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  • Dream Job Alert! Tweed Valley MTB Roles
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    We've been using a Panasonic for years, not had a bad loaf. As above, follow the recipe exactly (as it's sort-of cooking, and everyone knows cooking is a black art).

    Full Member

    I like mine. Although I agree the grommets are made of cheese, but they do come with full stops.

    Full Member

    Not sure how you can cut the pointing back so it's no so proud…..

    Full Member

    Had my appendix out in the 1970's – possibly the worst experience of my life, I think they must have anaesthetised me with cyanide or something. Then I had another general a few years back for an operation on my hand, felt great afterwards, no problems. Felt very rested.

    It is possible that drugs have changed / improved a bit in the 35 years in between, I suppose!

    Full Member

    +1 for Richard E Grant in Withnail and I; also Robert Donat in The 39 Steps.

    Full Member

    Theromstats are on the rads themselves, so no central one.

    Thanks for all the posts. Given that we discovered the boiler did not appear to have been touched since it was installed around 10 years ago (all manner of rubbish/soot was inside it), I accept that a thorough "review" of the whole system may be worthwhile, I'm just very wary of cowboys, met too many in the past.

    Thanks again, I do appreciate it.

    (Goes off to consider options).

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the comments.

    Firstly, the room is never going to get close to winning any efficiency awards, it's got some pretty large windows etc, which I am aware of, but the rads seemed to have a negligible impact. Looking at them with no specific knowledge, they do seem pretty small which is why I was investigating the BTU-ometer thing. I will have a look at the output of similar-sized modern equivalents – didn't think of that.

    Excellent point about placing – I hadn't thought of that either. They are not near the windows, so maybe some re-planning will help.

    I am very reluctant to have someone round as I fear being told I need new boiler, system, anything else etc etc!

    Full Member

    They seemed to get quite warm in the winter – but the room didn't. How would I know if they didn't (not a sarky question, I really don't know!)?

    Full Member

    Nice looking bike and (as above) I do like the horizontal drop-outs.

    Full Member

    Mine is having a Dr insert some surgical thing (it felt like a shovel) into the palm of my hand and have a good look round for piece of concrete that had somehow got there when I came off my bike and body-surfed down a road. Without anaesthetic (I'd had as much as he was prepared to give me patching up elsewhere). Tingled a tad, but actually sounds pretty wussy compared to some of the above. I did pass out though!

    Full Member

    Runny or lumpy custard? Hot or cold?

    Full Member

    Another pic you took for the Classifieds, Swede?!

    Full Member

    Has he been in contact yet, geetee?

    Full Member

    Very sweet……

    Full Member

    If you ride the WHW across Rannoch Moor, at Victoria Bridge you can follow the sign to the right marked Loch Etive – excellent track that drops away from the summit in a really long (and occasionally technical) descent. Follows Glen Kinglass to Loch Etive, but the track south is a landrover track that climbs/falls significantly and really take sit out of you. Comes out at Taynuilt (from where you can road ride back up to Glen Orchy).

    The other side of the loch is easier (in the southern 2/3rds anyway), you could get a boat across from where Kinglass comes out. This chap: – Donald Kennedy, Loch Etive Cruises 01866 822430 – is based at Bonawe and is a helpful chap. You may be able to persuade him to take you across or down the loch. The western side though brings you out at Bonawe quarry, you'd then need to riode the little road round to Connell Bridge to cross.

    Not sure that really helps?

    Full Member

    Definitely thread title of the year!

    Full Member

    I don't think anyone would actually try to eat a Tesco value sandwich.

    Full Member

    It certainly did rain just at the start. I'd forgotten what slippery roots were.

    b r, were you the chap who walked back with a flat then seemed to change it in about 2 seconds next to the start line before flying off again? If so, a most impressive change, sir.

    Full Member

    Phil Wood every time

    – does it really last longer then? Just interested on what grounds?

    Full Member

    Does he have a large and obviously fake beard and a heavy Russian accent?

    Full Member

    Definitely not Lonely Moany Groany Tony then. Never much fun to be around. He didn't go to college anywhere but did have a goat.

    Full Member

    Just checked and I fit none of them either.

    I have been to Reading though if that helps?

    Full Member

    I suspect Dave and George are reading that and drooling in excitement. Yes it could happen here. Yes everyone should resist it.

    Full Member

    Willard – Maybe she has really bad toothache. I seem to remember that too much coke can give you really bad cavities (all that sugar I guess), so it could be that it's just that she needs to see a decent dentist.

    I know when I had toothache once I was a bit grumpy at work.

    Willard – you are responsible for me bursting out laughing in an otherwise silent office. Trying to explain why without referring to Canadian underwear models, Coke, Pepsi or mooses was tricky. Priceless…..!

    Full Member

    Hoping to be out around West Chilterns (Watlington area) again this weekend with Mrs Ononeorange – will say hello if we see you. Enjoy, it's a wonderful area.

    Full Member

    Yup. Very attached to mine too. All good friends (except when something daft breaks!).

    Full Member

    Completed the 85k after a lifetime and I hurt today! 1,000 yard stare is now down to about 120 yards now that I've dried out.

    A big thanks to the marshalls (how many stopped to ask the one wrapped up in a silver body warmer on top of that god-forsaken hill if he was OK?!). The 85k extra loop was pretty rubbish as it was basically just a long walk, but the rest was fine. I was for once though very happy with the road bits as they were a good rest.

    Off to stare blankly at another wall now.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Another vote for anything by Michael Jackson

    Full Member

    "No pics but the cafe at Chessell Pottery on the Isle of Wight does amazing squares of bread pudding dished out by winsome darlingbud serving wenches. Mmm! "

    Sorry StefMcDef, pictures are definitely required for a final judging decision. You'll just have to go back and get some.

    Full Member

    The custard was indeed a glorious colour. But the opportunity for something really different, perhaps?

    Full Member

    And your decision is…….??? (Pics when done too, please0.

    Full Member

    I'm from Kent and used to live in Sheffield and would always use the A1 / A14 / M11 option (obviously, unless there was a specific problem on it). Go that one, all else being equal. As above, avoid the M25 from 3.30ish onwards.

    Full Member

    +1 for Brenda's cakes at Dales MBC. Her carrot cake can crush any contender for the crown.

    Full Member

    At least they got a good-looking goat……

    Full Member

    New NN on the rear of my 456 (tubeless) – 2 light cuts at the weekend across the tread. Both went "Pssssttttt…pssst…pssst…." and sealed up OK. But they do suffer with the flints. I was running about 36psi – I may try dropping a bit.

    Full Member

    Really dark blue or dark green

    Full Member

    Nice! Enjoy.

    Full Member

    Agree with Kamikirk above – I was told surgery was a final option and not advised if you're young.

    As to chiros / Doctors – it really depends on them. I have seen them occasionally since with grumbly joints etc and many don't seem to "get" doing a consistent sport, some even advising you not to do nothing for a while. I recently found a sports physio by recommendation from a mate, it's excellent as he is essentially looking for ways to support my sport rather than trying to talk me out of it (fat lot of good that is!).

    However, with the back all the advice I got was consistent which was as soon as you can move, keep it moving. Sitting still is the worst thing. I would agree.

    As before, the best message I can give is don't give up, fight it but prepared to be patient as necessary. You will win if you really want to.

    Full Member

    Been there too with a disc out of one of the lower vertebrae about 10 years ago (not sure of the exact definition of "herniated" but it was right out on the MRI). If you want a sob story with a happy ending, I was in absolute bits like lowey above, couldn't stand / sit etc and every tiny movement was excruciating. Didn't help that I was in the middle of intensive exams (I suspect all the sitting hadn't helped) and to cap it all then my ex-mrs left me. I said it was a sob story. Happy ending? Just when I thought it would never end (I won't mention the exploding car engine or the flooded kitchen!), 6 or so months later I got up one day and it just started getting better. The best bit was I took up biking to try and get my back moving again and get some strength into it at that point, discovered mountain biking, never looked back, and now ride hardtails happily all day. Oh yes and I passed the exams.

    Hope that helps! Stick with it, they can be beaten.

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