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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    It seems to me that oiro means add 15 per cent and then get massively out-bidded within 30 minutes.

    Sorry, that seems negative, but has been our experience time and again in the past. Everyone seems to have much bigger guns (ie deeper pockets). So pleased we finally managed to get somewhere in the end.

    Full Member

    Hose reel properly chained down to prevent further escapes.

    Good effort – very impressed.

    Full Member

    Have had these for as long as I can remember. A bad phase in my early 20s saw me have an ECG, but fine apart from an unusual trace apparently – which has been picked up a couple of times since.

    Less usual at rest now but nearly always get them in hard exercise – there’s a point as you go up and come back down around 110 bpm. Weird. Have given up coffee long since. The high cholesterol and high bp on exercising is my bigger worry now.

    Full Member

    Ooooh oooooh would love to do this – but can’t get a day off for a couple of weeks. Will look forward to the report. In any case I’m fat and old and would no doubt hold you up.

    I often use the canal as my “motorway” between Denham and Berkhamstead, and all above is correct. I would avoid around Rickmansworth for a few days after the canal festival – it will be full of boats and their owners on the path. Also, the canal does seem to attract a fair number of militant walkers as noted above who will be looking for confrontation with bikes.

    The hanging gorilla gives me the creeps every time I pass, especially at night…….

    Full Member

    I just hope Dave and Gideon aren’t getting ideas.

    Full Member

    Does Specialized still always get 10 out of 10 every single time in MBR?

    Full Member

    Agree that New Labour was generally reasonably decent aside from TB going crazy and trying to dominate the world, although for me civil liberties have to be very high up the agenda. All that nonsense about ID cards and closer and closer scrutiny, the suspension of juries, habeas corpus and holding without charge – that needs to go. I guess I’m a true Social Democrat – which is why I warm to the Lib Dems.

    Full Member

    Another one – I shot a couple of pea-size lumps of concrete into the middle of my hand as well as opening up my arm to the bone on an off on a concrete track – when the Dr came to remove the concrete, he wouldn’t use anaesthetic as I’d apparently had enough already. Yes i did pass out and I’m not proud. The worse thing was he missed the second bit which had to be removed a few months later (once I couldn’t pretend that the tomato size lump in my hand wasn’t there any more).

    Full Member

    Gout every time. The most excruciating pain possible as your joints slowly get ever-so-slightly forced apart then your body goes into overdrive to protect it with full-on inflammation. It’s like that mediaeval torture where your limbs are slowly pulled apart. And goes on building in intensity for at least a week – A WEEK – and nothing relieves it. I put up with that once a month in two joints at the same time for 18 months before capitulating and going on the blasted drugs. At least they have stopped me grimacing at people on trains and swearing loudly at the same time like a loon.

    Full Member

    I live in the south. In the Home Counties. It’s the only place I can get work. I leave early and get home at 9 or later so not much time really to do good things locally. That’s life here.

    Full Member

    Where do you lot live to think the UK has positives? Safe and secure?!!! This country is a violent s@@thole, or it least that’s how it seems to me. You cannot leave anything without it being nicked, and just getting to or from work runs a daily risk of being sworn at or pushed and jostled or worse. As noted elsewhere, the whole place just seems to be about being selfish and “me me me”. After five years we know no one apart from immediate neighbours and no one speaks. I want to live where you do!

    Rant over.

    Full Member

    See you all. A terrible,bterrible five years to come. Wish you all the best and hope you can find a way through somehow.

    Full Member

    Oh get away – that blasted crook? A sure fire way for labour to poll no votes at all.

    Full Member

    Allthepies: fair enough. True though.

    Full Member

    2 million???

    Full Member

    The only bit of good news.

    Full Member

    This just couldn’t be worse. What a thing to wake up to. I don’t want to sound melodramatic, but this is the end of the UK and the destruction of all we know under what will be a vicious and vindictive far right government who will lead what’s left of the UK into bankrupt isolation. Seriously thinking about moving to somewhere stable and affluent like Greece this morning, somewhere where we might find work. I truly despair of my fellow voters – turkeys and Christmas.

    Full Member

    No. Please. If those idiots get in, the country’s utterly screwed over. What possesses anyone to vote for the Tory mindless idiots?

    Half a Banana republic cut off from the rest of the world with its head up its rear end in 5 years time.

    And breathe……

    Full Member

    Are you still together?

    Full Member

    Harvey’s best
    Timothy Taylor’s Landlord

    Full Member

    Chilterns too here, slashed tyres are a fact of life. Carry an opened-up toothpaste tube with you to seal severe slashings.

    Whereabouts are you?

    Full Member

    How do you get them? Do you know what caused yours? Get well soon, by the way!

    Full Member

    We have been trying to do something vaguely similar – knock down load-bearing wall and build a box on the back – but costs quoted have been astronomical and no idea why. Start at 45k, keep going to 80k. Either we look like mugs or the builders round our way can afford to pick and choose. So frustrating – and I don’t think we have daft expectations. Hope it goes better for you.

    Full Member

    Humph. I have only ever seen two in all my years of biking – and one of those was in Australia.

    Full Member

    I run mine 32:16 and it’s a bugger for chain length!

    Full Member

    Does low heart rate / high cholesterol have a bearing on bp?

    Full Member

    Same as you squirrel – over the sewer and a collapsing lean-to to go. We cannot work out why it’s coming in so expensive – admittedly access isn’t brilliant but it can’t be adding on twice as much.

    Your price is much more what we estimated originally.

    Full Member

    Cripes as an aside we have been looking to have a small single storey extension onto the kitchen at the back. Prices from builders have been coming in at between £45 -75k! Can I borrow some of the builders quoted above?!

    Full Member

    How do you know how much she earns?

    Full Member

    Keep ’em coming!

    Full Member

    Could we have a thread then that is what you think?!

    Full Member

    Vote here for Caxton card. Can use it globally and control your fx rate.

    Full Member

    Op – paying that much you must have felt you were being goosed. These shops are just daffy with their pricing, eh?

    Full Member

    They’re unavailable in sainsburys at present apparently, but morrisons do a budget 500g version for a pound.

    Hope that helps.

    Full Member

    Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Come on, keep posting, more pics please!

    Full Member

    I have also noticed on my commute the increased preponderance of the more sizeable chests (and sideboards) in furniture shops and suchlike.

    Full Member

    Does gonzy’s gopper not have two front rotors? Or am I seeing double?

    Full Member


    Wouldn’t involve the police for virtually anything anything.

    Full Member

    Munro – exactly the prejudice I was attempting to highlight – thanks for showing it!

    Full Member

    Why didn’t they just cut it????!!!

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