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  • New Specialized Hillbilly looks ace, costs £45
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    Good work and highly commendable.

    Incidentally, are there any mint sauce cufflinks in there?

    Full Member

    I bought the Garmin 110 for running, it’s like a slightly enlarged wristwatch. Excellent it is, and now that I’ve knacked my tendons yet again I’m using it for cycling and it’s great for that too.

    The only thing I wish it did better is altitude gain – it does some supposedly clever thing with contours and maps but I’ am highly suspicious of the results (I think they are way under). Also, personally I don’t like the idea of uploading stuff to a Garmin website where it is under someone else’s control, but there don’t seem to be many ways to avoid that with any of them.

    That aside, highly recommended. Not expensive either.

    Full Member

    We saw Hanna at the cinema a while ago, the first 5 minutes were excellent but it did run downhill rather quickly from there, but nowhere near the worst film ever.

    Surely any of the slushy, vapid US romcom sh**e that my mrs watches qualifies? It’s all exactly the same (same “plot”, same cast, same irritating muzack) so surely qualifies as just one film?

    Full Member

    Thanks all – teef, that’s particularly useful. I am firmly in the camp of have a try at things.

    Yes, the main lights around the kitchen are run off two dimmers – one by each entry door (ie, same circuit). Is that not a good thing? They were like that when we bought the place, and both switches have mechanically failed. That circuit does seem to eat bulbs though (as does the dimmer in the front room – long life low energy bulbs last bout a week on that!).

    My campaign to rid us of dimmers is about to begin.

    As above, as I now can’t get the lights on the only thing is to work out whether the circuit’s off or not.

    Cheers again.

    Full Member

    It certainly nipped a bit (especially when he first went into it and it was really inflamed) but I was just so happy that the pliers weren’t out and being waved about in front of me (or do they now tie a bit of string between them and the door handle and just slam the door…?!!!).

    It was absolutely nothing compared to the head-banging pain I’d been in for several weeks before.

    Full Member

    Thanks all. Finally manned up and went – and to my utter joy it wasn’t a wisdom tooth, but the rearmost molar had cracked and exposed the nerve. Had a couple of sessions of root canal work (am consdierbaly poorer) but no extractions. The lack of pain is absolute bliss!!

    Thanks for your experiences though.


    Full Member

    There is absolutely no prospect of getting our awful Tory MP out of my constituency – she gets about 99.9% of the vote every time and does nothing for the area but take from the gravy train.

    However – the question is what to vote for. As we have no other choice (such as the Greens who I would want to vote for) in our constitutency aside from the three main ones and BNP/UKIP, I would vote on the track record on civil liberties. A sorry choice, but probably Labour (vote Lib Dems get Tory, Tory – you have to be joking, and whilst I know Labour have a pretty dismal record in that department, they are now the best of a bad lot). Our political system really has degenerated to a desperate level.

    Full Member

    Wow – missed the Lanc!

    We had to cut short sadly owing to ongoing Achilles problems (me), Mrs O was going though with full intent to complete the 75k. It has been horrifically muddy the last couple of weeks, but the course had dried amazingly, all things considering I thought.

    Indeed, big thanks to Chris and the rest at WDMBC for organising – cheers!

    Full Member

    Generally and similarly rarely know where I’m off to. Night ride solo too.

    “Faffarama gabberfest” – like it, Hels!!

    Full Member

    Kingkong – would have loved to but inevitably I would have ended up in the wrong and in court. He was a compelete a4se though.

    Full Member

    Had a similar if slightly different thing a few years ago – bikes parked neatly in the appropriate space on a virtually empty train and saw some bloke staring at them, then he kicked mine over quite deliberately. When I got up he just launched off into an incredibly angry rant and just kept going and yelling. He eventually stormed off to a different carriage muttering about bikes and when he got out did the whole staring thorugh the windows at me. No idea what set him off – never did anything to upset him.

    It does really p*** me off how bikes are sometimes regarded as a lower form of life in this way. It seems acceptable to a large swathe of society.

    Full Member

    Not a fan generally of Shimano stuff, but the square taper BB on my singlespeed just seems to go on and on.

    Very early Orange 5 is pretty indestructible too.

    Full Member

    The most depressing thing about this thread is that to my horror I realise that I agree with something a Tory said.

    A first and hopefully a last. Need to go and have a word with myself.

    Full Member

    Swedishmatt – where is your dentist…??!

    Full Member

    Some scary stories up there, and also some happier ones.

    I am sitting here in excruciating pain and have capitulated – booked in tomorrow morning first thing. Might have to have a bottle of whisky first though to get me in the door. Fingers crossed it’s not going to be horrible.

    Thanks for all your replies and for disproving the internet “up to 25” point.

    Full Member

    Jeez. Doesn’t seem fair. Utter mud-fest everywhere down here.

    Full Member

    Thnaks all. I’m no stranger to the dentist (hence my terror) and have had loads of fillings and even an implant (which wasn’t fun). But I really have to pick up my nerves to go.

    I have been concerned it’s wisdom teeth (and so possibly big forceps) which is why I have been leaving it in the hopes it’ll just go.

    The staying awake thing though is doing my head in now, so I may reluctantly have to – but helpful to hear they can mess about over the age of 25.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Ahhh, descending off the Downs in summer to Lewes and then getting carried away on Harveys. Wonderful. Must do it again soon.

    Full Member

    Blite. Or Whack.

    Full Member

    Thanks chaps.

    (That link does seem to indicate that only the 2.1″ in available in LUST). Will give the “normal” ones a go.

    Full Member

    “This is how I imagine the big hitters of this forum riding. “

    Yay – I’m now a big hitter!

    Full Member

    If you want to avoid any headhunter calls, then work in Finance as there are no jobs. I’ve been on it for a couple of years and never had one contact from a headhunter.

    Full Member

    Are those 29″ wheels?!

    That is EXACTLY how I ride. Although without the high-visibility jacket.

    Full Member

    Would generally moist and muddy condititons not kill the adhesive quite rapidly? Genuine question – not trolling.

    Full Member

    32:16 all year round.

    Just keep pedalling. Mud is a fitness-aid.

    Full Member

    Surely Joe Dolce could have freed up his busy performing schedule?

    Full Member

    Good luck – hope it sorts it for you.

    Full Member

    45ish when I was running, moved back up to about 50 since I had to stop.

    If the link above is for the iphone thing, my mrs has got it and we timed it against a “proper” check by her doctor sister – it’s pretty accurate. And addictive.

    Full Member

    Does repeatedly replacing inner tubes during a ride without checking tyre for that monster thorn sitting in it count?

    Northwind wins handsomely. Picture evidence as well – good effort, sir!

    Full Member

    Yes here and absolutely fed up with it. Mine appears to be brought on by a lot of bony growths (osteophytes) on my feet, for which I have had surgery but can’t get rid of them. These then irritate the achilles, I think.

    I re-started running at the end of last year, and was pushing it hard in order to build fitness for the bike but then had another really bad flare-up in my achilles – so bad I had to come into work on crutches-bad. Am having a course of physio which seems to just involve a lot of stretching and balancing from what I can see, but they are still both playing up. Physio has persuaded me against my better judgement to attend a pilates class (more bloody stretching), I’ve only agreed as she wore me down and I’m prepared to try almost anything now to get them to ease up.

    Apologies for the semi-rant but I am fed up with the problems. I am led to believe that cyclists are prone as (like me) we tend to have very tight hamstrings.

    Full Member

    Do they make a mint sauce-style set yet?

    Full Member

    Metalheart – ignore the pointless arguments, thanks for posting up a helpful and thoughtful note of your actual experience. Interesting post.

    Full Member

    Shocker. Best wishes to his fiancee and family.

    Full Member

    Woooahhh sweepy – that’s way too tidy!

    Full Member

    I am definitely with Scaredeypants in workshop organisation. Despite a massive clearup last year (and miraculously being able to find tools again), it has reverted naturally to its usual state. And yes, I can find nothing again!

    Full Member

    High 5, Jedi!

    Unbelievably wet all weekend. Went out for 4 hours on Saturday (dressed for May as it is this week, ie thin shirt) and froze. I think I may have had a speck of dirt on my face as I stopped for two horse riders who both had fits of giggles as they came past. Good fun though, just wish I’d been warmer. Obviously wasn’t pedalling hard enough.

    Not so good was the water pouring through the bathroom roof when I got back.

    Full Member

    Possibly the funniest thread on here

    Full Member

    Only about two and a half years.

    Full Member

    Bargain! Can I double my order?

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