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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • ontor
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    Snowy singletrack…

    A post shared by Cycle Southwest (@cycle_southwest) on

    Edit: Ahh – I see. just doesn’t work in post preview!

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    ok, i give up. how do i embed instagam?

    Free Member

    I can’t think of a single part of a bicycle I have not had fail at some point through wear/fatigue albeit sometimes exacerbated by impact.

    Free Member

    insert pic here. bloody forum

    Free Member

    chunky monkey 2.4 front and beaver rear on one

    hans dampf and nobby nic on the other

    Free Member

    drifted 2 foot high in places

    It’s a combo of freezing rain and drifted show here. One car seen all morning, idiot!

    Will be riding round the local fields etc later though I might try to ride up to the forest…

    Free Member

    i fell off riding home from the double locks, but tbf, that’s nothing new.

    Rather depends if it’s from or too…

    Free Member

    Any good fatbiking?

    Free Member

    bent tooth on chainring?

    Free Member

    kill it with fire.

    Free Member

    edit – wrong pic

    Free Member

    pauls klampers come in a campi compatable version but they’re very spendy

    Free Member



    no idea

    If I were cycling I’d be after anything first, veggie second, ethical third. Vegan last.

    Free Member

    So your advocating a blanket ban on all long travel bikes? (e-bike or otherwise)

    No I don’t want anything banned. I just said it was worrying and that I hope people are cautious enough to not severely injure themselves by letting the machine get them into trouble. It’s a bit like learning to ride a motorbike on something other than a 600cc+ beast.

    The second issue is the creep toward lightweight motorbikes and the inevitable access difficulties that may cause the rest of us. Arguments pointing toward the damage that motorbikes cause on trails are already common in these debates.

    An argument repeated by the anti-ebike mongers, which has no bases in reality. E-bike are only ever going to get lighter, more toward normal mtb’s not the other way round.
    Also if you ever ridden a m/c and an e-bike you would see there is no comparison.

    I have ridden both, but that’s irrelevant. There will be an evolution but the bias will likely be toward more power and longer run times rather than lower weight. The whole point is to work less hard for your speed/thrill isn’t it?

    The significant access issue is that anything with a motor will be mentally categorised with motorbikes by the uneducated majority. Cyclists and e-bikers are not, for the most part, those with a significant say in controlling access. Because the e-bikes will be hard to spot there is the potential for restrictions to be blanket in their application.

    Ajantom puts it perfectly:

    His point is that cycling is about the combination of man and machine working in harmony, along with some sweat and effort, to reach your end point

    Add a motor into the equation and the machinery starts to take over.

    Which is exactly why I was expressing a concern that comes about because of stuff like this:

    I can’t keep up with them on pedal power alone (despite me be pretty fit). And now i’m hearing all sorts of stuff about them de-restricting and modifying their bikes (because “last week Dave was much faster than me” etc etc they already have bought 2 spare batteries each so they can do more “laps”)

    which seems intrinsically linked to e-bikes.

    Free Member

    Enjoying the outdoors under your own steam is, for me, the point of going cycling. Technical climbs and my own physical limitations are as much a part of it as anything else. That’s why I ride a rigid bike, often singlespeed, I take tools and first-aid too such that I can be as self-reliant as possible.

    I’m very happy to acknowledge e-bikes as a great tool for making that accessible to the old/injured/infirm and an increase in trail wear and tear is a price we pay. The proliferation amongst  particular kinds of rider however is worrying.

    One issue for me is shared by many long-travel full-suspension bikes, the technology allows people to get far enough out of their depth that the consequences are much more serious than they are prepared to accept. Speeds are higher so we are more intimidating and crashes are more violent. The unfit and inexperienced are further from help/home without the navigational, mechanical and physical resource to self-rescue.

    The second issue is the creep toward lightweight motorbikes and the inevitable access difficulties that may cause the rest of us. Arguments pointing toward the damage that motorbikes cause on trails are already common in these debates.

    If you need one, buy it and use responsibly. enjoy.

    If you are new, please take time to develop skills/fitness, why not stick to the trail centres? They’re fun and there’re usually people around to peel you off trees/call the ambulance/fix your chain

    If your interest is in de-restricted ragging around then please, please, go do it in a private woodland or stick to the green lanes/rupps. Don’t ruin it for all.

    Free Member

    @Klunk I built that car…

    Free Member

    Oil change on the Rohloff 4 months ago.

    Oil the kmc x1 every ride.

    Sometimes I have to wind the bb7 adjuster in a notch.

    Free Member

    Nothing but poor service.

    You should try getting spares for a kaffenback frame. They asked me if I could send a picture of the part I don’t have…

    Free Member

    The “secret” singletrack that Goes into, and out of, the cliff face above Armstrong house. or…
    The nutcracker, in summer, in full, from the old fort. or…
    Yogurt pots circa 1999, or…
    Rangers path circa 2000 or…
    Cadair Idris long desent or…
    South downs “special” descent from whiteways, or…
    The trail I finished putting in today, or…

    Free Member

    I’m fine up to 250 miles without.

    Using chamois cream seems to make things worse. Healing creams work well off the bike though

    Free Member

    yes please mrblobby

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, I’m not feeling the unerring support I’d hope for from a friend here

    You can wear my support as long as you like :)

    Missed you out today – next week?

    Free Member – for dartmoor i take two hip bottles and chlorine dioxide tablets. Take from any leat, lake or river and you’re fine. Been doing that for over a decade.

    Free Member

    Probably for the best. Gives the IF a stay of execution ;p

    Free Member

    bringing the camera…

    Free Member

    Bring a camera along on Sunday Joe and film me going down in a massive fireball

    Will do.
    I suspect the dropout will bend given what happened with the torque nuts on the alfine and a similar dropout.

    i’m also happy you’ve built the indy fab back up. we’ll need something to ride to the bog next time we go camping.

    It’s a beautiful bike serving a vital purpose…

    Free Member

    So, you haven’t done much research because you know it all, apparently without having done much research.

    no. I know a little because I have been researching this for decades. 7% of modern conflicts (roughly) are directly attributable to religious conflict but it would be foolish to ignore the historical or contextual aspects.

    Free Member

    There’s another question for SaxonRider’s book then – is religion really responsible for the vast majority of modern suffering and/or the majority of historical wars?

    Yes. minimal research needed.

    People are happy to cite the Troubles in Northern Ireland as an example, but that’s clearly not a religious conflict if you even read a paragraph about its history.

    this is not a good example. Like ww1 and ww2 the causes are complex. (oil and empire building in the case of the examples above)

    Free Member

    I regret commenting, religious argument is never going to effect change.

    The level of self-delusion necessary to outsource your moral code to a book is staggering. Religion has done reasonably well with artwork and architecture designed to reinforce the power and status of itself but is responsible for the majority of historical conflicts and a vast majority of modern suffering, (on a global rather than a first world, privileged scale).

    I will fight to the death for your right to delusion, but I’ll not join you.

    Free Member

    Serious question. Please answer non-polemically.

    If you could talk to a religious (specifically Christian) know-it-all, and ask anything at all about faith generally, or Christianity in particular, what sorts of things would you ask?

    For some of us this is not possible. It is honestly a real struggle to understand why/how religion (of any flavour) is allowable/acceptable. Religion has brought nothing but misery to the world. In any other context, massive self-delusion and fantasy is abhorrent.
    Is the universe not mysterious and beautiful enough without having to believe there are faeries at bottom of the garden?

    Free Member

    No tom!

    Bad Tom!

    Bad! Tom!

    Free Member

    Sounds like low-pressure self-steering

    Free Member

    svord peasant

    Free Member

    Use Schrader?

    Free Member

    Seems an odd way to do things. Glad I’m in!

    Free Member

    Too weird by far but I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the story…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Ride more (10k km?).
    Ride a 200k audax
    Coast to coast to coast in Devon.
    Top 10 in CX at Escot instead of being full of cold.
    100 mile MTB around Dartmoor

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