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  • Review: Adidas FIVE TEN Freerider Pro
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    Cheers Pimpy, apologies too if I was a bit snotty. Hnadbags down! Gosh this is turning into a love-in!

    Full Member

    Yes. And I also disagree with the cosying up to Murdoch for instance, but he being a potential winner under the government has nothing to do with the forestry argument either.

    My point is that we should stick to the forestry argument and put forward related arguments that are based in fact if we are to be taken seriously. Dragging in unrelated arguments not based in fact is a certain way to get ignored.

    Full Member

    As put on the other thread:

    My MP responded by merely telling me to do the consultation. I have read it and indeed it starts from the assumption that the proposal is good and asks very guided questions about details of undertaking that process;

    I will complete it and then revert to my MP with a list of questions that I feel were not covered. These include:

    – The exact policy covering permissive ROW;

    – If these are to be upheld, how will they be enforced?

    – What happens if all these trusts and charities are not forthcoming / deemed to be unable to lease and manage the lands / don’t have the cash etc?

    And probably a load more that I can’t remember right at this moment.

    Pimpmaster – this has nothing to do with banks.

    Full Member

    I’m reading the biggest pile of tripe I’ve read for ages – Good Night Vienna by JH Schyrer. I think I picked it up expecting it to be a gipping read, instead it’s a quasi Mills & Boon with a picture of Hitler on the cover. If I read one more bloody time how he trembled in her luxuriating presence or somesuch utter claptrap I will, I will….be even more grumpy. And 10/10 for lazy historical research!

    Am gritting my teeth trying to get it done with. Can’t wait to read something decent.

    Full Member

    You won’t be able to read any of that electronic nonsense in 20 years time as there will be a different system. Stick with proper books.

    Full Member

    Chins up, Binners and Lowey. Never met you but putting some STW support on here.

    As someone said above, the best bits are learning to like yourself – gets you ready for a proper relationship sometime in the future, if that’s what you want – and bikes in the house of course.

    If you come south to the Chilterns put something up on here and will happily act as a (crap) guide.

    Full Member

    Just thinking, and I am certainly NOT in favour of this sell-off, but if it does come to pass I wonder how many of us you’d need to get together to lease a bit of forest big enough to create a decent xc (or whatever) course? Probably not a good time to suggest it (see my note above on what happens if no friendy lease-holders can afford to come forward) but just having happy thoughts on creating courses around the country.

    Actually, judging by the inability of anyone on here agreeing even on things like speaker wire, just imagine trying to get agreement on managing the thing!

    Full Member

    I did get a response to my amazement which just said look at the consultation and deal with any queries through that. I am now going through the consultation and will respond, but as above the answers are “guided” inasmuch as it just deals with the mechanics of how it would be done, not the base issue of whether it should be done.

    Once completed, I will then respond to my MP and ask questions like:

    – The proposal assumes that “friendly” charities etc will want to take on leases. What if they don’t / can’t afford etc? What if they largely only get big commercial entreprises who openly admit that they are not interested in Joe Public?

    – How will “higher” access rights (eg bikes, horses) be protected, as they are not under CROW? etc etc

    I did read the Hansard of the debate, and to be fair cyclists were mentioned several times. But would I trust a party that is currently being praised for its (unrelated) policies by the National Front in France? Not a chance!

    Full Member

    Yesssss….Propaganda! Brilliant.

    And I had so nearly completely forgotten about the awful Joe Dolce….back for some more therapy…..

    Full Member

    Thanks Rickos – good tip! On a drill – should be easy then.

    Full Member

    Lesson learnt. Will not be using self-extractors again!

    I did use copperslip on the thread when assembled (only a year ago, it was a second hand BB I’d acquired and was “finishing off”);

    No grease on square taper (tick)

    Didn’t grease under head. Good point. The head is like cheese, though (in my opinion).

    Full Member

    For me, I think pedalhead has it. Hard to get any better than Ardbeg.

    Full Member

    Oh and I forgot that grizzled shouty bloke from Sheffield – Joe Cocker.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the tips. Will try those at the weekend.

    Full Member

    +1 for Eric Clapton. Oh who told him that he should try singing?!

    There’s a lot of third level dross that would fit this description that inexplicably gets played, but for me the following:

    James Blunt
    Fatboy Slim (I’ve actually no idea what he does)
    Stevie Wonder

    Obviously this is a very subjective question so guaranteed to cause a huge amount of disagreement and ultimately handbag throwing!

    Full Member

    Ken which part of the country is the guy who polished yours in please?

    Full Member

    Sorry I should have said. Yes, they’re self-extractors.

    Full Member

    Most days. I assume that most people are the same. No kids here but never any time. There are only two things in my life that I will not compromise time for: My mrs and riding my bike. After those there’s no time for anything.

    Full Member

    I used to have a Series 3. Absolutely loved driving it, it is an experience like nothing else. Biggest downside is fuel thirst, plus I’m not particularly agile with spanners and never had enough time to fix things.

    Full Member

    Brilliant! That’s livened up the thread no end!

    Thanks CGG

    Full Member

    Have we had a the picture of the rabbit with a cake on its head yet?

    Full Member

    Excellent post Stu N – thanks.

    On a wider point, it really does bug me when journalists in general know nothing about a subject and then try to pass off a load of regurgitated mixed-up points and create a sensational conclusion based on no fact. The worrying thing is then Joe Public believes it. A lot of hysteria is generated around a non-issue and the real issues pass through un-noticed. It’s lazy and dangerous and stupid. Journalists really should stick to what they are expert in rather than re-hashing and passing themselves off as experts. The article that triggered this off is a great example but by no means the only one.

    Full Member

    “Vodafone, Tesco, BP, British American Tobacco and several of the major banks: HSBC, Santander, Standard Chartered, Citigroup, Schroders, RBS and Barclays”

    With the exception of Tesco and possibly RBS, none of these run a very UK-centric organisation, eg Vodafone produces about 10% of its revenues from the UK etc etc. I don’t see how more of its operations and therefore jobs will go abroad, other than if they don’t see further revenue potential in the UK – which is a different matter.

    This issue covers re-patriation of funds earned by foreign branches (not subsidiaries) of a UK entity. I am no expert on tax law but I would struggle to see how a UK-entity could earn profits in the UK and not declare them for tax, channel them to a “tax haven” abroad and then re-patriate back again thus avoiding UK corporate tax.

    George’s point that activities will move offshore to a lower tax regime (or something like that) is a little bit diluted by his previous point that the UK government is progressively lowering corporation tax!

    Sorry, I’m no fan of this government but that article is poorly argued. There may be something we should be concerned about, but I can’t see what it is from that!

    Does anyone actually know the rough amount of tax currently raised by the corporate tax catch-up proposed for abolition?

    Full Member

    Like the idea, but (depending on how many entered), maybe slightly longer sessions?

    Full Member

    January 2001 (wow, 10 years ago!) in the Surrey Hills on a £99 Giant hybrid with twist grips, slick tyres and panniers (oh yes). It was unbelievably muddy and I could not get that heavy thing to move. I rode it for another 8 months or so every weekend until I could afford a proper bike. Those months left me with a love of mtb’ing and a feral hate of Giants!

    Full Member

    Was riding in the Cotswolds in a big field with sheep last spring (just after lambing time) when a nearly full-grown Alsatian came over the hill chasing sheep and yelping. I chased after it shouting at it but it didn’t stop – before I could get hold of the dog it caught and rapidly killed a lamb against a fence which was pretty shocking. I got hold of it and just yelled at it, and then its owner just saunters up and – get this – gives it a dog biscuit and says “good boy”!!! By now more than a little wound up I asked her what she thought she was doing and pointed at the dead lamb and called her and her dog a few choice names. She then proceeds to deny that her dog had anything to do with it, despite it having been killed almost in front of me and she’d been several hundred yards away ignoring her dogs frantic yelps. I’d assumed that owners were always responsible until that moment; I can sympathise with the farmers with that type of idiot-owner wandering about.

    Forgive the rant but I’m still wound up about the stupid……

    Full Member

    I think it’s an interesting thread. Most posts do seem to be the same twenty or so posters, I suppose if you’re on here all the time it’s easy to develop a persona with the others that is always combative.

    That doesn’t make a lot of sense but I know what I mean!

    Full Member

    We had a result last year when our ancient Hotpoint started making a terrible noise, then died mid-wash. When I tried turning it on again it tripped the circuit breaker on the circuit. New to the area, so ended up picking a random repairer from the internet – and he happens to be passing the end of the road! Standing in the kitchen in 5 mins! Not only that but he’s excellent – “Ah that’ll be your brushes gone, I have some spares here – your machine now works fine. And I’ll explain how you can replace them in future, you’ll get years out of this machine yet”. Brilliant. 28 quid. Doesn’t help you but I’m still happy about that result!

    Full Member

    OK ta. Wondered if it was around my way – but it’s not!

    Full Member

    Get up early.

    You could try the A404 (Jct 9?) up to High Wycombe then M40, it would cut off the M4 bit just before the M25 where it often gets held up, but sometimes the roundabaout to get on the M40 can be bad too.

    Full Member

    Where is St Andrew’s Lane? Not many clues in the pics….

    Full Member

    You are TJ and I claim my £5

    Full Member

    BearBack I am probably that rider. World’s biggest wuss on anything going remotely downhill but I can usually overtake a fair few on the ups. If I didn’t I’d be right at the back of every race (instead of, oooohhh let’s see, third from last!).

    If you’re behind someone and really racing with them, a Pro II is invaluable for out-psyching them. Bursts of loud freewheeling at seemingly inappropriate moments makes them think they’re having to pedal hard and you’re just cruising.

    Full Member

    Edited – it was a bit of a tired rant.

    Full Member

    Being at one with the shower has no guilt associated with it. (And as above I do have it on very good authority that ladies do as well. So it must be alright then).

    Full Member

    A happy ending. Don’t forget to put up some pics.

    Full Member

    Some in our garden too (and a crocus as well) but can’t do pictures on here.

    Some trees are just starting to bud, too.

    It’ll be Bluebells before you know it.

    Full Member

    LHS – you just made me feel better about the size of my mortgage! Thanks!

    Full Member

    How about Girls Aloud?

    Full Member

    Bought some in the autumn last year and am delighted. I use them as a helmet light, very powerful (compared to my old halogens) and light and easy to use battery and switch etc. Now thinking of getting another to stick on the bar, but probably a little too extravagant!

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