but if I can I will try to be there.

    Free Member

    Hi Shaun

    I use a dedicated monitor for Zwift, I leave it in place and just plug the laptop into it, it works well. I also have Ultra graphics, it’s great on a bigger screen.

    Next stage is a tv mounted on the wall….

    Free Member

    Gutted for you TJ, so sorry to hear this.
    Condolences to you and your family.

    Free Member

    Thanks @stany, I was looking for some more beer deals and this is perfect. One mystery, a stout and a case of Dark IPA on it’s way.

    Free Member

    Hello Lauren…and welcome!!!

    Free Member

    Won about £800 worth of Exposure lights last year with the weekly Dream Bike competition. It was my first time of entering it.

    One of my staff won £50k on the postcode lottery in January, she got the video call and prize reveal whilst at work…she was a little stunned :)

    Free Member

    Wife picked one up late last night at our local Lidl, good job as there were none first thing this morning when I went in to get my food for lunch. Staff were calling other stores for stock.

    We already have a board but wanted one more so we can paddle together.

    Free Member

    Costco do boxes of Beyond Burgers in the freezer section, cheaper and even better when they have a deal on, like last week…we stocked up!

    Free Member

    ……Oh and I don’t work for RT either (or my wife) ;)

    Free Member

    I have to agree with most of what AndreyE has said from my own experiences, my wife is Russian and I have had the pleasure of being in different parts of Russia many times. It’s far from the grey, horrible existence that we are meant to believe by the media.

    Speaking of failing states, vast majority of Russians who’ve moved to the UK will be absolutely baffled by the NHS specialist waiting times. Like, a few months to be seen by a consultant? Really? Don’t get me wrong, NHS has fantastic capabilities and for better or worse I know this first hand, but again, nothing’s perfect.

    This is very true, I was stunned by how good the health service is in Russia, you don’t just go to a doctor in Russia and they give you a quick 5 minutes if you are lucky, In Russia you get a full check up with bloods, scans as a normal procedure. Dentists are far beyond what ours offer, immaculately modern facilities, very much like a private set up. Russian medical training is excellent and it doesn’t surprise me that the Sputnik vaccine was developed so quick and isn’t a political hoax like everyone expected.

    Police where I live does not care about vehicle theft and house burglaries (maybe not the right term, cases when there’s no one at home and thugs break in an steal stuff) and this is a nice area with good schools in London commuting belt yada yada.

    My wife and many other Russians I know of who live here are stunned by how bad our criminal system is, that burglaries or assaults happen and nothing is done about it by the police, they find that crazy as it wouldn’t happen in Russia.

    Russia is changing as Andrey mentions, the younger generation are driving it and are living quite western lifestyles in the bigger cities, not just Moscow, with access to all the mod cons that we have here. Many of them are not Putin followers and would love change but we all know what happens with any form of opposition that dares to stand against him.
    I can only speak from my own experiences and I can honestly say that the Russians I have met both here in the UK and in Russia have been some of the warmest, friendliest people I know.

    Free Member

    Just seen your invite John, sorry won’t be making it as I’ve just done the longer Tour route, legs haven’t got bagel in them as well ;)

    Enjoy the glass bridges!

    Free Member

    Might be involved in an egg hunt with the kids first thing but will try to join if I can!

    Free Member

    Full Member
    My warm up was on a trike this morning 😂 I was really hoping it would be the same in the race but sadly not! Wondered what their CdA was…

    Same for me….was disappointed I couldn’t race on one.

    Free Member

    Well done all the prize winners…especially @vanilla83 for the overall (I like to think I helped get you to the end in the race tonight 🤣🤣 )

    Also thanks to Chipps for firstly getting involved in the races and the STW team being so supportive.

    If you have time, or it’s raining please join the other Zwift events when able, Sunday Hills or the Thursday TT races. Enjoy the break!

    Free Member

    Good news Lewis!

    Free Member

    That was horrid. Legs couldn’t keep me with the fast group on the desert…someone put an effort in and the group went and I went out the back…I was doing 330w and couldn’t get back on.
    Got in a group with @bails and @vanilla83…then picked up Simon Copping before the tunnels.
    Kept it steady to the volcano and had around 29 seconds on next group as we set off up…we lost Simon on the way up and then I got dropped by the other two. Group behind were closing fast and I had to dig hard to get over the final steep bit.. think I held off J.Manz and M Lewis on the line by 1 second. Then I died.

    Great series, probably my best one yet, shame the vaccine caused me to miss last week but massive kudos firstly to @Robbo1234biking and then to you all for making it an interesting and engaging one!
    See you all in Autumn.

    Free Member

    Not as hot up north…about 18 on Tuesday

    Free Member

    Oooo just seen this, interested as Sunday is usually a ride day. Put me down.

    Free Member

    Had mine yesterday lunchtime, felt fine until 7pm as I was about to get on Zwift for the STW race series…then all hell broke loose. Started with what can be described as explosive diarrhoea, an hour later the shivers kicked in and I was in bed by 8:30pm. Very restless with uncontrollable shaking, at midnight this changed to sweats and no sleep from 3am.

    24 hours later and I’m still feeling weak as anything although the flu and diarrhoea seem to have calmed down.
    Just feel completely out of it with a sore head. Hoping after a good sleep I should be ok.

    Free Member

    @Countzero I read your post and my heart burst for you, really sorry to hear what you and your family are going through.
    Sincere condolences, look after yourself.

    Free Member

    Was gutted to have to pull out at the last minute but being sat here with a high temperature at 3am tells me it was the right call. I’ve got the classic side effects of the vaccine I had yesterday. I’m sure if I had tried I would have blown up massively and made things worse.

    Well done all, I was watching on Nixie’s live feed and glad I wasnt sat in the usual B / C group because the numbers were huge and relentless. Some amazingly strong riders in this series and everyone seems to be getting faster and faster.

    Looking forward to the last one and then a rest 👍

    Free Member

    A late retirement for me also…been feeling dodgy all day and then had the vaccine at lunchtime.
    Got home and am now enjoying the delights of a chronic stomach and multiple explosive trips to the toilet.

    No energy on the warm up so I need to bail….damn :(

    Free Member

    Well done guys…a great effort and good time.

    Brian I’m not sure if I’ll make tomorrow early doors or not but I’ll accept the invite just in case. If I can get up I’ll see you there.

    Free Member

    Sorry guys we were unable to select “ride with” as London isn’t a guest world today…so couldn’t catch up with you

    Probably a good thing cos I was pooped after Ventoux

    Hope it’s going well

    Free Member

    @kryton57 the best allrounder but not the best climber or descender, or flat specialist, but it’s always near the top. In speed it only really get beaten by the Spesh S-works Venge but that needs to have the high level disc wheels on.

    If you are doing general up and down routes then yes the Tron is the best option.

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