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  • 3 Things Thursday: Trail Helmets with MIPS
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    As above really plus they puncture constantly. They really do prove the worth of tubeless set-ups (which I went to in complete frustration with the sheer number of punctures I had). That aside, great in the dry.

    Full Member

    I know it sounds daft, but has the removable core in the valve come slighty unscrewed?

    Full Member

    Ah yes, got it now – the submerged track. Quite perverse fun in a wet winter looking for some dry bits! Cheers

    Full Member

    The colours in that cake! Want some! Where were these taken, Stu – looks superb?

    Full Member

    Molgrips: She took me to a garage where I bought a pump.

    Is that some sort of code?! :wink:

    Full Member

    Presumably, the motor drives the shaft to help rotate the crank arm around. It seems to work (in my head) in theory, but I reckon it would feel somewhat odd. And they look flipping heavy pedals!

    Full Member

    1981miked, That's the attitude! I managed to get one off the classifieds here after waiting seemingly forever, and they are ace. My build however was severely limited in the funds area, and the cheap second-hand components really don't do it justice. 2011's ambition is to improve it somewhat……

    Go for it and then post up on here when you've built it!

    Full Member

    To answer the original question (IMO):

    No. I believe (as do some others on here) that we are returning to the lost era that was the 1980's in the UK, which I believe is being done largely due to the dogma of those who now have their noses happily in the trough with no intentions of taking them out.

    (That's possibly my longest sentence on STW!).

    Full Member

    Superb – just made my day reading about that (again). Thanks.

    Full Member

    Wahey! My biggest thread I think – all these suggestions. Thanks guys.

    I like the gear cable one and will attempt to apply at the weekend.

    Thanks again.

    Full Member

    Thnaks for the further comments (can't access STW whilst sitting at work hence silence).

    elcreedo – current brakes are Juicy 7's, replacements are M4's.


    Full Member

    That's pretty unanimous, then! Ok, I'll have a go at getting a coathanger through the hoses at the weekend.

    Cheers for the quick responses. Much appreciated.

    Full Member

    Would say (as above) that standing up is the difference. I couldn't ride my s/s up very much without standing out of the saddle.

    Full Member

    Quality rotor floki!

    Full Member

    Good information above.

    I'm thinking of doing some sort of leadership course and was settling towards MIAS; can anyone recommend any good courses in the south (most seem to be more northen-based)?

    Full Member

    Used to be a 3 but now taking tentative steps to 2

    Full Member

    This may sound daft but it caught me out.

    I had a struggle recently with a Stan's tubeless conversion going up OK but then deflating overnight (as the OP). Liberal use of a bath of water indicated air merrily coming out of the valve. Schoolboy fail No 1: Make sure that you haven't accidentally loosened the valve core slightly with all that vigorous inflating. I had. Tightened it up with pliers and now the tyres remain as fat as an opera singer in a cake shop.

    Tip 2: Don't mess around with Stan's gunk in the bathroom either.

    Full Member

    Watson-Watt and the invention of radar was a pretty much shed-based one I think as no-one took him very seriosuly initially. I remember seeing some footage of him trying it out in the back of a lorry somewhere.

    If it passes the shed-based criteria, i nominate that as it quite probably saved us in 1940

    Full Member

    Not sure if it's the same thing but I get them sometime on my commute on the train – I get very irrational and panicky about being closed in with lots of people around me. Gradually getting worse and horrible.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone and sorry to ahve made you grumpy kevonakona.


    Full Member

    Perhaps I can offer a different perspective….My very first job when I was just 16 was cold calling on doorsteps / from a call centre for yes, double-glazing. It was for the princely sum of a pound an hour (before the minimum wage) and was the only job I could get. I don't condone the industry – looking back I can't believe I did it, you are so set up to be loathed – but as a naive youngster I can't believe how much abuse I had to stand and take. One old bloke got me indoors "for a quote", shut the door they proceeded to scream all his petty little pent-up hate of the world at me for an age, refusing to le tme go which was horrendous. Although I don't like being cold-called, that whole experience has meant that I always now speak to the other person with decency, unless they are rude/abusive themselves. That other person may actually be in a difficult situation and have some self-respect that they are trying to hold on to. I did actually stand it for some months, but left when they started putting off paying me (the measly few quid they owed me). A (hard) lesson in life.

    Hope that gives another view.

    Full Member

    Nice. Good Middleburns too.

    Full Member

    +1 for Hope M4's – I've run a number of brakes and have settled on them. All mine have been reliable, powerful enough to stop a mule and even I can change fluids / bleed / change pads.

    Full Member

    Finally got my courage together, M'dTFU at the weekend and took it to bits. Thanks for the tips about the springs and ball bearings – they were corroded up, obviously water had got in. Replaced oil, cleaned foam washers, re-greased ball bearings, it wasn't too hard, I just took my time. Forks work perfectly now, I even adjusted the air pressures! I now think of course that I know all about forks….!

    Full Member

    I'm afraid that I have to disagree on that point, although I accept that there's a fair bit of subjectivity to this, so don't really wish to start a disagreement that no-one will win. But in my defence I would say:

    – The use of organised indiscriminate state force in the Miner's Strike;
    – The Gibraltar shootings;
    – A whole load of wild stuff from Michael Howard along the lines of "lock you up and throw away the key" (Something like that anway);
    – Closure of the GLC and other elected councils when they disagreed with Tory views;
    – Various "dodgy" trial verdicts in the 1980's that were later overturned when it turned out that evidence had been somewhat abused.

    Anyhow, just wanted to defend my point, but as I say have no wish for an argument – I'm signing off now anyway.

    Full Member

    RIP, Bert

    Full Member

    Yes sorry – I was a bit lazy with words – but what I meant was they generally support (in a loose sense) the intent and direction of a document written in-part by Tories. Which repeals certain parts of laws sponsored by Labour. That's my confusion. All the old certainties seem to be up in the air at present, which I suppose is a good thing.

    Anyway, was just musing.

    Full Member

    Random anecdote No 2 – I once stood in a queue in Sheffield for a payphone, and Dave Vanian was in front of me!

    Full Member

    I am now totally confused. All the parties seem to have momentarily swapped around. Here we have Liberty – whom I incidentally have a huge amount of respect for – supporting a "manifesto" that a largely Tory coalition government has put up and criticising Labour-sponsored laws. I'm not sure now who I'm supposed to dislike!

    Sounds ridiculous I know, but it is all so strange at the moment.

    Full Member

    Still, the major driver I can see for an increase in interest rates (given that demand pull inflation is unlikely) is to defend the £ on the international markets.

    – The Bank of England (currently) controls interest rates, and their mandate is firstly an inflation target, then subsequnetly economic stability. They would not directly therefore target an exchange rate. However, I think I recollect the Tories opposing BoE independence in 1997, so I suppose we can expect Osborne to take back interest rate management in some form, which will be handy for creating wild but voter-friendly booms just before elections.

    Full Member

    National socialists. A bit different to the Communist variety and not very left wing.

    Full Member

    didn't the exiting right wing government have those powers too? – Good point!

    Granted the ex-USSR had a very strong line in repression, but I really can't see that right-wingers connect in any way either with civil liberties; eg Maggie and the miners/Irish/anyone who disagreed with her/support for the charming Mr Pinochet; George Bush and Guantanamo; Germany 1933-45 etc etc. I did rather assume that David Davis' resignation was some sort of barking publicity stunt that mis-fired; I don't see the Terrorism laws being relaxed any time soon!

    Leaving aside economic prefernces, views on teaching, healthcare and all those things that are very important, for me the biggest reason I could never vote for the right is their (to me) repressive tendencies.

    Full Member

    Is anyone remotely concerned about the fact that Cameron will (presumably) head a government that now has the various Terrorism Acts in place? Essentially, he has carte blanche to tap people's phones, lock someone up without trial for 28 days, try them with no jury, court evidence is just an optional extra, and all for looking like they might have once thought about not agreeing with the government. That's how those pieces of legislation work as far as I can see, anyway.

    Anyone bothered that a right-wing government now has those terrifying powers?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Thanks nenija. I haven't actually ridden it yet so maybe will try that plus the horizontal turning will sort it.

    Good answer – it didn't include starting again!


    Full Member

    In the area so much depends on the conditions. Have struggled to do the 75k in previous (wet) years, last year did the 121 which was tough but not so much that it wasn't enjoyable, it was a lot of fun.

    IF the rain holds off, it's certainly do-able.

    Doing the 80k this year so I can ride with Mrs Ononeorange – very proud of her for putting her name down for this, her first organised event.

    Full Member

    Tempting, although not sure I can make it in time.

    Full Member

    Gnarly, and indeed, stoked, canal path rider

    Full Member

    pardon my ignorance, but what is PVFS/CFS?

    Full Member

    Either Schwalbe Dodgy Daves or Gurning Gordons I would have thought.

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