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  • Vitus Escarpe 29 CRS review
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    Bear +2. Yes the crash is symptomatic of other things, but you are accepting that some lie with you and appear willing to confront. You must give it your best shot at keeping it together. It sounds trite but you do need to be able to communicate – if Relate does it, then that’s great.

    Good luck.

    Full Member

    Huh. Sitting soaked on a train each day for me, then soggy clothes until at least lunchtime.

    Full Member

    Absolutely dreadful around here – deep mud (worse than winter) all chewed up by the horses. I can’t remember the last time I rode above about 3mph nor in a straightish line.

    Long range forecast is showing very wet for July and August.

    Full Member

    Thanks all

    Full Member

    The wheelpro book was quite insistent on making a tool out of a bradawl or screwdriver that had a pointy end – how did you home builder chaps make one of those? Or can you happily do without?

    Full Member

    Interesting. I seem to have always had the occasional absolute belter of a series of “mis-fires” all my life, so much so that it takes the wind out of me for a few seconds and have to sit down. They are getting worse though recently I’ve noticed.

    I assume that everyone gets them….don’t they?

    Full Member

    The joke that this site is populated by IT people seems disturbingly true…..! 😉

    Full Member

    teamhurtmore, I think everyone (except the most awesome) gets runs of bad luck when things seem to break at the most inconvenient place just as the rain starts etc etc, it sounds like you’re there now. Stick with the home maintenance though – I really am a numpty at that but with perseverance and a LOT of mistakes I am now changing wheel bearings, doing basic fork maintenance etc. It can be done, it’s just some are quicker than others at picking it up.

    Full Member

    Why would you want to quieten them?! One of the loveliest sounds…..

    Full Member

    There is a lot of ugliness on the trains, it’s true.

    Full Member

    Ah…..OK thanks. And general mayhem too, I reckon.

    Cheers and see you around

    Full Member

    PS I did try running in Central Manila along the roads – once! Survived (just) but my lungs needed a good de-coke afterwards. Not particularly recommended.

    Full Member

    Ton – didn’t know you were Little Missenden area – close to me. What’s happening with trains then – I ask for the purposes of getting to work….?

    Full Member

    Often go to Manila and have done some (a very little admittedly) riding there.

    I think some of the security points are a bit overblown – yes, you will stand out and people will look at you, but you just need to be sensible as you would anywehere – avoid the dodgy bits, don’t take anything unnecessarily valuable etc etc – I don’t need to tell you that.

    Traffic is abysmal – as above, don’t try to ride in it – you need some sort of vehicle to get to the riding, in my opinion. Pollution is vile as well. That said, we we borrowed bikes and went riding up to a country club – Timberland in Marikina. It was a good haul up to it and once we got there, there were a lot of bikes, including – to my suprise – an Orange 5. Lots of cheeky trails, which was a lot of fun. No real concept of rights of way so we just explored.

    There is an mtb “scene” in Manila and even a couple of bike shops, but like most things it’s a little “make it up as you go along”.

    Good luck! It’s a beautiful country.

    Full Member

    I’ve just got into work.

    Full Member

    Ahhh, such a brilliant place – just don’t tell the Scots! It’ll go to their heads.

    We have done so many good things, but the one that stands out – and this is a bike forum – is Glen Kinglass from Victoria Bridge down to Taynuilt. Hard and you need good weather, but a brilliant ride. Many, many others though.

    Full Member

    Amazing. Always the best threads. I am so envious….

    ….and I like the subtle Father Ted reference in the original post!

    Full Member

    I do ride on my own a fair bit and get to blast off and generally let off steam, but the best riding for me is with Mrs O. I’ve really enjoyed watching her develop as a rider, and so long as I don’t tell her what to do (as if!) or inspect which gear she’s in, it works really well for us.

    Full Member

    I’m sure Cy will look after you, but another thumbs up here for Mountain Trax generally. Did a lovely job on Mrs O’s Juliana and have lots of cases of shiny things.

    Them aside, the Chilterns is a bit of a desert for LBS’s in my opinion. Surprising, given the quality of riding (when it’s not been raining for 6 weeks solid!).

    Full Member

    Sorry Zippy – you did say it.

    Thanks. No wonder it wasn’t moving! At least I used the comedy hammer, then!

    Glad I asked……!


    Full Member


    I’ve taken the two end caps off – both bearings still in place. I am hitting one bearing at one side inwards to force tube onto other bearing outwards….I can’t see how else to do it?

    OK will use a proper hammer.

    Was trying to avoid a long trip to woodyard for 2 blocks, but it looks like I’ll have to.

    Full Member

    – Trying to avoid using car (not sure why we have it really – oh yes, to occasionally transport bikes);
    – Not having fancy TVs, Sky, all that stuff;
    – Go into a panic as soon as the “Football Conversation” starts – I have no interest nor idea how to respond;
    – My work colleagues (except one) think I am utterly insane as I play on bikes when I’m not in work and often fall off.
    – Being convinced that next door’s cat is Satan.

    Full Member

    Definitely mint

    Full Member

    Really not sure where to start – such a rich choice…..

    Full Member

    I am just jealous / envious that it’s not raining in Lancashire….

    Full Member

    Very nice pics, Metalheart.

    Lovely bike – tick
    Orange – tick
    Proper wheel size – tick…….!

    (Good attempt to match grip collars, too)

    Full Member

    Never ridden a BFe, but I am 6’2″ and have a large Soul, no problems whatsoever with the size or lowering seatpost. Lovely bike.

    Full Member

    Mine does too. Absolutely no help though, as I’ve never found what it is.

    Full Member

    Hmmm…..probably too late for me but I absolutely totally and utterly detest being bald, I’ve been the butt of jokes about it since being 18. Fat – tick, sweaty – tick, badly dressed – tick. Too late now but this would have been a dilemma had I known about it before.

    Full Member

    Wow! Great pictures and kudos for just casually having fang marks in your leg!

    I’m surprised though that any adders were around this weekend – I thought thay liked warm, sunny weather and not torrential monsoons…..

    Top thread. Thanks.

    Full Member

    Boardinbob speaks much sense. Wish I had worked that out at the time. What did I do? Gave her a credit card “in case she was in trouble”. How stupid can you get? Ker-ching – she maxed it out on furnishings then tried to get the house etc off me.

    Taught me a lot

    Full Member

    I went for option 1. It worked and remains the only thing that has ever surprised her (she can normally read my kind spookily).

    Full Member

    Blue here too (I presume that a polished finish is out of the question?).

    And something is really wrong with those bars.

    Full Member

    Surely you’ll make straight for the U Boat base? It was where parts of Das Boot was shot, what more do you want?!

    Full Member

    Metalheart – I assume that “pics please” goes without saying?

    Full Member

    Surely it has to be Smurfhat in all his awesomeness who used to be on here?!

    Seriously, Jedi gets my vote – if he’s made as much difference to others’ riding as he has to Mrs O’s and mine, he is a hero.

    Full Member

    Can I just say that this is my first time on this thread and I have neither been bullied nor even made the bullying list? It’s a disgrace, that’s what it is.

    (And another vote here for “pop”. Of course that’s the word for it).

    Full Member

    I had this recently, but it was on a Hope M4. It was indeed the seal gone.

    (Off to Hope and fully refurbished with new pads for £15).

    Full Member

    OK I see it now. Not sure how I missed it….

    Full Member

    Is there a link?

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