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  • Singletrack Reader Awards 2021 – Time for something a bit different
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    I went during a long weekend to Cracow (a fascinating place, well worth a visit, flights from the UK). A few years ago now, but I got a bus from Cracow that went to the town. I recollect that they ran pretty regularly, it was a bit over an hour I think, and the bus journey itself was an interesting experience.

    Full Member

    Everyone should go at some point in their lives.

    Full Member

    Hi Seth – I'm still riding that s/s Inbred you sold me – it's going well mate.


    Full Member


    I was similarly convinced that tubleless was the work of the devil and couldn't for the life of me work out what was going on. Had no idea what most on here were on about! But a ridiculous number of punctures last year (I currently boast the largest collection of tubes "awaiting repair" in the UK) pushed me into trying out a set of Stan's Flows as tubeless. Early days yet, but apart from a comedy hour with a leaking valve, they were easy to set up. So far so good as well, have now SMASHED my record and had 4 rides without a puncture – and it's hedge-murdering time around here. Oh and they ride well too.

    Conclusion: Well worth giving a go especially if you are inflicted with thorns.

    Full Member

    I'm on the heavier end of the scale and have Stan's Flows (the slightly beefier version of the 355). Happy with 'em!

    Full Member

    But their absence from the kitchen table doesn't prove they do not exist. The point here is whether they exist together or not. And whether a headset comes with a kitchen table (stripped pine or oak).

    Full Member

    – Any conclusive proof about the need for a crown race yet?

    Decorative jewellery perhaps?

    The Swede – how is the experiment progressing? Any early results yet?

    Full Member

    The Swede – Is one headset a fully representative sample though?

    Full Member

    Rode the Bucks 121 (off-road) last year on my Ti456. Furthest I'd been in one go. Great bike for it, but I felt I was at the outer limit of my rear-end comfort.

    Full Member

    We are currently discussing the crucial carbon offset allowances in crown race inclusion strategies. Or something.

    Hope to have a definitive answer shortly, probably around 2015.

    Full Member

    Thanks theflatboy. I'll have a look when I get home from work.

    Good job!

    Full Member

    Started mtb'ing in my mid-30's which probably explains why I have never learnt any of the "basic" skills – in fact I don't even know what they are, never mind able to do them! I would probably regard them as near-essential if I could do them, but remain in blissful ignorance…. Never come across a video on the net either of the more basic skills and how to do them.

    Full Member

    Back to the question – is it because of EU rules that some headsets might be sold without crown races?

    Full Member

    Look hard under those cushions as it will be well worth it!

    Full Member

    This place near Oban – perfect. Stayed loads of times and liked it so much we got married there (well just up the road but took it over anyway).

    Full Member

    It's hard to be at all scientific so I won't.

    Last year we made a big effort to be healthy, and stuck to a "no drink in the week" rule. It happened that we also seemed to reduce intake a lot at weekends, oddly. Now, there's no way I can describe my self as "fit", but last year was also my strongest year on the bike, I was climbing and generally staying at speed much better/longer. I just can't say for sure if the two are remotely linked, but I don't have another explanation readily to hand.

    (This year's been a disaster mind so far with illness etc).

    Full Member

    Used them on and off, could not get on with the insane puncture rate (record: 3 in one short ride, different thorns). They're "OK" in the wet in my opinion, but thick mud becomes a nightmare (I know, not what they're designed for, but hey you can't avoid it). Did a wet/muddy race and found I was losing the back wheel under me a lot on corners if that makes sense.

    Might try them with Stan's in the summer again.

    Full Member

    It looks pretty good in the natural shade of "mud" in the pic. How about a mid-grey?

    Full Member

    I probably should have done, but I'd been through all the steps he said. Had to redo the tape in any case once as I managed to rip it.

    Full Member

    Foxyrider – Mrs Ononeorange says thanks on behalf of the scales!!

    Full Member

    Hmmmmm….good spot. No more smuggling the bathroom scales out of the house and covering them in dirty finger marks then……I always get caught.

    Full Member

    Yes. Had this very problem (also on second tyre!) last week setting an ACX on Stan's Flow rim. Air blasting out under the valve.

    I eventually – after about an hour – got it inflated OK (and it's stayed up since) by doing the following:

    1. Really swearing hard at it;

    2. Nipping up the little valve collar thing fairly tight using long-nosed pliers. No idea if that is what did the trick but it stayed up as soon as I'd done that. It may have been the swearing and threatening to kick it round the house though.

    Good luck!

    Full Member

    Tim – it's only 'cos you've been ill! All months are good, and as said above it's getting lighter – the skies were just lightening up this morning for the first time this year as I left home.

    The mud is cr@p i agree – but it's a good blast for the legs in the thick stuff.

    The only bit of the year I'd ban is the last Wednesday in January – now THAT is depressing!!

    Full Member

    Ononeorange: Lovethelockout Fatandunfit
    (see what I did there?!)

    Full Member

    Firmly in the lock-out tent. Tend to climb out of the saddle and it's great (for me) to hold the front end steady. Really notice it on bikes without it. Not very rocky round our way though, if that makes any difference.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    If you're rebuilding a wheel of uncertain parentage (ie bought it second-hand) to put a new rim on it, is the collective view that you can re-use the spokes or is it a new set at each re-build (assuming they fit)?

    Full Member

    Completely and utterly clueless here, would like to be able to do the basic non-terrifying stuff but remain firmly planted on the ground. However, I suddenly seem to have clicked for no apparent reason the most basic move (that everyone else learnt at age 4) of flicking the front wheel up . You don't pull you push! I actually cleared a massive – easily 4 inch! – log on the track recently without getting off / crashing / ending up in an ambulance. Yessssssss! On top of the world for days – Ononeoranges' front wheel in off-ground shocker!

    Not sure 1) I could repeat it or 2) I'll be appearing in any rad vids soon.

    (Apologies for the rather unseemly enthusiasm!).

    Full Member

    Probably about 100 so far. Ish.

    Full Member

    I do both but do like ss'ing, especially in the mud. Fitter? No idea about the science, but I "feel" stronger/fitter after a few weeks of s/s. For me it makes me work harder as the only way to get up each climb is to really go at it, so I presume that makes me lazy on a geared bike.

    I'm sure a scientific training approach would be better but that pre-supposes I want to invest time and effort in the programme and I have time for more than a ride or two a week – not the case!

    Full Member

    Can't do pics I'm afraid and would probably cause some upset if I could 'cos mine's a bit of collection of bits – Revs, Pro II on 719 at the back, Stan's Flow on Pro II at the front, Easton / Thomson bars stem and post, Hope M4's, XT cranks, Sram X9 gears and Continental Puncture Speed Kings.

    Use mine for the odd race and whenever I can as I absolutely love it. It has transformed even my leaden riding.

    Full Member

    Yes! Got the ACX on the second time with the Stan's sealant almost without effort. It seems to go on much easier the second time, unless my technique somehow miraculously improved.

    Felt so chuffed I took my newly-rebuilt ss out for a long ride.

    Full Member

    Done them for the last few years (with Merida as sponsor), as above they are fun but in my opinion the Ruthin one is best. Intend to have a pop at the Grassington one though.

    Full Member

    "But what we must remember is…." = I'm going to go on about what I've been told today's message is, rather than even go anywhere near answering your question.

    Full Member

    Got my new wheel yesterday with Stan's Flows, tried last night to put on a Bonty ACX as a test. Half an hour of swearing and grunting and a broken tyre lever later, but I did it! Boy was it tough. It's true that you have to get the bead down the middle channel, but it won't stay there easily. Took an age to then remove, I agree with the OP that it would be a farce to do at the trail side.

    Going to set it up tubeless tonight. One question – if I try and fit tyre with Stan's fluid in it, it's going to go everywhere during the tyre-fitting wrestling match. Can I just pour it in through the valve instead, or will the world end? Or is that what the removable core is for? Stan's videos always show him putting the fluid in (ooo-err missus) into the tyre.

    Full Member

    Just out of interest – How many Large Simples left? – Just out of interest

    Full Member

    They all look the same covered in s**t…..

    Full Member

    Oddly enough cracked open my 540's (I think) for the first time at the weekend as one felt gritty after several years' use. I just undid the locknut on the shaft. Filled with grease and re-tightened – the vision of dirty grease being squeezed out is surpringly very satisfying – and it runs really smoothly now.

    Full Member

    Would love to do something like this, unfortunately can't make 6th March. Post up when your next one is, please!

    Full Member

    I can see that now that the trusty Inbred model is no more, when my beloved singlespeed Inbred frame finally breaks, it's going to be THE LAW that I replace it with a Cotic Simple frame, isn't it? Just thought I'd get that thought in now while there's plenty of time.

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