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  • Singletrack Issue 141 UK Adventure: Pilgrim’s Regress
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    the footies just started and she’s suggested I call round…what would you do

    Maybe watch tennis instead?

    Full Member

    Nothing specific to add, just hope you get well soon and get back on that bike!

    Full Member

    Horatio – they are, aren’t they?!

    Full Member

    So – recommendations for lock and chain? Almax seem popular on this thread but I tried contacting them several times and they didn’t bother responding. Any others that would provide a good deterrent (I need a long enough chain to go round 2 bikes and through an anchor)?

    Full Member

    Eccnetric – finty round our way, I’ve destroyed 2 Nobby Nic’s, an ACX,a Nevegal and now a Mountain King on the little blighters! All fairly new (one on its first ride). I realise it is ultimately unavoidable but some tyres do seem worse than others, hence the question.

    Full Member

    Thanks Reluctant

    Full Member

    Just summon up an image of Moira Stewart.

    Full Member

    Mercia and the Making of England. Superb.

    Full Member

    Anyone had experience of Mud-X tyres getting cut? I’m thinking about one but had to take a Jones ACX off after a very short period as it was shredded by flints. Not sure if the Mud-X is a little more robust or not.

    Full Member

    I’m genuinely astonished at the number of mentions of the Orange 5.

    It’s going back a bit, but the Specialised FSR gets my vote. I went with cash to buy one at a demo day but was completely underwhelmed – in my opinion it was awful. And all the mags were raving about it. I bought a 5 instead.

    Full Member

    Just for you KingKong I rode today with my tiny (uselessly small, it wasn’t a good buy) camelback. By the time the car keys, pump and 2 tubes were in, it was full. Felt very unprepared but hope you can rest better today knowing that.

    Full Member

    Very excited as Mrs Ononeorange rode a demo Santa Cruz Juliana and loved it (we went to Swinley for the first time which was great). She was so happy and was riding so well on it that we’ve ordered one and now can’t wait!

    Full Member

    Apt name! Good luck……if you’re not back in a week we’ll send a search party

    Full Member

    Where’s the kitten picture?

    Full Member

    Go and find the nearest, foulest river to run full pelt into then shake over someone and fall asleep. Repeat….

    Full Member

    Certainly a well-stuffed rucksack – no complaints this time, Kingk :wink:ong?

    Full Member

    Flew on one in Vancouver, stopping at the little bays around. Superb. Really weird watching the sea rushing up towards you when landing.

    Full Member

    I was thinking along the lines of Philby, above. She is enjoying having control of you, for whatever reason that gives her a kick. She deliberately shut down the other relationship you mentioned. What right did she have to do that?

    So you should take control of your own life – which as everyone here says, includes stopping her control you. It’s not easy but you can do it. Set your own rules in your house – certainly don’t let her stay over. She won’t like not controlling you and will shout, so cut off the MSN and Facebook contact and ignore her yelping. It’s your life, not hers. There are women like that (and men too). Don’t let them.

    EDIT: show yourself too that you can sort out the other problems in your life, piece by piece put it back together. Prove to yourself that you don’t need her control to do it. Then enjoy your life.

    Full Member

    Not a lawyer, but been there* and just wanted to wish you the best. Hope you keep the house.

    *I should point out for accuracy that I’ve never been able to cook flapjack

    Full Member

    But you can’t win as well, as obviously I’m going to.

    I’m going to blow mine on renewing my season ticket. The only way I’ll be able to afford it…..

    Full Member

    Absoluitely detest shaving – I think it’s a waste of time. So I use the cheapest nastiest blades I can as a kind of protest – why waste money on a pointless thing? Kind of works for me in a weird way, although there are very “bloody” days.

    Full Member

    The Euro came worryingly close to collapse earlier during the Greek crisis. If one member state exits, it probably will.

    If it does, it will probably mean utter economic chaos across the whole continent – including us.

    Full Member

    Also use mine for big days out as well as xc racing on technical courses round us. I’m pretty rubbish at racing so what do I know but it’s light and manoeuverable – much faster than other bikes I’ve had. The only one that I find even more “chuckable” (note the use of racing terms there) is my Inbred, but that’s a s/s which I would never get up the hills on the xc course.

    Good luck!

    Full Member

    Does it come with a crown race?

    You could definitely make a Star Trek stun gun out of that. You may need some stick backed plastic though, and a handful of imagination.

    Do I win?

    Full Member

    Thnaks. Almost ordered some last week. Glad I was too incompetent to do so! I wish I’d read that last post, though…..!

    Full Member

    Just bought a set of ay ups as helmet lights. Really like them (although little to compare them to in output terms), the fitting is a breeze. Used them in anger for the first time at the Ruthin ELBNO thing. Nice light battery too.

    Full Member

    Ditch jockey: Jersey pockets? my tops don’t have pockets, as I don’t want to cycle about the countryside in gimpy lycra splattered with wannabe pro-biker logos. Taping stuff to the frame or saddlebags are for the for the sort of people who wear Paramo.


    Full Member

    I didn’t know there was a need to justify why we carry what we do. But here goes:

    I have two bags – one tiny one which I only use for very short blasts and one large one, presumably of the type causing the OP such offence (but it was second-hand). I refuse to buy another. I generally ride alone, and (as above) will easily get through 3L of water on a decent ride. I carry links, chain splitter, first aid kit (yes I have had to use it), keys, phone, rain jacket/winter warmer jacket, food, pump and generally 4-5 tubes (before I went tubeless). I would usually use most of them on a ride. I don’t tend to change what I carry as I would only forget something in the rush to get out if I was constantly changing the contents to suit the ride.

    Apologies OP, I’m not changing, I don’t like the very long tedious walks.

    Full Member

    We went down for a weekend recently – did a big one over the Black Mtns from Talgarth, unfortunately I wasn’t navigating so can’t remember the details, but an OS map shows lots of routes on the tops. Might be hard going though after the rain. Did The Gap on the next day, frankly it wasn’t as good!

    Probably not much help, reading it again, but I’ll post it anyway.

    Full Member

    My apologies Stoner – I must have confused you with another Stone-related username, no idea who though!

    (Shuffles off in old-aged confusion).

    Full Member

    I do firmly believe that gearbox bikes (whether this one or another one) are the way of the future. This looks (and I realise it’s just “looks” at this stage) like a big step forward over that gopping Honda thing above.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone – much appreciated.

    Full Member

    Why can’t we have politicians like her? We get Anne Widdicombe…..

    Full Member

    OK thanks – so the consensus is that it’s not worth the extra cash, then.


    Full Member

    Find myself largely agreeing with you Stoner – I hope this doesn’t make me a Tory!

    Can’t agree that Osborne won’t find a way to completely screw up the sale of the various stakes though – I suspect that he will give them away to some tax-exiled drinking chums or something similar.

    Full Member

    How do you massacre conger eels? I thought they hid in rocks fairly deep down (and only came out to eat passing humans!)?

    Full Member

    Ha! Good one!

    Full Member

    Just two questions:

    – What do the IMF know about anything – they hardly have a glowing track record at this complicated economics stuff;

    – If Ernie’s fan is AC, does reversing the polarity actually change anything?

    Full Member

    Can I just ask if the Unions will use death rays or star charms to destroy the country?

    Full Member

    To be fair, it is easy to feel sorry for you, reading all that. Perhaps just not quite in the way you intended, that’s all.

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