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  • Nukeproof Scout 290 Pro review: for a fun filled ride
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    Thanks all. Over to the Classifieds then for me!

    Full Member

    Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliffe, because of the effect it had on me when I was little. I still re-read every couple of years and it's still fresh.

    Full Member

    Checked out p96 on the way to work this morning. Nice pic!

    Second the OP view – excellent read so far. Particularly enjoyed the dog article, also Binners' inspirational one. Oh yes, and the British Steel one.

    Full Member

    No, it was dead easy once i got hold of the instructions (I am so ham-fisted that I struggle on Pro II!). Just unscrew the caps at each end and the freehub slides out.

    Full Member

    Yup. I've got one for my singlespeed. So far OK (had it a few months, not really seen any really muddy stuff yet but it's got a few miles on it now). The only issue is that it started making grindy creaky noises from the freehub, got it apart and it was somewhat lacking in grease. Now resolved that, but if you go for one, do check.

    Can't say much more, really.

    Full Member

    At a cadence that feels insane on our night run along the disused railway for a couple of miles, as all my (geared) mates go hell for leather just to see if they can kill me!

    Full Member

    Excellent story, Tinners!

    Suggestion – go to CERN for a bit, see if they'll let you get whizzed round the particle accelerator after work (ask them nicely), then when you're all weightless and unencumbered by gravity come back and just float up to it? (Watch out though if the effects suddenly wear off).

    Full Member

    Are you thinking of using an existing chimney? If not, it can get very expensive. We had a quote to have one put into the kitchen recently (no usable chimney) and suffice to say we could buy an Aga and have plenty of change for the amount the quote came out at for installing a new flue etc.

    Having to re-think how to heat the kitchen a little better, unfortunately the best I can come up with that's afforable is changing the radiators, but that's another story.

    I must say though there's some amazing designs around.

    Full Member

    Enjoy riding mine especially in the crud. That's all I need really.

    The only time it becomes a bit of a fag is long flat road sections. Love it otherwise – oddly, I reckon I can ride more technical stuff on it than geared. No idea why.

    Full Member

    noteeth – Member
    Had a pint with the lovely Alice Roberts.

    – lucky, lucky git!

    I think I saw Katie Humble yesterday out on my bike. If it was her she gave us a big cheery hello. Probably one of my biggest brushes with fame.

    Full Member

    The constant bloody misuse / abuse of the word "like", which seems to find its inapproriate and mind-bendingly irritating way at least 240 times into any sentence if trhe speaker is under 20. It does really, really annoy me as it's meaningless and I hear it about 100000000000 times over on every journey to work.

    …..and breathe!

    Full Member

    Thanks scrappy – will take a look

    Full Member

    Top Gun. I thought it was utter, predictable tripe.

    Full Member

    We had a brilliant long weekend in the Quantocks with truly superb riding and guiding (Thanks, Rob & Vicky!). It was all excellent but highlights were Weacombe and Smiths Combe. Wish I was still there.

    Full Member

    Excellent – the medical room looks better equipped than our local hospital, and the ship is clearly way better appointed than a cross-channel ferry! Really interesting – thanks.

    No idea why it was blocked at work. Probably beacuse it had the word "Soviet" in it or something. Cheers

    Full Member

    I went on a guided weekend with Clive Powell in Wales some years back – reasonably-sized group, on the first day there's that "atmosphere" when everyone's trying to suss each other out and demonstrate acceptable bike-handling skills / fitness etc. Long road climb onto the tops, OK, I'm one of the last up, group waiting expectantly where road turns into rough track. Up I pedal, trying not to puff, holding that stomach in, and a nice, neat, very professional stop, and…….topple slowly but surely sideways into a very large (and the only one) muddy puddle. It broke the ice and had me marked down as utterly useless for the weekend, which was probably fair!

    Full Member

    "Innocent" pot of bean stew-type thing
    Some random chunks of fruit.

    Full Member

    3 of us – Karin, Zeberdy (sp?) and me. I don't think we quite took over the pub.

    Full Member

    Mmmm, lovely-looking black 853.

    Full Member

    How does it work with import duty / customs buying from HK? I bought some bike parts from the US a couple of years agao and got hammered on import. Might as well have bought them here.

    Full Member

    I'd never really seen Mint Suace before – I obviously don't get the "wrong" mags – but this thread is excellent! Converted now.

    Now i can join in – Hurry up with the book!!

    Full Member

    I love the shipping forecast.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear it and best wishes.

    Hmmmm. That's just stopped me feeling sorry for myself over nothing in particular.

    Full Member

    Yes. With a crown race.

    Full Member

    You could put the bread in normal ways but turn the toaster on its side. That may be less confusing.

    Full Member

    Karinofnine – thanks for organising. At least some of us made it! (Must have been the rain….)

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Not a dr just used to be a sufferer. I imagine it depends how badly you get affected (obvious statement of the day!) – with me, it used to be awful every time and got progressively worse after each attack. No way could I have shifted it without antibiotics, it went on for weeks otherwise, but it sounds like you may well be able to. I would be worried about Kielder though – it used to proper mess me up for a few weeks afterwards. Just don't overpush it soon afterwards.

    Lots of water too.

    Best thing that ever happened to me (apart from meeting my mrs) was having them removed.

    Full Member

    Would like to, but personal rule is shorts only at home or on bike as it is unfair to humanity to inflict my legs on them.

    Full Member

    Hooja – The guy in question was emerging from the "seating area" of the facilities (not the urinal area, which would have been bad enough in an office).

    Full Member

    I know it was done on the hoof, but I have to rein you in on that picture.

    Full Member

    Used to work with a guy at my last place (and he was more than a little strange) who would emerge from the traps and go straight out to his desk. Never washed his hands. I wasn't the only one to notice.

    Agree – grabbing the porcelain is not on and and frankly rather weird.

    Full Member

    Wish I had a decent LBS. Local one is very hit and miss (ie, my missus rang a few weeks back and asked if she could drop a bike in to have the indexing sorted, they said not for a couple of weeks as it's a long job!). If you get the other mechanic, he is really helpful and knowledgeable. I suppose it just depends who you speak to. Only other bike shops are Evans…..! I suppose it has been the push I've needed to work things out for myself.

    Full Member

    Surly for me (yes, from Charlie!), admittedly haven't inspected it for a while.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the re-assurance hh45. Where did you get the patch from and I will try again. I would have used the old toothpaste tube trick between the tyre and tube had it not been tubeless.

    Thanks all.

    Full Member

    flimsy kack IME

    I'm beginning to wonder. I wish there was a tyre as fast-rolling but a little more solid.

    Full Member

    Khani – yes, as much as you can pour a bottle upside down!

    Full Member

    Yes, I admit I've got lazy in not carrying tubes. Need to buy some more and start carrying them again – I was a little trusting of tubeless it seems. I went over as I was so hacked off with punctures.

    I had recently done the conversions; each had the recommended two scoops of jizz. First tyre was Bontrager ACX, second a brand new Nobby Nic UST. I suspect heavier tyres may not been so keen to be slashed, but I don't really want to put tractor tyres on…..

    I suspect that the lack of tube makes the tyre more susceptible to cuts, but that is on a tiny sample of 2.

    Full Member

    Saw an ambulance (the road type) parked halfway across the road on a small lane near Woodcote today – it looked like they'd gone into the woods. Was that anything to do with it?

    Best vibes to your mate.

    Full Member

    It's a fair drive (~30-45 minutes) but Barnaline Forest has a good circular ride ("2 Lochs") around parts of Loch Awe and Loch Avich. From Oban you need to go south on the A816, turn left at Kilmelford, at the T junction turn right over the bridge and car park is on the right. Just before Dalavich which has a great shop selling good cakes.

    Stupendous open country rides up on Rannoch Moor which is closer than FW. Glen Etive (from Bonawe), Bridge of Orchy etc etc. Just get the OS map 377.

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